IRC logs for #buildstream for Friday, 2018-07-27

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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tristan/temporary-failures->master: Temorary failures) #574 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (Qinusty/397->master: Modify retry behaviour to be opt-in on exceptions during job processing) #559 changed state ("closed"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tristan/temporary-failures-backport->bst-1.2: Tristan/temporary failures backport) #575 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #397 ("Should not retry successfully downloaded files with bad checksums") changed state ("closed")
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tristan/temporary-failures->master: Temorary failures) #574 changed state ("merged"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tristan/temporary-failures-backport->bst-1.2: Tristan/temporary failures backport) #575 changed state ("merged"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (Qinusty/502->master: Raise ArtifactError on grpc error) #576 changed state ("opened"):
qinustyOne'ish liner following up from the temporary failure MR. Ready for review.08:19
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (Qinusty/502->master: Raise ArtifactError on grpc error) #576 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (Qinusty/481->master: Skipped sessions will no longer be reported as SUCCESS) #562 changed state ("opened"):
tristanqinusty, gotcha08:31
qinustyPhil spotted a typo but that has been resolved.08:32
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (phil/437-junction-tutorial->master: Phil/437 junction tutorial) #550 changed state ("opened"):
* tristan just asks for 'from e' whenever raising a more refined error from another error08:33
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (Qinusty/481->master: Add SKIPPED message type for actions being skipped) #562 changed state ("opened"):
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* qinusty will sort that08:38
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (Qinusty/502->master: Raise ArtifactError on grpc error) #576 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (507-some-log-lines-appear-to-be-duplicates->master: Resolve "Some log lines appear to be duplicates") #573 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (Qinusty/502->master: Raise ArtifactError on grpc error) #576 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (507-some-log-lines-appear-to-be-duplicates->master: Resolve "Some log lines appear to be duplicates") #573 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (edbaunton/doc-typo->master: (docs): dashes not underscores for build and install root) #577 changed state ("opened"):
tpollardtristan: I think 561 should be ready to merge09:04
jonathanmawtristan: I gather the conclusion from your comments on translate_url is that it should have the Since noted for the new arg, and should also be a keyword arg09:07
jonathanmawor is it being a keyword arg only required if it was an internal arg?09:07
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (Qinusty/491->master: Cache size is now restricted to available disk space) #563 changed state ("opened"):
laurenceRe the bug about spurious test failures seen since we landed CAS, I will add the label 'important' on gitlab, unless anyone opposes09:13
qinustySounds good to me, I had a look but had no luck getting to the cause09:14
laurenceqinusty, re raising an ArtifactError on grpc error -
laurenceyou can hit the merge button :)09:16
laurenceyou should have permissions - let me know if not09:17
tiagogomesjuergbi I am getting an odd error when trying to build the freedesktop-sdk possibly related to the introduction of cas:
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (507-some-log-lines-appear-to-be-duplicates->master: Resolve "Some log lines appear to be duplicates") #573 changed state ("opened"):
tiagogomesjuergbi grep for FileNotFoundError09:18
qinusty I can't laurence :P09:18
* tlater gives qinusty developer access09:18
tlaterqinusty: Tell me if that's not enough, perhaps I need to make you maintainer09:19
* qinusty realises pipeline failed, then realises it was just test_build_track -_-09:19
qinustyNope, must only be maintainers who can hit merge09:20
juergbitiagogomes: I think that's tlater's cache expiration code, maybe he knows what's going on09:20
juergbiI suspect the size calculation code can't deal with concurrent deletion of (temporary) files09:20
* tlater reads backlog09:21
laurenceqinusty, will sort that, for now pls ask someone else to hit merge - tlater ?09:21
juergbishould maybe simply ignore files that don't exist anymore and/or ignore cas/tmp09:21
qinustytlater: Big green button please :)09:22
tlaterlaurence, qinusty: I can give maintainer access, but will merge too :)09:22
qinustyooooo big blue button09:22
qinustyit just appeared, ty tlater09:22
