IRC logs for #buildstream for Tuesday, 2018-08-21

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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (coldtom/autotools-libtool->master: Upstream freedesktop-sdk autotools config) #683 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (coldtom/autotools-libtool->master: Upstream freedesktop-sdk autotools config) #683 changed state ("opened"):
tristanbochecha, Hi, care to take a look at ?08:30
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valentindjonathanmaw, does this stored cache size work with multiple sessions running concurrently?08:48
jonathanmawvalentind: I don't know, I haven't tried it08:50
jonathanmawI suspect it would react poorly since I don't try to write the size file atomically08:51
valentindjonathanmaw, is that planned to be merged to 1.2?08:51
jonathanmawvalentind: not to my knowledge08:52
valentindWriting atomically would not solve it.08:52
valentindOK. So we need a fix for 1.208:52
jonathanmawvalentind, looking at one suggestion is to use a mmap'ed file08:54
valentindThat is my suggestion. You can have a mutex in it.08:55
valentindBut you still need to handle timeout and recreate, rescan.08:55
tristanjonathanmaw, since you happen to be looking at this at the same time as we were, I wonder if you have looked at Tiago's assessment:
valentindThere are probably some atomic operation with files. But I am not sure all filesystems behave the same.08:56
tristanWe rely on os.rename() for that sort of thing08:57
qinustyWSalmon are you working on
tristanand I think we have a utility for it08:57
tristanvalentind, jonathanmaw: utils.save_file_atomic()08:57
valentindtristan, it is not enough.08:57
valentindBecause 2 sessions want to write 2 different sizes.08:57
valentindBut what you want is the sum of the added values.08:58
valentindSo you need to have a swap.08:58
tristanI think that should really be done down in the CAS, not in the high levels of ArtifactCache land08:58
valentindOr something like that.08:58
WSalmonqinusty, nope, i was gona but i got no feedback08:58
qinustyAlright, I was just looking for urgent issues to fix. Mind if I take a look?08:59
WSalmonnot at all08:59
tristanFor the local cache quota and cleanup, we will need to consider the size of things which are not artifacts, too08:59
valentindtristan, the best would be to have a daemon that starts automatically.08:59
tristanFor 1.2, the only thing in the local CAS cache is artifacts, but it wont be true in 1.408:59
tristanvalentind, at the CAS level, that might make sense indeed09:00
* qinusty is getting permission denied (public key) when trying to fetch.09:00
tristannot sure what is the cleanest / least complex09:00
qinustyAnyone else seeing issues or just me?09:00
tristanqinusty, depends on what you are trying to fetch; could it be that you are trying to fetch a git repo that requires authentication ?09:01
valentindjonathanmaw, I will repopulate my cache to make it slow and test your MR.09:01
qinustyNope, buildstream09:01
tristanoh, you mean `git fetch`, not `bst fetch`09:02
WSalmonqinusty, i can fetch, some times GL has a hickup especally if its a bit low on ram, have you just tried a gain?09:02
qinustyIt worked yesterday :D09:02
WSalmoncan you ssh in and get a identifir and kick out?09:02
tristanqinusty, last year it was an issue; and it would go down for days at a time09:02
tristanI hope it's not happening again :-S09:03
qinustyIs it worth trying to regenerate keys?09:04
tristanI doubt it09:04
tristansounds very strange :-S09:04
jonathanmawvalentind: thanks. I'll look up mutexes and mmap since I haven't used them in python before.09:05
tristanqinusty, what is in your .git/config ? I have
tristanqinusty, maybe it is failing with an https URI scheme ?09:05
valentindjonathanmaw, I have never used them in python before. I suppose we should use native code for that part. But maybe there is better interprocess communication for python than that.09:07
tristanlooks like for now we are testing python 3.5.3, 3.6.5 and 3.6.609:09
tristanWe should probably get an image in there with 3.7.x09:09
qinustyGot to the solution, turns out Git decided to use my OTHER private key by default today.09:14
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tristan/pin-pytest-pylint->master: dev-requirements.txt: Pinning required pytest and pylint versions) #684 changed state ("opened"):
WSalmonI love a good mystery, although we didnt even have to brake out ssh -v to fix it :D09:18
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tristan/pin-pytest-pylint->master: WIP: dev-requirements.txt: Pinning required pytest and pylint versions) #684 changed state ("opened"):
valentindtristan, So on Debian 9 CI builders, we have pylint
tristanvalentind, only the ubuntu version does not09:21
tristanubuntu has 1.9.309:21
valentindBut it is weird it does not complain about more.09:21
tristanBut the question is, who does 2.1.1 not work for ?09:21
tristanAnd what is their python version ?09:22
valentindI have 3.6. Stopped working for me.09:22
tristanvalentind, that is a run of your ` show` hack09:22
valentindI have this one, were I print exactly what setuptools is using.
