IRC logs for #buildstream for Monday, 2018-05-21

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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (valentindavid/359_cross_junction_elements->master: Allow names for cross junction elements) #454 changed state ("opened"):
juergbitoscalix: not sure whether that's clear to you, BuildStream 1.1.x are considered development releases that lead to the 1.2 stable release series08:16
toscalixit is08:16
juergbiwith this the milestones 1.1 and 1.2 don't make much sense to me08:16
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (valentindavid/359_cross_junction_elements->master: Allow names for cross junction elements) #454 changed state ("opened"):
juergbishouldn't it be 1.2 and 1.4?08:17
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juergbihi cs_shadow, I've updated Review would be appreciated09:07
cs_shadowjuergbi: hey! Will take a look shortly, just getting ready to get to office :)09:08
juergbithanks, no hurry09:09
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toscalixOnce the Gitlab changes has been introduced, we have spotted a use case the proposal did not covered. I have made a proposal to cover it09:28
juergbitoscalix: any comments on the 1.1/1.2 milestones?09:41
toscalixI said it is clear to me. tristan__ explained it to me some days ago, before I did the proposal.09:43
toscalixthe milestone structure is flat, so in terms of Gitlab, there is no difference between v1.1.x serie and v1.2.x serie09:44
toscalixfor us, they are different because, in theory, in the future the delivery process for both of them will be different, so the tasks we will execute on each case.09:45
toscalixbut for Gitlab, milestones are just a collection of tasks related with time09:46
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (juerg/googlecas->master: WIP: Google CAS-based artifact cache) #337 changed state ("opened"):
toscalixprobably something worth mentioning in the milestone description. I will add it right now09:46
juergbitoscalix: sure but I don't see how the new milestones make sense09:46
juergbiBuildStream_v1.1  · Feb 20, 2018–Sep 4, 201809:46
juergbithis is the development time leading up to 1.2, so I would call the milestone 1.209:47
juergbiBuildStream_v1.2  · Sep 5, 2018–Jun 5, 201909:47
juergbino idea where you take that date range from with regards to 1.209:47
juergbiif this is for the next feature release after 1.2, it should be called 1.4 (and I expect it to end in March or April)09:47
toscalixit is a guess, based on when we released v1.009:47
toscalixrelated with the naming09:48
juergbiour plan was/is to follow the GNOME 6 month cycle starting with 1.209:48
toscalixah, that is news to me.09:48
toscalixI will put in my todo to learn about this and accomodate the timing appropietly09:49
toscalixrelated with the naming, I have been here before. It is a matter of interpretation. In terms of development we are in the v1.2 cycle. That is a dev view09:49
toscalixbut in terms of delivery...we are delivering v1.1.x versions09:50
toscalixuntil we deliver v1.2 From that point, we start to deliver 1.2.x versions09:50
toscalixand probably 1.3.x in parallel at some point09:51
toscalixso we will have stable versions being maintained  in parallel with development versions09:51
juergbitoscalix: we can consider these features part of 1.1, yes. however, then the following feature phase has to be called 1.3, not 1.209:51
juergbi1.2.x will not be feature releases09:51
toscalixbut there will be tickets associated to it, like bugs, like release related features, communications, etc09:52
toscalixso we will need a milestone for it09:52
toscalixso probably what we need to reflect that is to add milestone 1.309:53
toscalixso we can move dev related tickets further if they do not make this cycle09:53
juergbiif this is just for stable / bug fixes, then there shouldn't be a due date09:53
juergbiunless we'll have separate milestones for 1.2.1, 1.2.209:54
toscalixwe need them for tasks related with the release, right?09:54
toscalixif we need to make a release announcement for 1.2, that comes with a due date concept associated09:54
juergbiif the milestone is for 1.2.x releases after 1.2.0, we either have a single 1.2 milestone without due date or have 1.2.x milestones each with a short due date09:54
juergbithe 1.2.0 release is planned for September, I thought you wanted to put tasks belonging to the lead up to 1.2.0 into the 1.1 milestone09:55
* juergbi is confused09:55
toscalixI would like to prevent having a milestone per minor release for now, to simplify the gitlab structure09:55
juergbithat's fine with me but then the due date of the 1.2 mile stone doesn't make any sense to me09:55
toscalixit is when the v1.2 cycle ends. If we decide we will support v1.2 serie for two years, for instance, the due date will be that end of cycle date.09:57
toscalixso that date is not correct until we define how long the v1.2 stable version will be supported, which I assume it will be until v1.4 is out for now09:58
juergbiit seems a bit counter-intuitive to me to call that due date but maybe it's the best fit in gitlab, don't know09:58
toscalixif the current dates add confusion, I will think a better way to express the cycle09:59
toscalixwith what we have decided. I am sure it can be improved09:59
juergbiwe definitely need to fix the milestone description, though09:59
juergbiright now it's09:59
juergbiSecond feature release after the initial MVP release09:59
