IRC logs for #buildstream for Monday, 2018-06-18

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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tristan/running-commands->master: doc: Adding part 2 of the getting started tutorial) #502 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tristan/running-commands->master: doc: Adding part 2 of the getting started tutorial) #502 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tristan/running-commands->master: doc: Adding part 2 of the getting started tutorial) #502 changed state ("merged"):
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adds68Hi when using the new CAS, when buildstream tries to the CAS, i am seeing an error with permissions11:13
adds68grpc._channel._Rendezvous: <_Rendezvous of RPC that terminated with (StatusCode.UNKNOWN, Exception calling application: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/artifacts/artifacts/cas/tmp/tmp_9_ezrrz')>11:13
adds68Has anyone seen this before?11:14
adds68push to the**11:14
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jmacadds68: Hmm, let me have a look12:01
jmacadds68: No, I've not got that error in my logs. I have been getting errors similar to "No such file or directory: /home/jimmacarthur/artifacts/cas/tmp/tmpcpwk8_eh" but that's usually solved by manually creating cas/tmp.12:03
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jmacIt's almost certainly a server-side error, if that helps12:04
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #427 ("pylint version too permissive") changed state ("opened")
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (dp0/pylint_restrict->master: Restrict version of pylint) #503 changed state ("opened"):
adds68jmac, sorry just popped out12:41
adds68jmac, oh nice! Thank you, i will try that now12:41
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #428 ("Unhandled exception when trying to push to the bst CAS") changed state ("opened")
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (issue-191_relative_workspaces->master: WIP: Patch for issue #191 support relative workspaces) #251 changed state ("opened"):
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adds68jmac, seems that did not solve the issues =/13:25
adds68jmac, i'm wondering if it's due to those directories being created as root?13:25
jmacThey shouldn't be. Are you running the cache serve as root?13:26
adds68jmac, no that is running under "artifacts" user13:27
adds68jmac, should i remove those directories and then recreate them as the artifacts users?13:27
jmacYes, they shouldn't be owned by root13:28
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (dp0/pylint_restrict->master: WIP: Restrict version of pylint) #503 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (issue-191_relative_workspaces->master: WIP: Patch for issue #191 support relative workspaces) #251 changed state ("closed"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (dp0/pylint_restrict->master: WIP: Restrict version of pylint) #503 changed state ("opened"):
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toscalixtlater: are you working on ?13:55
toscalixSince I am travelling, I am following the project offline and it is very hard13:56
tlatertoscalix: I am, though admittedly it's not my number one priority at the moment13:56
tlaterThe lack of updates stems from my not making any progress over the past week13:57
toscalixif people does not include updates every couple of days or three in the tickets. Sadly following the merge requests at this scale in gitlab is impossible13:57
toscalixwhen I see the doing column, I wonder if it reflects what is going on13:57
toscalixtlater: I know, it is not on you, it is a general thing13:57
toscalixif you are not actively working on the ticket, send it to ToDo state13:58
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (relative_workspaces->master: WIP: Patch for issue #191 support relative workspaces) #504 changed state ("opened"):
toscalixit reflect better what is going on13:58
toscalixwill do that now on that ticket13:58
tlaterYes, that's probably better.13:58
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (gokcen/source_transform->master: WIP: Source transform plugin) #505 changed state ("opened"):
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toscalixtlater: done14:13
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toscalixI will ping people about this same topic14:13
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #429 ("BuildStream refuses to cache artifacts with files that have very strict permissions") changed state ("opened")
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (gokcen/source_transform->master: WIP: Source transform plugin) #505 changed state ("opened"):
adds68jmac, changing to the artifacts user solved the issue, thank you!14:38
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (relative_workspaces->master: WIP: Patch for issue #191 support relative workspaces) #504 changed state ("opened"):
jmacadds68: Great! Can you update issue 428 when you get a chance?14:40
adds68jmac, yes i will do that now :)14:41
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (remove_shebangs->master: Remove shebangs from python files) #506 changed state ("opened"):