tristanthe pipelines fail after running the show, but show itself works09:22
valentindAh ok09:22
valentindBut why does it fail?09:23
tristansomething about eggs09:23
tristandoesn't like them pre-fried09:23
valentindWorks for my branch.09:24
tristanvalentind, I hope that your ` show` thing doesnt download stuff09:24
valentindAh. We need to use --index-url09:24
valentindSorry about that.09:24
tristananyway, if the output is meaningful, that is good09:25
tristanstill it's just a test09:25
tristan <-- this seems to be working well enough with 2.1.1 force installed09:28
valentindCould the version of pep8 be the difference?09:28
tristanvalentind, I don't know, actually I don't know what exactly fails for you, and how09:28
tristanvalentind, although I think pylint's style checker is independent of pep809:29
tristanvalentind, please try running the tests locally with this branch:
tristanit pins all of the versions of the things we already list in dev-requirements.txt, but it does not pin any implied dependencies09:30
tristanAnyone using Fedora today ?09:31
tristan ------------------ if you use Fedora, please help ! ----------------09:31
* tristan is worried we're going to have to trash the whole notification thing09:32
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tristanat least in 1.2, if the exotic escape sequence doesn't actually work09:32
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (valentindavid/fix-broken-indentation-after-track->master: Fix broken indentation after track) #622 changed state ("merged"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (willsalmon/versionTagRegrex->master: Search for tags with the *.*.* patten for version) #601 changed state ("opened"):
valentindtristan, It seems the version of python3-pytest on Debian sid is the problem. Right now it is
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tristanvalentind, what does that mean ?09:46
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tristanvalentind, it worked ?09:46
valentindThat if pinning pytest helped.09:47
valentindOr uninstalling python3-pytest on my system also worked.09:47
qinustyIs the use of an alias with git mandated?09:52
qinusty(within buildstream)09:52
tristanqinusty, strongly recommended09:53
tristanqinusty, for any and all urls09:53
qinustySo strongly that I get a traceback if I don't? :P09:53
tristanqinusty, maybe another regression from source mirroring ?09:53
tristanqinusty, this is latest master or bst-1.2 ?09:54
tristanlast week valentind fixed an issue with source mirroring around there09:54
qinustyMaster, tbf I did have `url: files/repo`09:54
qinustyBut that should probably be a fail, not a traceback09:54
tristanqinusty, file an issue, show the traceback, please ?09:55
tristanlets fix it asap09:55
qinustyIt's mark_download_url, it splits `alias, _ = url.split(utils._ALIAS_SEPARATOR, 1)`09:55
tristanI bet it's a simple fix09:55
qinustyClearly, if split returns 1 value.09:56
qinustyIt's not enough values09:56
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #597 ("Git url without alias causes ValueError") changed state ("opened")
tristanqinusty, I think it will be fine to allow it, even if it's an indication that you are doing something really bad10:00
qinustyOkay, so fix it and trigger warning with a suggestion to use an alias?10:00
tristanqinusty, i.e. not using an alias is not *so* bad as this, you are referring to a git repository that is in an arbitrary location on your local disk10:00
tristanthat is pretty bad, it means it will only work on your machine10:01
tristanor worse, it will only work on your machine depending on, your CWD ?10:01
qinustyWell I mean10:01
qinustyfiles is in the same cwd as elements10:01
qinustyIt's the same as having .c files in there?10:01
tristanyeah but who says that will be the CWD of git when run by BuildStream ?10:01
tristanalso, if it is part of your project data, it is probably a `local` source10:02
tristannot a git source10:02
jmacIs there any documentation on how to add new configuration options? Or someone willing to talk me through it?10:02
valentindA git repository in a git repository.10:02
tristanjmac, user configuration ? project configuration ?10:03
jmacProject configuration at the moment10:03
qinustyI'm not actually using this fyi, I was just throwing together a project to use to look into another issue10:03
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tristanjmac, you need to (A) document it in doc/source/format_project.rst... (B) parse it in (C) Add accessors to the Project object for things which want to access it... (D) If there is a default value for the config, it belongs in data/projectconfig.rst10:04
valentindtristan, I have noticed that we already do not check the extract dir for the size. We only do that in Context at load.10:05