juergbi1.2: Third release after the stable version was initially release. The expected highlights are:10:00
juergbiwhich doesn't make sense10:00
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (214-filter-workspacing->master: Make workspace commands on a filter element transparently pass through to their build-dependency) #317 changed state ("opened"):
toscalixI had no time on friday to put into these and other details. This is the text I had in nosoftware example10:01
toscalixI copied and pasted it10:01
juergbino problem as long as you're aware of it10:01
toscalixgive me a couple of days10:01
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jennisjuergbi, I've noticed there is a bit of a conflict for landing both my remote expiry and your code implementing the CAS cache10:39
jennisI.e. no more pushreceive.py10:39
jennisI'm a bit unclear on what the plan is here for implementing remote expiry within CAS10:40
jennisAre you able to explain?10:40
finnjennis, are you approving my MR then migrating the examples?10:43
jennisI'm just about to have a look over it, then perhaps yes :)10:43
tlaterfinn: I'll do that once your MR is done10:43
jennisok I'll leave that to tlater10:43
* tlater should look at migrating the other examples as well, after all10:44
tlaterThough I might ask jennis to do the write-up, since that was the plan for this branch, I think?10:44
jennistlater, I would like to use finn's example specifically as the helloWorld example10:44
jennisneed to have this chat with tristan first though10:45
tlaterYeah, I'll leave writing the actual howto to you10:45
jennisyeah, that will be within the getting started guide10:45
tlaterIt would make sense to temporarily add the .rst file to the bst-examples repository10:45
jennisI agree, but first I need to change it10:45
tlaterSo that we can migrate the examples in one clean fell swoop10:45
* tlater will be adding his howto to that repository, as well10:46
jennisGotcha, I'll make a note to do that10:46
juergbijennis: yes, that code will have to be moved to casserver. however, it's not clear yet which MR will land first11:14
juergbiif your MR will land first, I'll probably fix it up myself in my branch. if my MR lands first, I will at least help. let's discuss this in detail when we get to that point11:15
jennisI see, this is what I suspected the case was11:16
jennisThank you for clarifying11:16
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jennisTrying to think get my head around a use-case for junctions here. Would appreciate some insight. So I have a junction foo.bst, which depends on the project foo which contains an element bar.bst. This project is hosted on github and we're tracking the master branch. Now, in MY project, I try to build baz.bst, but this build fails because bar.bst (within the foo project) is incorrect.11:37
jennisSo now the next step is to open a workspace for bar.bst and fix it, which let's assume I do11:38
jennisNow, to make this fix work in my project, what are the options?11:38
jennisin fact, what I'm more unsure of is the workspace aspect. If I have an element that is not building correctly because the source code is wrong, I open up a workspace and modify the source code, correct?11:44
jennisNow when I build this element again, buildstream will use my workspace, right...? So, let's assume that works and now that element is "fixed", can we then patch this using the workspace? So that the next dev won't have the element breaking11:45
jennisApologies for my crude use of the words "fix" and "break"11:46
tlaterjennis: You then have to upstream your patch.11:47
tlaterI.e., whatever is in the workspace has to go to the source11:47
jennisI see, and is there an easy way to do this that isn't just duplicating what you've done?11:47
jenniswith workspaces11:47
tlater`git push`?11:47
tlaterDepends on the source type, of course11:48
jennisahh of course11:48
jennisOk so back to the original question, let's assume a git source, one way could be to create a branch with your changes and push that upstream and then set the junction to track this branch?11:49
jennisOr, the slower alternative, you get this branch merged upstream and keep the junction tracking master, just ensure that you're using the `track-all` option11:50
tlaterYes, that would be the intended way to do this. You can also override the element in question if the dependant doesn't want to update their repository.11:50
jennisPerfect, thanks11:50
* tlater isn't sure how this is done in detail, but is aware that junctions have that feature11:50
jennisOh hang on11:51
jennisSo you're saying that you can keep the junction tracking the master branch for all other elements and have it track your branch for a specific element?11:51
jennisi.e. the one you've modified and are unable to merge upstream11:52
tlaterOh, you have always been able to do that11:52
tlaterThat's what the `track` parameter on git sources is for11:53
jennisyes, but to do this for a single element within the project the junction refers to11:53
tlaterBut you don't have to actually update the repository containing the project you depend on11:53
tlaterI *believe* - implementation may be pending, but was discussed at some point11:54
* tlater thinks there might be some miscommunication here11:54
tlaterWhen you say "junction", what do you refer to?11:55
jennisA junction element, that refers to another project, i.e. it's source is another bst project11:55
