IRC logs for #buildstream for Tuesday, 2019-03-26

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benschubertWith BuildStream master, I'm doing a "bst source fetch my_junction". My junction is a GitSourceElement. I get a PermissionsDeined when moving from the tmpfile to the real directory on WSL (works on linux) Any idea?10:44
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juergbibenschubert: is it possible that source and destination are on different mount points?10:48
juergbi(although that should result in EXDEV but maybe not on WSL)10:48
benschubertjuergbi: no, both are in ~/.cache/sources/git/10:49
benschubertand it's moved to next to the directory10:49
benschubertcloning manually and then moving works without error10:49
benschubertjuergbi: seems to be a problem with move_atomic again :/ Don't we have tests for this on WSL?10:54
benschubertwe seem to have :/10:54
juergbithere are tests for move_atomic() and they should also run on WSL10:54
benschubertjuergbi: ok I'll dig more into that :/ thanks!10:58
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Kinnisonjuergbi: thanks for that spot on 1257, currently trying to work out how that got past me11:33
juergbireduced diff is helping :)11:38
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Kinnisonjuergbi: Yeah.  I think what you hilighted is actually us clarifying a thing where's inputs vary from's11:40
* Kinnison has responded on-thread11:40
juergbiah, missed that this is an internal test11:42
KinnisonIt took me re-reading all the code to remember :D11:42
juergbiok, so it should be correct but also somewhat an orthogonal cleanup11:45
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Kinnisonthe cleanup happened by dint of the fact that we had to change the code reading the content to be typesafe :D11:50
Kinnisonjuergbi: will you resolve that comment if you're satisfied?11:50
jjardonjonathanmaw: hi, when you have some time, would it be possible to have another release of bst-external?12:04
jonathanmawjjardon: yarp12:22
SotKjonathanmaw: what are the chances of getting merged first so that the release gets uploaded to pypi?12:26
jonathanmawSotK: I was vacillating about creating a pypi account and using my credentials for that12:27
jonathanmawit would probably be best to create an account for buildstream and keep those details somewhere12:27
jonathanmawbut I'm not sure who'd be responsible for taking care of that information, and where to put it12:27
coldtomjonathanmaw: would it be possible to get merged before the release, we need the functionality in freedesktop-sdk12:31
SotKa buildstream account would be my recommendation, it seems gitlab supports setting variables at the group level so unless there's a better idea I'd probably just store it there for now, with the group maintainers responsible12:33
* jonathanmaw creates an account for buildstream on pypi12:33
jonathanmawand will create an issue that other people should probably add their E-mail addresses to the account12:34
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jonathanmaw:/, that's going to be a nuisance, pypi doesn't allow the same E-mail address to be used for multiple pypi users12:36
jonathanmawand I've already created a pypi account12:36
Kinnisonjonathanmaw: use + addressing?12:38
jonathanmawhm, should work. + addressing isn't just a unique gmail feature12:38
KinnisonIt's from long before gmail12:39
KinnisonLoooong before12:39
* jonathanmaw waits for pypi's confirmation email12:40
jonathanmawhmm, I think I lack sufficient permissions to add the variables at the group level12:51
SotKaccording to the docs "owner" or "maintainer" permissions are required12:52
jonathanmawI'm down as a maintainer12:54
jonathanmawcan you point me to the documentation?12:54
jonathanmawmaybe I'm missing the button12:54
SotKah, maybe at the group level it needs the "Edit group" permission that only owners have12:55
SotKI think I was previously looking at the wrong part of the docs12:55
SotK(variables are mentioned in, and groups in
SotKthe button exists for me in a group that I am owner of (in the same place it is for projects, Settings -> CI/CD)12:57
jonathanmawok, I'll add it to the bst-external project for now12:57
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jonathanmawSotK: ok, that's the variables set. I've approved but it needs rebasing13:02
* SotK clicks the rebase button13:03
jonathanmawSotK: sorry, it looks like I undid all of your rebasing work by merging before CI finished for 7113:08
jonathanmawby undid I mean it needs to be rebased again because master changed :¬/13:08
* SotK clicks the button again13:09
gitlab-br-botjonathanmaw opened issue #973 (Unclear how to handle ownership of a shared pypi account) on buildstream
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benschubertjonathanmaw: did you ever got troubles on wsl with "Permission Denied" when doing a source fetch?13:49
benschubertI happen to get one, which can be resolved by having a sleep before doing the rename operation -_-'13:50
jonathanmawbenschubert: hmm, I don't think I've seen that before13:51
benschubertThe only explanation I can find is about and that's less than ideal13:52
jonathanmawSotK: tag pushed
* SotK watches the pipeline14:23
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* SotK successfully does `pip install --user buildstream-external`14:45
SotKthanks jonathanmaw14:45
Kinnisonyay, congrats both14:46
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alatierawhat's the usecase for tracking multiple branches14:51
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KinnisonIs anyone who has reviewed !1257 prepared to approve it?14:55
gitlab-br-botMR !1257: YAML New World Order
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coldtomalatiera: automatic updates where there is a branch for a stable release and new releases appear on master15:04
coldtomso we can detect minor version bumps and major version bumps15:04
benschubertKinnison: let me have a last review and I will15:05
alatieracoldtom: oh cool!15:06
Kinnisonbenschubert: yay15:06
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phildawsonFor those who are interested, !1261 is up for making our templated source tests available for plugin authors. It's marked as WIP because there are linting errors I still need to fix, but is otherwise reviewable.15:45
gitlab-br-botMR !1261: WIP: Expose templated source tests
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juergbiKinnison, jennis: I think there should be a comment explaining why [0] and co. are used and what each index references, possibly right above the Node class. or is this already documented and I missed it?16:23
juergbialso, explain what 'value' and 'file_index' actually mean16:24
Kinnisonjuergbi: ok, either jennis will do it or I'll get it16:25
Kinnisonor I'll get to it tomorrow/thu depending on my travel plans16:26
juergbishall I open a 'discussion' to keep track of this?16:26
jennisjonathanmaw, I've done a bit of bst-external cleanup, would you have a chance to review: ?16:46
* jonathanmaw has a poke16:47
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jonathanmawjennis: reviewed17:03
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jonathanmawjuergbi: ta for having a look at my analysis in #902. Do you have anything else to add or can I assume that you couldn't see anything else in my understanding that was wrong?17:13
gitlab-br-botIssue #902: Element._update_state() does more stuff than it needs to when it's called
juergbijonathanmaw: rest looks correct to me (but I might have missed something)17:16
jonathanmawta juergbi17:17
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jennisthanks jonathanmaw17:35
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gitlab-br-botraoul.hidalgocharman opened issue #974 (AaaP: Rework artifact class to use artifact proto) on buildstream
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laurencejust closed off 12 MRs that haven't been updated in months18:16
laurencetrying to do this piece-meal in order to reduce the email notifications and the noise18:17
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gitlab-br-botmarge-bot123 merged MR !1237 (aevri/junction_load_provenance->master: loader: provenance in LoadErrors from _get_loader) on buildstream
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gitlab-br-botvalentindavid opened issue #975 (CI build fails to connect to cache and decides to build everything) on buildstream
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