IRC logs for #buildstream for Friday, 2018-04-06

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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tristan/symbol-name-hardening->master: hardening of symbol names in the format) #365 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tristan/symbol-name-hardening->master: hardening of symbol names in the format) #365 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #339 ("Can't use project names with spaces in") changed state ("closed")
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tristan/symbol-name-hardening->master: hardening of symbol names in the format) #365 changed state ("merged"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #340 ("If no project name found (eg because no project.conf) set it to a default, with a warning") changed state ("closed")
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tlaterAre artifacts supposed to be in the cache after pulling?09:27
* tlater has a failing junctions test :(09:27
tlaterAh, it simply has both a weak and a strong key but not both are in the cache09:29
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (135-expire-artifacts-in-local-cache->master: WIP: Resolve "Expire artifacts in local cache") #347 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (135-expire-artifacts-in-local-cache->master: WIP: Resolve "Expire artifacts in local cache") #347 changed state ("opened"):
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tlatertristan: We never finished our conversation on this dependency:
tlaterWould you be happy to add that? I suspect jennis' branch will need something similar, and if we do eventually add prompts for cache quota we'll probably want to do the reverse.10:30
tlaterIt also happens to support is_a_tty(), which means it could replace blessings10:30
cs_shadowHi! while developing a system to manage our BuildStream projects, we realized that one thing that we need to often is to update the tracking branch or ref in a bst file. So, to set the ref to a given value, is it recommended to edit the bst file directly (using normal yaml tooling) or to use some BuildStream API? Or, do we need to add some plumbing commands like `bst set-ref`?10:33
tristancs_shadow, it would be good to have a deeper understanding of the workflow for this10:35
tristancs_shadow, I would caution against manual setting refs with ruamel.yaml, because this makes an assumption about `ref-storage` (
tristancs_shadow, note also, that already some tricks can be played with project options10:38
cs_shadowokay, one use-case for setting refs is that for some projects, we might not know a tracking branch but only the commit sha. So, we can't use `bst track` but we will know the new commit sha. And would like to somehow update the ref in the bst file.10:39
cs_shadowso i'm trying to understand what would be the best way of achieving this10:39
tristanlike, one can encode tracking branches at authoring time manually, but then have `bst --option main_branch foo track element.bst`, and if the ref is also already conditionalized, tracking will properly occur within a specific option10:39
tristanhmmm, "tracking outside of buildstream"10:40
tristancs_shadow, would it not make sense to use custom Source implementations for this ?10:40
tristanor consider restructure of code to allow some separation of tracking responsibilities (TrackProviders ?)10:41
sstrikertristan: sounds like we need a set-ref command... I can think of use cases for this as well, where refs are provided as inputs rather than being resolved by track.10:41
tristanI mean, if they are provided as inputs, they are resolved from *somewhere*10:42
tristaneven if that is a file10:42
sstrikerTrue.  Maybe be able to track and feed in the same file format that we conceived for split refs?10:43
tristanThen again, from a user perspective, if you have policy to ensure ref-storage = project.refs, you can simplify workflow with a simple tool which updates project.refs with ruamel.yaml10:43
sstrikerThat feels a bit circular though10:44
cs_shadowwell, yes, they are definitely coming for somewhere but it may be hard to encode that in a way that bst track can work10:44
tristanright, i.e. we already have split refs into project.refs and a strongly defined format for it (project.refs is not some internal detail)10:44
cs_shadowSo, updating project.refs directly with ruamel.yaml is fair game then?10:44
tristancs_shadow, right, I dont have the whole picture, but it's certainly fair game, the only constraint is that you are in control of the projects you use :)10:45
tristanwhich, I think this whole "knowing your explicit refs" statement already implies10:45
tristancs_shadow, "fair game" inasmuch as, it's part of the API stability guarantees, and users are anyway allowed to manually write them10:46
cs_shadowtristan: thanks! yes, we should have control of these projects. I was just trying to ensure that updating project.refs isn't considered a part of the private API10:47
tristancs_shadow, for forward compatibility (i.e. if ever additional features are added to project.refs, and you want to *use* those), I would recommend ruamel.yaml and round-trip editing (load/edit/save)10:48
tristanthat would allow you to manually put stuff in there (I dont see why we need to extend that, but it's a possibility), without overwriting things with your updater10:48
cs_shadowtristan: yep, that makes sense. thanks!10:50
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (135-expire-artifacts-in-local-cache->master: WIP: Resolve "Expire artifacts in local cache") #347 changed state ("opened"):
tristancs_shadow, sstriker note also, when initially doing project.refs, juergbi and I were discussing that it might be interesting to allow specifying a path for it on the command line11:23
tristansuch that a different project.refs is in use for a given session; that might be of interest to you, and is quite easy to implement11:24
