IRC logs for #buildstream for Monday, 2018-03-19

gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jjardon/misc_fixes->master: Dome little documentation fixes) #326 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jjardon/install_debian->master: source/install.rst: put Debian version under the same subsection) #325 changed state ("closed"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jjardon/misc_fixes->master: Some little documentation fixes) #326 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jjardon/getting_started->master: Add getting started section) #323 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jjardon/theme_change->master: WIP: Change theme to sphinx_rtd_theme) #327 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jjardon/theme_change->master: WIP: Change theme to sphinx_rtd_theme) #327 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jjardon/theme_change->master: Change theme to sphinx_rtd_theme) #327 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #283 ("New sequence ID in messages cannot work") changed state ("closed")
toscalixtristan: the main reason for mirroring the sources is not tactical, it is legal (compliance) in embedded since you are always the distributor when providing gpl software on a device09:31
toscalixin services the situation is different09:32
tristantoscalix, it's a good point you raised09:35
tristantoscalix, I would argue that "the main reason" is going to be different, depending on use cases09:35
toscalix... use case AND license.09:38
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tristantoscalix, true :)09:38
toscalixgood morning09:38
toscalix:-) Waking up with compliance stuff on Monday is.... far from ideal09:39
tristantoscalix, in fact this is probably something interesting to consider for distribution mechanisms like.. flatpak09:39
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toscalixflatpak is just another way of distributing software so yes, the source code should be shipped with the binaries and/or made available if the code has copyleft licenses09:41
toscalixso mirroring is a must in those cases09:41
toscalixinteresting is the point "publically available"09:42
toscalixwhen working at SUSE, we received a few letters with every release of people requesting the CD.09:43
tristantoscalix, just saying, because compliance issues surrounding distribution in the context of flatpak was something discussed at GUADEC09:43
toscalixwas it recorded?09:44
tristanSurely it was09:44
toscalixI haven seen a video about it. I would watch it09:44
toscalixwill look for it, thanks09:44
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (215-workspace-builds-might-not-rebuild-correctly-when-dependecies-are-updated->master: WIP: Resolve "Workspace builds might not rebuild correctly when dependecies are updated") #315 changed state ("opened"):
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toscalixah, thanks09:54
toscalixah, wait, I saw this one from Richard09:55
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (146-use-minimum-python-version-3-4-for-integration-tests->master: Resolve "Use minimum python version (3.4) for integration tests") #266 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (issue-89_unique_build_dirs->master: WIP: Made modification to generate unique subdirs for built elements) #310 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (issue-89_unique_build_dirs->master: WIP: Made modification to generate unique subdirs for built elements) #310 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jjardon/theme_change->master: Change theme to sphinx_rtd_theme) #327 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jjardon/misc_fixes->master: Some little documentation fixes) #326 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jjardon/misc_fixes->master: Some little documentation fixes) #326 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #306 ("Follow-up from "Some little documentation fixes"") changed state ("opened")
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tristan/project-refs->master: WIP: Optionally load and store source references in project.refs) #314 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tristan/project-refs->master: Optionally load and store source references in project.refs) #314 changed state ("opened"):
tristanjuergbi, if you can take a look at MR 314 above that would be cool :)10:41
juergbiwill do10:42
tristanjuergbi, I wont be around for the evening, going to leave soonish for dinner, so... take your time anyway10:46
NexusDId something change on the docs over the weekend? My CI keeps failing on them now10:46