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tristanqinusty, yeah I figured, anyway it's a good idea to avoid the exception; in this case mark_download_url AND translate_url, need to be fault tolerant here and accept that there is not always an alias10:05
tristanqinusty, the reason it was working now, is that even if the alias is not found or valid, usually urls have URI schemes10:06
tristanvalentind, yyyyeah10:06
tristanvalentind, does this significantly change the approach to optimizing things ?10:07
valentindNo. But we need to refactor it. We cannot scan for the size without using the artifact cache class.10:07
qinustySo it's still a bug as I see it tristan, it's just working by chance10:07
jmactristan: OK, I'll stick with just project configuration at the moment and work on the other parts later. Thanks.10:08
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tristan<tristan> qinusty, yeah I figured, anyway it's a good idea to avoid the exception; in this case mark_download_url AND translate_url, need to be fault tolerant here and accept that there is not always an alias10:08
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* qinusty will fix it today10:08
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valentindtristan, jonathanmaw has already done the refactoring for !679. I think we should cherry pick the commit that does that to backport to 1.2.10:09
tristanbochecha, could really really use your feedback on
tristanbochecha, I kind of have to make a call on this very nowish, and I just need to know if it will break packaging or not10:10
tristanDuplicated work done in parallel; that sucks :-S10:11
tristanI wanted to reply to the ongoing thread about startup performance, and mention that we had been spending all last week looking at exactly that part10:11
tristanbut I was swamped with other stuff10:11
cs-shadowtristan: just for my understanding, is the answer to "Does pylint 2.1.1 behave differently because it is not being run with pytest 3.7.1 ?" yes?10:12
tristancs-shadow, yeah that's why I want bochecha's attention :'(10:12
cs-shadowthat's sucky10:12
tristancs-shadow, like, all or nothing is better than half way; I sort of feel like; we aught to pin all dependencies to exact versions recursively in dev-requirements.txt, so we can `pip3 install -r dev-requirements.txt` in the CI, without worrying that something might change between runs10:14
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tristanbut I don't know if that is going to break packaging stories10:14
tristancs-shadow, maybe we can make pytest >= 3.7, and pin only pylint to an exact version, in the short term ?10:15
tristanI think, there is absolutely no way out of pinning pylint10:15
tristanand we already pin coverage.py10:15
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cs-shadowtristan: Yes, that makes sense. There's another alternative which may warrant more work for us but might solve this packaging problem.10:17
cs-shadowWe could pin the versions for the packages that we absolutely need to in to make lives of packagers easier. For developers, we can keep dev-requirements.txt with exact versions pinned. The logic of parsing it in will need to change though10:17
cs-shadowa similar approach might also work for runtime dependencies10:18
cs-shadowwhere requirements.txt has pinned versions that are known to work and only has coarse constraints specifying what is absolutely needed10:18
tristancs-shadow, I think that for the short short right now term, lets just pin pylint to the exact version, and pytest to >= 3.710:20
tristancs-shadow, does that mean we need a docker images rebuild ?10:20
tristancs-shadow, and how does that work ? I think it's weird that you are automating the docker images build with dev-requirements.txt in the first place; because BuildStream will *always* pin the exact refs of the docker images10:21
tristancs-shadow, i.e. in CI - We demand that the docker image never ever changes, unless we committed a change to .gitlab-ci.yml10:22
tristanDid that somehow change ?10:22
tristandocker images for CI should never change unless BuildStream decides to use a new one10:22
cs-shadowtristan: that should still be the case, i.e. images should only change when a change to .gitlab-ci.yml is committed. We don't use dev-requirements.txt to install the test dependencies but we were thinking of doing so in future to keep version constraints in once place rather than two10:24
tristancs-shadow, I don't see how that can be possible, though10:24
cs-shadowtristan: and yes, it requires a change in the docker images repo for now. I can do that now.10:24
tristancs-shadow, i.e. BuildStream cannot commit a change to dev-requirements.txt in master, unless it also updates the images it uses in the .gitlab-ci.yml at the same time, right ?10:25
