IRC logs for #buildstream for Monday, 2018-03-26

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laurenceNexus, hello10:01
Nexushello laurence10:01
Nexusi'm glad we had this little chat10:01
laurenceso we were chatting about this - and also
laurencewoops, wrong link10:02
* Nexus assumes you meant
Nexusso it looks like 317 is mostly directed at me, since it directly changes the functionality i wrote10:02
Nexusit seems like a simple fix10:02
Nexusissue 319, i'm not sure about, i COULD look at it, but it seems more of a generalised issue10:02
juergbi317 is already closed10:03
laurenceI *think* that simple fix might have been solved over the weekend - juergbi and tristan landed some MRs, but I'm not sure which aspects were carried over into #31910:03
juergbithe second point in #317 is fixed10:04
juergbithe first point is generalized into #31910:04
Nexusah i see10:04
juergbii.e., the urgent issue is fixed10:04
laurencealright, thanks, sorry for the noise!10:05
Nexusbut the try/except one isnt10:05
Nexuslaurence: Should i look at #319?10:05
laurencewell i was wondering if you were well placed to pick it up, so was asking you, but i don't think it's worth disrupting current tasks for, persoanlly10:07
Nexusok, if it isn't resolved when i'm done with my current task, i'll pick it up10:07
Nexusis tristan around?10:09
Nexusjuergbi: i'm donig something potentially ugly, but it prevents something worse, and i wanted a second opinion on it11:03
juergbiNexus: ok, please elaborate11:04
NexusOption A) @click.option('--no-cache', 'cache', default=True, is_flag=False), so having no cache set the value to false. OR Option B) later on do a "If not no-cache"11:05
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juergbiNexus: can't you follow the approach taken by --debug/--colors/--strict?11:07
Nexusso have no default?11:08
juergbiI think you can still have default=True11:08
juergbibut use --cache/--no-cache11:08
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juergbithat said, I'm skeptical of a --no-cache CLI option11:09
Nexuswas tristans idea IIRC11:09
juergbiany reference? here on IRC, on gitlab or where?11:10
juergbiI might be missing context11:10
Nexusgimme a min11:10
Nexustristans comment11:11
Nexushow do you link a comment?11:11
juergbithe time in the comment header is a link11:12
juergbiah, this is a workspace specific option11:12
juergbiI was somehow thinking about a global/build option about caching build directories11:12
juergbithat makes more sense11:12
Nexusah kk11:13
Nexusand ty11:13
Nexusjuergbi: does your comment still apply? 12:07 <juergbi  > Nexus: can't you follow the approach taken by --debug/--colors/--strict?11:14
juergbiyes, I don't see anything speaking against a flag option11:15
juergbibtw: of the two original suggestions, I would have chosen B11:15
juergbi(A) would be way too misleading11:15
juergbifor (B) you could also have something like cache = not no-cache right at the beginning of the function11:16
Nexusbut ew double negatives11:16
juergbiyes but better than completely incorrect variable name11:16
juergbianyway, flag option should avoid the issue11:17
juergbiah, that wouldn't have actually been the case11:18
juergbiI'm still not that used to click syntax11:18
millonican someone assign me to please? I'm going to tackle that11:23
juergbiso option (A) would actually be fine as well as click is smart enough to handle boolean with default True11:23
tristanmilloni, did you request developer access to the project ? if you do - it will be approved; and you can easily self assign it11:25
millonitristan, i'll do that, thanks11:25
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tlaterOur artifacts currently get ostree refs like these: '{0}/{1}/{2}'.format(, element_name, key)11:38
tlaterIs there any way to serialize that back into element names?11:39
tlater*element objects11:39
tlaterI understand that some of these will be missing, but I need to figure out which artifacts are going to be used in the current pipeline11:39
tlaterHm, actually, maybe this can be done the other way around...11:41
tlaterThat brings up another issue - can we standardize this serialization between different artifact cache implementations?11:45
tlaterATM it happens to be the same format, but I'll have to start relying on the ref being the same across implementations11:46
juergbitlater: yes, I want to move that logic out of the artifact cache-specific implementation11:50
tlaterjuergbi: looks like we use serialized element names as well - I don't think these can be turned back because the actual name might contain dashes, but this converts path separators to dashes :[11:56
juergbitlater: we should probably not change the name for YAML serialization12:01
juergbiwe don't guarantee stability for metadata, afaik, so we can change that (but have to bump the artifact version)12:01
jmacIs there any chance of increasing my access to the Buildstream repo so I can examine the CI settings? I'm currently developer and think I will need master/owner.12:03
tlaterOh no, jmac is going to figure out all our secret keys!12:05
* tlater elevated jmac to master12:05
Nexusisnt thaty what the yaml is for?12:06
tlaterNexus: jmac wants to set up a runner, the yaml can't do that12:08
* Nexus is the only one not master12:08
* tlater sees a lot of developers on the members page12:09
jmacThanks tlater12:21
tlaterHm, just to confirm; are weak keys only used if we're building with --no-strict?12:26
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juergbitlater: almost12:28
juergbitlater: refs for weak cache keys are also created when building with --strict12:28
juergbithey are never used via lookup, though12:29
juergbithat's done only to allow switching from --strict to --no-strict reusing artifacts12:29
juergbi(or having strict build server and no-strict client)12:29
tlaterjuergbi: Would we want to keep that behavior when we're running out of space in the cache?12:29
* tlater thinks about only locking strict/weak keys depending on the build mode used12:30
juergbii think expiry should be independent of the current mode12:30
tlaterI suppose it doesn't really affect what's in the cache in the strict case, though12:30
tlaterYeah, locking both keys seems more sensible, because it probably won't affect the actual size in most cases.12:31
juergbiwe should avoid deleting a weak cache key ref if we don't also delete the corresponding strict cache key ref12:31
