IRC logs for #buildstream for Monday, 2018-03-12

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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #297 ("new tar source etag saved strangely") changed state ("opened")
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tristan/project-refs->master: WIP: Optionally load and store source references in project.refs) #314 changed state ("opened"):
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juergbicommenting at the same time, oh well ;)10:21
tristanjuergbi, :)10:22
tristanjust noticed that yeah10:22
tristanjuergbi, looking at the new number I'm much less concerned anyway :)10:25
tristanor s/concerned/optimistic that we could have improved speed alot/10:25
juergbiyes, makes sense10:25
Nexusmilloni: any luck?10:26
juergbitristan: btw: i'm actually interested in supporting uncached build outputs10:26
juergbibut for things like generating disk images10:26
juergbias an artifact cache is a bad fit for that, no matter whether on client or server10:27
milloniNexus, didn't look into it. i'll try later this week (I'm doing this in my free time only)10:27
jennisjuergbi, regarding the change of dir_ to directory: I had good Google around and asked on the #pylint IRC and it doesn't seem possible to disable the warning just for one built-in while keeping the others enabled10:40
juergbijennis: ok. del builtins.__dict__['dir'] might work, if we can execute that early enough even when running pylint. however, that might be considered too hacky10:46
* tristan had phone call...10:49
tristanjuergbi, so... *maybe* the approach I outlined already is a good fit for that, on the other hand it's a tricky topic; we originally decided not to make exceptions for "deployments" and suchlike, an element is an element is an element10:50
tristanjuergbi, also, regardless of whether caching is a "good fit", we probably want it anyway, if only as a means of transport10:51
tristanThe machine you built a firmware on, is not necessarily the machine you deploy it from10:51
juergbithat would be a pretty inefficient means of transport, though10:51
juergbicasync would be useful for disk images but it would be slower for the other cases10:52
tristanWell, be it a tarball or an ostree or whatever abstract thing it is; getting the GPG signed "thing" from a build server to a centralized "store" (i.e. not necessarily a "cache"), needs doing10:52
tristanthis is not things we're doing _now_, but it seems to be the direction we're heading in10:53
tristanconsidering that picture, I wonder if it makes sense special-casing things10:54
juergbiyes, it really depends on how much of that we handle in buildstream in the end10:54
juergbii don't see it as an urgent issue in any case10:54
juergbijust something that came to mind a while ago10:54
tristanjuergbi, do you have thoughts on CLI API and UX for tracking across junctions ?10:54
tristanI'm ready to hammer that in; but I'm not sure what UX to expose10:55
juergbifor specifying elements across junctions, i suggested junction.bst:foo.bst at some point10:55
tristanCurrently the *junction* elements themselves dont appear in a pipeline, and need separate tracking10:55
tristanRight, there is also the matter of *addressing* junctioned elements10:55
tristanThey are *printed* in that way, but currently non-addressable afaics10:56
tristanI wonder if we need to support that part in a first step, though10:56
juergbii think it would be generally useful, yes10:57
juergbialso allow building an element in a subproject10:57
tristanIn my branch, I deprecate the `--track-save` option to `bst build`10:57
juergbihow are conditionals handled with external refs?10:57
juergbi(conditional sources)10:57
tristanThey are... not.10:58
tristanHmmm, that is a good point, they *could* be10:58
juergbiprobably quite tricky10:58
tristanI have an idea10:58
tristanrequires some onus on the project author10:59
juergbibut could be essential for version controlled refs10:59
tristanSo... first of all; we agreed that we could rely on optionality and project.refs for the case of "Tracking latest *tag* on branch"11:00
tristanI think optionality in junctions is similar to that11:00
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tristanjuergbi, so in *any* case, the toplevel project can only see it's own options, and only those can control what options are selected through a junction11:00
tristanjuergbi, A project author could author/doctor their project.refs file such that where something is conditional in a junction or a source; it is *also* conditional in the project.refs file11:01
* tristan has not supported option resolution in project.refs yet; though; I had not considered this11:01
tristanHowever it does do the regular round-tripping and such11:02
juergbiright, that would at least work for ref updates, although not for initial refs, right?11:02
tristanWell, that's not entirely bad; though11:04
tristanYou would have to have a lot of conditional refs for it to start to be painful11:04
tristanWhew; ok not out of the wood yet then11:05