NexusCan someone please run the CI pipeline on a know working + up to date with master branch please?11:06
ltuare you subscribed to the email notifications? you can then see all the updates11:07
Nexusltu: i don't get emails about merges for some reason11:10
Nexusbut from what i can see, it looks like all CI's are failing the same way atm11:10
juergbiyes, not sure what's happening11:10
juergbimaybe some issue with the CI runner cache due to changes in branches?11:11
ltuNexus, go here and ensure it's set to 'Watch' for the whole project, all repos -
Nexusoh good, not just me then. Maybe? It seemed to start at around the time the docs were updated?11:11
juergbican clear the runner cache but if we haven't fixed the cause, it will happen again11:12
juergbii don't see a connection with the changes in master11:12
Nexusltu: was set to global :)11:12
juergbii'll flush the cache. first pipeline after that will take a bit longer, though11:12
juergbilet's see:
Nexuscan we run CI on master?11:14
Nexussee if that passed11:14
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (214-filter-workspacing->master: Make workspace commands on a filter element transparently pass through to their build-dependency) #317 changed state ("opened"):
tlaterNexus: Yeah, just open a pipeline11:15
NexusInsufficient permissions for protected ref 'master11:15
tlaterNexus: My CI is also failing, just rebased:
tlaterAnd here's a pipeline on master:
Nexusthat awkward moment when master fails...11:25
tlaterYep, definitely some screwup with the pytest config11:25
tlaterjennis: Did you last touch this? I saw some commits from over the weekend, didn't check exactly what they did, but they seemed to be unrelated.11:26
tlaterotoh, my branch from above passed fine before I rebased, so perhaps I should double check11:26
juergbilatest commit on master did succeed, though11:26
juergbiin original pipeline11:26
juergbicould it be some Fedora or PyPI update?11:27
juergbiwould be odd11:27
jennistlater: nope :/11:27
tlaterjuergbi: Our fedora version is fixed11:27
juergbi$ dnf install -y python211:28
juergbiFedora 27 - x86_64 - Updates                    3.5 MB/s |  21 MB     00:0511:28
tlaterAnd we have a flag set that tells pip not to install new versions of python packages11:28
tlaterWe also get the same error on debian:
tlater(debian-8, that is)11:29
juergbiright, just saw that11:29
tlaterThe only changes I made to my branch since the last passing CI were docs-related :|11:32
tlaterSo something must have changed in the CI image11:33
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tlaterTests also fail offline11:34
jennis`./ test` is failing for you?11:38
jennison master branch?11:38
tlaterjennis: Hm, no, I think I missed a flag11:38
jennisahh ok11:38
tlaterSo tests seem to be running fine outside the CI11:39
* tlater wonders what in the world could cause this error11:39
Nexusmy local tests fail11:39
tlaterDidn't check for docs, but the other ones pass fine11:39
tlaterFreshly-cloned buildstream repo :)11:39
tlaterAlso up-to-date fedora image11:40
jonathanmawtried running tests in my branch with `python3 test --addopts --integration` and it's gotten a lot further than it does in CI11:42
jonathanmawI suspect that in CI it's not reading, but I have no idea why that would be the case11:42
tlaterOnly thing that would cause this is a breaking change in pytest-runner, but our index-url should mean that that's impossible11:43
tlaterThere *was* a new release of that yesterday11:45
juergbitlater: have you already tried local run after sdist?11:47
juergbimaybe sdist suddenly fails somehow11:47
tlaterjuergbi: No, that's definitely worth a try11:48
* tlater wonders if perhaps setup.cfg isn't caught in the sdist11:48
tlaterErr, config.py11:48
juergbiand possibly source/plugin.rsttemplate11:49
juergbiusage: [options] [file_or_dir] [file_or_dir] [...]11:51 error: unrecognized arguments: --integration11:51
juergbii see the same issue locally when using sdist11:51
juergbivarious files are missing in the dist tarball11:52
tlaterThat would explain it11:52
juergbido we need to add them to the MANIFEST?11:52
juergbiwondering why this suddenly happens, though, change in setuptools?11:52
tlaterShouldn't be possible, that's part of the fedora image11:53
tlaterUnless, as part of sdist, we happen to upgrade python packaged11:53
tlaterAh, we actually install pytest-pylint in the .gitlab-ci.yaml11:54
tlaterThat's probably where this goes wrong11:54
tlaterThat should definitely be in the base image11:54
juergbiok but it doesn't update setuptools, afaict11:54
tlaterjuergbi: It *does* install a new version of pytest-pylint11:56