juergbias that won't save any space anyway12:31
juergbiif that's not too complex12:32
tlaterjuergbi: No, it's actually easier because you don't have to reference the pipeline from a class that usually can't reference it ;)12:33
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #321 ("It should be possible to overlap elements already present in a junction") changed state ("opened")
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (issue-89_unique_build_dirs->master: Made modification to generate unique subdirs for built elements) #310 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (issue-89_unique_build_dirs->master: Made modification to generate unique subdirs for built elements) #310 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #89 ("Absolute build directories should be unique per element") changed state ("closed")
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (issue-89_unique_build_dirs->master: Made modification to generate unique subdirs for built elements) #310 changed state ("merged"):
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jennisOk, having problems with: `make -C doc` because of this arpy installation15:42
juergbijennis: hm, is there an issue considering arpy a requirement for doc generation?15:43
juergbiI didn't realize that doc generation actually imports modules15:44
juergbiI was expecting them to get scanned without importing15:44
tlaterpylint also seems to complain because it can't figure out that the module is never called if arpy isn't installed15:44
tlaterThough that can probably be fixed with a # pylint: disable=15:45
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jennis/correct-installing-documentation->master: install.rst: Modify how we tell a user to adjust their path) #340 changed state ("opened"):
jennisSeems that way juergbi, I'm not yet sure how to fix this15:51
juergbijennis: without installing arpy, you mean? it shouldn't block anyone15:51
jennisI am also getting this error, and I'm up to date with master:
jennisYes without installing arpy15:52
jennisThe latter error probably just needs a `# pylint: disable=import-error` as tlater suggested15:52
juergbishould probably add notes to this
jennisok, so we're saying the only way round is to install arpy?15:55
jennisalso juergbi what do you think about disabling the pylint warning to the import?15:56
juergbifor doc generation this may be acceptable, but ideally we can avoid it15:57
juergbifor pylint we should fix it15:57
juergbijennis: do you know whether we can use something like conditional skip if not HAVE_ARPY for the whole file for pylint?15:58
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (richardmaw/build-status-extensions->master: WIP: Print summary of failed builds) #329 changed state ("opened"):
tlaterjuergbi: I don't think that's possible, but I don't think it would be useful either15:59
juergbiexplicit pylint import-error is definitely also an option if that doesn't cause any other issues15:59
* juergbi wonders why we don't see the issue for gi/ostree in unix-tests pylint16:00
tlaterThere's no point in checking whether we have an import error if we know the module is installed16:00
tlaterAnd if we know that an import error may occur if it isn't...16:00
juergbiif there are no other side effects, yes16:01
juergbijust don't want to see some unknown member error because of the ignored import16:01
juergbitlater: any idea about gi/ostree?16:02
tlaterThat doesn't happen afaik, jennis will presumable see in a minute :)16:02
tlaterjuergbi: Where should this happen with ostree?16:02
juergbiostree source16:02
tlaterAh, right16:02
juergbior rather helper16:02
tlaterI suspect nobody has attempted running it without ostree16:03
tlaterThat's a bug in CI then16:03
juergbiI thought you explicitly remove ostree, that's why you use Fedora in the pending MR?16:03
tlaterYep, that's what I thought16:03
tlaterIs pylint not covered by it somehow?16:03
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (richardmaw/build-status-extensions->master: WIP: Print summary of failed builds) #329 changed state ("opened"):
juergbimaybe we still have pygobject installed, so the real import is still covered?16:04
juergbiideally, we would remove that as well16:04
tlaterYep, I'll file an issue and try to merge it as part of the !266 MR16:04
* tlater wanted to make some progress on #135 while his mind is fresh on it before getting to those MRs16:04
juergbiok, ta16:05
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #322 ("Pylint should probably complain about our ostree imports in CI") changed state ("opened")
jennistlater, not sure if this could be any use:
tlaterjuergbi: ^ That might actually be related, yes. Though I'll definitely test uninstalling pygobject in the unix case.16:14
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (richardmaw/build-status-extensions->master: WIP: Print summary of failed builds) #329 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jennis/correct-installing-documentation->master: install.rst: Modify how we tell a user to adjust their path) #340 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jennis/correct-installing-documentation->master: install.rst: Modify how we tell a user to adjust their path) #340 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jennis/correct-installing-documentation->master: install.rst: Modify how we tell a user to adjust their path) #340 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jennis/correct-installing-documentation->master: install.rst: Modify how we tell a user to adjust their path) #340 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jmac/performance-ci->master: WIP: .gitlab-ci.yml: Add the performance test.) #341 changed state ("opened"):
jmac^ that's a MR which adds benchmarking to our usual CI. As I've said in the issue, it means we rely on one specific runner currently at Codethink, which isn't great. Any ideas on what we could do to make it more accessible?16:58
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (richardmaw/build-status-extensions->master: Print summary of failed builds) #329 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (richardmaw/build-status-extensions->master: Print summary of failed builds) #329 changed state ("opened"):
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