qinustyDo we remove branches once we merge? or leave them?09:22
laurencetlater, ah cool ! sorry for the noise then09:23
laurencei thought only owner's could give that permission but other maintainers can anyway, cool09:23
jonathanmawtristan: never mind, I'm going to make it a keyword-only arg anyway.09:24
tiagogomesqinusty I like to delete mines, otherwise it would be way too many branches09:24
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #518 ("Backport  solution for #163 (MR !541) to the bst-1.2 branch") changed state ("closed")
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (Qinusty/491->master: Cache size is now restricted to available disk space) #563 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #496 ("Plugin facing API does not provide access to PluginError") changed state ("closed")
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (edbaunton/doc-typo->master: (docs): dashes not underscores for build and install root) #577 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (Qinusty/491->master: Cache size is now restricted to available disk space) #563 changed state ("opened"):
laurencethere are so many bugs with 'important' label09:51
laurenceit de-values the label somewhat09:52
qinustytlater: Were you happy with in the end? The elif to if change is going through the pipeline now09:54
tlaterqinusty: I've been unable to produce a system that broke09:55
tlaterI think I'd like to spend more time testing, but really, I probably shouldn't09:55
* tlater approves it09:55
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (Qinusty/491->master: Cache size is now restricted to available disk space) #563 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #520 ("Race condition when calculating disk usage") changed state ("opened")
tlaterFeel free to merge!09:55
tlaterYou have permissions now ;)09:55
qinustyWill once the pipeline succeeds, I was also unable to produce these edge cases.09:57
qinustyHowever these checks should cover the majority of cases where issues would arise :)09:57
tlaternoisecell: Have you tried re-running that CI?10:05
tlaterWell, regardless, I think we can make those checks more resistant to such changes...10:05
qinustydid you fix the regression tlater?10:05
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jennis/doc_improvements->master: Refer users to our tutorail before referring them to other bst projects) #578 changed state ("opened"):
tlaterqinusty: Do you mean the duplicate regression?10:05
tlaterI'd like for you to review, actually:
noisecelltlater, re-running CI for?10:06
qinustyI'll take a look :) re cache quota: If you think we can make it more resistant, we shouldn't merge until we're happy10:06
tlaterqinusty: Actually, second, there's something wrong with that branch10:07
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jennis/doc_improvements->master: Refer users to our tutorail before referring them to other bst projects) #578 changed state ("opened"):
tlaterqinusty: Hrm10:07
tlaterThis is actually separate from your code there, but we could land it with that10:07
tlaterI'm talking about:
tlaterSearch for "FileNotFoundError"10:08
tlaterOh, actually, nevermind10:08
tiagogomestlater I filed that as #56310:08
tlaterThat's part of the cascache10:08
tlaterqinusty: Yeah, it's entirely unrelated :)10:09
tlaterqinusty: Also, nevermind, the branch is correct10:09
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jennis/doc_improvements->master: Refer readers to our tutorial before referring them to existing bst projects) #578 changed state ("opened"):
jennis2If anyone has time for a pretty trivial review: I would really appreciate that10:09
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tlatertiagogomes: Thanks!10:10
qinustytlater: Is detail enabled by default?10:12
tlaterqinusty: Yes - is detail not showing for you?10:12
qinustyHaven't executed it yet :P Just wondering looking at the diff10:12
* tlater is paranoid10:13
qinustyI'll check10:13
qinustythe detail is the next line in grey10:14
qinustyI seeeeeeeeeeeeee10:14
tiagogomesjennis2 I left a comment10:14
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (507-some-log-lines-appear-to-be-duplicates->master: Resolve "Some log lines appear to be duplicates") #573 changed state ("opened"):
jennis2thanks tiagogomes10:15
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tlaterqinusty: I double checked with a version of the codebase before I made my changes, so I think the output format there is correct10:16
tlaterAt any rate, it looks pretty enough10:16
qinustyI agree :)10:16
qinustyI do think we should encourage the inclusion of screenshots into visual changes though :P It makes viewing an MR/issue clearer10:16
qinustyand gitlab allows you to embed into comments easily10:17
* qinusty wonders if he can bypass the "merge once pipeline succeeds due to the test_build_track issue10:18
