IRC logs for #buildstream for Tuesday, 2018-08-28

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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #609 ("CAS server doesn't seem to automatically remove artifacts so it gets fill up") changed state ("opened")
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (Qinusty/600-recursive-variables->master: Add cyclic check within variable resolution) #712 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (Qinusty/600-recursive-variables->master: Add cyclic check within variable resolution) #712 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (juerg/workspaced-dependencies->master: Fix key invalidation for workspaced dependencies) #740 changed state ("opened"):
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toscalixI have been thinking about the known issues page09:57
toscalixthe idea of the page is a list of bugs that we know it will hit the users early on09:58
toscalixso we can route them there when asking on the list or looking for workarounds09:58
toscalixthe problem with including this list on the web is that we need a mechanism to show that the bug is close when the ticket is close09:58
toscalixwe can do that if we have the known issues page in the gitlab wiki09:59
toscalixbut I am not sure if we can have such feature if we have it on the web. I assume not09:59
toscalixotherwise we need to maintained by hand and it will not work well10:00
qinustyCan someone review if they get a chance?10:01
toscalixvalentind: I need your help to review these MR since Laurence is on vacation
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (coldtom/autotools-libtool->master: Upstream freedesktop-sdk autotools config) #683 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (coldtom/autotools-libtool->master: Upstream freedesktop-sdk autotools config) #683 changed state ("opened"):
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juergbitristan: in case you haven't seen it yet, I've opened !740 as alternative fix for the #461 cache key issue11:11
valentindjuergbi, Thank you.11:15
juergbithank you for the investigation and the test case11:15
tristanjuergbi, I hadn't seen it no, thanks !11:16
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toscalixwhat if we refer to odds versions as development version and releases as user version11:17
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toscalixso we avoid the words release and maintenance11:17
tristanDid we ever have the word 'maintenance' ?11:18
toscalixwe didn't but it is also a possibility: maintained version11:18
tristanI think 'user version' is rather ambiguous, while development version sounds right for what it is11:18
toscalixuser sounds ambiguous... unless you are about to become a new user11:19
toscalixbut fine, I will keep thinking11:19
tristanThe language we are using these words for are for releases, tags and branches; if we say that a development snapshot is a development snapshot, then we reserve the word 'release' for releases only, I think this works well at least for the language I can think of so far11:21
tristanBut it would be nice to avoid the word 'release' I guess, then we can use the word release for both (like if we used the standard terminology with 'stable')11:22
toscalixnot sure I understood you11:22
tristantoscalix, Currently we are saying "Release 1.2.0" "Development Snapshot 1.3.0", etc11:22
toscalixI want to avoid release because is a word we use internally as final point of the delivery process11:22
tristanAnd we say "The release branch is bst-1.2", while development happens in master11:23
toscalixI would like to use a different word for people that are not familiar with our delivery jargon11:23
toscalixalso release is a verb11:23
tristantoscalix, in the context we use it in software, it is also a noun11:24
toscalixI know11:24
tristanI think that the main point here is to avoid using the word 'stable', and to do that; I think we can satisfy any of the requirements which revolve around this by basically hiding the development work from users who are not developers11:25
toscalixif a new person comes to the project I would like to point him to X (without the word release). So we need a word which is not stable-maintained-user version11:26
toscalixI would like to avoid release too11:26
tristanI mean in the above: I would prefer never to have to say "This is a release release"11:26