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #343 ("initial cache-key resolution should display whole key, not just a short SHA") changed state ("closed")
jmacAre the BuildStream docker images specific to x8664?11:57
tristanI expect they are11:58
tlaterYeah, docker doesn't do architectures11:59
tlaterAlthough I think a recent Dockerfile format added some support for that11:59
tristanA quick look at shows me that the .gitlab-ci.yml and the fedora/ subdir has a complete neglect for specifying the arch12:00
tristanso yeah, tlater who might know the first thing or two about docker (unlike myself), would seem to be right12:00
* tristan has to say that docker has a clear advantage over kubernetes: As a person who doesnt want to understand the buzzwords, docker is only 50% of the syllables, reducing a lot of the noise...12:02
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (node-get-default->master: Allow 'None' as a default_value for _yaml.node_get) #366 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (node-get-default->master: Allow 'None' as a default_value for _yaml.node_get) #366 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (node-get-default->master: Allow 'None' as a default_value for _yaml.node_get) #366 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (node-get-default->master: Allow 'None' as a default_value for _yaml.node_get) #366 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (135-expire-artifacts-in-local-cache->master: WIP: Resolve "Expire artifacts in local cache") #347 changed state ("opened"):
tristantlater, just made a couple comments there, no time for a full review but so far looking good...12:45
tlatertristan: ta :)12:45
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (135-expire-artifacts-in-local-cache->master: WIP: Resolve "Expire artifacts in local cache") #347 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (135-expire-artifacts-in-local-cache->master: WIP: Resolve "Expire artifacts in local cache") #347 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (135-expire-artifacts-in-local-cache->master: WIP: Resolve "Expire artifacts in local cache") #347 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (135-expire-artifacts-in-local-cache->master: WIP: Resolve "Expire artifacts in local cache") #347 changed state ("opened"):
* tlater wonders if we should always lead local private symbols with an underscore13:29
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (node-get-default->master: Allow 'None' as a default_value for _yaml.node_get) #366 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (135-expire-artifacts-in-local-cache->master: WIP: Resolve "Expire artifacts in local cache") #347 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (135-expire-artifacts-in-local-cache->master: WIP: Resolve "Expire artifacts in local cache") #347 changed state ("opened"):
jmacSetting up BuildStream on debian stretch is a real pain13:41
tlaterjmac: Agreed - we have a docker image that goes through the whole thing :)13:47
tlaterjmac: The main pain is ostree, there's a script in the repo that does that:
jmacAh, but your docker image doesn't work on my hardware :)13:49
jmacHowever, the list of debian packages in is useful13:49
tlaterYeah, the docker image doesn't, but the install instructions that build it should still do.13:50
jmacThe list of prerequisites in is not complete13:52
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (135-expire-artifacts-in-local-cache->master: WIP: Resolve "Expire artifacts in local cache") #347 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (135-expire-artifacts-in-local-cache->master: WIP: Resolve "Expire artifacts in local cache") #347 changed state ("opened"):
tlaterjmac: Erk, that's annoying, I'd hoped it would be. That script runs after, perhaps there's a dependency or two that buildstream and ostree share?13:54
jmacAh, no, it's actually fine. It just requires that specific version of ostree; upstream ostree has more dependencies.13:56
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (node-get-default->master: Allow 'None' as a default_value for _yaml.node_get) #366 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jennis/136-expire-remote-cache-artifacts->master: WIP:136 expire remote cache artifacts) #364 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #344 ("junctions don't work with project.refs references") changed state ("opened")
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tristantlater, if the documentation in HACKING.rst is ambiguous let me know, the question is mostly about *scope*, and whether the symbol will be accessed outside of *scope*17:16
tristantlater, if an object in a module is "local private", the object itself needs an underscore, the member accessed in the same module are not local private to that object17:17
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tristansimilarly, if an object is local private, it's members are not local private if they are to be accessed outside of that module's scope17:19
tristanerr, s/if an object/if a module/17:19
tristanin other news, I lost a tooth today, which had a root canal last week and was planned for some work17:20
tristanluckily I have a dentist appointment tomorrow :)17:20
* tristan hopes he doesnt have to lose the whole tooth now that it broke :-S17:20
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #344 ("junctions don't work with project.refs references") changed state ("closed")
jjardon[m]1.1.3 IS OUT!18:17
jjardon[m]ah no, tricked me18:18
tristanI dont know why it's doing that, seems that setuptools_scm assumes a version bump when version ? release tag18:19
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jjardon[m]no, idea; I will try to take a look over the weekend18:22
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