qinustyjonathanmaw, How come SourceFetcher duplicates the whole mark_download_url() logic?10:25
qinustyCan Source make use of SourceFetcher.mark_download_url()?10:25
cs-shadowtristan: Yes, it will only work if we allow network access to install test dependencies.10:26
cs-shadowtristan: For now, do we agree that we only need to pin pylint and have pytest >=3.710:26
tristancs-shadow, Yes, lets do that today and at least solve the test problem10:26
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tristanqinusty, a SourceFetcher marking a download url is not the same as a Source marking one; basically you only need SourceFetchers when you have multiple URLs10:28
tristanqinusty, which is the vast minority of source implementations10:28
tristanSo now I'm futzing around with the fedora VM image I downloaded here:
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jonathan/faster-except-elements->master: Pipeline: Skip except_elements logic if no elements to except) #688 changed state ("opened"):
tristanit boots and then has a password10:32
tristanah found it10:32
bochechatristan: looking10:37
tristanbochecha, for the short term, we're doing something less invasive... I think10:37
tristanbochecha, coverage is already pinned to an exact version, so if you had no issues with that, either it's not a problem, or you accidentally have the exact version of that we require10:38
* cs-shadow submits to apply constraints for pytest and pylint in teststuite images10:39
bochechatristan: I only read your last comment, and replied to that, should I read the whole issue?10:39
bochechatristan: like I said, I already had problems with pinned versions of dev dependencies, and as a result couldn't run the tests in the RPM10:40
bochechatristan: I think that's fine10:40
bochechalong term, this will settle down, and we can figure things out :)10:41
tristanbochecha, thanks a lot, I think we can easily have a different story for the dev requirements at least for now10:42
tristanfor today, we have a quicker fix, cause people have random failures compared to CI10:42
bochechaI mean, if you're requiring very new versions of test stuff, eventually they will become old and be available in all distros :)10:42
bochechaand if you require specific old versions of stuff, eventually we can do the work to port to newer ones10:42
tristanbochecha, errrr I dont know about that10:44
bochechatristan: what do you mean?10:46
tristanI mean, we can port to new versions of things, but it would really suck to support different versions of deps on different distros10:46
tristanassuming the status quo, that python deps think they live in a bubble, it's worrisome10:46
tristanI'm hoping that at least for the runtime dependencies, we can live with fairly recent minimal bound deps, but can't really be sure10:47
bochechaoh, I'm not saying different versions of stuff on different distros10:47
bochechaI'm saying that in the long term, it should get naturally better as your deps come into distros, and start changing less often :)10:48
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bochechaif in the meantime we have to disable the tests in the packaging, so be it10:48
tristanok so now I'm futzing around with this fedora VM10:54
tristanhow does one do things like, install gcc ? `yum install gcc` I guess ?10:54
tristangah, it's psutil that doesnt install10:56
tristanbochecha, I have a wild guess... maaaaybe you use fedora ?10:56
* tristan still better get this installed10:57
cs-shadowtristan: you should be able to follow in case it still doesn't work11:01
tristancs-shadow, ah good point, but I have it installed11:03
tristanpatch just doesnt work11:03
bochechatristan: yes11:03
bochechatristan: sudo dnf install $PKG11:03
bochechaif you don't know the package name, then `sudo dnf install /usr/bin/patch` should work11:03
tristanthis mythical downstream patch for gnome-terminal that supposedly supports a special escape sequence to bring attention to the terminal11:03
tristanI don't believe it really exists11:04
tristanAlthough there is a notification whenever a command completes in the background, that is about it11:04
bochechathat's the patch11:05
tristanbochecha, you heard about this famous patch ?11:06
bochechaI rely on it every day :)11:06
tristanOk so... here is my problem11:06
tristanbochecha, see tristan/notifications-1.2 branch11:06
tristanlatest commit fixes it up a bit11:06
bochechatristan: patches are here:
tristanI think we have the escape sequence wrong11:06
tristanbochecha, you mean, the patch you rely on every day; just makes a notification when a command completes in the background ??11:07
tristancrap, so I am chasing some nonsense myth11:07
bochechaif the terminal window is not focused when a command exits, then you get a notification11:07