toscalixstable-maintained-user-release version11:27
tristanAs in opposed to a "Development snapshot release", I'd rather not use the word release as an adjective11:27
tristanI think that every time we roll a tag, tarball, and send the notes etc... it is a release that we point someone to11:27
tristanOtherwise, we are *really* trying to be different and confusing11:28
toscalixI am fine with using the word release in foums for contributors11:28
toscalixbut for users... I would rather not use it. It is not a good substitute for statbel, in my opinion11:29
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #461 ("Cache key confusion when elements depend on an open workspace") changed state ("closed")
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (juerg/workspaced-dependencies->master: Fix key invalidation for workspaced dependencies) #740 changed state ("merged"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (coldtom/autotools-libtool->master: Upstream freedesktop-sdk autotools config) #683 changed state ("opened"):
tristanThis is all a bit annoying, because the words 'stable' and 'development' for adjectives to describe a release; are really targetted at integrators who consume your releases and deliver those to users; usually by packaging them into a distro11:30
tristanThe end user doesnt normally need to even see this jargon or know that it came from a git repository at all11:31
toscalixI am working on the design of the download page11:31
toscalixand I need to refer to the latest released stable version11:32
tristanRight, so in that case (thanks I was missing some context I think); do we need to distinguish ?11:32
tristanCan't we just say "Latest release" ?11:32
toscalixwe can11:33
toscalixmy point is to avoid the word release.11:33
tristanIf anyone wants the development snapshot, they should probably have to dig further, maybe in the contributing guides or such11:33
toscalixwe can point them also in the download page, that is not an issue11:33
tristanLatest version ?11:33
toscalixmaybe we can call our stable releases with a specific name and the development one also11:34
toscalixnot a codename for each release, but a static name11:34
tristanWell, it's a bit confusing is someone starts to look at a list of tarballs on an ftp site or at a list of tags11:34
tristanwhere 1.2.0 is clearly not the "latest version"11:34
tristanjuergbi, eh... I wonder if tests/frontend/ shouldn't just use git, and just try with strict vs non-strict11:37
tristanjuergbi, is there any reason that a different Source plugin could cause a different outcome in that test case ?11:37
tristanjuergbi, I already merged it, but noticed that when running the test locally after :-S11:37
juergbiI can't think of a reason. valentind, did you parameterize this just to be in line with the other test cases or do you think it's actually necessary?11:38
tristanA lot of the workspace tests wanted to try each repo because they exercise potential implementations of virtual methods in Sources11:39
tristanbut when that is not the case, we should avoid spamming CI unnecessarily11:40
tristanw00t, my badge trick worked11:40
tristanSee the new badge in the readme, showing the latest release number with an even minor point11:41
tristanOh cute, I can encode a link *into* the SVG, so when I generate the SVG, I can give it a custom target11:49
tristanSo, for instance, any version like 1.0.1, I can point to
tristanOr I could link to the actual tarball11:50
tristanOr, I could link it to
tristanWhat would be the best target for a release specific badge ?11:51
tristanBasically; how this works is that every time we build the docs by running a pipeline on master, it will update the badges to the latest versions (I have two badges, one for latest development snapshot too)11:52
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valentindjuergbi, I think it does not matter the plugin for this test.11:55
juergbivalentind: #316: are these steps you followed to reproduce the issue or is this purely theoretical how you think it might happen?11:56
jonathanmawtristan: it looks like freedesktop-sdk users are resorting to an unpleasant workaround to have their CrateSource plugin inherit from DownloadableFileSource ( Is there a better way to do this that we can recommend, or would the best practice be to open an issue with buildstream to get DownloadableFileSource accessible on the same11:56