tlaterAlthough we've kind of asserted that this is an sdist issue...11:56
juergbii see this new sdist error in the failing pipelines11:57
juergbi /usr/bin/python3: Error while finding module specification for 'setuptools_scm.git' (ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'setuptools_scm')11:57
juergbiwarning: no files found matching 'buildstream.doap'11:58
juergbiand it no longer copies .coveragerc, .gitignore, .gitlab-ci.yml, .pylintrc,
tlaterAre you sure those are new? I think I've seen them before11:59
juergbidoes setuptools_scm ignroe MANIFEST and use the files from git11:59
juergbiso for some reason that fails and that is the cause for the rest?11:59
juergbithe question is why setuptools_scm.git is no longer available11:59
juergbii don't see the setuptools_scm error in sdist of older (working) pipelines12:00
tlaterDid you install pytest-pylint on your local machine before running sdist?12:01
juergbiah no12:02
tlaterWell, at least that can't be the cause12:03
juergbidocker sha changed for fedora:master-42. is this normal?12:07
* tlater certainly doesn't think so12:07
juergbiUsing Docker executor with image buildstream/buildstream-fedora:master-42-571406d ...12:08
juergbiUsing docker image sha256:4f4b0d740d75bd96300511258623d8f3e71a4adcdf7e5d9cc44a6cfd1accaf67 for predefined container...12:08
tlaterTo do so someone would have had to change the docker image tag12:08
juergbiUsing Docker executor with image buildstream/buildstream-fedora:master-42-571406d ...12:08
juergbiUsing docker image sha256:77217aff628255bf8a33973d43c55fa071bc2595acff0335d8d7b59de99aef97 for predefined container...12:08
tlaterWhich is very strictly verboten in our repo12:08
juergbiUsing Docker executor with image buildstream/buildstream-fedora:master-42-571406d ...12:08
juergbiUsing docker image sha256:c9367966a6dacb964e576ab6c6338bbb7d31137d7766904dabace398f9f81387 for predefined container...12:08
juergbiit seems to change all the time12:08
tlaterIt definitely shouldn't12:08
tlaterWe *did* have a commit to the image a few days ago12:09
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jjardon/getting_started->master: Add getting started section) #323 changed state ("opened"):
tlaterNexus: When you changed the fedora image, did you also change the tag buildstream is using?12:11
Nexusi believe so12:11
tlaterI'm assuming that change hasn't made it to master yet?12:11
juergbino, it hasn't12:11
juergbitlater: i can fix the issue locally by pip3 install setuptools_scm before sdist12:12
juergbiwe should probably add that to the image12:12
juergbi(or put it in .gitlab-ci)12:12
* tlater updates the image to include that and add pytest-pylint12:12
juergbii have no idea why this used to work, though, and suddenly fails12:12
tlaterEven weirder that it also happens in the debian-8 image12:13
juergbisome dependency change in pypi12:14
juergbii.e., it was implicitly pulled in before but no longer12:14
tlaterThis probably means that our --index-url hack doesn't actually work12:15
juergbino idea about that part12:16
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #307 ("Follow-up from "Add getting started section"") changed state ("opened")
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #308 ("Follow-up from "Add getting started section"") changed state ("opened")
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jjardon/getting_started->master: Add getting started section) #323 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jjardon/getting_started->master: Add getting started section) #323 changed state ("opened"):
NexusHows it going?12:38
tlaterWaiting for CI to finish12:39
tlaterShould be able to then merge to bst-external12:39
tlaterAnd then try on buildstream12:39
Nexuskk, who's the best person to ask about ???12:39
tlaterAfter that all branches experiencing this will have to rebase to master12:39
tlaterNexus: juergbi knows most about the incremental build features, I think12:40
Nexusjuergbi: o/12:40
tlaterDon't think anyone else about was involved in the discussions about it, unfortunately12:40
tlaterThough if you have specific questions, I can maybe help a bit12:41
Nexustlater: 1) How should it be cached? (copy the dir/contents, or something more complex ) 2) Where should it be cached? 3) Is it something that should be optional? if so how? 4) Max size of cache? 5) Max num of versions in cache? 6) Cache everything or specific files? (customisable?) 7) How should cache deletion be handled?12:43
tlaterOn everything caching-related - you'd probably like to read into this
tlaterMax size of the cache is not your concern, if you're using that interface12:45
