IRC logs for #buildstream for Tuesday, 2018-01-23

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kailueke[m]Since questions on running binaries came up on desktop-devel I wonder what the contents of ~/.cache/buildstream/build/core-.../root/ are - simply hardlinks or does BuildStream/OSTree make advanced use of btrfs? But they do contain the last build artifacts, right? Then maybe if bst shell is too confined for certain applications, a manual bwrap command could help?04:14
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csorianohey all, trying to make my first build with bst I get this error just at the start:09:34
juergbihi csoriano, i'm looking into this right now09:57
juergbibuildstream 1.0 should work fine. and strict builds should also work in master09:57
juergbihowever, non-strict builds in master trigger an issue09:58
csorianojuergbi: ah thanks, I'm just following the instructions at
juergbiyes, bad timing that we have this issue right now10:01
juergbii expect a fix today10:01
juergbii'm wondering whether we should generally recommend buildstream master as we do now, or whether the latest stable branch or release would make more sense10:02
* tlater figures that stable is stable because we recommend it10:02
juergbiyes, i think it would make sense to also recommend this in the instructions10:03
juergbibut we currently don't10:03
tlaterI guess we forgot about that in the excitement of finally releasing 1.010:04
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* tlater amends that while waiting for his CI to finish10:05
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (175-refactor-integration-tests->master: WIP: Resolve "Refactor integration tests") #233 changed state ("opened"):
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ltushould the current master be considered our unstable branch?10:10
tlaterI assume we would like to recommend 1.0.1 currently, and update that whenever we make a new bugfix release?10:13
juergbiwe could also recommend bst-1.0 branch10:13
juergbiand leave releases to packagers10:13
juergbinot sure what tristan prefers10:13
persiaI think recommendation of stable branch is better than recommendation of stable artifact, as stable branch can receive bugfixes.10:14
juergbii agree10:17
* tlater waits for the final word from tristan, but now also prefers the above10:20
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (175-refactor-integration-tests->master: WIP: Resolve "Refactor integration tests") #233 changed state ("opened"):
juergbissam2: i've added comments to your MR and pushed an alternative branch juerg/20210:23
ssam2ok, great10:23
ssam2let me give it a test10:23
juergbiwe definitely need to improve test coverage for the combination of non-strict builds and artifact caches10:23
ssam2yeah, I guess it's the presence of remote artifacts that meant we weren't covered here10:24
juergbiyes, non-strict builds on their own should be tested ok already, afaik10:24
juergbilooking at this closer, i want to change the queue API a bit10:24
csorianobtw, not sure if here is where I should mention this. I realized is now the canonical way to develop system components at GNOME, but some of them cannot be build. Should this page still point to JHBuild?10:32
csorianoor should there be a list of components that needs to use JHBuild to work properly and point to JHBuild for those in that same page?>10:32
ssam2can't be built, or can be built but not tested effectively ?10:33
csorianoI wrote 'build' by mistake10:34
ssam2we should add at least a note pointing out that we don't yet have a good way of testing certain components10:34
csorianossam2: that note is there already. There is no written solution though10:35
ssam2ah, ok10:35
ssam2yeah maybe link to jhbuild then10:35
ssam2i guess it's possible newcomers will want to try out a new gnome-shell, in particular10:35
csorianothere should be a list of components that would need this, hopefully, developers should add them while they find out10:35
csorianoyes, and gnome-boxes10:36
csorianoand gnome-usage10:36
csorianothose are going to be part of GSoC10:36
csorianoand this is now already10:36
csorianojust a few details that couldbe improved:10:41
csoriano -> write down the command that actually does that10:41
csoriano -> use different heading format to separate the "download packages" and the "installation phase"10:42
ssam2we could, the issue is not everyone uses Bash10:42
ssam2but we could give an example command, indeed10:42
csorianoit was confusing if I should continue once I  completed the fedora part10:42
csorianossam2: yeah, I assume most people use bash. Those who doesn't probably aren't newcomers or begginers in Linux world10:43
ssam2i'm not sure how we could fix that with headings10:43
csorianoI'm thinking this from a perpestive of someone trying to develop for first time with bst10:43
ssam2in general i don't like those instructions at all10:43
ssam2we are hoping soon to generate .rpm and .deb packages as part of our CI10:43
csorianoalright, then that would be it10:44
csorianofor I can modify a few things myself, specially at FOSDEM where we will switch the newcomers guide to GitLab workflow, and will take a look at the components side too in preparation for GSoC, etc.10:44
ssam2i just spotted that it also says 'we have some instructions below which can get you started using BuildStream within a Docker container.' which are also on a diferent page :-)10:45
ssam2ok, cool10:45