jonathanmawlevel as ScriptElement?11:56
valentindjuergbi, Unfortunately still theoritical.11:57
juergbivalentind: could it be a duplicate of #383, which was fixed by !448?11:57
valentindI am writing some tests, but it is not easy. I have seen the build happening before the pull to finish with my eyes. But my eyes are not the thing to trust.11:57
juergbivalentind: could it be that you only saw it in the workspaced dependency case, which would now be fixed?11:58
juergbior did you see it also without workspaces?11:58
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (coldtom/autotools-libtool->master: Upstream freedesktop-sdk autotools config for libtool .la files) #683 changed state ("opened"):
valentindjuergbi, Yes. I think Michael uses non strict mode.11:58
valentindOh, I see the fix was non strict mode.11:59
valentindjuergbi, I think we added a assertion at commit that the keys we are using are the same as when we started building, then it would be fine.12:00
valentindOne of the problem with testing non strict mode is that there is no plugin we can use to test without integration tests.12:01
valentindBecause of BST_STRICT_REBUILD, both script and compose, behave differently.12:02
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (coldtom/autotools-libtool->master: Upstream freedesktop-sdk autotools config for libtool .la files) #683 changed state ("opened"):
juergbivalentind: what about a manual element without any actual commands?12:02
juergbialternatively, we might need a test plugin12:03
tristanjonathanmaw, the best would indeed be to expose the abstract class I think12:03
valentindYes, but to make sure you have the right dependencies, you need to copy files from dependencies to the artifact. And with manual, you cannot do that.12:04
jonathanmawtristan: ok, I'll open an issue for that12:04
valentindjuergbi, Yes I think that #316 is really a duplicate of #383. I suppose we can just close it then.12:06
tristanjonathanmaw, from your link, isn't it odd that it's got a .py extension but seems to be xml ?12:06
tristanjonathanmaw, or maybe gitlab is just rendering things really weirdly :-S12:07
jonathanmawtristan: It didn't look like that a second ago, yeah12:07
jonathanmawIt looks normal when I follow the "view file" link, so it seems to be gitlab weirdness to me :S12:08
tristanjonathanmaw, also on a side note; I seem to recall that what freedesktop-sdk is doing for crates is a bit weird12:08
tristanjonathanmaw, I think there is some helper script you have to run right ?12:09
tristanjonathanmaw, from what I can tell, a proper crates plugin should be modeled after cs-shadow's new pip source plugin12:09
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jonathanmawtristan: looking at freedesktop-sdk 18.08, there doesn't appear to be any special script involved in getting the crates. there's special commands to run after building to get the flatpaks, but nothing special before invoking buildstream12:14
tristanjonathanmaw, looking at, it seems the 'subdir' is completely redundant12:20
tristani.e. you can just set the 'directory' to 'crates' and it will do the right thing, I don't see it writing outside of the crates directory12:21
tristanjonathanmaw, from elements/rust/cargo.bst: "# The following is generated with script"12:22
tristanjonathanmaw, i.e. when you add rust dependencies, you have to run that - a proper crates plugin should do like pip does, and introspect what needs to be downloaded at `bst track` time, based on a local Cargo.toml file, and then serialize the resulting Cargo.lock into the resulting `ref`, using that to download what is needed at `bst fetch` time12:24
tristanI don't deny that that is a bit of work to do, and the current hack is certainly useful for the freedesktop-sdk folks12:24
jonathanmawtristan: ah, okay. I didn't see that script.12:25
tristanjonathanmaw, But I think we certainly would not want to encourage this workflow by upstreaming it to a location where other people might start copying it and using it12:25
tristanAs the ability to view previous sources in Source fetch & track is only added in master, people will probably need to use this method until 1.412:26
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #610 ("Expose DownloadableFileSource to external plugin authors") changed state ("opened")
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toscalixcan a native english speaker help here?
