IRC logs for #buildstream for Monday, 2018-05-07

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albfan[m]shell>environment>DISPLAY woahh!, buildstream has already solved lot of things flatpak lacks for development06:21
tristanalbfan[m], :)07:26
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tristanalbfan[m], we should be quite close to developing flatpaks using BuildStream too, but there are still a few blockers07:26
tristanfirst we need to get the runtimes through07:27
tristanthen there is
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tristanStrange thing... When I run `bst build foo.bst` and elements are downloadable... I only end up downloading the target but not the dependencies07:59
tristanWhy is that ?07:59
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tristan/pipeline-refactor->master: The mega pipeline refactor) #453 changed state ("opened"):
tristanjuergbi, starting a meeting now... if you want to take a look at the mega disruptive change in !453 and have a sip of that...08:08
tristanwe can chat about it and I can try to help pick up the pieces of my disruption...08:08
juergbiwill take a look08:08
albfan[m]tristan: nice. If we can avoid to compile webkit by using flatpak runtime, would be great, let me know if I can help on that, I can try to setup gnome-builder, which depends on lot of stuff08:45
tristanalbfan[m], right now we have to get the freedesktop-sdk runtimes out the door first, and then refine the user story for building flatpaks08:58
tristanI'm pretty sure we *can* build a flatpak right now, but there is too much overhead without solved08:58
tristan<tristan> Strange thing... When I run `bst build foo.bst` and elements are downloadable... I only end up downloading the target but not the dependencies09:02
tristanSolved the above, was my own stupidity09:03
tristanThe element I was testing was an element from freedesktop-sdk project which only has build dependencies09:03
tristanso downloading all of the dependencies is not imperative09:03
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tristan/pipeline-refactor->master: The mega pipeline refactor) #453 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #391 ("Using flatpak runtimes") changed state ("opened")
albfan[m]tristan: Maybe lot of inconsistencies and wrong assumptions, but I want to help on this if possible, and all the related work needed09:48
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tristanalbfan[m], I just made a fat comment on that...09:53
tristanalbfan[m], in fact getting that 1.8 release out of the door is my top priority asides from other distractions, I have to find out what is currently blocking it09:53
tristanalbfan[m], from there... we should work on improving the story for actually building flatpak apps09:54
tristanas I mentioned, one thing which is important for that is the include directive, otherwise people need to write complex project.conf files to duplicate the knowledge in the runtime you depend on09:54
tristanalbfan[m], Besides that, we probably need to review and refine the plugins currently defined here:
tristanalbfan[m], and find a better place for the plugin(s) to live09:56
albfan[m]tristan: lot to dive in, but at least we have an epic issue!10:03
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tristan/pipeline-refactor->master: The mega pipeline refactor) #453 changed state ("opened"):
tristanalbfan[m], :)10:05
tristanalbfan[m], suggest you join in #freedesktop-sdk on freenode too10:05
tristanthere is also a mailing list for that project at:
tristanjuergbi, any thoughts, besides being justifiably annoyed at the earth shifting beneath your feet ?10:19
tristanI've pushed a couple of minor updates, one regression fix and the other, well I notice it was not a regression but rather just a bug fix10:19
tristanWe were not doing a loop over the elements and doing Element._update_state() at the end of a session, which meant that the new summary of discovered cache keys was not working correctly for `bst track`10:20
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jennis/initialise-elements-sub-dir->master: Ensure an elements sub-dir is created upon project initialisation) #451 changed state ("opened"):
juergbitristan: I haven't reviewed it in detail yet, but makes sense so far10:37
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jennis/initialise-elements-sub-dir->master: Ensure an elements sub-dir is created upon project initialisation) #451 changed state ("merged"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tristan/pipeline-refactor->master: The mega pipeline refactor) #453 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (378-make-bst-here-more-flexible->master: Resolve "Make `bst-here` more flexible") #439 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (378-make-bst-here-more-flexible->master: Resolve "Make `bst-here` more flexible") #439 changed state ("opened"):
tristanjuergbi, I might try my hand at nailing the include directives very soon... did you say you had a prototype already for that ? or is it not worth sharing ?11:29
tristansince it's becoming a "thing"11:30
* tristan wonders if that is the most sensible thing to work on at the moment, though11:30
juergbitristan: I could push that patch to a branch but the semantics don't match the latest plans, iirc11:33
