IRC logs for #buildstream for Friday, 2019-03-22

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gitlab-br-botBenjaminSchubert opened MR !1254 (bschubert/optimize-dependencies->master: Rework Element.dependencies to be more efficient) on buildstream
benschuberttristan: ^ you might be interested09:49
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gitlab-br-botBenjaminSchubert opened MR !1255 (bschubert/profiler-as-cm->master: Cleanup profiler and make is as a context manager) on buildstream
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gitlab-br-bottristanvb opened MR !1256 (tristan/backport-update-state-changes-1.2->bst-1.2: Tristan/backport update state changes 1.2) on buildstream
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benschubertjuergbi: there is mention in the profiler and of being able to profile the cas server. However the relevant code is not in the Is this a mistake or should the profile and the docs not exist anymore?11:17
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tristanjuergbi, raoul, I know you're waiting for feedback on !1214; I think I did have preference of queue separation in the past, and I still think it makes better sense than baking pushes into the fetch queue11:17
gitlab-br-botMR !1214: Remote source cache
tristanI might be overlooking some things though ?11:17
juergbibenschubert: this is a leftover from the pre-CAS artifact server11:18
benschubertjuergbi: so I can safely remove correct?11:18
juergbiyes. it might make sense adding profiling support in the future but let's just remove the leftovers from now11:19
juergbi(especially considering we might move to casd)11:19
tristanjuergbi, I think separating the tasks is more inline with our architecture in general, and one benefit I can see right away is that we should not be blocking builds which can commence after a fetch completes because the fetch is spending time pushing to a remote11:19
raoultristan, The remaining points were what to name the new source push queue in the user interface, and whether to have the queue after the fetch stage or after artifact push.11:20
juergbitristan: yes, separation is also how it's implemented right now. and generally does make sense11:20
juergbibut to avoid blocking build, we need to reorder the queues. right now it's between fetch and build11:20
tristanraoul, I see, I thought juergbi linked me in specifically to discuss whether it should be separated11:20
juergbiit should probably be between build and [artifact] push, or after [artifact] push11:20
juergbitristan: that is/was one possible alternative11:21
tristanI see11:21
juergbijust wanted to mention the possibilities11:21
KinnisonOur WIP MR for the YAML rework is now posted.  jennis and I would appreciate tactful eyes on it - there's still plenty of TODOs for us to resolve, but it'll be interesting to see what others thing over-all11:21
tristanThat seems to be a bit flawed11:21
tristanjuergbi, Maybe in some future, queues could be changed to not be a flat list, and orthogonal queues could occur ?11:22
juergbiyes, that's a limitation with the current scheduler11:22
juergbihowever, I think we don't want to block the branch on lifting this restriction11:22
tristanit's not a huge change to implement11:22
tristanno no11:22
tristanI only mean, it's less of a concern if we consider that change on the roadmap11:22
benschuberttristan: I'm looking in reworking how we handle the queues11:23
tristanyeah :)11:23
benschubertso that problem would go away11:23
juergbithe remaining blocking questions are mainly about the (UI) name of the new queue, to avoid confusion with artifact push11:23
tlater[m]We're seeing an interesting performance trend for master:
tlater[m]We aren't quite sure if this is a measurement error or a real effect11:24
tlater[m]Does anyone know what features might be responsible for that trend?11:24
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KinnisonWe recently got a few performance improvements merged I thought11:25
Kinnisonbenschubert: ^^ ?11:25
benschuberttlater[m]: trend being buildstream becomes more performant? (Am I reading the graph correctly?)11:25
tlater[m]benschubert: Yup11:25
benschubertyep, that's improvment from our performance work11:25
tlater[m]We're just not sure why it's that big of an improvement all of the sudden11:25
benschubertglad to see it's noticeable11:26
tlater[m]Cool I'll just take your word for it. Thanks benschubert :)11:26
tristantlater[m], I have a hard time believing that the optimizations improve performance that much for such a small set of elements11:26
tristanare those minutes ?11:26
tlater[m]tristan: I'm not sure11:26