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jennis/doc_improvements->master: Refer readers to our tutorial before referring them to existing bst projects) #578 changed state ("opened"):
* tlater has been hearing about this issue10:20
tlaterDoes anyone have the bandwidth to deal with it?10:20
* qinusty was unable to solve it10:20
tlaterIt seems to be blocking a bunch of people...10:20
tlaterqinusty: Thanks nonetheless. Hopefully someone finds the time soonish.10:20
jennistiagogomes, Phil thanks for spotting those10:21
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (328-support-for-downloading-sources-from-mirrors->master: Resolve "Support for downloading sources from mirrors") #404 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #502 ("Unhandled excpetions within CASCache on grpc errors") changed state ("closed")
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (Qinusty/502->master: Raise ArtifactError on grpc error) #576 changed state ("merged"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (relative_workspaces->master: WIP: Patch for issue #191 support relative workspaces) #504 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #521 ("Direct import of tar files into virtual directories") changed state ("opened")
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (507-some-log-lines-appear-to-be-duplicates->master: Resolve "Some log lines appear to be duplicates") #573 changed state ("opened"):
qinustyDoes anyone object to me extending the .gitignore?10:37
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #20 ("Rare exception when terminating processes") changed state ("opened")
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qinustyExamples of extension include .vscode/ (ide folder) and .pytest_cache for those running pytest locally.10:41
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (edbaunton/doc-typo->master: (docs): dashes not underscores for build and install root) #577 changed state ("opened"):
*** jjardon sets mode: +M 10:48
*** jjardon sets mode: -M 10:49
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (Qinusty/491->master: Cache quota is now restricted to available disk space) #563 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (phil/add-ubuntu-ci-job->master: .gitlab-ci-yml: Add ubuntu 18 test) #523 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (phil/437-junction-tutorial->master: Phil/437 junction tutorial) #550 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (phil/437-junction-tutorial->master: Phil/437 junction tutorial) #550 changed state ("opened"):
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cs_shadow - "At least 2MB more space needed on the / filesystem."11:10
cs_shadowWho controls these aarch64 runners? Seems like they are running out of disk space11:10
qinustyjjardon I believe?11:10
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (phil/436-add-ubuntu-install-intructions->master: Add Ubuntu install intructions) #525 changed state ("opened"):
qinustytlater: I'm happy to pick up but I'd like to land first to add the SKIPPED message type.11:12
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tlaterqinusty: Please keep editor/ide-specific stuff out of the codebase11:13
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jennis/doc_improvements->master: Refer readers to our tutorial before referring them to existing bst projects) #578 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jennis/doc_improvements->master: Refer readers to our tutorial before referring them to existing bst projects) #578 changed state ("opened"):
tlaterIf you want to have a small addition, I recommend moving it around with git stashes11:14
qinustyI found a solution :) I added it to .git/info/exclude which is local repo specific11:14
tlaterAh, nice, I didn't know about that :)11:14
qinustyIts basically a personal .gitignore11:14
qinustyHOWEVER .pytest_cache/ Probably should be in our .gitignore11:15
tlaterThat said, if there's any debris our test suite creates that we should remove, that's definitely worth adding11:15
jjardoncs_shadow: it should be fixed now11:15
qinustyI'll raise an issue and fix it at some point11:15
qinustyOr maybe just do it now and avoid an issue11:15
cs_shadowthanks jjardon11:15
tlaterqinusty: If you have a small MR feel free to push it up without an issue11:16
tlaterReally small ones are probably self-explanatoryu11:16
tlaterJust make sure someone is aware and willing to review, so it doesn't hang around :)11:17
jjardonmmm, seems master is broken?11:17
tlaterqinusty: About !56211:17
jjardonseems unix tests are failing11:18
Philjjardon, there is an intermittent test failure, See
qinustyYes tlater, I need tristans opinion on adding the MessageType.SKIPPED really. I removed the session SKIPPED message.11:18
PhilIt will tend to pass if you rerun the test11:18
qinustyjjardon: I'd just rerun the test if its test_build_track that failed.11:19
tlaterqinusty: I think that's fine, and don't see tristan objecting11:19