tlaterRight, so in that case you would either have to build/workspace an element form that junction directly, or depend on it, right?11:56
tlaterI believe your usecase is creating a workspace from an element inside the dependant project.11:56
jennisyes ^11:57
jennisSo, assuming a git source, i'd clone that project, open a workspace for the element and make the changes11:57
jennisahh this is another step...11:58
jennisPush a branch upstream to the source of the element, then make a branch of this project that includes this, then track that branch from my junction element11:58
tlaterjennis: You do not need to clone the project :)11:59
tlater`bst workspace open` does that for you - it also links up the git source correctly afaik11:59
tlaterBut yes, that latter is my point - I believe that is unnecessary12:00
jennisbut you won't be able to use that command in the current project12:00
jennisbecause the current project (with the junction in) won't *see* the element that lives within the project referred to by the junction12:00
tlaterjennis: Could you elaborate on how you wouldn't be able to use that command?12:00
tlaterI might be wrong, but I thought there was a way to access those elements directly?12:01
* jennis didn't think there was12:01
tlaterYeah, that's possible, I'm not certain. juergbi implemented this I think? He might be able to shine some light on overriding elements, too.12:02
jennishowever, I hope I'm wrong about that :p12:02
* tlater has unfortunately not kept close watch on junctions, as he doesn't really have much use for them yet12:03
tlaterjennis: Here we go:
tlaterIt's not documented yet, but definitely possible :)12:04
juergbialso see
tlaterAlso: "addressing of cross project elements on the command line is not yet supported", so your usecase falls flat atm12:08
tlaterAh, but !454 is going to fix that, ta juergbi ;)12:08
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tlaterjennis, finn I left some comments on your collaborative example branch - sorry for being so picky here |:12:32
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* paulsherwood wonders if there's a bst flatpak yet13:04
tiagoCan you run a linux container inside a container13:06
skullmandepends what permissions the outer container leaves for the inner one13:11
skullmanuser namespaces are meant to allow you to do it to an arbitrary level IIRC13:12
toscalixpaulsherwood: we were talking this morning about that. The answer is no. The goal is to arrive to GUADEC with a different answer. I am unable yet to forecast if tasks that are not currently being executed will make it for GUADEC or not.13:35
toscalixbut I hope valentind can develop on this soon13:36
jennistlater, juergbi, thank you for the links13:56
valentindpaulsherwood, there is a plugin, but it is still a bit crude. We should improve it to call directly to flatpak on the finalize images. We also have to handle inclusion of project configuration so that people who want to build flatpak apps do not need to create a large project.conf file each time.14:05
toscalixvalentind: is referring to #331
toscalixvalentind: is this problem a bug?14:07
paulsherwoodsorry, it should have been clearer. i meant, is it possible to install bst as a flatpak?14:09
valentindThat should be relatively easy.14:09
valentindpaulsherwood, however flatpak is kind of made for desktop applications. It is not practical to call "flatpak run io.gitlab.buildstream.BuildStream" instead of "bst".14:11
paulsherwoodhmmm. maybe not the right thing to do, then14:12
tiagoIt was original thought to package desktop applications. However, I read that flatpak-builder is being distributed as a flatpak14:12
tlatervalentind: 'alias bst=flatpak run io.gitlab.buildstream.BuildStream' ?14:12
valentindMaybe some integration in GNOME Builder would be nice.14:13
valentindI did not realize there was such kind of exports. Then we could do it.14:15
* paulsherwood still confuses GNOME Builder with all the other 'build tools'14:16
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (214-filter-workspacing->master: Make workspace commands on a filter element transparently pass through to their build-dependency) #317 changed state ("merged"):
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jennisSo it looks like `bst build --track-all <element>` does not update the ref of a junction element before it starts fetching the sub-project's elements15:45
jennisYou have to manually update the junction element with `bst track` beforehand15:46
juergbiyes, junctions need to be tracked explicitly15:47
jennisI see, it doesn't seem to mention this in the junction documentation, however I may have just missed it15:48
jennisjuergbi, is it worth writing an issue for this? I can't see an open one15:52
juergbian issue to add this to the documentation?15:52
jennisTo implement automatic tracking for junction elements15:53
jennisI'm just not sure how possible that is with the current codebase15:53
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (135-expire-artifacts-in-local-cache->master: WIP: Resolve "Expire artifacts in local cache") #347 changed state ("opened"):
juergbijennis: the current behavior is intentional but maybe there are ways to improve it15:54
jennisWell may I suggest an example rather verbally15:55
juergbitrack uses dependency tracking. strictly speaking, junction elements are not dependencies15:55
jennisI think that once `--track-all` is invoked, surely we could do some kind of grep of the projects elements to look for a junction element. And then explicitly track this before we begin the rest15:56