tristanI wonder, what is the lowest barrier to entry for this; such that we could improve things later11:06
NexusIf i put a print in the integration tests, will it print it in the gitlab pipeline or is the outpus sent elsewhere?11:06
tristanwithout having something utterly crap in the first place11:06
tristanNexus, I believe it will be captured by py.test and it will be printed if the test fails.11:08
Nexustristan: i see, because i have a test that's hanging, but don't know what on11:09
Nexusso it isn't failing11:09
Nexusit just isn't passign11:09
juergbitristan: option resolution in project.refs could suffice for now11:10
tristanNexus, I think if you hit ^C you will find out11:10
Nexusi shall try that :) ty11:10
tristanNexus, also, --addopts ' -s ' I think will unconditionally print stuff11:11
tlaterNexus: note you'd have to run the test locally for that11:11
tristanwhich py.test captures11:11
juergbitristan: there is no documentation yet, right? i'm actually still not sure when we'll recommend which approach. the documentation should provide guidance11:11
* tristan implied that, yes :)11:11
Nexustlater + tristan it's a unix test that's hanging, i can't run it locally11:11
tristanjuergbi, not yet, I wanted to sort out the semantics of cross-junction tracking11:11
tlaterNexus: BST_FORCE_BACKEND=unix is here to help :)11:11
tlaterBut psst11:12
Nexushow do i use that?11:12
tlaterIt's only for testing11:12
tristanNexus, afaik we test the unix backend on linux, I could be wrong11:12
juergbitristan: another note: the branch adds a mandatory source method. this is essentially an API break, right?11:12
Nexustristan: it gets skipped locally for me11:12
tristanjuergbi, Technically not11:12
tristanjuergbi, I handle ImplError and tell the user that the Source implementation in question does not support project.refs11:12
skullmanNexus: could be you need to run the test suite as root11:12
juergbitristan: old plugins won't work anymore, will they?11:13
tlaterNexus: If you `export BST_FORCE_BACKEND=unix` any test you run afterwards should run using the unix platform11:13
tristanjuergbi, they will not work with project.refs driven projects unless they implement that11:13
tlaterAlternatively, you can use BST_FORCE_BACKEND=unix <command here>11:13
juergbitristan: ah, in Source._load_ref(). right. makes sense11:13
tlaterBut the CI uses the former, so it's probably safer? Not sure exactly how interacts with env variables.11:13
tristanjuergbi, tricky little dance yes...11:14
* juergbi thinks we could use a similar approach for remote execution. potentially require plugin update if project enables remote execution11:14
tristanjuergbi, So last time we said; tracking recursively should be disabled across junctions by default11:14
NexusSKIPPED... how odd11:14
tlaterNexus: If it's an integration test you need to enable it with --integration11:15
tlaterOtherwise you might need to install something...11:15
tlaterdpkg perhaps?11:15
NexusAH HA11:15
NexustyError loading pipeline: Root privileges are required to run without bubblewrap.11:15
tristanjuergbi, however I might not be able to escape "addressing junctioned elements", if say; I wanted to track a junction of a junction11:15
skullman11:12 < skullman> Nexus: could be you need to run the test suite as root11:15
Nexusyup, trying that now11:16
* Nexus is sad11:16
tristanjuergbi, maybe first I need to support addressing junctioned elements11:16
tristanjuergbi, maybe... it's not too hard ?11:17
skullmanNexus: sounds like a bug in the CI runner environment then11:17
tlaterYeah, this one will be hard to debug...11:17
tlaterYou should try running the tests in a docker container set up exactly the same way our CI does, then, Nexus11:17
* tlater couldn't spot anything obvious that would cause issues in your test, so this will be necessary :(11:18
tristanNexus, tlater; alternatively; you might try pushing a branch to CI which adds the `-s` py.test option11:18
juergbitristan: i don't think tracking a junction of a junction is more important than tracking a regular element via junction11:18
tristanjuergbi, right; I was rather thinking of them as groups to track recursively, or not; but that is totally silly on my behalf11:19
juergbiand either one is mostly orthogonal to supporting optional recursive tracking across junctions11:19
juergbii think we don't need to support tracking elements via junctions for project.refs to land but we should have a plan on how to handle it11:20
tristanjuergbi, not *really* orthogonal, from a UX perspective, I think that if we have support to address elements; we may leverage that in the CLI11:20
tristani.e. with --except options and such11:20
tristanOtherwise, How do you express what you want to track ?11:21
tristanHmmm, good point11:21
tristanI like it11:21
juergbiah, i was mostly thinking about having recursive tracking as a boolean but maybe that's not sufficient11:21
juergbiand tracking directly in subprojects would be via junction.bst:foo.bst11:22
juergbibut the two separate11:22