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (coldtom/autotools-libtool->master: Upstream freedesktop-sdk autotools config for libtool .la files) #683 changed state ("opened"):
tristanjonathanmaw, please try to remember to prefix branch names with your username (i.e. not like 610-expose-downloadablefilesource-to-external-plugin-authors)12:59
tristanI'm hoping to effect a cleanup of all the stale branches in git12:59
qinustyBranches -> Delete Merged Branches?13:00
jonathanmawtristan: ah, ok. I thought using the branch generated by the issue was better because it links the branch to the issue13:00
jonathanmawI'll keep that in mind13:01
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tristan/remove-redundant-test->master: tests/frontend/ Removing some redundant tests) #741 changed state ("opened"):
tristanjuergbi, your branch in !740 didn't cleanly apply in `bst-1.2` branch, please backport it13:07
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (valentindavid/workspace_reverse_dependencies->master: Invalidate reverse dependencies to scheduled element with workspace) #669 changed state ("closed"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #461 ("Cache key confusion when elements depend on an open workspace") changed state ("opened")
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tristan/docs-version-badge->master: WIP: Release badges) #742 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jonathan/expose-downloadablefilesource->master: Make DownloadableFileSource publically accessible) #743 changed state ("opened"):
juergbitristan: !741 remove-redundant-test minor PEP8 failure. I'll push a fix such that I can also immediately put it in 1.2, unless you're already on it13:41
tristanoops :-S13:43
tristanjuergbi, please thank you13:43
tristanI'm wrestling with rst :-S13:43
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tristan/remove-redundant-test->master: tests/frontend/ Removing some redundant tests) #741 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (juerg/workspaced-dependencies-1.2->bst-1.2: Fix key invalidation for workspaced dependencies) #744 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (coldtom/autotools-libtool->master: Upstream freedesktop-sdk autotools config for libtool .la files) #683 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jonathan/expose-downloadablefilesource->master: Make DownloadableFileSource publically accessible) #743 changed state ("opened"):
tristanAha I see "This only works with inline SVGs, not with SVGs that are included in an <img> tag."14:10
tristanWell, that's sad :-/14:11
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tristan/remove-redundant-test->master: tests/frontend/ Removing some redundant tests) #741 changed state ("merged"):
jonathanmawtristan: while I'm waiting for tests on DownloadableFileSource, iirc there was some discussion about using CAS as a common cache solution. Do you know where I can read more about that? I think it'd prove useful in my attempts to cache yaml parsing14:43
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (Qinusty/597-non-alias-url-fix->master: Fix ValueError traceback for URL without alias or URI scheme) #700 changed state ("opened"):
tristanjonathanmaw, scattered I think14:54
tristanjonathanmaw, My understanding is we want to use the CAS for this new thing called "SourceCache" which is a requisite for remote execution14:55
jonathanmawI'm starting to acutely feel my ignorance while trying to write a cache for yaml parsing from scratch, so was hoping there would be something I could build from14:55
tristanjonathanmaw, in the back of my mind I've also been brewing a plan to shift integration commands to be done at the end of a build, and only if required at the beginning, and cache the integrations as well (which are not artifacts)14:56
tristanI'm not sure how that would work out but... it would be an idea to make `bst shell` snappy, with some tradeoff, and penalties depending on the shape of the build graph14:56
tristanshop closing... gotta scram :-/14:57
tristanAlmost hacked my badges to work when rendered on the page with <svg><use xlink:href="..."/></svg> and links clickable again14:58
tristanjust lost the nice round edge, should be easy to fix14:58
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jonathan/expose-downloadablefilesource->master: Make DownloadableFileSource publically accessible) #743 changed state ("opened"):
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jonathanmawtristan: I sorted out the public/private symbols distinction in
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tristan/docs-version-badge->master: WIP: Release badges) #742 changed state ("opened"):
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tristanThat works:
tristanbut they disappear from the main README page displayed by gitlab, it doesnt like raw html embedded in it's rst16:16
qinustyClicking snapshot gives interesting results16:16
tristanit needs a snapshot release to back it up16:17
tristanfrom master, a 1.3.1 will fix that16:17
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (chandan/pypi-badge->master: README.rst: Add status badges for PyPI release and Python versions) #719 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #316 ("Assertion error when building in non-strict mode") changed state ("closed")
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (juerg/workspaced-dependencies-1.2->bst-1.2: Fix key invalidation for workspaced dependencies) #744 changed state ("merged"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #461 ("Cache key confusion when elements depend on an open workspace") changed state ("closed")
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jjardon/fusepy->master: WIP: Depend on fusepy package instead internal copy) #745 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jjardon/fusepy->master: WIP: Depend on fusepy package instead internal copy) #745 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jjardon/pycodestyle->master: WIP:  Use pycodestyle instead pep8 python module) #638 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #611 ("This repo doesn't follow PEP8 complately (as stated in the HACKING file)") changed state ("opened")
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jjardon/pycodestyle->master: WIP:  Use pycodestyle instead pep8 python module) #638 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jjardon/pycodestyle->master: WIP:  Use pycodestyle instead pep8 python module) #638 changed state ("opened"):
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