juergbiso might not be worth it11:33
tristanyeah I think the important part is the cross junction part11:33
tristanso maybe not worthwhile11:33
juergbiit doesn't cover that. and I just checked, it doesn't cleanly apply on master anymore11:34
tristanno worry then11:34
tristanit's not incredibly complex actually11:35
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #378 ("Make `bst-here` more flexible") changed state ("closed")
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (378-make-bst-here-more-flexible->master: Resolve "Make `bst-here` more flexible") #439 changed state ("merged"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jjardon/dependencies->master: .gitlab-ci.yml: Remove redundant declaration of dependencies:) #435 changed state ("opened"):
albfan[m]tristan, gtristan, tvb, I used to say I'm not good remembering names, but guess is not the case anymore!11:52
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jjardon/dependencies->master: .gitlab-ci.yml: Remove redundant declaration of dependencies:) #435 changed state ("merged"):
tristanalbfan[m], I might rename that flagship/epic bug, repurpose it or close it, not sure... as it stands it's kind of a non-issue12:00
tristani.e., what the issue description asks for, is possible (has been for a very long time, since almost the beginning)12:00
tristanbut there is relevant discussion, I think the point of an epic bug is not about being able to use a runtime to build on top of, but rather to build flatpaks12:01
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tristan/pipeline-refactor->master: The mega pipeline refactor) #453 changed state ("opened"):
albfan[m]tristan: Can you add there the steps to use flatpak (or a link to some example?) Starting from that I can close that issue.12:20
albfan[m]and go for that include issue and all the rest12:21
tristanalbfan[m], lemme see if I can find the example... we need examples...12:41
albfan[m]tristan: yes I can help on that, that's what I'm looking for (for GNOME newcomers in particular, and then in general)12:43
albfan[m]it can be a hello world using flatpak, I can get progress from that12:43
tristanI have to search, but it's late here :-S12:44
albfan[m]tristan: that's why I open that issue, no hurry. I'm looking on my own too12:45
tristanalbfan[m], in a nutshell, you want a base.bst stack element which depends on 2 things: A.) An import element which uses an ostree source to stage the flatpak runtime into "usr/" (staging it into usr/, using the "directory" configuration for the ostree Source is important)... B.) An import element which uses a "local" source...12:46
tristanThe "local" source needs to stage some symlinks, that's all12:46
tristanbasically your project has a files/links directory... which has symlinks that set /etc -> /usr/etc, /bin -> /usr/bin, etc12:47
tristanalbfan[m], after that, anything which depends on "base.bst" will be a valid setup12:47
tristanoh, of course you want to import the Sdk, not the Runtime... as that will have dev tools12:47
tristanalbfan[m], I'll look around, I thought I had an example in the old buildstream-tests repo but can't find it12:49
tristanplan is to have examples in the BuildStream docs directly, but it means formatting them nicely and running CI on them so they dont break12:49
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albfan[m]so cool!12:53
albfan[m]tristan: seems all have it no? buildstream-tests/autotools-test12:58
* albfan[m] sent a long message: albfan[m]_2018-05-07_12:59:21.txt <>12:59
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #391 ("Using flatpak runtimes") changed state ("closed")
albfan[m]tristan: issue closed, with that example I can try to build using flatpak and once that is working (for me) I can take a loot to build flatpaks directly (really don't know if I can help on that)13:11
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (milloni/bwrap-feature-checks->master: WIP: Use version checking for checking bwrap features) #452 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (milloni/bwrap-feature-checks->master: Use version checking for checking bwrap features) #452 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (milloni/bwrap-feature-checks->master: Use version checking for checking bwrap features) #452 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (milloni/bwrap-feature-checks->master: Use version checking for checking bwrap features) #452 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #373 ("Use version checking for optional use of bwrap features") changed state ("closed")
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (milloni/bwrap-feature-checks->master: Use version checking for checking bwrap features) #452 changed state ("merged"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #392 ("Should not take 10 minutes to print error message when workspace build fails") changed state ("opened")
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (valentindavid/359_cross_junction_elements->master: WIP: Cross junction elements) #454 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tristan/pipeline-refactor->master: The mega pipeline refactor) #453 changed state ("opened"):
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