tlaterSince the point of this is to share these artifacts, they should probably have some metadata telling us that they should not be used for normal builds12:46
tlaterSo, you'd probably want to change, modify it to *also* push workspaced artifacts. I think you can reuse the metadata that says they are workspaced.12:48
tlaterYou won't need to worry about what to cache or anything, this is already done12:49
* tlater isn't sure whether the remote caches already support reading artifact metadata to make sure we don't download an artifact we don't want for a build - this is something juergbi will have to answer :|12:50
tlaterNexus: for reference, this is where we create element artifacts:
tlaterWe copy everything that it puts in "collectdir" (used to be /buildstream/install in the sandbox):
tlaterAnd then we add a little bit of metadata:
tlaterThese days we *also* do that for workspaced elements that have partially-done builds, which is what that issue is about - so you won't need to worry about how we get these sorts of artifacts into the cache :)12:55
tlaterYou just need to think about how they are distributed12:55
tlaterWhich there's the whole "push" interface for - I know a bit less about it, but it should be fairly accessible.12:55
tlaterjonathanmaw: Would you mind having a look at ?12:58
tlaterWith any luck that and an appropriate commit to buildstream should fix our CI issues12:59
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #309 ("All builds are failing") changed state ("opened")
juergbitlater: why do you want to push workspaced artifacts?13:03
tlaterjuergbi: I think is about that?13:04
juergbii don't think so. the only reference to workspaces is that we want to be able to create a workspace from a previously successful build13:05
juergbicopying the cached build tree13:05
juergbibut that previous build would have been a regular non-workspace build13:05
juergbior do you mean something else?13:05
tlaterI was referring to the "on another machine" part13:06
juergbithat part is not related to workspaces, afaik13:06
tlaterHm, yeah, your interpretation does make more sense13:06
juergbii.e., you can download build trees from a previous build on a build server13:06
juergbibut i don't think it makes sense to share build trees of workspaces13:07
tlaterYep, sorry, I misunderstood the issue13:07
* Nexus is no closer to understanding his issue13:08
* tlater should leave explaining to juergbi, as he has a better overview13:08
juergbiNexus: 3) due to the artifact size increase (affecting not just local cache but also push upload size and remote cache), we might have to make it optional, although it would obviously be nice to have it always on13:09
juergbi(and later pull is also affected)13:10
juergbiif so, it should likely be a project config13:10
Nexusjuergbi: opt out or opt in?13:10
juergbioverridable in per-project user config, but it may get tricky with remote artifact caches13:11
juergbii.e., if we make it optional per client, we can't rely on remote artifact cache having build trees13:11
juergbipresence of build tree has to influence the cache key, i suppose13:11
juergbiNexus: opt in/out, not sure13:12
juergbiwe need to figure out whether we can make it manageable for regular community projects with limited resources13:12
juergbiNexus: is (1) / (2) clear based on tlater's response or do you still need clarifications there?13:12
NexusMy understanding was that both of those would be answered by understanding how the existing caching works13:13
juergbito be clear, the idea is to make it part of the artifact13:14
juergbii.e., cache it the same way as build output13:14
Nexuscan you expand on that please?13:14
juergbian artifact currently consists of build output (files directory), logs, and metadata13:14
juergbithis would add a fourth directory for the build tree13:15
juergbibut wouldn't change anything in the basic caching approach13:15
Nexusso the artifact would be "Build Output", "Logs", Metadata" and "Build Tree Cache" ?13:15
juergbiwhile that is what we discussed a while ago, it's possible that another solution would be better in the end13:16
juergbie.g., use the artifact cache but cache the build tree with a separate ref (branch/tag)13:17
juergbithis would e.g. allow avoiding pulling the build tree unless the client really needs it13:17
juergbireducing bandwidth. but it would complicate things13:18
juergbii'm not sure how big of an issue pull/push bandwidth is13:18
juergbibuild trees can be pretty large13:19
Nexus5) and 7)?13:21
tlaterNexus: On 7, there's a deletion interface for artifacts, iirc, or it will be added very soon by the various cache expiry branches13:23
