IRC logs for #buildstream for Friday, 2018-06-01

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dominicBwrap PR for #286 passed all checks, just need to change a couple of things and it should be good to merge07:30
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NexusDoes anyone know why the Element.__extract() method is private? juergbi tlater ?   I need to use it (or re-write the functionality) in another class08:40
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skullmanNexus: I think it's probably because it's meant to be an implementation detail since it's meant to be behind the scenes that it gets extracted during other functions09:09
juergbiNexus: we typically make everything private that is not used from the outside09:14
juergbiI'd have to take a closer look but it could well be that you can make it public (or rather, make it API-private, i.e., one instead of two underscores)09:14
tlaterNexus: Isn't Element.stage enough for what you'd like to do?09:14
Nexusjuergbi: can i A) Re-write the functionality or B) make it less private?09:15
juergbiI would definitely prefer less private to code duplication09:15
juergbibut it depends on what you want to do09:15
Nexusjuergbi: i want to do the extract within a function in pstreecache.py09:17*09:17
juergbiwhat's the context?09:17
juergbiwill it also be needed by other artifact caches?09:18
juergbiif so, shouldn't it be outside the artifact cache impl.?09:18
tlaterNexus: It would help if you could try and explain what you're trying to do - possible there's a better way that doesn't require private API (:09:19
tlaterjuergbi: It looks like pycoverage creates an empty coverage file specifically on this branch with this docker container, and breaks when trying to combine it |:09:24
* tlater wonders if it would be acceptable to just remove empty .coverage.* files before trying to combine them09:25
NexusOk so in "caching buildtrees" i have to check that the artifact exists, and if it does, extract the build-tree directory, before this was done in element, however that didn't account for tarcache. So now tarcache handles it itself and passes back a string/path, so i want ostreecache to do the same, meaning i need to extract it inside that class09:25
tlaterNexus: So you want to extract *just* the build tree?09:27
Nexusi'm extracting the whole thing afaik, but just returning the path for the build tree dir09:28
tlaterIn either case, you'll find that Element.__extract just calls ArtifactCache.extract09:29
* tlater suggests using that function instead09:29
Nexuscool :)09:42
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* tlater wonders if he's seeing this pycoverage bug because we run it concurrently...10:05
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tlater/context-trailing-slash->master: tests/context/ Don't break with trailing slashes) #470 changed state ("opened"):
noisecelljuergbi, /usr/sbin is not an option either, with /usr/bin seems to work, but I would like to check that the minimal base image for definitions boot using init in that path.10:25
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (379-_sandboxbwrap-py-post-bwrap-cleanup-shouldn-t-attempt-to-remove-preexisting-folders->master: WIP: Resolve " Post-bwrap cleanup shouldn't attempt to remove preexisting folders") #478 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (379-_sandboxbwrap-py-post-bwrap-cleanup-shouldn-t-attempt-to-remove-preexisting-folders->master: WIP: Resolve " Post-bwrap cleanup shouldn't attempt to remove preexisting folders") #478 changed state ("closed"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (valentindavid/331_include->master: WIP: Add support for include in project.conf) #471 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (caching_build_trees->master: WIP: Caching buildtrees) #474 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (gokcen_sandbox_cleanup_test->master: WIP: Fix post-bwrap cleanup behaviour) #479 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (gokcen_sandbox_cleanup_test->master: WIP: Fix post-bwrap cleanup behaviour) #479 changed state ("opened"):
jjardonHi, I'd like to have a Fedora28 image of bst, what is the policy to update ?11:26
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #10 ("Implement dpkg Source") changed state ("closed")
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (caching_build_trees->master: WIP: Caching buildtrees) #474 changed state ("opened"):
tlaterjjardon: Create a new image under testsuite12:02
tlaterWe'll keep the old image around12:02
tlaterOr do you want a fedora 28 image to run buildstream for actual build work?12:02
jjardontlater: both really12:04
tlaterjjardon: Hm, alright12:04
tlaterWell, we would like to separate images used for the test suite from images used for running buildstream12:04
jjardonany special reason for doing that? Is it worth the extra maintenance?12:05
tlaterIf you'd like to create a runtime image, I suggest adding a "buildstream" directory, and adding a fedora-28 subdirectory to that12:05
tlaterjjardon: It's currently quite confusing to figure out which image to use12:05
tlaterAlso, if we have buildstream installed already, it's possible that the test suite gets confused12:05
jjardonoh, I actually do not need buildstream installed12:06
tlaterAh, in that case just create a new testsuite image :)12:06
jjardongreat, ok12:06
* tlater will remember to ask "Do you need buildstream installed" next time - or add it to CONTRIBUTING.md12:07
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (caching_build_trees->master: WIP: Caching buildtrees) #474 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (gokcen_sandbox_cleanup_test->master: WIP: Fix post-bwrap cleanup behaviour) #479 changed state ("opened"):
Nexusi'm getting "buildstream._exceptions.PlatformError: Root privileges are required to run without bubblewrap."12:48
