IRC logs for #buildstream for Wednesday, 2018-11-07

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gitlab-br-botjonathanmaw approved MR !918 (valentindavid/fix-recursive-strip-debug->master: Fix infinite recursion in default strip debug command) on buildstream
gitlab-br-botjuergbi approved MR !927 (jmac/make_writable_combination->master: Use _force_rmtree instead of custom code.) on buildstream
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adds68It seemed the answer to my question yesterday, was to call the "translate_url"10:15
adds68source.translate_url(source.mirror.url, alias_override=None,10:15
adds68                                                                primary=source.mirror.primary)10:15
adds68returns the resolved URL \o/10:15
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NexusIs it possible to get use a string of an element "foo.bst" in and get back the element of that name as an Element object?10:39
jennisHi guys, I've got a MR ready for review, it's a docs patch regarding our examples of declaring the remote caches in project.conf and user config, would someone have some time to review this?10:39
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juergbiNexus: that's normally loader territory, not sure whether we have access to that in stream.10:42
juergbiis this related to the validation issue?10:42
Nexusi've bee ntrying various ways of getting access to the node data earlier, and that seemed lik ethe only way to me10:42
juergbiNexus: have you considered my suggestion of simply copying the node_validate to the first load method in project? (instead of actual copy it should be in a helper function)10:43
Nexusyes, but i still need the node data, which requires a project object10:43
Nexuswhich isn't generated until after the elements have been loaded afaik10:44
juergbiNexus: does pre_config_node not work for this?10:44
juergbiI'm talking about Project._load()10:45
juergbinothing in Stream10:45
Nexusah ok, i'll have to look10:45
Nexusi've only considered stream._load(010:45
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adds68jennis, you link to 2 documents that explain how the artifact cache is configured, but they are not linked in the MR10:46
adds68jennis, where can i find them?10:46
juergbiNexus: my guess is that this issue was introduced by commit 171e803f (@ include support) where node_validate was moved from Project._load() to the new Project._load_second_pass(). maybe it should have been copied instead of moved10:47
juergbiNexus: in _load() node_validate should be right after the format_version check10:48
jennisadds68, huh?10:48
gitlab-br-botaevri opened MR !935 (aevri/contributing_gitlab->master: WIP: Add more to GitLab-relevant parts of contributing) on buildstream
jennisthe links our for our current documentation10:48
jennisAnd that's what I've replaced10:48
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jennisEssentially I've got rid of the examples in 'Configuring an artifact cache', and added the examples regarding how to declare a cache in the project config documentation and the user config documentation. As there are different ways to declare the caches and also different bst behaviours depending on where you declare it10:49
adds68jennis, i wanted to review the new links, but it seems the  bst docs generate the links to the docs on the fly10:50
adds68jennis, these documents for example: 1. The :ref:`project configuration <project_essentials_artifacts>`, or10:50
adds682. The :ref:`user configuration <config_artifacts>`.10:50
jennisahh yeah, you'll have to clone the branch, `make -C doc`10:51
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Nexusjuergbi: \/ woo11:00
Nexus\o/ *11:00
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gitlab-br-botrichardmaw-codethink approved MR !932 (jennis/docs_patch->master: Update our instructions/examples regarding how we declare remote caches) on buildstream
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toscalixtristan will not be working this week. He will come back the next one.11:09
gitlab-br-botadds68 approved MR !932 (jennis/docs_patch->master: Update our instructions/examples regarding how we declare remote caches) on buildstream
jennistwo approvals :O thanks skullman, adds6811:13
adds68jennis, for some weird reason when i pulled your branch it was still using the old documentation11:13
jennismhmm how did you open the documentation?11:13
adds68jennis, i ran the make file then opened the html folder in firefox11:14
jennisahh weird, did the `make -C doc` defiitely complete?11:14
jennisSometimes it fails if you've got some legacy stuff lying around in the doc/ dir11:14
adds68jennis, yea after a few attemps due to missing dependencies11:15
jennisThat's odd11:15
adds68jennis, once i rebase the branch it seemed to work though11:15
jennisright, ok glad to hear it11:15
