IRC logs for #buildstream for Friday, 2017-12-08

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tlaterbochecha: (If you are here) Currently you need to include a plugin from pip by specifying the plugin repository explicitly, probably 'bst-external:git-local' in your case10:05
bochechatlater: I tried that10:06
bochechareading the buildstream source code I figured something like that was needed10:06
bochechaI got further by specifying `BuildStream-external:git-local`10:06
bochechabut then it fails on requiring a .yaml file (source plugins usually don't have one?)10:06
bochechaI created an empty one, then it fails because it tries to import the buildstream.plugins.git_local module10:07
tlaterHm, that's odd10:07
bochechaat some point it completely ignores wherever the module comes from, and tries to import it from buildstream.plugins10:07
tlaterThe docker plugin works just fine for me, have you had a look at what sam did for that?10:08
tlaterIt's possible you're missing a __init__.py10:08
tlaterThis might help?
adds68Hi, when i run bst pull, in a directory, i'm getting an error "Error loading project: Could not find file at /home/adds68/git-repos/project.conf"10:10
bochechaI did add that __init__.py10:10
adds68However my conf files is stores in ~/.config/buildstream.conf10:10
bochechatlater: and really, I can manually load the entry point and import the plugin in a python shell10:10
adds68Does bst try to look for a project specific config file or one stored in a .conf directory?10:10
bochechatlater: but BuildStream doesn't try to load it from bst_external.sources, it tries to load it from buildstream.plugins10:11
adds68I'm following the steps from which tells me to add my file under ~/.config/10:11
tlateradds68: You also need a project.conf - the documentation for those is here:
adds68tlater, thank you, i shall take a look10:12
tlaterbochecha: Perhaps I missed a MR... Let me have a look, some changes were about to happen10:13
* tlater pulls current master and sees if his docker plugin still works10:13
bochechatlater: that `source.load_plugin(kind)` line, source comes from the pluginbase module, and its code just goes to search for any module in buildstream.plugins10:13
tlaterbochecha: Not quite correct, its code is set up to look from a pip-defined temporary directory if the plugin is external10:14
tlaterThe decision whether to read from buildstream.plugins or somewhere else is made a bit earlier in the code.10:14
bochechawhen creating that "source" object I suppose?10:14
bochechawhat I'm saying is that in my case, it decides to load it from buildstream.plugins :)10:15
bochechatlater: here:
bochecha`location` is correct at that point10:16
bochecha(it's in `~/.cache/Python-Eggs/` because the .egg file had to be extracted)10:16
tlaterThat's where it *should* go - now just to figure out why it doesn't...10:16
bochechayeah, I figured that's what it should do, but I couldn't understand why it doesn't... that pluginbase module looks like magic :x10:17
tlaterbochecha: Is your repository pushed somewhere yet?10:18
tlaterIf it isn't a regression I'd like to have a look at it10:18
bochechatlater: which one? the new source plugin?10:18
tlaterAh, yeah10:18
tlatergitlab-local, iirc10:18
bochechaah, seems I can't push to bst-external10:19
* bochecha forks10:19
bochechait's a first draft, I haven't been able to test whether it actually works, since I couldn't get builstream to load it :)10:21
tlaterYeah, the docker plugin still works, so this is entirely due to plugin importing requiring far too much magic10:21
bochechathe docker plugin works? huh10:21
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tlaterAh, nevermind, I used a tar plugin temporarily10:22
bochechaI don't see what I did differently :-/10:22
tlaterbochecha: Yeah, I think plugin loading changed overnight10:22
tlaterLet me check the commit log...10:23
tlaterThe downsides of using pre-release software ;P10:23
bochechaheh, I don't mind, everyone is reactive enough in here :)10:23
bochecha(when I don't ask at undue hours of course)10:23
tlaterYou would have had an answer if tristan wasn't on holiday ;)10:24
bochechadoes he ever sleep?10:25
tlaterI think he lives on coffee10:25
* tlater is a bit stumped, no recent commits regarding this10:26
tlaterI just pulled current master, let's see what commit I used beforehand, I suppose...10:26
bochechaif you're busy with something else, and you can tell me which commit you used that worked, I'm happy to run the bisection :)10:31
bochecha(I'm also happy to let you run it and just reap the benefits without doing any of the work, of course)10:31
tlaterHeh, I'm not sure which commit I used, because I was using the docker image10:31
tlaterUnfortunately I didn't consider actually checking before I pulled10:31
tlaterSo, yeah, I'll look into it ;)10:32
tlaterbochecha: Have you tried 'buildstrem-external:git-local'?10:47
tlaterI.e. not CamelCase10:47
bochechasame error10:48
bochechaby the way, the error message is:10:49
bochechaError loading pipeline: Failed to load Source plugin 'git_local': No module named 'pluginbase._internalspace._spfe78a8c11fe4c7df4ea275fc9bf81bf0.sources'10:49
bochechaI don't remember whether I had pasted it here10:49
tlaterbochecha: Aha!10:49
bochechais that important? it made no sense to me, so I just dug with pdb /o\10:50
tlaterAre you sure it's still loading from buildstream.plugins?10:50