tlater[m]I haven't looked much into how the graphs work yet11:26
tristanI mean, we're really talking about something like < 20 elements11:26
juergbithe staging improvements might also have had an impact here, difficult to say without more details11:26
benschubert^ I second this11:26
Kinnisonthe first drop might be sourcecache populating11:26
lachlanUnits are seconds11:26
Kinnisonand the second it in use?11:26
tristanstaging improvements are more likely11:26
tlater[m]i don't think we have more details atm, unfortunately11:27
juergbiand if the fetch job is not part of the performance test, source cache should also have provided a speedup11:27
juergbi(in staging sources)11:27
Kinnisontlater[m]: If you want to review a WIP MR, would enjoy some love11:27
tlater[m]I'd love to write some more specific tests so we can tell what causes these improvements |:11:28
tlater[m]Kinnison: I was about to have a look, actually :)11:28
benschuberttlater[m]: that would be nice11:28
jennispretty sure those benchmarks mount in a prepopulated source cache11:28
KinnisonWhile I was expecting some improvement, I think tlater[m] will be pleased with the numbers in the MR description11:28
tlater[m]Yes, they do, to avoid benchmarking network latency11:28
benschuberttristan: if you have time also, !1254 is the rework for Element.dependencies11:29
gitlab-br-botMR !1254: Rework Element.dependencies to be more efficient
juergbijennis, Kinnison: if this only reuses .cache/buildstream/sources and not CAS source cache, then source cache is expected to have a net negative effect (for now), though11:30
tristanbenschubert, Have been glancing at it11:35
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tristanbenschubert, you might also take a glance at
benschuberttristan: gah, seems like we would need to update our gitlab-ci.yml for this, seems the old runners are gone11:36
tristanbenschubert, at a high level I dont have issues with the Element.dependencies() change - only I want to be sure that the behavior is the same11:37
tristanold runners gone ?11:37
* tristan doesnt get it11:37
tristanoh crap11:37
benschuberttristan: I'm pretty sure the behavior stayed the same since we pass all the tests11:37
tristaneverything is broken on gitlab ?11:37
tristanyanked our machines ?11:38
benschubertfor the old runners, it means the docker images11:38
benschubertwe changed the ways we were handling docker images for running tests, and apparently removed the previous ones11:38
tristanThey just went away ? I recall there was talk of reorganizing the runners11:38
benschubertcs-shadow: do you have more context about the runners?11:38
tristanbut didnt make sure the CI was transitioned before deleting stuff ?11:38
tristanSeems easily reparable11:39
benschubertyep, updating the gitlab-ci.yml to point to the new images should do it11:39
benschubertI don't recall any other changes11:39
cs-shadowah! this is 1.2. I remember updating it on the master branch, seems like 1.2 fell off the radar11:41
tristanbenschubert, I think the cache key test *should* be enough to ensure the order of dependencies is stable, however I don't believe that test is11:41
cs-shadowi'll put in a MR in a moment11:41
tristanbenschubert, i.e. we currently try to cover every feature (usually a yaml construct) in small test cases and ensure that every possible configuration of anything will result in the same key11:43
tristanAnd then we have a quite shallow project and `bst show` it11:43
benschuberttristan: not sure I understand your last comment. I meant for the Element.dependencies() changes, the test suite should cover all possible case so the result should bt stable11:43
tristanwhat it doesnt do, is construct a deep dependency graph11:43
tristanbenschubert, That's what I'm not sure of - I'm talking about the cache key test because I think it's most likely to catch changes in dependency graph walking orders11:44
tristan(since dependency order is still relevant in cache keys, but might not be if we change that as we discussed, as an optimization)11:45
tristanOther than that, it is mostly relevant in staging order11:45
tristanSo overlap tests should cover it a bit11:45
benschubertthe cache keys tests were improved when working on loading rework, so I would think they are pretty much covering everythign currently :)11:46
tristanThis actually reminds me11:46
gitlab-br-botcs-shadow opened MR !1258 (chandan/fix-ci-1.2->bst-1.2: .gitlab-ci.yml: Update CI to use images from GitLab Registry) on buildstream
tristanphil, you are working on making sure external plugins have good support from BuildStream for the purpose of testing correct ?11:47
tristanI have mixed some people up last week, hope I am not guessing the wrong person :)11:47