tlaterStill concerned about the duplicate message11:19
qinustyUm, yes. That needs to be clarified11:19
jjardonah ok, thanks Phil qinusty11:19
qinustyWe need to distinguish the keys11:20
tlaterqinusty: Could you describe the exact problem?11:20
tlaterI can see from the screenshot that there are duplicates11:20
tlaterI'm assuming this happens because the two keys are the exact same (rather than just their short form being the same)11:20
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (Qinusty/pytest_cache_gitignore->master: Add .pytest_cache/ to gitignore) #579 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (Qinusty/pytest_cache_gitignore->master: Add .pytest_cache/ to gitignore) #579 changed state ("opened"):
tlaterThat is always the case in strict mode as far as I am aware11:21
tlaterIs there a chance we could make that message per-element, rather than per-artifct?11:22
bochechahi, is the host arch taken into account when computing cache keys?11:22
bochechaI'm building the freedesktop sdk for ARM on an x86_64 laptop, and bst just builds everything instead of pulling from the cache :(11:22
bochechathe exact same revision has been built in the CI and is available in the cache, but bst computes different cache keys on my laptop11:23
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persiabochecha: target arch is part of the cache key for certain.  I don't think host base arch should be (I'm presuming your host is configured to handle running arm binaries in some way).11:31
bochechapersia: yes, with qemu/binfmt11:32
bochechaI mean the arm sdk is building just fine right now on my laptop11:32
bochechait's just incredibly slow, and heating up my living room in a way I'm really not comfortable, especially when a heatwave is already hitting the region :)11:32
persiaYep.  That's normal for qemu/binfmt :)11:33
bochechaand it's kind of silly to be doing so much work on my laptop, when the built bits all are in the cache11:33
persiaBut my nonparenthetical point stands, that the host base arch shouldn't matter (beause there are lots of ways to run lots of different binary code in lots of different environments).11:33
persiaSo if it does, I think that is a bug.11:33
persia(but I don't know if it does)11:33
bochechayeah, I don't know either11:34
noisecellbochecha, have you check that your project.conf and (Im not sure about the following but...) your buildstream.conf are the same in both machines?11:34
bochechaand I thought the same, that it shouldn't11:34
bochechanoisecell: project.conf is the same, yes11:34
bochechait's in git, I didn't modify it locally11:34
bochechathe other one is at ~/.config/buildstream.conf right?11:35
noisecellI think so11:35
bochechaif so, it just contains comments here on my laptop11:35
bochechanot sure about the CI, I'll check, thanks for the lead11:35
bochechaafter lunch, though :)11:35
noisecellyou are welcome. Enjoy your lunch :)11:36
persiaIf buildstream.conf is affecting cache keys, I suspect we're doing something wrong.11:46
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (chandan/sourcetransform->master: WIP: Allow source plugins to access previous sources) #568 changed state ("opened"):
bochechathe buildstream.conf is indeed different in the CI11:51
bochechabecause it can push to the cache11:52
bochechawhereas I can only pull on my laptop, so I use the cache urls (https) defined in project.conf11:52
bochechait also has a different config for fetchers and network retries11:53
bochechabut that also shouldn't enter in computing the cache keys, right?11:53
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jennis/doc_improvements->master: Refer readers to our tutorial before referring them to existing bst projects) #578 changed state ("merged"):
Nexusthe new tag is crippling my tests :(12:03
bochechaok, so using the same buildstream.conf I still don't hit the cache12:08
bochechawhich is reassuring, the buildstream.conf had no impact on the cache key :)12:08
bochechaany other idea?12:08
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jmac/virtual_directories->master: Abstract directory class and filesystem-backed implementation) #445 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (328-support-for-downloading-sources-from-mirrors->master: Resolve "Support for downloading sources from mirrors") #404 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (chandan/sourcetransform->master: WIP: Allow source plugins to access previous sources) #568 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #522 ("We need to think about temporary vs. permanent failures in source mirroring") changed state ("opened")
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (phil/437-workspaces-tutorial->master: Phil/437 workspaces tutorial) #519 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (Qinusty/491->master: Cache quota is now restricted to available disk space) #563 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #328 ("Support for downloading sources from mirrors") changed state ("closed")