ssam2most of us our at FOSDEM, so we could discuss in person at some point10:45
csorianodoes someone from here will be at FOSDEM?10:45
ssam2*are at FOSDEM10:45
ssam2tristan is doing a talk on Sunday lunchtime10:45
csorianowe can meet for a bit with bastianilso for this part10:45
ssam2juergbi, are you going to do an MR for your #202 fix ?10:48
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (175-refactor-integration-tests->master: WIP: Resolve "Refactor integration tests") #233 changed state ("opened"):
ssam2juergbi, it seems to work for me, only issue I spotted was the comment which says 'Update __cached in non-strict builds now that the weak cache key is available' which is now inaccurate (as we are waiting for the strict key now before updating __Cached)10:50
juergbissam2: thanks. yes, i'll open an MR10:51
juergbiright, will improve the comment10:51
juergbii'm changing the Queue API a bit to make things clearer and ensure we also solve similar potential issues in other queues10:51
tlaterHrm, I've learned that setting TMPDIR to anything that isn't /tmp breaks a lot of applications10:55
nexusDo we have a prefered wat of concatinating strings?10:57
juergbinexus: we normally use format()10:58
juergbiif that makes sense in the context10:58
tlaternexus: For path strings you probably want os.path.join though10:58
nexussorry, i should have been clearer, i want to store it in a variable, not print it10:59
nexusand thanks tlater10:59
jmacssam2: I've been looking into your comment on my patch !248 - it seems Python don't specify a return value for unhandled exception, so anything our test harness tests is a bit of a fiction10:59
ssam2i imagine there's no way to test that then11:00
jmacWhich probably means I need to write a test that parses stderr or something11:00
ssam2also a possibility11:00
ssam2I wonder if we could support all existing jhbuild use cases with current buildstream11:04
nexusssam2: i remember you bringing up the clarity of the "closing non-existing workspace" error message. Do you remember what the outcome of that discussion was?11:04
ssam2nexus, what does the gitlab issue say ?11:05
ssam2if we built everything in gnome-build-meta with prefix of /opt/gnome instead of /usr/local ...11:05
ssam2you could `bst checkout core/gnome-shell.bst /opt/gnome`11:05
ssam2and then all the existing hacks would work11:05
ssam2i guess i can open an issue on the gnome-build-meta repo to discuss this11:06
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (175-refactor-integration-tests->master: WIP: Resolve "Refactor integration tests") #233 changed state ("opened"):
nexusssam2: It was brought up, but not continued as it was the existing error message at the time. I wasn't sure if we had discussed it further outside of the ticket, or if you had any further thoughts on it11:06
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #203 ("BuildStream crashes if the dependency tree is too deep") changed state ("opened")
ssam2nexus, what's the issue number ?11:10
nexusi just came across the error message again when doing other things and thoguht it was a bit unclear, so i brought it back up for discussion11:11
ssam2the current error is ok for me11:14
ssam2the error from your MR is, anyway11:15
ssam2which is not yet mergedf11:15
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nexus` Workspace '[element] - 0' is currently not defined`11:15
nexusthat one?11:15
ssam2that's the one in master, yeah11:16
ssam2the one proposed in the current version of your MR is better as it says "does not exist"11:16
nexusah yes, i was more refering to the ` - 0' ` bit11:16
nexusi have no idea what that means11:16
ssam2right, that's because elements can have multiple sources11:17
nexusah i see11:17
ssam2and workspaces are per source11:17
ssam2it's not very obvious though11:17
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (175-refactor-integration-tests->master: WIP: Resolve "Refactor integration tests") #233 changed state ("opened"):
nexuswhere can i look, to see if a workspace was actually removed after running `close`?11:20
tlaternexus: in .bst/<something>11:21
tlaterOr with `bst workspace list`, I think?11:21
tlaterBy default the workspace directory will still be there, to remove that you need to specify --rm, iirc11:21
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (sam/fix-202->master: Fix breakage when running in no-strict mode with --track-all and an existing remote cache) #250 changed state ("closed"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (sam/install-tweaks->master: doc/source/install.rst: Clarify install instructions) #252 changed state ("opened"):
ssam2csoriano, here are some minor tweaks to the install docs:
csorianossam2: cool. I'm happy if for us we will have a rpm/deb package in the distros, we can just say to install that11:55
ssam2yeah, that will be much better. not sure of exactly when it'll be done, though11:56
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (juerg/202->master: Element state handling fixes) #253 changed state ("opened"):
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jmacThe way the test process works (calling buildstream._frontend.main rather than subprocess) is causing a lot of problems testing this exception handler - is there any reason I shouldn't just execute `bst` as a subprocess in a test?13:55
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (175-refactor-integration-tests->master: WIP: Resolve "Refactor integration tests") #233 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (version-read-no-pkg_res->master: WIP: Get version number w/o pkg_resources) #234 changed state ("opened"):