juergbii'm not sure. the thing is junctions could be used in various ways, so it's difficult to figure out how users want to use them11:22
tlatertristan: Would a helper to remove a prefix from a string be acceptable in I keep finding myself wanting one.11:23
tristanOk so (1) Dont support tracking across junctions at all  (2) Support addressing of junctioned elements, useful for a lot of things, including workspaces and shells11:23
tristanjuergbi, and then (3) we add a boolean switch to enable cross-junction tracking, ... since (2) is already done; we can at that point support the regular --except options ?11:25
tristantlater, I very dont like it; *where* do you find yourself wanting one ?11:25
tlatertristan: Stripping parts of pathnames :|11:25
tristantlater, *where*11:25
tristantlater, i.e. just in tests ?11:26
tlatertristan: Right now when trying to get Gio.File.get_path() to return a path that starts in the 'files' directory11:26
Nexuswell it 100% passes locally as root, so, what do i need to do for the ``-s` py.test` idea?11:27
tlaterI've had similar situations in the past - I suppose trying to use the path library is a better method, though11:27
juergbitlater: os.path.relpath()?11:27
tlaterNexus: You'd modify .gitlab-ci.yaml to include -s, which would allow you to `print`, assuming the hang doesn't prevent that11:27
tlaterjuergbi: Oh, that might work!11:28
juergbitristan: that could work, yes11:28
tristanjuergbi, ok thanks for brainstorming, I have a short list of things I need to do for the initial branch now11:31
tristanWhat is buildstream-docker-images/image-tools ?11:38
tlatertristan: That's an image we built for using the imagex86 plugin11:39
tlaterIt contains all the image tools used in it :)11:39
tristantlater, what is using it ?11:40
tlaterOne of our example projects that aren't yet committed11:40
tristantlater, docker source + x86Image ?11:40
tlaterI don't think we have an example for docker source yet11:41
tlaterBut the x86Image one does use it, yes11:41
tristanit must, because that cant be something used to run buildstream inside of11:41
tristanit would be good to have a maintainer of buildstream-docker-images soonish11:42
tristanright now it looks like we're using the fedora thing both for test and for bst-here; which was originally a good idea11:42
tristanright now we dont have a README in each directory explaining what these things are used for11:42
tristanwe're running head on into "all purpose dumping grounds repo" territory11:43
tristanwhich... no thankyou.11:43
tlater\o/ my updated-utime test passes11:54
tlaterPretty sure there are some edge cases that are still missing, but it's a POC :)11:54
tristanw00t \o/11:54
Nexushmm, it doesn't seem to output anything before it freezes. tlater, skullman11:55
Nexusthe rest do, so it seems to be the first line?11:55
tlaterOh, that's awesome tristan :)11:56
skullmanNexus: it's possible it's buffering, try `sys.stdout.write("text")` then `sys.stdout.flush()`.11:56
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (issue-89_unique_build_dirs->master: WIP: Made modification to generate unique subdirs for built elements) #310 changed state ("opened"):
tristanjuergbi, there is one technical API break; maybe I should instead add Source.clear_ref()12:07
tristanjuergbi, in a hurry, I just documented set_ref() to "Must support `None` value"12:07
juergbihm, right12:08
tristanbut then, set_ref(None) does seem reasonable to support12:08
tristanperhaps in this case it's a lesser evil to let it slide; less API12:08
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jmac/remove-sequence-id->master: Remove sequence ID.) #309 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (215-workspace-builds-might-not-rebuild-correctly-when-dependecies-are-updated->master: WIP: Resolve "Workspace builds might not rebuild correctly when dependecies are updated") #315 changed state ("opened"):
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Nexusjonathanmaw: Any thoughts as to why the CI for is still failing to find dpkg?13:19
jonathanmawNexus: it looks like none of the files changed in that MR are to .gitlab-ci.yml, so I think you're still using the old image13:21
jonathanmawI think you need to go into .gitlab-ci.yml, and replace the version (after the colon) with "master-53-10fa1b4"13:22
Nexusthanks, being dumb today apparently13:22
jonathanmaw(which I found out by looking at the CI job for the master branch of buildstream-docker-images, they call `docker images` and list the images available)13:22
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (issue-243_dpkg_import_source_plugin->master: WIP: Created DPKG Source plugin for Issue #10) #305 changed state ("opened"):
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jmacJust rebased !309, I believe it's ready to merge13:33
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tlaterAre workspaces expected to be in the project directory now?14:22
* tlater is a bit confused about this:
Nexusis this something i did?14:24