juergbiI'm not saying it's impossible but before any implementation approaches are discussed, we'd have to discuss if and how we want the behavior to change15:57
juergbithink about use cases, does different behavior than the current make sense as default, what configurability is required if any, etc.15:59
juergbiI don't currently see a critical/urgent need to change the way things work but that might be very subjective16:00
jennismhmm it sounds like you're suggested that this approach may be too expensive, as we're going to have to loop through all elements of a project regardless of the fact it contains a junction element or not16:00
jennisThis will only be a pain if you've got a project relying on a lot of other buildstream projects, right?16:01
juergbiwhile this could be a concern, I didn't mention anything like that at all16:02
juergbiI mentioned that we'd need to discuss what we want before we discuss how we achieve it16:02
jennisaha yes, but I was presuming that was the main concern :p16:03
juergbiimo, it's important that the behavior of tools is easy to understand/follow as a user16:03
juergbiand that often coincides with relatively simple implementation16:04
juergbibut that's besides the point16:04
jennisTrue, however as a (test) user, I would have assumed the behaviour of `bst build --track-all` would have updated the junction's ref16:05
jennisHowever, as you've mentioned, I agree that there is not critical/urgent need to change this16:06
juergbiyes, it's definitely not clear cut16:07
jennisBut I will add a note to the documentation16:07
jenniswhich should suffice for now16:07
jennisIf you agree...?16:07
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juergbijennis: clarifying this in the documentation definitely sounds good to me16:17
juergbiif youw ant to propose a behavior change, it may make sense to start a thread on the mailing list. ideally, with a clear proposal16:17
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finnI'm about to send my Remote Execution mail out, one mailing list will be:
finnWhat's the bazel on?16:34 should be another one16:35
toscalixand the bazel ML is...16:35
toscalix!forum/bazel-dev ?16:36
ltufinn, no need to send to the first list you mention, dw about that16:36
finntoscalix, do I just post a new topic on there then?16:37
juergbifinn: no, don't send it to the regular bazel mailing list16:37
toscalixfinn: this one!forum/bazel-discuss16:37
toscalixah, juergbi list then16:38
juergbithis is the one for remote execution16:38
finnSo I create a NEW TOPIC?16:38
toscalixdid not know about that one16:38
ltuMailing lists that aren't mailman are confusing...16:39
juergbiyou can subscribe and use regular mail interface16:39
juergbino need to use the web API16:39
juergbinew non-reply mail will implicitly create topic, that should be fine16:39
toscalixfinn: juergbi maybe answering this mail?!topic/bazel-buildfarm/EuhfoCnYGe416:39
juergbiit would be a possibility but I don't see an issue in starting a new thread16:40
toscalixfinn: I would follow juergbi advice, I am new to this list16:41
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jennis/note_explicit_tracking_of_junctions->master: Add a note explaining that junction elements must be explictly tracked) #468 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jennis/note_explicit_tracking_of_junctions->master: Add a note explaining that junction elements must be explictly tracked) #468 changed state ("opened"):
finnsorry, what's the alias for emailing a google group from your web client?16:46
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jennis/note_explicit_tracking_of_junctions->master: Add a note explaining that junction elements must be explictly tracked) #468 changed state ("opened"):
finns/web client/mail client16:48
jmacI believe you just send an email to that address, yes. It may be moderated if you haven't sent an email from your address before.16:48
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jennis/note_explicit_tracking_of_junctions->master: Add a note explaining that junction elements must be explictly tracked) #468 changed state ("opened"):
finnjmac, for future it's: bazel-buildfarm@googlegroups.com16:52
jmacAh yes, sorry16:53
jmacThat was in juergbi's email that you linked but I didn't spot the different16:53
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jmacgitlab seems very slow to push at the moment17:06
* tlater has the same proble17:07
toscalixit is17:08
toscalixbut it works17:08
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toscalixfinn: I am interested in keeping track of your mail/document on BuildStream gitlab.17:16
toscalixshould I add a link to your mail in this ticket ?17:20
* ltu hasn't received an email yet...everyone else recieved one?17:25
toscalixI did17:25
toscalixI will forward it to the BuidStream ML17:26
ltuwas the buildstream list copied? it should be, i think17:26
ltuah, ok, thanks toscalix17:26
toscalixalong with the implementation of the enhacements on BuildStream gitlab, I am writing dow a policy draft:
toscalixthat will land on the project wiki or/and product docu. As soon as I am done with the implementation of the policy, I will send the draft to the ML for reviewing17:32
toscalixbefore publishing17:32
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #402 ("Save only the most recent build cache for each element") changed state ("opened")

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