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laurenceI am trying to go through gitlab and tidy up some issues / MRs...16:06
laurenceNexus, please can you update the MR for caching build trees? we spoke f2f earlier about those tests that were failing, please can you add the details to the ticket16:06
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laurenceNexus, also looks as though the MR for reducing history in cache should be updated -
laurencethere's 2 comments with no response.16:09
laurencetristan, a piece of work that followed on from the work done on caching build trees is 'adding sources to bst shell' -
laurencecould you review Nexus' plan and provide some feedback?16:10
laurencejonathanmaw, pls can you update the MR for source mirroring client side with a status update? -
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (188-trigger-external-commands-on-certain-events->master: WIP: Resolve "Trigger external commands on certain events") #226 changed state ("opened"):
jonathanmawlaurence: okie doke16:17
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cs_shadowtristan: Hi, when you have some time, I'd like to hear your thoughts on  ( is also related). Let me know if any of the proposed approaches seem okay to you16:39
tlatercs_shadow: For the record, tristan suggested I start on 425 yesterday :)16:41
tlaterAdmittedly, 422 is so closely related that I think we might be looking at a bigger issue here, but adding `--deps` really just makes checkout more consistent with everything else, so I don't see any downside to it.16:42
cs_shadowtlater: that's good, that might affect 422 as well but I think it still has some merits on its own16:42
tristan422 looks weird to me16:42
tristangrowing tentacles16:42
tristantlater, cs_shadow: I feel that we get more bang for our buck if we consider that an element can be created to output that16:43
tristanrather than to have `bst shell` grow tentacles16:43
tristan425 is about `bst checkout`, but it's a good point that tentacles growing on `bst shell` have a likelyhood of reproducing themselves in other places16:44
tlaterSo you mean have the developer create a little gedit-dev.bst that they use in development?16:44
* tlater doesn't like that16:44
tristantlater, right, a "something that stages a foo on top of a bar"16:45
tristannot really thinking about the "what it's for", rather, "BuildStream can do this"16:46
cs_shadowso you'll checkout foo and shell into bar?16:46
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tlaterI'm aware, but I wrote that issue being annoyed at how inconvenient this is, and how frequently I have to modify a dependency just to test a small change.16:47
tristancs_shadow, the way I read "`bst shell` should be able to stage the specified element on top of a base element" - speaks to me that when we stage that specified element, we also have to specify *where*16:47
tristancs_shadow, which leads me to suspect, we want `bst shell` and potentially `bst checkout` to support things like "Checkout this artifact in /usr/local, checkout this artifact as the base at /, and this also at that location..."16:48
tristancs_shadow, sounds like a big can of worms doesnt it ?16:48
tristancs_shadow, reading the full bug16:50
tristancs_shadow, I dont think I understand the premise to be honest16:51
cs_shadowMy point is slightly different - I'm advocating for specifying a runtime base platform at the project level so that I don't have to add it everywhere just for running `bst shell`. So, it's not really changing the existing functionality that much other than introducing a new kind of runtime depdency that's only used by `bst shell`16:51
tristan"I find that I avoid using type: runtime on very low-level elements most of the time, even if they are technically runtime dependencies"16:51
tristanI mean usually you would use stacks to make that more convenient16:51
tristansuch that not everything needs to depend explicitly on everything it really depends on16:52
tristanI still dont get it16:52
tristancs_shadow, you still need that platform when you run it in `bst shell` right ?16:52
tristanI mean, why would you have to add it, why would it not be always there ?16:53
cs_shadowtristan: i need it _only_ for `bst shell`. We generally don't want to include the base platform in the "deployable" that we produce from `bst checkout`16:53
cs_shadowit's useful for debugging purposes though16:53
tristanit wont be a valid bst shell, then, I mean; it's supposed to only run stuff on the stuff it runtime depends16:53
tristani.e. the target system, not whatever happens to be lying around on a given `site`16:54
tristancs_shadow, note also that the cache key technically of the element you want to feed a new dependency to, would be necessarily changed by that16:54
tristanso I guess you'd anyway need a way of building that thing which you only use for... something16:55
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tlatertristan: That works as long as you stick to only building the software. As soon as you want to deploy anything but the entire dependency tree you're a little stuck.16:56
tristantlater, sounds like *that* is more the direction in which problems need solving16:56