benschubertjuergbi: would you have time to look into ? There are performance implications on this test so I would like a maintainer to have a look at it :)11:17
juergbisure, will take a look11:17
tiagogomesI can't disable the use of artifact servers through command line right11:28
gitlab-br-botjonathanmaw approved MR !933 (danielsilverstone-ct/further-optimisations->master: WIP: Some more microoptimisations) on buildstream
jennistiagogomes, not AFAIK11:29
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jennisThe only remote options we have are for pull and push. E.g. bst pull --remote <url> foo.bst11:30
jennisAgain, AFAIK ^11:31
gitlab-br-botrichardmaw-codethink merged MR !932 (jennis/docs_patch->master: Update our instructions/examples regarding how we declare remote caches) on buildstream
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laurencetoscalix, we have the BuildStream gitlab group 'inheriting' BuildGrid milestones at this level -
laurenceWhich doesn't seem right11:36
laurencelooking at BuildGrid's gitlab here -, it tells us that BuildStream is a  'Groups with access to buildgrid'11:36
laurenceThat's the only place I can find where the two are linked at group level11:37
laurenceSo I will remove that link later today unless anyone has any objections11:37
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gitlab-br-botLaurenceUrhegyi approved MR !935 (aevri/contributing_gitlab->master: WIP: Add more to GitLab-relevant parts of contributing) on buildstream
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toscalixlaurence: go ahead11:49
valentindjjardon, I have set up the aarch64 builders for BuildStream. I wonder where I can put the ansible configuration. In codethink's gitlab maybe? It contains some private information.11:50
valentindWhat do you think?11:50
toscalixvalentind: we do not have a good place for that.11:51
laurencetoscalix, ok, have done and yes, it worked -
toscalixI will think/ask how to do it so we do not need a whole new set up internally11:52
toscalixlaurence: great11:52
valentindtoscalix, OK thanks.11:52
toscalixlaurence: buildgrid repo is not listed here anymore:
laurenceah, was it previously? I didn't know11:54
laurencetoscalix, I will think/ask how to do it so we do not need a whole new set up internally - what will this impact? something i've overlooked?11:54
toscalixlaurence: it was an answer to valentind11:55
jjardonvalentind: createa a group and create a repo there with the ansible?11:56
toscalixjjardon: let's not call it infrastructure please11:57
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toscalixthere are already other projects with the same name11:57
toscalixin other groups11:57
jjardonvalentind: then try to abstract the secret parts and document where you can get them if needed (probably basically the contact for the infra team)11:58
toscalixI would also like to have everything related with the infra and associated servidces in a subgroup11:58
jjardontoscalix: what do you mean?11:58
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jjardontoscalix: yeah, that is the idea a infrastructure subgroup in the Buildstream group11:58
benschubertCould someone point me where the actual caching of artifacts is done in the code? I've got trouble finding that11:59
toscalixinfrastructure-buildstream repo or a name that is nor infrastructure. those who work on several groups have other repos called infrastructure11:59
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laurencetoscalix, ok.12:01
jjardontoscalix: so you suggest to create a group instead ?12:02
toscalixjjardon: we can even expand that subgroup beyond infrastructure like for instance, other services we might need in the future12:04
toscalixmaybe buildstream-services-infra as subgroup name?12:04
toscalixand inside the subgroup.... buildstream-infrastructure as repo ?12:05
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jjardontoscalix: we should move the buildstream-docker-image repo to that subgroup, for example12:06
toscalixis that a plugin?12:07
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jjardonis the repo that generate the docker images we use to the buildstream CI12:07
jjardonthe images are pushed here:
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toscalixmaybe the name I proposed is not good then because I was thinking as services things like AWS storage or a forum service....things like that12:08
jjardontoscalix: ot sure those things will be in a git repo12:09
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toscalixlet's not stop the creation of the subgroup12:11
toscalixI will open a ticket about buildstream-docker-image repo12:11
toscalixand think about it. We need to put some order/structure in our repos12:12
jmacbenschubert: Artifacts are added to the cache with a call to commit at
toscalixspecially when thinking about the coming plugins discussion12:12
jmacbenschubert: Is that what you were looking for, or something else like pushing?12:12