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (328-support-for-downloading-sources-from-mirrors->master: Resolve "Support for downloading sources from mirrors") #404 changed state ("merged"):
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qinustytlater I'm auto merging but it just seems to sit there once the pipeline completes13:56
qinustyI know!13:58
qinustyIt just says "Cancel automatic merge"13:58
Nexusjust merge it13:58
Nexusis it all caught up to master?13:59
* qinusty -_-14:03
qinustymybad, exrta merge commit *sighs*14:03
qinustyWhy can't gitlab merge just work when I asked it to?14:03
qinustyThat's really irritated me :/14:05
* tlater really dislikes the recent influx of merge commits14:08
* qinusty apologises14:08
tlaterqinusty: Just be more careful next time - the gitlab button will say "rebase" instead of "merge" if your branch is caught up.14:09
* tlater should have responded to the ping14:09
qinustyYes I realise now, but every time I tried to rebase, it then did the pipeline. And then the pipeline finished and it needed ANOTHER rebase14:09
tlaterYeah, it's a side effect of so many things landing14:10
tlaterThe test failures probably don't help14:10
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (Qinusty/491->master: Cache quota is now restricted to available disk space) #563 changed state ("opened"):
tlaterIt's just that now suddenly when you read the commit history about 50% is useless messages going "Oh, I merged something"14:10
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (Qinusty/491->master: Cache quota is now restricted to available disk space) #563 changed state ("opened"):
tlaterAnd that also makes it really hard to rebase...14:11
qinustyyup, fortunately only one of them is me14:11
tlaterYeah, nw, I'm just ranting a bit ;)14:12
qinustySo what is the ideal workflow?14:12
qinustyPull master up to date14:12
qinustyRebase X onto master?14:12
qinustythen push to master?14:12
* tlater just rebases to origin/master14:12
tlaterUsing `git fetch` instead of `git pull`14:13
tlaterBut that's probably just me14:13
qinustyI'll avoid git merge in future14:13
WSalmonif you set off all the tests with './ test' is there a good way to kill them all? there a little slow and i dont wan to resort to closing the terminal14:13
qinustyctrl C?14:13
tlaterWSalmon: kill -9 <PID>14:13
tlaterUnfortunately that's the only thing we can do atm...14:14
* tlater wonders what catches the signal...14:14
jmacCtrl-C does nothing14:14
WSalmonalso i almost never git pull, i always 'git fetch' have a look at what has changed and then decide how to merge/rebase etc14:14
qinustytlater, when you merge/rebase. How does gitlab know that your merge/rebase was from that MR?14:14
WSalmongitlab tracks the branch name14:15
* noisecell won't trust that...14:15
WSalmonso were ever you move the branch to point at the mr will follow14:15
WSalmoni think14:15
noisecellI would always write what Im pulling or from where Im fetching14:16
tlaterThis is actually done through git shas14:16
noisecellor you will end up with some oddities from time to time14:16
tlaterBecause branches just point to shas14:16
qinustysuggestions on what to do with
tlaterSo gitlab can figure out which branch contains what commits by check where in the history it is14:16
qinustyIt's the MR for the branch I merged, gitlab hasn't detected it14:16
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tlaterqinusty: Did you manually merge?14:17
tlaterI.e. without the merge button?14:17
tlaterIf so you need to manually close it14:18
tlaterThe idea of an MR being closed doesn't attach to its branch being in master14:18
tlaterSince the branch/master may diverge again at any point14:18
WSalmontlater if you move the brach to point at something that master contains is gitlabe smart enough to realise that its merge?14:19
tlaterTristan does this frequently, he usually just mentions that it was merged from the CLI.14:19
qinustyAh, but if I close does it mark as MERGED or CLOSED?14:19
tlaterWSalmon: Nope, unfortunately not14:19
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (Qinusty/pytest_cache_gitignore->master: Add .pytest_cache/ to gitignore) #579 changed state ("closed"):
tlaterqinusty: CLOSED, but you've already gone and done it. Best thing is to CLOSE it and mention in a comment that it was merged14:19
* tlater never manually pushes to master partially for this reason14:19
qinustybut you rebase onto?14:20
tlaterqinusty: No - I'll rebase master onto my branch, push it to my upstream branch and use the rebase button14:20
tlaterThis also makes CI work and stuff14:20
tlaterSo it's really the workflow you should follow, even if it's slower.14:21
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* tlater realizes that we have the annoying test bug today14:21
noisecelltlater, who is capable to push to master? maintainers? developers?14:22