* tlater suspects this happened when we switched to element-wise workspaces14:25
tlaterNot sure if you were involved Nexus14:25
* Nexus defaults to probably 14:25
Nexusi'm always involved when things don't make sense14:25
tlaterI think I just missed some chat about this, between the various black weeks I've had14:27
jennisIt was implemented on 12th of Dec 201714:27
jennisgit show ed9b827d14:27
Nexusnot me then14:28
* Nexus was thoroughly doc-ing at the time14:28
tlaterYep, it's not Nexus' commit, none of his show up in blame on that file either :)14:29
* Nexus is blameless14:29
jennisMy builds in gnome-build-meta aren't working since I pulled to the latest version14:31
jennisGetting an error like this: Error loading project: /home/jamesennis/bst_projects/gnome-build-meta/project.conf [line 117 column 2]: Unexpected key: shell14:31
jennisjjardon[m], are you able to use bst build in this project?14:31
jjardon[m]jennis: yes14:33
jjardon[m]you need to update your installed bst14:33
jennisby update do you mean, be up to date with origin/master...?14:34
jennisBecause I am :/14:34
jjardon[m]jennis: this is the bst version we are using14:35
jjardon[m]jennis: somehow you are not :)14:35
NexusThought that img is going to be out of date soon14:36
jennismhmm jjardon[m] even if I checkout that SHA and try to build I get the same error14:39
jjardon[m]jennis: have you tried "pip3 uninstall buildstream" first?14:39
jennisDidn't think I had to14:40
jennisbecause I used pip3 install --user -e when I installed it14:40
jennisBut i'll try that anyway14:41
tlaterjennis: A few things can happen. You could have multiple versions of buildstream installed in different locations, for example14:41
tlaterThis happens a lot with python dev...14:42
Nexusjennis: have you definitely indented `shell` properly?14:42
* Nexus has to kep doing it as he has 2 buildstream repos that he messes with14:42
jennislol i'll try that14:42
tristanyou dont have latest gnome-build-meta, because shell is on line 112, not 117:
tristanand if buildstream is too old, you should not get that error, because:
tristanit requires format version 514:44
tristanor 4 sorry14:44
jennisI've literally just cloned it though14:44
jjardon[m]jennis: in case it helps, docs to updagre bst here:
* tristan interested to know what the underlying reason for this messup is14:45
jennisyeah jjardon[m] that's what i've been going from14:45
jennisFollowing the `pip3 uninstall buildstream ... etc` has seemed to have fixed it14:46
tristan117 *column 2* is `command`, there is no `shell` at column 2 anywhere, very strange14:46
Nexustlater, skullman: It seems to hang when `capture.start_capturing()` is called14:46
tlaterOh, that's pretty bad14:47
* tlater thinks capture is part of pytest internals, no?14:47
skullmansounds like output redirection gone weird14:47
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (issue-89_unique_build_dirs->master: WIP: Made modification to generate unique subdirs for built elements) #310 changed state ("opened"):
tlaterNexus: This is probably deadlock with one of our helpers14:49
tlaterWe mess with some of that internal stuff to make sure the tests can do what we want them to do...14:49
tlaterHm, this is a while ago.14:49
tlaterNexus: If you can narrow down when exactly that occurs we can probably try and figure out why it happens14:51
tlaterI suspect it will be here:
Nexusit happens exactly on ln 29914:54
tlaterNexus: Right, but it's more knowing about the state around this14:55
tlaterE.g. what sys.stdin is at the time etc.14:55
tlaterNexus: Figuring out how capture works might help you:
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NexusI'm at a loss :/15:27
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Nexustlater: I'm not sure what's causing it to fail, but its the only test that does :/15:44
tlaterAll other tests just succeed?15:44
Nexusi removed the test to find out, and everything else is fine15:44
tlaterCould you link me to that test case again?15:45
skullmanNexus: is a potential smoking gun. If the version of pytest is older than that code it might be what's going wrong.15:48
skullmantlater: I updated my merge-request to add an exception should anyone attempt to delete a workspace called "version". You should rebase.16:17
skullmanit… appears to pass tests, but I'm having environmental issues with running the whole suite. It's either running out of memory or disk space (probably not disk space since I made sure to extend my drives) since it's also killing my web browsers.16:18
skullmanit passes on GitLab CI16:18
* skullman reboots in case something is holding onto file desriptors or too much memory16:18
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jjardon[m]Hi, I think one of the plans for buildstream is to be able to build flatpaks (so replacing flatpack builder); is this correct? I'm asking because I do not see any issue to track this17:20
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milloniis Nexus around?18:32
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