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benschubertjmac: that was it thanks!12:18
jennistlater[m] around?12:20
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gitlab-br-botjmacarthur closed issue #735 (Combine _force_rmtree and make_dir_writable) on buildstream
gitlab-br-botjmacarthur merged MR !927 (jmac/make_writable_combination->master: Use _force_rmtree instead of custom code.) on buildstream
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gitlab-br-botjjardon opened MR !936 (jjardon/aarch64->master: WIP: .gitlab-ci.yml: Add jobs to run tests in aarch64) on buildstream
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tiagogomesDoes anyone tried to run buildstream inside bwrap? I am getting a problem with the FUSE layer12:57
tpollardskullman? ^12:57
tpollardsounds familiar with the dogfooding stuff12:58
tiagogomes /dev/fuse didn't make it to the chroot13:02
tiagogomesI guess bwrap has a whitelist of device nodes to bind on --dev13:03
skullmanyeah, and you need to specify `--dev-bind /dev/fuse /dev/fuse` to get it to include fuse13:06
skullman has some options for doing it13:07
tiagogomesAlready passed that stage. I get now a fusermount: mount failed: Operation not permitted13:08
skullmanare you running as root or with a user namespace?13:08
tiagogomesuser namespace13:08
skullmanis your version of linux >= 4.18?13:09
skullmanand bubblewrap --version > 0.3.0 ?13:10
tiagogomesyes 0.3.113:10
skullmanI'm out of ideas13:12
* skullman had some other mount -EPERM problems, but that was from the system already having stuff mounted over /proc13:13
skullmanwhat's the full command-line you're running?13:14
tiagogomes`bwrap --bind / / --dev /dev --dev-bind /dev/fuse /dev/fuse --proc /proc --unshare-net /bin/bash`13:16
* tiagogomes points out the ultimate goal here is to disable the use of artifact servers, even on parent projects13:17
tiagogomesSo if there's an easy way of achieving that…13:17
gitlab-br-botknownexus opened MR !937 (element-path_not_validated->master: Element path not validated before use) on buildstream
gitlab-br-botBenjaminSchubert opened MR !938 (bschubert/fix-atomic-move-git-repo->master: WIP: Fix os.rename in git source element to correctly handle error codes) on buildstream
Nexusjuergbi: Please coule you quickly review for me?13:18
skullmantiagogomes: not sure, jennis was looking at artifact server configuration recently, so might have some ideas13:19
tpollardI don't think it's currently possible, but it sounds like something bst should be able to do13:20
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tpollardtiagogomes: you could remove the check for 'if self._artifacts.has_fetch_remotes()' in the build function of _stream.py13:24
tpollardso it won't spawn any pull queues, and only fetch13:24
tpollardI think13:24
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tpollardsames goes for has_push_remotes()13:26
tiagogomesModifying buildstream is the last solution13:26
tpollardthen my suggestion would be to file an issue to implement a user option/ cli option for doing that13:27
* skullman wonders if adding `scheduler: { fetchers: 0 }` would work13:28
skullmanto your buildstream.conf I mena13:28
tpollardyou can set fetchers as a main cli option to bst too13:30
tpollardsame for pushers13:31
tiagogomesDoesn't work :/13:33
tiagogomesOk: `sudo unshare -n; su $me will do it`13:38
skullmanfair, bwrap needs to do a lot more heavy lifting mount-namespace-wise which can cause other complications, which if you just want to turn networking off are unnecessary13:41
tpollardwould you like me to raise an issue for adding it as an option to buildstream tiagogomes? to me it has merit to check that a project can always be built from source, especially if you don't have control over your junctions13:41
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tpollardvalentind: if my comments about the cached buildtree workspaces are not clear on the ticket, I can try to discuss on here or another method13:51
jonathanmawhrm, I'm looking at using a .bstproject.yaml file in a workspace to hold information about the project13:52
jonathanmawIs there a way to exclude a particular file when mounting a workspace?13:52
jonathanmawI've tried mounting the subdirectories of the sandbox and excluding .bstproject.yaml, but that a) doesn't seem to let the changes while it was mounted get back to the workspace, and b) Isn't going to be helpful if you add files to the root of the workspace13:53
jonathanmawis there an alternative I've missed?13:53
laurencebenschubert, just an FYI Daniel isn't around today13:53
laurencebenschubert, nor is tristan this week, in fact13:54
jonathanmawif not, I might be stuck removing the .bstproject.yaml file for the duration of the build, and that's not going to play well if buildstream is suddenly terminated13:54
benschubertlaurence: oh thank you! Will Daniel be there tomorrow?13:54