qinustyhave you encountered it yet tlater?14:22
tlaternoisecell: Maintainers14:22
tlaterqinusty: Still not, nope14:22
tlaterI seem to be the only one though and trust people that it exists14:22
noisecellpush to master shouldn't be a thing for almost anyone, IMHO14:23
tlaternoisecell: In that case you can't merge your own branches14:23
tlaterNot even with the gitlab button14:23
tlaterI agree though14:23
tlaterPreferably there was a permission that allowed you to hit the merge button but not manually push14:23
noisecelltlater, what do you mean? can you not rebase against master and then submit that branch for review and merge?14:23
tlaternoisecell: You can, but then someone else will have to click "rebase" for you14:24
noisecelloh, I see what you mean. I think there are enough maintainers to merge branches14:24
noisecellso you can always ask for this to someone or we can have a label for this, though14:24
tlaternoisecell: During GUADEC some people raised the concern that merges were too slow14:25
noisecelltlater, I think there were only one person merging at that time14:25
tlaterTwo, yes14:25
noisecellI think right now that number has increased14:25
tlaternoisecell: We decided during GUADEC that we'd allow *anyone* who's ever committed to merge though.14:26
tlaterWhether or not that policy makes sense is something we'll figure out over the next few weeks, I suppose14:26
persiaMy impression was that the intent was to permit everyone to do it (to avoid being slow), but rely on everyone being sensible about it (so it wouldn't break things).14:27
persiaSo the actual number of mergers can grow slowly as people develop confidence, without too much complex process blocking folk.14:27
tlaterpersia: So far it has worked... ok? I feel like master has become noticeably less stable, but it's too soon to judge whether that's because of expiry/CAS merging or many maintainers.14:27
noisecellone thing is merge through a controlled process as gitlab or anything similar, pushing to master could cause any other kind of issues...14:28
* tlater thinks we should decree that pushing to master without the gitlab interface is verboten, but otherwise this seems fine so far. 14:28
persiaPersonally, I prefer the model where almost no humans are permitted to manually merge (only 2-3 special "infra management" folk), and all merges are done by tooling, and most folk have access to tell the tooling to perform the merge.14:28
persiaI'm not sure if our current tooling supports that though.14:28
persiatlater: Not entirely verboten (sometimes things break in ways robots can't fix), but 99%, yes please.14:29
qinustyAlso tlater, the thing that confused me was that GitLab said "merged automatically when the pipeline succeeds" but when the pipeline succeeded it just sat there. What I really needed to do was "Cancel automatic merge" then "Rebase" then wait14:30
noisecellqinusty, that is possibly a gitlab issue more than a configuration issue in our gitlab, though14:32
tlaterqinusty: Ideally, the response to that *could* not be "oh, let's try to  manually push"14:34
tlaterAlthough I find it understandable, it's an evil temptation14:34
tlaterAnd it would be nice if our tools prohibited it (except for a few really experienced guys who save everything in the rare cases that the tool breaks)14:35
tlaterJust to clarify, this is no critique to you personally, this is thinking about how our tooling should work in the long run.14:35
tlaterIt's easy enough to *accidentally* push to the wrong branch, I've done it before.14:36
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (relative_workspaces->master: WIP: Patch for issue #191 support relative workspaces) #504 changed state ("opened"):
noisecellqinusty, tlater, yeah, not criticising here either, just discussing which is the normal workflow we want to adopt14:40
qinustyI agree now that I see what has happened. In my mind, Gitlab would have followed the merge and my merge wouldn't have made two merge commits14:42
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (chandan/sourcetransform->master: WIP: Allow source plugins to access previous sources) #568 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (relative_workspaces->master: WIP: Patch for issue #191 support relative workspaces) #504 changed state ("opened"):
laurenceanyone got time to look at this MR in defs2bst?14:53
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (Qinusty/491->master: Cache quota is now restricted to available disk space) #563 changed state ("merged"):
qinustytlater, I just did the merge the gitlab way and it places a merge commit in anyway (for the one branch) Without rebasing manually I can't see a way of avoiding this15:00
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (willsalmon/trackWarning->master: Add warning to git track if track and ref are not present) #580 changed state ("opened"):
tlaterqinusty: Yep, you need to rebase manually15:00