tlaterThis issue isn't concerned about deleting though, that will happen automatically depending on conditions yet-to-be-introduced13:23
tlaterNot sure what you mean by 5, frankly. Every build should store its tree along with the artifact - again, cache expiry will be handled by another part of buildstream, although perhaps we could think about just removing build trees at first.13:25
Nexus4 and 5 were similar. Basically meaning, will we limit how many times it is cached before the old one gets removed. If i build the same thing 50x in a row, will i have 50 caches? if so, that could be huge13:27
tlaterNexus: Yep, that's a currently open issue - #13513:27
tlaterCurrently that's buildstream's behavior, and why you need to rm -rf ~/.cache/buildstream every once in a while13:27
tlaterThe solution to #135 will solve that by automatically deleting artifacts when we don't think they're needed anymore - but that's entirely unrelated to #2113:28
juergbiNexus: please note that the (ostree) artifact doesn't store identical files multiple times. with reproducible builds 50 similar builds shouldn't take that much space in total13:28
juergbi*(ostree) artifact cache13:28
Nexusah i see13:29
tlaterThis is a bigger issue for the tar cache - we're considering obsoleting it, though, with the bazel CAS13:29
juergbiyes, tar cache will also be very slow with build tree caching13:30
tlaterHm, maybe another one of the "disable when using tar cache" things13:32
juergbiif we anyway make it optional, i don't think we need to do anything special13:32
tlaterNexus: Are you clear on the issue now?13:34
Nexusi think i have as much as i can get before reading through code :)13:38
tlaterCool :)13:38
juergbitlater: and now alpine linux server is down, breaking build of the docker image :/13:41
juergbiError 503 Backend is unhealthy13:42
tlaterNot our day :(13:42
juergbiCF continuous failing13:42
tlaterDon't think there's much we can do beyond hoping that their server goes back up13:43
juergbiwe should start building CI base images using buildstream itself...13:43
tlaterThat would be nice13:45
* tlater is watching gitlab's issue on supporting OCI images for their CI13:45
tlaterOnce they finally do an OCI plugin is really high up in my todo list13:46
* tlater is tempted to depend on this to parse stuff like "5G":
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jjardon/getting_started->master: Add getting started section) #323 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jjardon/getting_started->master: Add getting started section) #323 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (test-integration-flag->master: Fix lack of setuptools_scm causing CI failure) #328 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (test-integration-flag->master: Fix lack of setuptools_scm causing CI failure) #328 changed state ("opened"):
tlaterjuergbi: ^ That should hopefully fix our CI, is there any way for us to ask devs of various branches to rebase against this?14:57
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Nexuswhat am i rebasing against?14:59
tlaterNexus: Master, once that MR lands (should be quite quick, it's basically a one-liner)14:59
Nexuskk, let me know :)14:59
tlaterjjardon[m]: You will also have to rebase against master once that lands, unfortunately we can't fix this retroactively :(15:00
jjardon[m]no problem15:01
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (test-integration-flag->master: Fix lack of setuptools_scm causing CI failure) #328 changed state ("opened"):
jjardon[m]tlater: so any idea how come this start failing if we are using a fixed buildstream docker image?15:03
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tlaterjjardon[m]: I wish. juergbi and I spent a little while trying to debug that, I suspect automatically updates some dependencies, but then again, we couldn't actually find any evidence of that doing anything to setuptools.15:06
jjardon[m]well, at least is fixed now :)15:07
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #309 ("All builds are failing") changed state ("closed")
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (test-integration-flag->master: Fix lack of setuptools_scm causing CI failure) #328 changed state ("merged"):
jennisnice one tlater ;P15:09
tlaterWell, juergbi found the actual bug ;)15:09
jennis*and juergbi15:09
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (issue-89_unique_build_dirs->master: WIP: Made modification to generate unique subdirs for built elements) #310 changed state ("opened"):
jjardon[m]Can I have some reviews on , please? 😆15:14
Nexuslets see if this works then15:14