bochecha(might be the terminal tab or window, I'm not sure)11:08
bochechawhat did you think it was?11:08
jmactristan: In most exsiting cases, there isn't much parsing being done in There's a lot of composing being done in Is that only necessary if you've got element config overriding project config?11:08
tristanbochecha, an ansi escape sequence that the terminal parses to make a notification11:08
tristanbochecha, i.e.... when you build something huge and it fails in interactive mode... we print that to the terminal so it draws attention to itself; when BuildStream gives you a prompt11:09
bochechaI'm not sure how it works to be honest11:10
tristanjmac, yes11:10
bochechathis seems to be the patch:
tristanyeah I looked at that yesterday11:10
bochechaexcept it's actually several patches, so some are unrelated11:10
bochechayou'll want to talk to rishi, he's the one who wrote this afaik11:10
bochechahe maintains his patches here:
bochechaso other distros can reuse them, and I think some do11:11
tristanIt's a communications breakdown is what it was11:11
jmacThanks tristan11:11
tristanmcatanzaro wanted a notification, valentind found something that "worked on gentoo" (only found that out recently)... and I thought it was doing the thing fedora had a patch for11:12
tristanturns out it's just a mess11:12
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #596 ("Systems without FUSE can't use workspaces") changed state ("closed")
tristanand jhbuild does some crazy whacky things with status icons + dbus + just about everything in the kitchen sink11:12
tristantrying to grab the users attention11:12
valentindtristan, if VTE_VERSION is defined. It is probably safe to use it.11:14
tristanvalentind, except it doesn't *do anything*11:15
valentindAh no. I have it showing in xterm.11:15
tristanwhat ?11:15
tristanvalentind, Does that escape sequence do anything ?11:16
tristanI have a Fedora VM here, and I dont see anything, maybe it avoids doing something when we do it before exit ?11:16
tristanI'm testing it with just a `bst track` command and put the window out of foxus11:16
tristanvalentind, then I just get a notification that the command completed, regardless11:17
valentindtristan, This is the patch gentoo has:
valentindSo yes. It is patched.11:17
valentindIt is really annoying this feature did not make to upstream. Because it is very nice. I miss it on Debian.11:19
tristanHmmm, ok maybe it's working11:20
tristanI just saw it alternate11:20
tristanSo what happens is, at the end of the session; we issue the notification11:20
tristanAnd it shows up !11:20
valentindtristan, did you try Fedora?11:21
tristanBut, fedora's patched version of gnome-terminal just goes ahead and stomps on our notification, saying "The command completed"11:21
valentindtristan, you have to be on another tab or focused on another window for it to notify.11:21
tristanSo it shows up for like 0.1 seconds11:21
tristanWhich is why I was missing it11:21
tristanI suppose it will work for the failed build though11:21
tristanalso, garbage does not show up in the terminal11:22
valentindtristan, but this is fine. We get notified something happened. But what we needed is when we got a interactive prompt from bst.11:22
valentindWe do not need notification when bst finishes. Only when it interrupts to the interactive prompt.-11:23
tristanvalentind, I'm not sure of that; I think we want to keep calling the App.notify() in the end of sessions too11:23
tristanvalentind, i.e.; only the nutty desktops which have added this default notification for anything that completes in the terminal, will have that11:24
valentindtristan, sure, when we have different ways to notify, this will be useful.11:24
tristanright now, it only happens to be that the only terminal that is known to also support the notification via patched VTE, is *also* fedora11:24
valentind(and Gentoo)11:25
tristanSo anyway, for now, it's not that annoying that one automatic notification from gnome-terminal squashes our notification11:25
tristanvalentind, my patch in tristan/notifications-1.2 (and tristan/notifications) will disable any notifications you had on gentoo11:26
tristanvalentind, that needs to be retested11:26
tristanbochecha, and one sad news though; is we now have to depend on the 'distro' python package11:26
valentindtristan, they claim it works since 22.11:28
tristanvalentind, do you have a link to the very specific claim, about the special ANSI escape sequence ??11:28
tristani.e. I found some blog post about how they have "A notification when a command completes in the background", since fedora 2211:29
tristanThat is unrelated11:29
valentindNo. I do not have. I just think that if this was an improved version... then what they had before must have been really ugly.11:30