qinustyso gitlab's big REBASE button, merges?15:01
tlaterNo, if it says REBASE it won't merge15:01
tlater But if it says MERGE it will merge15:01
qinustyOkay but, when you say "Merge after pipeline" or whatever15:01
qinustyYou can't rebase that can you?15:02
tlaterThen it will merge15:02
tlaterYou have to *first* rebase15:02
qinustyBut you'd prefer if we didn't?15:02
tlaterAnd then tell i to "rebase after pipeline"15:02
qinustyI've never seen "rebase after pipeline" I must be doing something wrong :P15:02
tlaterqinusty: Hrm, let me see how to explain this...15:03
tlaterWhen you're finally done with your changes and have had them reviewed15:03
tlaterYou should go back to your terminal15:03
tlaterAnd on your branch go `git rebase -i origin/master`15:03
tlaterThis will make your branch up-to-date with master15:03
tlaterYou the `git push --force` that to your upstream branch15:03
tlaterAnd *then* gitlab will tell you it can "rebase after pipeline"15:03
qinustyAh, I have rebased before but onto my local master, which must've been slightly out of date15:04
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (willsalmon/trackWarning->master: Add warning to git track if track and ref are not present) #580 changed state ("opened"):
tlaterqinusty: That's probably what happened :)15:04
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (edbaunton/doc-typo->master: (docs): dashes not underscores for build and install root) #577 changed state ("opened"):
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tpollardanyone happy to merge ?15:10
qinustyMaybe this is the issue I saw tlater
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (relative_workspaces->master: WIP: Patch for issue #191 support relative workspaces) #504 changed state ("opened"):
tlaterqinusty: Yup, I think that's part of the reason15:13
tlaterThough the "rebase when pipeline succeeds" button does seem to be guaranteed to do the right thing15:14
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (willsalmon/trackWarning->master: Add warning to git track if track and ref are not present) #580 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (willsalmon/trackWarning->master: Add warning to git track if track and ref are not present) #580 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (willsalmon/trackWarning->master: Add warning to git track if track and ref are not present) #580 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jmac/virtual_directories->master: Abstract directory class and filesystem-backed implementation) #445 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (Qinusty/481->master: Add SKIPPED message type for actions being skipped) #562 changed state ("opened"):
qinustytlater re SKIPPED: I have produced a solution which only shows the message if both the strong and weak keys are already cached on the server.
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #523 ("BuildStream doesn't hit the cache when building foreign arches") changed state ("opened")
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (adamjones/systemd-cas->juerg/googlecas: Include systemd file examples for google-cas cache) #524 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (adamjones/systemd-cas->master: Include systemd file examples for google-cas cache) #524 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (adamjones/systemd-cas->master: Include systemd file examples for google-cas cache) #524 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (edbaunton/executable-remote-source->master: Add support for marking downloaded files executable) #581 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (edbaunton/executable-remote-source->master: Add support for marking downloaded files executable) #581 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (richardmaw/cache-fail->master: WIP: Store failed builds in the cache) #475 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (edbaunton/executable-remote-source->master: Add support for marking downloaded files executable) #581 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (richardmaw/cache-fail->master: Store failed builds in the cache) #475 changed state ("opened"):
persiaIs it possible to get gitlab-br-bot to also report new/changed issues here?16:50
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jjardonpersia: yes, but I'm afraid that would increase the amount of noise in the channel?17:29
persiaI think there are a similar number of issues and merge requests.  I also think merge requests get updated more often.17:30
persiaI agree that it would increase traffic in the channel.  I'm unsure if it would be noise, considering how much of the substantive discussion in BuildStream happens in issues.17:31
persiaKnowing it is possible is good (thanks).  Proper discussion of whether to do it should probably be reserved for something other than Friday night :)17:32
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