skullmanjonathanmaw: not really, the way directories and mounting work in Unix-likes. The closest you could get is an overlayfs mount of some form13:55
laurencebenschubert, he will, yes13:55
skullmanthough that would make propagating the changes back harder13:55
laurencenp !13:55
jjardontpollard: please, I'm interested on the feature tiagogomes is requesting as well13:55
* jonathanmaw wonders what the SafeHardlinks FUSE layer gets up to, and whether that'd be useful13:56
skullmanyou could theoretically use it as your overlayfs to remove the file, but then you'd have to copy the changes back on top of your workspace yourself13:56
tpollardjonathanmaw: is there any dependence on how specific source plugins implement init_workspace?13:58
jonathanmawtpollard: I haven't touched init_workspace. my attempts here have been in Element._stage_sources_in_sandbox()13:59
tpollardah, I presumed Element._open_workspace14:01
tpollardjjardon: ok sure14:02
tiagogomestpollard yes please14:13
tiagogomestpollard maybe we don't need a new option, but rather that `num-fetchers: 0` disables the artifact caches14:18
gitlab-br-bottpollard opened issue #752 (Add ability to build without interacting with available artifact servers) on buildstream
tpollardtiagogomes: that would still leave pushers, but yes extending that could be the option14:20
tpollardmade note of it14:21
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Nexusmy tests are failing and i'm not sure why, i didn't touch the areas that are failing
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benschubert for review :D14:32
tpollardLooks like you've broken something that handles the @ include from configuration Nexus14:32
Nexusand once again in english? :)14:33
tpollardprecisely that14:36
Nexustpollard: unless there's a file called "configuration" that i can't see, i need more information14:38
Nexus"precisely that" isn't helpful if i don't understand what you're referring to14:38
raoulAnother poke to get merged. Laurence said this may be your area juergbi14:39
tpollardNexus: near enough every failure on those tests is coming from failing to parse project.conf '@'14:40
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tpollardNexus: which I'm presuming is
juergbiraoul: adding it to my list14:54
raoulthanks :)14:54
juergbibenschubert: commented on !921, hope this makes sense to you as well14:54
gitlab-br-botMR !921: test behavior when there is no sandbox on Linux
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Nexusjuergbi: could yougive me a hand please?14:56
Nexusfor some reason, adding _yaml.node_validate to Project._load(), stops buildstream being able to parse '@'14:57
juergbiNexus: right, so as this is before include processing, (@) keys are still in there14:57
juergbinot quite sure what the best approach is here14:57
juergbiwe might be able to simply add '(@)' to the list of allowed keys in the first check14:58
benschubertjuergbi: thanks a lot! I will move the check in and remove that cache! It will indeed be way cleaner14:58
juergbihowever, it feels a bit odd14:58
juergbiNexus: maybe valentind has a better idea (or alternatively, can confirm that simply adding '(@)' makes sense) as he wrote support for '(@)'15:01
skullmanhuh, that's weird, `kind: manual` isn't flagged as supporting `BST_VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY`15:02
Nexusjuergbi: i would need to add both '(@)' and 'siurces'15:02
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juergbiNexus: right, but 'sources' feels less odd. and actually, we already include 'elements' even though it's processed the same way as 'sources', afaict15:05
Nexusthat seems to have fixed it15:05
juergbivalentind: can you please provide your input on the above discussion between Nexus and me with regards to !937 (related to include work)15:05
gitlab-br-botMR !937: Element path not validated before use
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juergbiNexus: ok, good, that should at least avoid blocking you in this regard15:07
Nexusjuergbi: kk, pushed the fix up, please could you review for me? :)15:09
juergbiput it on my list15:10
Nexusthanks :)15:10
juergbiNexus: is it still WIP or should it be unmarked?15:10
Nexuswell i kindof make things complicated for myself15:10
Nexusbecause it;s dependent on
Nexuswhich is the fix we just did15:11
Nexusbut i rebased 925 off of it and pushed that up too15:11
Nexusso assuming 937 is ok, 925 is no longer wip15:11
Nexusif that makes sense?15:11
juergbiok, I see, makes sense to keep it WIP (unmergable) for now, then15:11
juergbibut there should be a comment in the MR to make this clear15:11
juergbiah, there is, sorry for the noise15:12
Nexusnp :)15:12
juergbi(was only checking the description)15:12
Nexusi'll add it to the desc15:12
tpollardjjardon: OOI with !936, are we expecting the aarch64 testing to act as gating?15:20
gitlab-br-botMR !936: WIP: .gitlab-ci.yml: Add jobs to run tests in aarch64