tlaterBecause iirc, that's the path pluginbase uses to load from pip extracted sources - I might be misremembering10:50
bochechathat's what I found with pdb10:51
bochechalet me try again10:51
bochechaI set a break point just before this line
bochechathen I step into the function10:52
bochechathat's its code:
bochechasee how it tries to `__import__(self.base.package + '.' + name, ...)` ?10:53
bochecha(Pdb) self.base.package + '.' + name10:53
bochechaand that __import__ call fails10:54
tlaterOnly if self.base.package = buildstream.plugins, which it might not be?10:54
bochechabut it is10:54
bochechaI'm in the pdb shell right now10:54
tlaterAlright, unfortunate10:54
bochechado you have the same problem I do? or does it work for you?10:56
* tlater just got the docker plugin to load10:57
tlaterI'll check your branch next, not sure what I did to fix it10:57
tlaterThis is with the current master10:57
bochechado you have an example I can use to try the docker source?10:58
bochecha(I'm wondering if this wouldn't be caused by different versions of pluginbase, e.g I have a newer/older than you, and its behaviour changed)10:59
tlaterThat's possible... Hang on, I'll push the project I'm working on somewhere10:59
tlaterbochecha: The project is here:
tlaterIt will *definitely* fail to build11:03
tlaterBut if the docker plugin loads it should be able to fail tracking, so it can be used to test that at least11:03
tlaterIt seems that the docker plugin is broken due to some API change too, so you will have to remove a line11:03
tlater`sed 's/from buildstream.utils import SaveFile//' -i` should do it11:04
bochechaah right, that's because of a yet-unmerged change in BuildStream11:04
tlaterI just used `bst track --deps all base.bst` to test, it requires an element that uses the docker plugin11:05
bochechaKeyError: 'bst_external/sources/docker.yaml'11:06
bochechaloading the plugin requires it to have a yaml file, even an empty one11:06
bochechaonce I add that yaml file, tracking works :-/11:07
bochecha(well, it fails on the URL being wrong, but that means the docker external source plugin was loaded fine)11:08
tlaterAny differences between how you specify plugins and what base/base-system.bst does?11:08
bochechanot that I can see11:08
* tlater tries the same element with git-local11:09
bochechathere's an underscore in the name of my source, that's the only difference I see11:09
tlaterSame error11:09
bochecha(Pdb) self.base.package + '.' + name11:10
bochechaso that's not the problem then11:10
tlaterSurely it can't be that, the element plugins do the same thing11:10
tlaterWell, that's impressive11:10
tlaterI guess pluginbase overloads import or something?11:10
bochechamaybe :x11:11
* tlater had a fight or two with pluginbase deciding they want garbage collection at random times, so he wouldn't be surprised11:12
bochechaI don't get it :-/11:14
tlaterIt's not the underscore either11:15
tlaterYou're importing this11:16
tlaterfrom buildstream.plugins.sources.local import LocalSource, unique_key11:16
tlaterI don't think that's officially suported, and I frankly have no idea what happens11:16
tlaterLet's see what happens if I remove that line...11:17
tlaterYeah, that's it11:17
bochechacircular imports?11:17
tlaterbochecha: You can't import from other plugins at present11:17
tlaterPerhaps not circular, but pluginbase definitely gets confused11:17
bochechahum, I'd rather not copy-paste all of LocalSource for the few modifications I'm making :)11:18
tlaterUnfortunately that's what we have to do atm, it would be a bit of a headache to allow that11:19
bochecha(in fact I was about to send a tiny refactoring to LocalSource, so that my GitLocalSource would have even less code)11:19
* tlater can't remember exactly what blocked this, but it's not considered pre-1.0 work11:19
bochechais it something that might come at some point though?11:20
tlaterMaybe, we've had a handful of people run into this11:20
tlatertristan seems to be opposed to it though, so who knows11:20
bochechaso if I have to completely copy-paste the code, maybe I should keep that out of bst-external?11:21
* paulsherwood wonders if he's missed the 1.0 announcement... are we there yer?11:21
tlaterpaulsherwood: Not yet, but soon (trademark)11:21
tlaterbochecha: No, keep it in bst-external. It's unfortunate, but it's currently best practice.11:21
* bochecha can't wait for juergbi's branch on junctions to land11:21
bochechatlater: alright11:21
bochechatlater: so what about the need for an empty .yaml file along with the .py file, is that a restriction we should lift in BuildStream?11:31
bochechait seems a bit bizarre to enforce that, since source plugins generally don't have accompanying yaml files11:32
tlaterbochecha: It would be nice, but we wouldn't be able to actually include the element yaml files if we didn't do that - pip needs to move them about11:32
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tlaterThough I think with jonathanmaw's branch being merged that might be possible11:32
bochechaI don't understand what pip has to do with it11:33
tlaterbochecha: pip finds and collects the source files - but pip doesn't know whether the plugin we're importing needs a yaml file, and we can only know whether it does once it's loaded11:33
bochechathe issue is here:
bochechawrapping these lines in a `try: ... / except KeyError` would make the yaml file optional, wouldn't it?11:34
