IRC logs for #buildstream for Wednesday, 2018-01-03

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*** ironfoot changes topic to "BuildStream 1.0.0 is out ! | | Docs: | IRC logs: | Roadmap:"09:32
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #178 ("Publish documentation for each stable branch + current development (master)") changed state ("opened")
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jonathanmawtristan: I've been put in charge of shepherding Was there anything in particular wrong with it?09:56
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (master->master: WIP: Documentation improvements) #183 changed state ("opened"):
ssam2tristan, i agree about the wiki pages & roadmaps ... i'll rearrange them11:27
tristanOh... thanks a lot ssam2 :D11:30
tristanssam2, Awesome :D11:54
tristansome links will break to the older stuff, but this is better11:54
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ssam2any plan for how documentation will work now that we have released 1.0?12:26
ssam2or is that a task someone could look at?12:26
ssam2 currently says "BuildStream 0.1 documentation" and is built from 'master'12:27
ssam2we should have and
ssam2or something12:27
* nexus sobs12:29
bochechassam2: as well as a /stable/ or /latest/ redirect to /1.0/ (or a symlink)12:59
tristanssam2, filed this before you arrived this morning:
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tristanssam2, yeah so anyway that is a problem that is unsolved, upstream gitlab bug report linked13:20
tristanI'm not sure how to solve it :-S13:21
tristanmaybe there is the possibility of maintaining a list of branches in the .gitlab-ci.yml13:21
tristanand then whenever the "only" filter (currently only master) is hit, we could have the pages docs generation job checkout each stable branch and generate docs in a loop ?13:22
tristanlike, build docs for each branch every time ?13:22
ssam2ouch, yes you'd think we wouldn't be the first to run into this13:57
ssam2to be honest i'm already not super happy with Gitlab Pages because of the stupid behaviour of
ssam2seems impossible to make that anything other than a 40413:58
tristanssam2, it's possible to make a group wide page14:00
tristanssam2, just apparently, everyone has important stuff to do instead :)14:00
ssam2oh, i didn't even figure out how14:01
ironfootReadthedocs has support for multiple branches/releases.14:02
ironfootBut then it won't be in gitlab pages14:03
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tristanironfoot, the main advantage with pages is only that it's built into gitlab and we can automate it - however, whether it be readthedocs, or joe shmoe's http server, maybe doing a deploy to something external would be a good workaround14:13
tristani.e. if we can do an `scp` with some properly hidden ssh private key that only gitlab 'Masters' can see, from the gitlab job which publishes docs, that could be nice14:14
ssam2seems that readthedocs builds the docs themselves on their own server14:16
ssam2which might not work as we do special stuff before running sphinx14:16
tristanyeah I certainly dont want to get into that14:17
tristanI dont mind to change the location of docs to fix the issue, but buying into a whole new system to do so is yuck14:18
* tristan notices we have some kind of race in our tests14:19
tristanit looks like, some times a piece of code gets to run, which usually doesnt14:19
* persia is generally a fan of readthedocs for doc hosting, when the repo-hosting service isn't sufficient14:20
tristanlooking at coverage reports for the last builds, most of them are 79.45%, while 2 of them are 79.53%, but with no significant code change related to tests14:20
tristanpersia, maybe there is a way to push built docs to readthedocs ?14:21
tristanpersia, what I dont like about it is fragmenting our infrastructure too much14:21
persiatristan: Yep: you just need to have a key, which implies some secrets management tooling in the CD environment.14:21
tristanjust copying it to an http server seems just as good14:21
persiaIs there an appropriate http server already configured and ready for use?14:22
tristanah, so you dont *have* to build them there, so I think it's a reasonable alternative yeah14:22
persiaI like readthedocs mostly because someone else deals with the SLA14:22
tristangitlab does let you keep secrets and stuff so, should be doable... would be nice to stick with pages14:23
tristanbut eh, if it aint gonna be fixed soon...14:23
persiaI also prefer not to split infra, but if pages is too broken to be the default for docs, then ...14:23
tristanpersia, yeah I was just saying I'd prefer a raw http server to it, but only because I thought we'd have to buy into the rest of readthedocs too14:24
tristanof course yeah... if it can be all gitlab, even better14:24
tristananyway... off to get some food14:24
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (modAndTest->master: Making changes to various documents:) #206 changed state ("opened"):
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