jjardontpollard: yes15:21
juergbiif this increases CI test time, it might make sense to setup a merge bot15:22
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jjardonabout that, can anyone please review ?15:31
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benschubert for review :)15:46
laurencejjardon - I am going through some old non-WIP MRs in the buildstream backlog - feels like this one on docs licensing may just be a small adjustment required to get it to render properly? -
jjardonlaurence: not sure how we can do that copyright shorter; ideas welcomed15:48
jjardonlaurence: (and not sure it matters that much)15:48
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jjardonactually, maybe we can say "CC BY 4.0"15:49
jjardoninstead "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0" ?15:49
jjardonwould that work?15:49
toscalixcommentyed on the MR15:51
benschubertjjardon: I see that you have a few branches testing pycodestyle, are they stale or still in progress?15:51
jjardonbenschubert: stale ,waiting for fixes in pytest-pycodestyle15:51
benschubertOk! thanks a lot15:52
toscalixjjardon: if the code is in a specific license and you distribute the doc together with it, the idea is that the docu should have the same license15:52
toscalixa different story is comlpementary docu15:52
toscalixthat is how the license section is explained on the website15:52
laurencejjardon, hhhmm, looking again, the ellipsis doesn't even cut off any actual text.15:52
jjardonbenschubert: of course feel free to submit patches to fix pycodestyle issues you found, they can land independenly15:53
NexusWhat's with the "tmp_path" error? is that still a global thing?15:53
skullmanI thought I submitted a MR to fix that15:54
jjardontoscalix: oh, so the docs are under LGPL2.1 ? weird. I will update the MR15:54
benschubertjjardon: sure!15:54
Nexusyup, hadn't updated, ta skullman15:55
toscalixjjardon: weird, agree, but if you make code proprietary, like for instance if you intend to charge for a license of the code, you would not be able to distribute the docu15:56
toscalixso you would have to separate them15:56
toscalixthe easy path is to license the code and the doc associated under the same licenese if they are meant to be distributed together15:56
jjardontoscalix: you can not make LGPL code propietary15:57
toscalixlet me rephrase... if you want to double license the code....15:57
toscalixyou would like to dounble license the docu15:59
toscalixin any case, jjardon that was a decision I took based on previous experience. It can be discussed and changed16:01
toscalixprevious experience....normal practice16:01
jjardonsure, I do not mind; It's only a bit weird license doc as LGPL but I see your point (a bit extreme but I guess it can happen)16:02
gitlab-br-botjonathanmaw approved MR !934 (valentindavid/script-artifact-corruption->master: Fix cache corruption by scripts when layout and integration commands are used) on buildstream
toscalixjjardon: with LGPL it does. With some other licenses with some restrictions on the distribution or the usage side (freedem 0) it does too16:03
toscalixLGPL is not an easy license model at all16:04
jjardontoscalix: how so?16:04
laurencejennis, is there a reason a project might not use the YAML cache?16:11
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gitlab-br-botjennis opened issue #753 (Cache size logging is very spammy) on buildstream
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gitlab-br-botrichardmaw-codethink approved MR !934 (valentindavid/script-artifact-corruption->master: Fix cache corruption by scripts when layout and integration commands are used) on buildstream
gitlab-br-botjennis opened issue #754 (Local cache cleaning/expiry takes a really long time and cache quota is not strict) on buildstream
tiagogomes`fetchers: 0` means no limit16:37
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gitlab-br-botjjardon closed issue #754 (Local cache cleaning/expiry takes a really long time and cache quota is not strict) on buildstream
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gitlab-br-botvalentindavid closed issue #749 (Script element corrupts cache when using layout and enables integration commands) on buildstream
gitlab-br-botrichardmaw-codethink closed issue #749 (Script element corrupts cache when using layout and enables integration commands) on buildstream
gitlab-br-botrichardmaw-codethink merged MR !934 (valentindavid/script-artifact-corruption->master: Fix cache corruption by scripts when layout and integration commands are used) on buildstream
skullmanjuergbi: I could do with an API review on to make sure I've not done something with my BST_GRANULAR_STAGE flag that's going to cause compatibility problems17:04
juergbiwill take a look17:05
gitlab-br-botmartinblanchard approved MR !933 (danielsilverstone-ct/further-optimisations->master: WIP: Some more microoptimisations) on buildstream