tristanMan, I'd really love to know back up until which point fedora supports the ANSI escape sequence11:30
tristanBut I only know that it works "around now", and I've only tested with a Fedora 28 VM11:31
tristanprobably Fedora 27 is safe11:31
valentindThe sequence is safe on vanilla vte. I do not get anything happening on gnome-terminal. The problem is terminal that do not use vte.11:32
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tristanvalentind, life is getting more and more complicated by the minute, then; I suppose this means, we don't need the 'distro' package for this at all ?11:47
tristanmaybe VTE_VERSION is going to work11:48
tristanAlso, we don't have Laurence or Agustin today... do I have a volunteer to chair the meeting in their stead ?11:49
tristanOr, Agustin will arrive late, Laurence is on holiday11:49
valentindtristan, what was the terminal you got garbage with?12:02
valentindFor me, even xterm seems to ignore it.12:02
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tristanvalentind, my gnome-terminal on debian12:08
valentindI tried also rxvt, konsole, qterminal, xfce4-terminal.12:08
tristanVTE_VERSION says 440012:08
valentindAnd you  get garbage?12:08
valentindI have 5202.12:09
tristanYes, if I make it unconditional, I get an unrendered garbage character, followed by some of the literal text12:09
tristanvalentind, do you happen to know what part of vte does this ?12:09
tristanI'm looking at src/mev.c, which seems to handle escape sequences, but can't find how it handles this specifically12:10
tristanmaybe with a git annotate I can trace the version it was added in12:10
valentindtristan, I do not remember. Let me see.12:10
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (chandan/update-ci-tags->master: .gitlab-ci.yml: Bump tags for testsuite images) #689 changed state ("opened"):
tristancs-shadow, AWESOME12:13
tristancs-shadow, Do you think we can make those changes in dev-requirements.txt at the same time ?12:14
cs-shadowtristan: :) I was just writing a similar comment on your MR. I can include your branch in my MR. That way, we will prove that the teststuite images indeed work without requiring to install additional things12:15
tristancs-shadow, yeah my MRs were mostly frantic tests12:16
bochechatristan: for runtime?12:16
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tristanbochecha, dev-requirements.txt12:17
bochechatristan: ah, no problem then :)12:17
tristangrepping through vte I still don't see any evidence that this is handled by vte :-S12:20
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tristanI have a feeling it doesnt do anything except perhaps trigger a callback on the vte widget12:23
tristanthen the embedding application can choose to implement any 777 special escape sequence12:23
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valentindtristan, found it:
tristanvalentind, Aaaahhh so I was looking at that code and not seeing it getting handled12:31
tristanso, it wont "work"12:31
valentindNo. But it will ignore the sequence.12:31
tristanbut since a given version, vte will cleanly ignore it instead of puking up garbage ?12:31
tristanok I see12:31
valentindSo I need to figure out what is the VTE_VERSION from there.12:31
valentindI suppose 4500.12:32
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valentindIs there a reverse describe?12:32
tristanvalentind, I forget what it is again.... I am searching through git log but we need to ask git "What tags have this commit in their history"12:33
valentind0.44.90 is the previous tag. Then the next one is
tristanSo I guess 4590 ?12:34
valentindThe only thing I miss from mercurial is rev expressions.12:34
tristanlemme ask chpe12:34
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (willsalmon/versionTagRegrex->master: Search for tags with the *.*.* patten for version) #601 changed state ("opened"):
valentindtristan, we probably want to enable it also for TERM starting with "rxvt-unicode"12:36
tristanvalentind, does that use vte or not ?12:37
valentindBecause this is the terminal where this sequence orignally comes from. Though I am not sure how they use it.12:37
tristanI guess it doesnt12:37
valentindtristan, no. VTE_VERSION is not defined on urxvt.12:37
tristanvalentind, the funny thing is... I think we *still* didn't even ever see that mythical downstream patch fedora uses12:39
tristanI did see it do something, though12:39
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tristancs-shadow, rebased #689 since something landed on master first...12:47
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jonathan/faster-except-elements-1.2->bst-1.2: Pipeline: Skip except_elements logic if no elements to except) #691 changed state ("opened"):
cs-shadowtristan: thanks!12:47
tristannext challenge; we have to cut down CI time immensely, this shouldn't be taking more than 15min really12:48