tlaterOh, nice jjardon[m]15:15
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (issue-243_dpkg_import_source_plugin->master: Created DPKG Source plugin for Issue #10) #305 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jjardon/misc_fixes->master: Some little documentation fixes) #326 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jjardon/theme_change->master: Change theme to sphinx_rtd_theme) #327 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jjardon/getting_started->master: Add getting started section) #323 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (214-filter-workspacing->master: Make workspace commands on a filter element transparently pass through to their build-dependency) #317 changed state ("opened"):
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* tlater isn't sure how to calculate the size of an artifact before it's commited15:40
tlaterI could implement something with os.walk, but that's very slow in python3.415:41
tlaterAlternatively, I could call `df`, but I'm not sure how portable that is15:41
tlaterAnd finally, I could depend on this: - it would make os.walk a bit quicker15:41
skullmanyou'd need `du`, not `df`15:42
tlaterAh, right, always confuse them, ta skullman15:42
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (issue-89_unique_build_dirs->master: Made modification to generate unique subdirs for built elements) #310 changed state ("opened"):
skullmanno idea about portability, but I'd avoid parsing the output of `du` in general since file names may include newlines and spaces, and the --null option to make it separate reports with NUL bytes rather than newlines is probably not portable15:46
tlaterHm, annoying. So it's between growing another dependency or accepting a bit of slowness on some systems15:47
tlaterI suppose it would be acceptable to have a slow implementation for python3.4, and use the faster method in python3.5+15:48
skullmanif scandir exposes a replacement os.walk, then if scandir is present use it, otherwise fall back to the native slow version15:48
tlaterYep, that makes enough sense. Though it does create some annoying conditional imports15:49
skullman`try: from scandir import walk\nexcept ImportError: from os import walk`15:49
tlaterta skullman15:49
jonathanmawjuergbi: could you have a look at please?15:50
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tlaterProbably a bit late in the day to ask, but I'm assuming we'll want to keep some metadata to get usage information for the cache expiry functionality?17:14
tlaterI don't see a way to do this with just ostree, unfortunately17:15
juergbitlater: if we ignore ostree API, one idea was to 'touch' the ref file whenever we call extract() and then we expire refs based on mtime17:24
tlaterOh, you can do that?17:24
tlaterI suppose there's no reason why you couldn't17:24
juergbithis would be possible on the file system level. not sure how well that would work ostree API wise17:24
juergbibut maybe there are better possibilities. that's just a simple idea17:25
juergbiwhat kind of metadata were you thinking of?17:25
tlaterSimply recording an atime in the artifact metadata whenever it's used17:25
tlaterThis would be a bit more flexible long term, in case we want to be smarter than LRU17:25
tlaterBut for now I think I like touching ref files better17:26
juergbii.e., creating new ostree tree and commit objects on every access?17:26
tlaterAh, right, you can't even write into the repofile directly :|17:26
juergbiyes, we don't want to update the commit/tree hashes on read17:26
juergbiwould lead to repushing etc.17:26
tlaterThere's a commit comment that we could abuse, but that feels wrong.17:27
tlaterAlso not sure it can be modified without changing the hash17:28
juergbieh, no, it's a hash17:29
tlaterWell, in my defense, this doc isn't very clear about what that has actually hashes17:30
juergbieverything should be hashed, just like in git17:31
juergbiunless something is explicitly marked as out of band data or so. don't know whether ostree has that17:32
juergbitheoretically we could have a second ref that we don't push just for access time management17:32
juergbibut i prefer the mtime hack17:32
* tlater agrees, will attempt it17:33
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juergbihm, should we hard-depend on arpy in to get it pulled in as part of buildstream installation even though it's an optional source plugin-specific dependency?17:38
tlaterDo we currently? Sounds like a mistake.17:42
juergbino, the branch doesn't. just wondering whether the missing package warning is friendly enough17:48
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