* tlater agrees, this is a better angle to look from, and probably the issue I should have written16:57
tristantlater, compose might allow running the `--except` algo logic for instance16:57
cs_shadowIt would be ideal if we don't end up with two elements for everything16:58
tristanit's basically the thing which squashes / composes an output based on multiple outputs16:58
tlaterOh, you mean the plugin?16:58
tristantlater, right, I mean... you build your "all your thingies", and then when it comes time to deploy, you use compose on them to produce the data which you want to feed to some sort of packaging plugin16:59
tristancs_shadow, I think it's much more sound to have the compose logic in one plugin and have that serve a specific purpose, than re-growing compose features on many elements16:59
tristani.e. let's keep features separated into elements to implement them, that also keeps the pipelines flexible17:00
tlaterHm. That's close, but I think it doesn't work very well if I have many different sets of "all your thingies".17:01
tlaterWe get dangerously close to creating two elements for each top level element.17:01
tristantlater, that sounds perfectly normal, I would say maybe 3 elements is more likely17:01
tlaterI feel this is a bit ugly...17:02
tristani.e. you'd have a big shared tree, and then for the things that you *do* distribute (I'm imagining mostly highlevel apps here), have their own: `... | compose | package` phases17:02
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tristantlater, put the composes and the packaging elements into a directory for that, and make that whole process dependent on the underlying build17:03
tlaterYeah, I can be convinced of that. In this case a packaging plugin could then just be an extension of the compose plugin, and exclude anything unnecessary.17:05
tlaterThat way we don't duplicate the target again17:05
tristanEven, it might save processing to put the composed output -> package elements into a single batch element (i.e. have one element produce "all the packages", and depend on all of the input compositions)17:05
tlatertristan: Do the compose/stack elements currently allow excluding?17:06
tristantlater, I was asking that earlier :)17:07
tristantlater, I think --except could work well on compose17:07
tristanstack has no business knowing how to do any of that17:08
tristanit's just a stack17:08
tlaterCompose does have "exclude" on split-rules, but that's a bit different17:08
tristanit's a bit different yeah, it excludes domains17:08
tristanyou want a `bst track --exclude ...` kind of semantic, that'd be really sweet17:08
tlaterPreferably *not* specified on the command line17:09
tristansomething flexible to remove or dictate the list of dependencies to be included in the composition17:09
tristanwhile taking into account that the compose element author doesnt always know the whole list17:09
tristan(i.e. the --except logic is a nice fit for this I think)17:09
tristantlater, of course not on the command line, I'm just making a reference to the well known --except logic :)17:10
tlaterHmm... We could do something crazy like allow excluding whole directory trees17:10
tlaterThat way you can put all the "platform thingies" in a platform directory17:10
tlaterAnd exclude them in one fell swoop17:10
tristanwe can already exclude whole directory trees17:10
tlaterWithout having to worry about what they actually are17:10
tristanI think17:10
tristanwell, it might take a second step17:10
* tlater doesn't recall implementing that, but someone may have done so17:10
tristanit can be done, you need 2 composes though17:11
tristanbecause the first one will make a single artifact, and then dictate it's own split rules17:11
tristanwhich will highlight/paint a directory17:11
tristanusing a split domain17:11
tristanthe second compose element just excludes the domain17:11
tlaterThat seems a bit very involved17:11
tlaterIn either case, I suppose both #422 and #425 would rather have this compose-exclude thing instead then.17:12
tlaterSince they are both just symptoms of the same problem.17:12
tristanWell, having the split rules written the way you intend them to be all the way up the stack is the better thing to do, I wouldnt recommend deleting whole directories from one central location17:13
tristanexcepting elements from the composition seems powerful and useful (it lets you remove the "components" you dont want, which is better than "the directories and files" you dont want)17:14
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tristan/autotools-element->master: doc: Add section 3 to the getting started tutorial) #507 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #307 ("Follow-up from "Add getting started section"") changed state ("closed")
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #308 ("Follow-up from "Add getting started section"") changed state ("closed")
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (phil/migrate-alpine-demo->master: WIP: Phil/migrate alpine demo) #499 changed state ("closed"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tristan/autotools-element->master: doc: Add section 3 to the getting started tutorial) #507 changed state ("merged"):
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