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toscalixlaurence: resolved comments on the evaluation17:31
toscalixthanks for taking the time to review17:31
gitlab-br-botjennis opened MR !939 (jennis/quota_declaration_fix->master: Ensure that specifying a percentage  of disk space as a cache quota will start cleaning once we hit that percentage.) on buildstream
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toscalixsadly I haven't found a bulk way to move the tickets from one milestone to another one. I believe github just implemented recently. It is an obvious feature. I am unsure it can be done through the API. I would expct so17:33
toscalixSo the best way I can think of is to create a specific board for this and simply move the tickets from one column to another one, one by one.17:34
toscalixI tried it already in nosoftware and it works well17:35
toscalixgitlab boards to the rescue, once again17:35
juergbitoscalix: you can click on "Edit issues" in an issue list to change the milestone for multiple issues at once17:40
benschubertjuergbi: I updated the PR : is that good for you now?17:40
laurencetoscalix, np17:43
toscalixjuergbi: I am sinking on a glass of water. Of course ! Thanks. I used before. Simply did not remember17:43
laurencejuergbi, toscalix, I never knew that. Nice !17:44
toscalixwe filter the list first with bst 1.2 milestone and then we tell to update to 1.417:45
toscalixI will notify through the ML the change17:48
toscalixups, 110 tickets17:52
toscalixwill be updated17:53
toscalixah, no, 98 the other are from other repos17:54
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toscalixlaurence: it does the bulk change.... per page so not all at once17:56
toscalix98 tickets correspond to 5 pages... so I need to do it 5 times17:56
toscalixthe conversion17:57
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juergbibenschubert: mostly fine now, see comments17:59
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gitlab-br-botjennis approved MR !933 (danielsilverstone-ct/further-optimisations->master: WIP: Some more microoptimisations) on buildstream
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benschubertjuergbi: would you mind having a last look? thanks a lot for your help!
gitlab-br-botjuergbi approved MR !921 (bschubert/tests-no-chroot-linux->master: test behavior when there is no sandbox on Linux) on buildstream
laurencetoscalix, I actually did not receive any email about the milestone changes18:27
laurencewhich was cool18:28
toscalixI never did18:28
laurenceso, applying labels and milestone changes doesn't create an email notification, but changing assignee does18:28
toscalixbut hey.... just in case18:28
laurenceyeah :)18:28
juergbilaurence, toscalix: my guess is that gitlab skips notifications for bulk changes. not sure, though18:29
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juergbibecause I've seen milestone change emails before18:29
toscalixhummm... could be. I am not receiving notifications of my own changes18:29
toscalixjuergbi: could it be that, together with the milestone, something else has changed?18:30
toscalixlike labels?18:30
toscalixI tend to add the milestone together with labels18:30
toscalixbut could be that the bulk change does not generate notifications18:31
laurencejuergbi, do you subscribe to BuildGrid notifications? Because BuildGrid often changes milestones - wondering if you get notifications there?18:31
toscalixit would be weird though18:31
laurenceas in, often moves tickets from one milestone to another18:31
juergbiit's possible that it was milestone change and something else18:32
toscalixlaurence: I was wondering if you have tried to create team boards18:32
toscalixin buildstream we have status boards, severity boards but not user or team boards18:32
valentindtoscalix, I will create a simple repository in buildstream to contain the ansible configuration for the sleds. We can always rename and put it into a subgroup later. But I would like to commit the files now. That I do not forget it.18:32
toscalixvalentind: I would like to do it properly. I need some time to go over the configurations of the subgroup18:33
toscalixI cannot now18:33
toscalixI will remind you tomorrow, do not worry18:33
valentindtoscalix, Sure. But you can just move the project I created.18:34
toscalixplease add the repo here so I remember tomorrow:
toscalixvalentind: ^18:35
valentindtoscalix, commented.18:36
toscalixit is a shame that freedesktop-sdk, buildstream and buildgrid do not share the same scales and label priorities so the ToDo and Issues view of each user's profile would show the list of tickets assigned to us by priority label18:39
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gitlab-br-botjjardon opened issue #755 (Some tests are failing on aarch64) on buildstream
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