IRC logs for #buildstream for Wednesday, 2018-02-21

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tristanNote, this is pretty severe and relatively easy to work on:
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (sam/integration-tests-alpine->master: Use a custom base sysroot for the integration tests) #243 changed state ("opened"):
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tristangah, any reason why `fail-on-overlaps` is documented in the "External Plugins" section of the project.conf docs ?11:03
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (sam/integration-tests-alpine->master: Use a custom base sysroot for the integration tests) #243 changed state ("merged"):
* tristan fixes that in his branch11:05
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (239-use-pylint-for-linting->master: WIP: Resolve "Use pylint for linting") #283 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (239-use-pylint-for-linting->master: WIP: Resolve "Use pylint for linting") #283 changed state ("opened"):
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tristanmkay, so tracking into project.refs, works across junctions, as does the overrides if your depending project has them13:18
tristanmore optionality than I like here; code needs cleanup, and still need to add something explicit for cross-junction tracking13:18
tristanwarnings in place for ignored refs in existing element.bst files (in the case you chose to enable project.refs style recoding of refs)13:19
tristanand round tripping works for manually organizing and commenting your project.refs file13:20
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (214-we-need-a-way-to-make-elements-depend-on-a-subset-of-an-element-s-output->master: WIP: Resolve "We need a way to make elements depend on a subset of an element's output") #284 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (239-use-pylint-for-linting->master: WIP: Resolve "Use pylint for linting") #283 changed state ("opened"):
tlaterI like the branch name of #21414:49
tristanthe longer the better ?14:51
tlaterI pity anyone without bash-completions trying to check it out ;)14:52
tristancopy/paste works too :)14:52
tlaterBtw, does anyone know why this MRs pipeline doesn't start: ?14:52
tlaterI suspect gitlab tries to run it in the other repo's runners, but that isn't configured correctly or something14:53
tristantlater, because it's in jennis's repo14:53
tristanI think it needs to be configured / enabled first time around14:54
tlaterSeems like a bit of a burden to new contributors :/14:54
tristanWell, I still prefer it to patches sent on mailing lists and attached to bugzilla14:54
tristanbut then, the old school ways have some advantages too14:56
tlaterI'd be very surprised14:56
* tristan had to add "Submitted branches must not contain a history of the work done in the feature branch. Please use git's interactive rebase feature in order to compose a clean patch series suitable for submission." to the HACKING.rst after quite a few submissions14:57
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tristanwhich include dirt proposed to apply against master history14:57
jmacHow do you run a subset of tests with test?14:57
tristanthis just doesnt happen when the way to submit a patch, is to just submit a patch14:57
tlaterjmac: ./ test --addopts '-k <expression>' iirc14:58
tristanbeat me to it14:58
* tlater sees that point, but then you don't really have a history either14:58
tristanwhere <expression> is either the exact test, or a prefix (not sure if it does globs)14:59
tristantlater, of course we do; we've been using git with send-patch-to-bugzilla for many years14:59
tristanbefore that, svn, before that, cvs15:00
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jmactlater: That's got it, thanks15:00
jmac-k frontend appears to match anything with frontend in the path15:00
tristanah, I think without -k does prefix-or-only-exact-match15:01
tlaterI'd have said more about the expression if I understood it better, it's black pytest voodoo15:01
* tlater generally just uses it to run a specific test15:01
tristanyeah I havent dug too deep, but we've collected some useful things in the HACKING file15:01
tristanbad tlater :)15:02
tristanor you mean, the -k option15:02
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jennisDealing with this bare-exception:
jennisSeems ok to me to use an ImportError there16:01
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jmac/configurable-logging->master: WIP: Configurable log line formatting) #282 changed state ("opened"):
* tlater thinks that import can sometimes cause other exceptions because of gi.require_version() and because gi sometimes acts weirdly when it's not installed correctly16:02
jennisok so maybe just log it...?16:04
jennis(+ leave bare)16:04
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tlaterjennis: Depending on how much time you have for this, it would be nice if you could figure out what exceptions those two statements can actually throw16:05