cs-shadowcan someone please sanity check ^^ before I hand it over to marge? :)11:48
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tristanphil, I think we have a good framework with the script and cache key test harness, and we probably want to expose that in a sane way for external plugins to test for cache key breakages11:48
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gitlab-br-bottristanvb approved MR !1258 (chandan/fix-ci-1.2->bst-1.2: .gitlab-ci.yml: Update CI to use images from GitLab Registry) on buildstream
tristancs-shadow, looks good to me11:49
cs-shadowtristan: thanks!11:49
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philtristan, You are correct. I'm not really familiar with our cache key tests, but from a brief look I think I agree that it would nice to expose them. I'll open an issue to that effect.12:05
tlater[m]Kinnison: The timing results definitely look promising - but a single commit that touches 105 files? :|12:05
* tlater[m] rolls up his sleeves12:05
tristanphil, Thanks !12:06
jennisheh, tlater[m], we were following the commit policy12:06
tristanphil, it is pretty simple once you look at it :)12:06
jennis"all commits must pass the tests", or something along those lines12:06
tlater[m]This sounds like a good situation in which to break that policy x)12:07
KinnisonNot my call :D12:07
* Kinnison -> hospital for to have mould stuffed into a hole in his arm :D12:07
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juergbitristan: thanks for the comment with regards to the scheduler. any opinion on the names for the two push queues?
tristanI have worse :-S12:11
tristanjuergbi, Commented12:18
tristanjuergbi, We probably dont want to block on that comment, but it is quite annoying :-S12:18
tristanyou'll see heh12:18
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juergbitristan: raoul did increase the max queue name length from 5 to 8 to allow src-push12:19
juergbi(in frontend widget)12:20
raoulYeah was just about to say, I didn't seem to mess anything else up from what I saw12:20
juergbione question is whether this will break anything. the other question is what to call the artifact push queue12:20
juergbiin the branch it's currently art-push but I don't like that too much12:20
juergbiwe could just leave it as push but that could be confusing12:21
raoultristan, for reference made this asciinema of it working
* juergbi would keep 'fetch' instead of 'src-pull'12:23
juergbiif we wanted to change that, we should consistently change it also for commands and documentation. but I don't think we want that, at least not in this MR12:23
juergbiand in the pipeline summary I wouldn't use any abbreviations12:24
juergbiSKIPPED Art-pull also seems odd. why do we abbreviate that?12:24
gitlab-br-botBenjaminSchubert approved MR !1258 (chandan/fix-ci-1.2->bst-1.2: .gitlab-ci.yml: Update CI to use images from GitLab Registry) on buildstream
raoulThe pipeline summary just uses the same name variables, I can extend it to be Artifact Pull etc.12:25
raoulsame for the SKIPPED12:26
raoulprobably just need to add a full_name to queues and use that where appropriate12:26
tristan(A) agree with juergbi that I would keep 'fetch' instead of 'src-pull'... (B) I don't mind 'art-pull' so much, but it would be nice to have long/short names now that it is becoming more important.. (C) I personally would not want to block this technical branch *too* much on UI improvements12:28
tristanit's probably a better strategy to do concentrated efforts on improving the UI separately from concentrated efforts in the core12:29
juergbimakes sense12:29
gitlab-br-botcs-shadow approved MR !1254 (bschubert/optimize-dependencies->master: Rework Element.dependencies to be more efficient) on buildstream
juergbiwondering whether we should just go with a new src-push queue for this MR and leave all existing queue names the same for now12:30
tristanI would be happy with that12:30
juergbithat way we reduce the risk of renaming the same queue multiple times12:30
tristanSad to increase the minimum length to 812:31
tristanthat screen realestate is precious12:31
raoulcool, I can change some of the names back and then I think that's ready to be merged?12:32
raoul(haven't push removing the push queue from source fetch and moving the source push queue after the build queue)12:33
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gitlab-br-botmarge-bot123 merged MR !1258 (chandan/fix-ci-1.2->bst-1.2: .gitlab-ci.yml: Update CI to use images from GitLab Registry) on buildstream
gitlab-br-botmarge-bot123 merged MR !1254 (bschubert/optimize-dependencies->master: Rework Element.dependencies to be more efficient) on buildstream