Nexuslast tim i ran bst as root, things broke12:49
Nexusoptions? :)12:49
tlaterNexus: Use a docker container12:49
tlaterIf you run with the unix platform, you require root12:50
tlaterNo way around it - unix doesn't support sandboxing without root access, at least atm12:50
tlaterWe looked into using usrchroot at some point but that turned out not to be exactly feasible12:50
Nexuscan you lionk your bst-here script again pls?12:51
tlaterIt's in a snippet in the main repository12:51
tlaterNo need to link, really12:51
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (gokcen_sandbox_cleanup_test->master: WIP: Fix post-bwrap cleanup behaviour) #479 changed state ("opened"):
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Nexustlater: i'm getting the "//" issue again, it seems to just be when i use this docker img13:13
tlaterNexus: Yes, as I've explained before that's because the docker image sets XDG_CACHE_HOME13:13
tlaterBuildstream doesn't normalize its paths correctly, which casues a few test failures, but is otherwise harmless13:14
tlaterAlso see this MR:
Nexusi'm suddenly getting `py.error.EACCES: [Permission denied]: rmtree('/home/phillipsmyth/projects/buildstream/tmp',`13:38
Nexusno idea why13:38
paulsherwoodNexus: did something run there as root?13:38
Nexusnot under my instructions13:39
paulsherwooddo ls -la on that dir to see whether it has special permissions13:39
Nexusdrwxr-xr-x 688 root         root          69632 Jun  1 14:12 tmp13:39
paulsherwoodthere ya go13:39
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (gokcen_sandbox_cleanup_test->master: WIP: Fix post-bwrap cleanup behaviour) #479 changed state ("opened"):
tlaterNexus: That is a temporary directory created by the test suite13:41
noisecellis it possible to know which artifact is build latest when changing one element?
tlaterSince you ran the test suite as root, it created the temporary directory as root13:41
Nexustlater: but i didnt13:41
tlaterThen you tried running the test suite as non-root13:41
tlaterYou did, inside the docker container13:41
Nexusi only ran as root in the docker13:41
Nexusim out of it now13:41
tlaterThat created a root-owned directory13:41
Nexusoutside the container???13:41
tlaterYes, because the directory was mounted13:41
tlaterThat *specific* directory can be affected13:42
paulsherwoodnoisecell: apparently not... that looks like a bug to me13:42
tlaterOtherwise you'd have to keep rebuilding the image every time you wanted to test buildstream13:42
paulsherwoodis bst forcing all creation times to 1970?13:42
tlaterWhich would be a PITA to say the least13:42
tlaterpaulsherwood: Yes13:42
paulsherwoodtlater: why?13:42
tlaterWe want builds to be perfectly reproducible13:43
paulsherwoodi understand that... i don't see why the artifact needs to be force-timed to achieve it13:43
paulsherwood(i can understand force-timing of the contents of the artifact)13:43
tlaterAh, that in turn is a side effect of using ostree, I believe13:44
tlaterNot quite as sure about that13:44
* paulsherwood increasingly wishes he'd never heard of ostree in this context. seems to contributoe to more problems than it solves13:44
* paulsherwood apologises to the developers of ostree, who are no doubt lovely people13:45
tlaterWell, we'll be using a different cache soon enough :) I suspect ostree just wasn't created with this use case in mind at all13:45
* paulsherwood concurs13:46
noisecelltlater, will this issue be solved in the new cache? The use case would be: 1 developer changing 1/multiple elements and want to see the meta/files/logs from them, at the moment to be sure which one is which I would have to either log the build, save the cache (in both cases if I would like to compare outputs) or remove these artifacts13:49
tlaternoisecell: I *believe* it will, but I haven't looked into the details of the new cache yet13:49
noisecelltlater, should I create a bug for this and you can market as review when new cache arrives?13:50
tlaterYes, that's fair. We can also think about a different solution for this specific use case, because you shouldn't have to poke in buildstream internals.13:51
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #169 ("Documentation improvements") changed state ("closed")
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (caching_build_trees->master: WIP: Caching buildtrees) #474 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #416 ("Imposible to determine creation time in local artifacts") changed state ("opened")
tlaterta noisecell14:03
noisecelltlater, no probs14:03
Nexusfatal: reference is not a tree: c9ed485f7afd2e457f6a6027b9e4398cbefa02ae14:13
tlaterNexus: That happens when you force push too quickly14:14
Nexushow do i fix it?14:14
tlaterLook at the latest Job, instead of one that started before your last force push14:14
Nexusahh, i needed to refresh14:15
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (caching_build_trees->master: WIP: Caching buildtrees) #474 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (richardmaw/cache-fail->master: WIP: Store failed builds in the cache) #475 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (richardmaw/cache-fail->master: WIP: Store failed builds in the cache) #475 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (valentindavid/331_include->master: WIP: Add support for include in project.conf) #471 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (gokcen/sandbox_cleanup_fix->master: WIP: Fix post-bwrap cleanup behaviour) #480 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (gokcen_sandbox_cleanup_test->master: WIP: Fix post-bwrap cleanup behaviour) #479 changed state ("closed"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (gokcen/sandbox_cleanup_fix->master: Fix post-bwrap cleanup behaviour) #480 changed state ("opened"):
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