tlaterThere's documentation out there somewhere16:05
jennistlater, will look into it16:05
tlaterNote that you're looking at gobject-introspection16:06
tlaterSometimes a bit hard to get package names from imports ;)16:06
jennistlater, looks like the gi.require_version('OSTree', '1.0') can throw ValueError and AttributeError and the `from gi.repository import OSTree` can throw ImportError and potentially RuntimeError16:19
tlaterDon't catch RuntimErrors16:19
tlaterBut with the other three you can make that code a bit more robust :)16:19
tlaterjennis: A RuntimeError is specifically an error designed to tell you that something is seriously wrong with the underlying system or python. Part of why bare `except` is bad is because it also catches those, afaik.16:20
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jonathanmawwhat's a good metric for deciding whether a change in buildstream-docker-images is good to be merged? The CI passed, but when I try to replicate the docker build locally I end up with my own error messages17:10
jonathanmawI suppose I'll see if the file that's uploaded is illuminating.17:12
ssam3if the CI passes, it should be good17:14
ssam3also worth checking that the image size isn't increased dramatically17:14
ssam3the CI runs `docker images` (which lists the sizes) for that purpose17:14
* tlater wondered why it did that17:15
ssam3did you follow the newly documented process to build ? it's at
jonathanmawssam3: yep, it worked right up until "Error unpacking rpm package iputils-20161105-7.fc27.x86_6417:16
jonathanmawError unpacking rpm package iputils-20161105-7.fc27.x86_6417:16
jonathanmawiputils-20161105-7.fc27.x86_64 was supposed to be installed but is not!"17:16
jonathanmawoh, I've actually had a bunch of other errors17:16
jonathanmaw"Failed to connect to bus: No such file or directory" is a pretty odd thing to get17:17
jonathanmawI think in the scriptlet for lzip17:17
jonathanmawah, seems to be benign, as that shows up in the CI as well17:18
jonathanmawssam3: it's gone from 470MB to 500MB from adding quilt17:19
jonathanmawquilt (with its dependencies) seems pretty heavy, but the image has been bigger before, so I'm not concerned17:20
* jonathanmaw mashes the approve button17:20
nexusoh ,i know that error17:22
nexusits the one i had!17:22
nexusit's a docker.service thing i think17:22
jonathanmawnexus: the iputils one?17:22
* nexus flails wildly at skullman 17:23
skullmanthat error is because aufs doesn't support file capabilities17:24
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skullmanwe fixed this locally by changing the docker container tree backend to devicemapper17:28
skullmanI don't think this will be possible for our runners, which is going to be a problem.17:28
skullmanI don't know if we can tell dnf to not care that we can't add those filesystem attributes.17:30
ssam3hmm, so installing quilt in a container fails?17:30
ssam3but if it worked in the CI, then it's not an issue17:30
ssam3we run the build pipeline for candidate branches, so it should already have been tested17:30
ssam3i mean, it would still be nice if it didn't fail17:31
ssam3but whatever17:31
skullmanI think the issue is that we got it to work locally with  aconfiguration change we can't make on the CI17:31
ssam3but it must work in the CI already17:31
ssam3otherwise the pipeline for that branch would be failing17:31
ssam3or is this a different branch ?17:31
skullmanah, I'm getting confused with something else17:32
skullmanor am I, I'm not sure17:32
skullmanah, tangentially related which is how I was getting confused17:33
skullmanssam3: should be ok then17:33
persiaIt is slightly worrisome that something that works in CI cannot be replicated locally, but yes, if it actually works in CI (rather than only appearing to work), that is a good indication that the latest change didn't break it.17:33
nexusit can be replicates locally,it just requires a config change17:35
nexus*or have we changed subject?*17:35
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persianexus: If it requires a change, that's not replication.17:56
persiaThat's doing something subtly different that gets the same result.17:56
* persia is picky about these sorts of things17:56
skullmanperhaps, but it's a docker bug that causes this not ours17:56
persia(mostly as a result of many years of listening to "it worked on my machine")17:56
persiaskullman: Yep.  We should probably try to fix that, assuming it isn't huge.  Or at least understand and report it.17:57
skullmanpersia: from what I understand it's well understood and why there was a push to get away from AUFS as a first-class Docker tree backend, but that was a couple of years ago and I didn't keep up with the discussion.17:58
persiaAh, excellent.  Bugs well-understood upstream with a plan for resolution are my favorite kind.17:58
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