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gitlab-br-botBenjaminSchubert closed issue #864 (Local cache doesn't cleanup properly) on buildstream
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jjardoncs-shadow: when we talk about the deprecation of the docker images, we have always said they will be eventually removed, but not a specific date (I would imagine at least a year minimum) seems now they are removed and we are breaking the CI in some projects14:29
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jjardonWhy the rush on removing them?14:29
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raoulTristan, juergbi, I've pushed the remote source cache with just src-push name and everything else the same, (had to faff around with the tests that checked for names) and changed the PushQueue to ArtifactPushQueue, so I think it's ready to be merged14:49
raoulAfter I rebase onto master at least14:51
cs-shadowjjardon: I asked around about the dates in but didn't get any response so I assumed they were okay.14:53
cs-shadowThe reason for removing them is that it's not really recommended to use images that aren't getting updates.14:53
cs-shadowbuildstream-fedora should still be around until May as per the message, but I need to look into what happened to the older tags14:53
jjardoncs-shadow: agreed, but that's a problem to downstream to solve. We even broke our own project here (1.2 branch); eave the  images in dockerhub doesn't cost anything, no reason really to remove them without time to downstream to move to the new ones14:56
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tlater[m]jjardon: tbf, this was announced a fair while ago. There was time to move to the new images.15:02
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* tlater[m] imagines removing them later would just have broken downstream later15:03
benschubertand the test images were private to the project, so we are the only ones who should break15:04
jjardonAnd still we broke our own project :) I still argue that they should not be removed in a long long time15:04
jjardonbenschubert: not sure I understand, those images are public in dockerhub15:05
benschubert jjardon15:06
tlater[m]jjardon: We've removed them from the public space specifically because they were supposed to be internal15:06
cs-shadowbst-1.2 was on oversight, for others, I am not sure if leaving it indefinitely is a better alternative. Personally, I'd be in favor of removing the image vs. shipping an image with vulnerabilities because it hasn't been rebuilt in ages15:08
jjardonRight, I guess buildstream-fedora images are not being removed then?15:08
cs-shadownot until May anyway :)15:09
cs-shadowfeel free to reply to the ML thread or if you think we should keep them around for longer15:09
tlater[m]Side note - because of this restructure we realized that the benchmarks were always testing buildstream master15:10
tlater[m]Because we were running on buildstream-fedora with a pre-installed buildstream15:10
jjardoncs-shadow: I didn't say keeping them forever, only saying removing them will break CI of projects we are not aware of, and that can make people not very happy15:10
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* cs-shadow isn't sure how to avoid CI breakages of projects we don't know about15:11
jjardonMore if we take in account keeping them cost us literally nothing15:12
cs-shadowI disagree that it costs nothing. used to have two pages of images which made it harder for users browsing the page which one is relevant for their use-case15:13
jjardoncs-shadow: sure, but that's a documentation problem really15:15
jjardonBut still, give one month from the deprecation notice to actually removing the images from dockerhub is way too short in my opinion. Sorry I didn't said anything before, somehow I missed that email. BTW, this is in no means a criticism of the move itself! I think the organization of the images is much clear now15:20
jjardonI will reply to the email about buildstream-fedora one15:20
jjardonBut problem is not that much project can not update, but that they will not be able to build old releases anymore15:21
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gitlab-br-botraoul.hidalgocharman opened MR !1259 (raoul/965-AaaP-service->master: Artifact as a Proto: protos and service) on buildstream
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benschuberttristan: are you around? I'm trying to understand why "a.bst" is at this place for (I would expect it to be first)18:06
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benschubertnevermind, got it18:24
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