tlaterjmac: If there's a specific need for your test to do so, it should be fine. It would be nice if you could stick to the helpers though, what's the problem with the handler?14:06
* tlater has to step away for a bit, will see if I can help untangle this a bit later - maybe we need a different helper for this kind of case14:08
jmacI haven't investigated thoroughly yet, but I suspect the execption handling in invoke() is having problems since I overrode the global exception handler14:09
jmacAlso, it lies about the exit code (but since Python doesn't appear to specify the code, I can't rely on it anyway)14:09
tlaterjmac: Could you link me to the branch? I'm curious why this happens, I think the exception handler in invoke() should be able to catch any exception14:31
tlaterExcept if of course you override python's global exception handler, which sounds like an ugly hack...14:31
jmacSure, is the MR14:38
jmacI can't push the actual branch to gitlab as I don't have rights14:38
tlaterRight, clone is fine :)14:38
tlaterYeah, I see the issue...14:42
tlaterjmac: Honestly, I think this is a very specific edge case. It's probably fine to avoid the usual path and use a subprocess specifically for this test.14:43
* tlater does wonder if there's a better way to handle this though14:43
jmacI'm open to suggestions14:44
tlaterCould you parse the stderr for the 'BUG' message?14:44
jmacThat's my plan at the moment. As it stands, if you run it through the test harness, that BUG message doesn't appear.14:44
tlaterAh, right, I do expect that to work14:45
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tlaterjmac: Have you tried looking for those messages in a non-interactive buildstream run?14:48
tlaterSome UI features are disabled, it's possible they are ignored through sheer bad luck - the tests run buildstream non-interactively afaik14:48
jmactlater: Yes, it still prints if you run with --no-interactive from the command line14:49
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* tlater sits down and figures out how to clone jmac's repo14:52
jmacI think you can clone
tlaterI added it as a remote14:53
tlaterMan, I wish git could manage multiple directories14:53
tlaterWould make running multiple branches so much easier14:53
tlater(It probably can and I'm too ignorant to read up on it)14:54
tlaterjmac: If I disable pytest's capturing, I see an error traceback instead of a BUG message14:56
* tlater wonders if pytest is screwing with the exception handler14:57
tlaterjmac: It looks like your exception handler simply isn't called in the test harness for some reason15:05
tlaterYeah, manually feeding the exception to the exception handler results in the expected message15:08
* tlater suspects pytest overrides sys.__excepthook_15:10
tlaterAnd somehow forces writing to that15:10
jmacThat would make sense15:11
* tlater attempts overriding an absolutely-do-not-touch variable15:11
tlaterDoesn't work, unsurprisingly15:14
tlaterHrm, it's probably somewhere in pytest's exception handling code15:22
* tlater can't find what hides it, sorry :|15:22
jmacIt's no problem, I think subprocess will work fine15:23
jmacThanks for looking into it15:23
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (version-read-no-pkg_res->master: Get version number w/o pkg_resources) #234 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (monkey-patch-setuptools->master: WIP: Modify the generated CLI script by monkey patching) #231 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (175-refactor-integration-tests->master: WIP: Resolve "Refactor integration tests") #233 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (juerg/202->master: Element state handling fixes) #253 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (issue-191_relative_workspaces->master: WIP: Patch for issue #191 support relative workspaces) #251 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jmac/exception-hook->master: WIP: Add a handler for otherwise unhandled exceptions in the main BuildStream app) #248 changed state ("opened"):
jmacCan you change the branch on a gitlab merge request?17:04
ssam2i think not17:05
ssam2which is annoying17:05
jmacDo you prefer to force push or open a new MR?17:06
ssam2if the old stuff doesn't matter, force push17:07
ssam2the UI handles that reasonably well17:08
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jmac/exception-hook->master: WIP: Add a handler for otherwise unhandled exceptions in the main BuildStream app) #248 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (175-refactor-integration-tests->master: WIP: Resolve "Refactor integration tests") #233 changed state ("opened"):
jmac^ changed the test on this so it fails on existing code17:10
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #202 ("Build of gnome-build-meta.git is broken") changed state ("closed")
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (juerg/202->master: Element state handling fixes) #253 changed state ("merged"):
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* tlater found an odd bug - it seems I need to pause and continue twice to get my child process to continue after I ^C17:36
tlaterBut only if I do it too quickly?17:36
tlaterIt happens pretty consistently, fun to play with17:38
* tlater proposes it as a feature17:38
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