tristanjjardon, pointed me to some instructions to install a runner the other day; but that would imply we have a dedicated machine12:48
tristanI guess we have to look into finding one12:48
tristanvalentind, isn't the 'vte' package the important one, not the 'vte' one ?12:51
tristanstill, that's interesting12:51
valentindSeems vte is an old package not updated for 8 years.12:51
tristanI had a feeling that vte291 was a GTK+-2 based package12:51
tristanvalentind, yeah, that must be the GTK+2 version12:52
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (willsalmon/versionTagRegrex->master: WIP: Search for tags with the *.*.* patten for version) #601 changed state ("opened"):
valentindWell, vte is updated but it is the gtk+ 212:53
valentindvte291 is the new one.12:53
tristanbut the 'vte' spec files are updated very regularly, how can 'vte291' be the new one if it's not changed in 8 years ?12:54
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tristanvalentind, anyway please don't worry about this anymore; I've got a working strategy for vte13:18
valentindtristan, ok13:18
tristanvalentind, I'll patch it for now, and I will leave other terminal support out; that we can add separately13:19
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jonathanmawFYI folks, the monthly meeting will be held on #buildstream-meetings (note spelling) in 12 minutes13:48
jonathanmawI've volunteered to chair it this time13:48
tristanjonathanmaw, normally the agenda would be up here:
tristanjonathanmaw, but I think we just go off of Agustin's email from last week to the list13:49
jonathanmawtristan: yep, that's what I found and was working off13:50
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qinusty resolves a small issue with the fatal-warnings feature I spotted. It's a one liner but a quick lookover from someone would be nice :D13:58
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jonathanmawThe monthly meeting is now starting in #buildstream-meetings14:00
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qinusty is ready for review if anyone can spare some time15:04
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jennisAre we planning to backport !633, add 'build-depends' and 'runtime-depends'?15:57
jennisThis is in the documentation but not available in our stable version, has there been a discussion regarding occurences like thi15:58
jennisthis* ?15:58
jonathanmawjennis: I don't think there's been any discussion about adding it to bst-1.216:00
qinustycan someone explain the differences between mark_download_url() and translate_url() and perhaps why you'd use one over the other? Maybe jonathanmaw, tristan?16:00
jonathanmawqinusty: mark_download_url and translate_url will both mark the URL, but only translate_url returns the output16:02
qinustyIs there a reason why translate_url isn't called from mark_download_url() specifically?16:02
* qinusty is modifying areas around this and could avoid code duplication from refactoring this16:03
jonathanmawqinusty: translate_url has a fair amount of logic because it needs to be able to handle the alias being overridden from various places16:04
qinustyBut if I change mark_download_url() to call on translate_url(), I can't see it producing any obvious issues16:05
qinustythey seem to do similar things, just translate_url() has the option of overriding16:05
jonathanmawqinusty: true, but mark_download_url needs the alias component of the URL, and translate_url doesn't currently provide it16:06
jonathanmawwould it make more sense to have a third function that handles the parts of those that they have in common?16:07
* qinusty doesn't quite understand __expected_alias16:07
qinustywait, only SourceFetcher.mark_download_url() needs __alias16:08
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* qinusty realises mark_download_url() is abstract16:12
jonathanmawqinusty: I think that's an artifact of this functionality going through many iterations16:15
jonathanmawI can't think of a good reason for source plugins to make it do anything different16:15
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jmacRight, !626 is ready for review16:32
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jmacjuergbi: I'm going to start reviewing buildbox now - shall I just dive in on the juerg/wip branch and read that or is there a better place to start?16:51
juergbijmac: yes, that's still the right branch. see !216:52
juergbibtw: I successfully built almost whole freedesktop-sdk with the local buildbox backend16:54
juergbiI see issues in e.g., rust but the error doesn't seem related to buildbox16:55
juergbihaven't cross checked yet whether it works with buildstream master16:55
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