tlaterRight, it would11:34
* tlater feels very stupid and forgot that pip isn't just a magical bux11:35
tlaterwell, entirely11:35
bochechaI meant to use this one: :)11:35
bochechastupid fingers typed in the wrong order11:35
tlaterWell, I don't see any reason not to do that11:35
bochechaI'll send a merge request then11:36
tlaterCool, ta :)11:36
bochechathat being said, is this responsible for loading both internal and external plugins?11:36
tlaterbochecha: Yes, it is11:37
bochechathen how does it work with internal sources, which also don't have a .yaml file?11:37
tlaterbochecha: That specific line is the pip-specific bit11:37
bochechamaybe it's a difference due to the fact bst_external gets installed as a packed egg which needs to be extracted in cache...11:38
tlaterYes, that's exactly why we do that :)11:38
bochecha(setting zip_safe=False in bst_external's removes all the pain with packed eggs, by the way)11:38
tlaterI think we didn't want to have to require people to set that11:38
tlaterBecause we can't possibly control all plugin authors11:39
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adds68tlater, are there any obvious reasons why a remote cache would say it's not configured for pulling?12:14
adds68tlater, specifically the official artifact-docker12:14
tlateradds68: The remote cache wouldn't be saying that, buildstream would12:15
tlaterThe most obvious reason is a mistake in your configuration, what exactly are you trying to do?12:16
adds68tlater, i've set up a remote cache using the buildstream-docker image on a remote server12:16
adds68tlater, it currently empty, but i'm just trying test that buildstream can actually reach/use the cache12:17
tlateradds68: So the server is up and running, and you're trying to create a project that can push to it?12:17
adds68tlater, correct!12:17
adds68tlater, just out of context:
adds68i'm the only one with ssh access at the moment though12:18
tlaterAlright, that should be fine then12:18
tlaterHm, I'm a bit out of the loop on configuration of these...12:18
tlaterI think currently you define the push-and-pull url as a single url in project.conf?12:19
adds68tlater, understood, i just thought i'd see if there was anything abvious it could be12:19
adds68tlater, i was thinking maybe because it was empty, that could be why it's returning an error12:19
tlateradds68: I don't think so, no, that error is definitely a message buildstream normally gives you12:19
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (optional-yaml-for-source-plugins->master: plugincontext: Let plugins not have YAML defaults) #180 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (optional-yaml-for-source-plugins->master: plugincontext: Let plugins not have YAML defaults) #180 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (132-loading-external-plugins-works-without-explicit-requirement-in-project-conf->master: Resolve "Loading external plugins works without explicit requirement in project.conf") #125 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (132-loading-external-plugins-works-without-explicit-requirement-in-project-conf->master: Resolve "Loading external plugins works without explicit requirement in project.conf") #125 changed state ("opened"):
bochechahuh, so the tests for my merge-request in bst-external didn't fail on the missing git_local.yaml... how come? o_O13:48
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bochechathe test fails when run with --cov14:13
bochechait looks like in that case bst is run twice14:17
tlaterHm, odd14:18
bochechaoh no14:20
bochechait builds first14:20
bochechathen checks out14:20
bochechathe checkout fails when the test is run with --cov14:20
bochechabut it succeeds otherwise14:20
bochechait's the .coverage.${HOSTNAME}.${SOMETHING} file which gets added14:27
bochechait trips bst into thinking there's a new file, so the project needs to be rebuilt14:27
bochechaexcept the file was added by the build14:27
bochechathis is one more reason why I want this git-local source :D14:28
tlaterOh, hah14:28
tlaterIt's like buildstream is developing a personality :)14:29
bochechaI only had to add `.coverage*` to the .gitignore, and the git-local source does its job, ignoring the coverage file, telling buildstream to ignore it, making the test for git-local pass14:29
bochechait does feel a bit circular...14:29
tlater"Oh no, I just finished building that! Now there's another one..."14:29
bochechabst is the broom in the sorceror's apprentice14:29
bochechaexcept it doesn't keep filling up the water, it keeps building, never realizing its job is done :]14:30
* tlater is imagining this poor cute beaver with its hands up its hear every time it turns its back to look at its twigs14:30
bochechabut then that's really a problem with local sources using `path: .`, any file created by the build will trip bst14:30
tlaterYeah, I don't think the local was really intended to be used like that14:31
tlaterPerhaps we don't need a .bstignore file14:32
tlaterBut add something to the element config?14:32
tlaterignored-files: []14:32
bochechayeah, it's very possible I'm not using the right tools here... the use-case seems important though (having the bst recipes in the source code repo) because it enables lots of nice things (like the dev/CI stuff we were discussing yesterday)14:32
bochechaalthough reusing .gitignore seems easier :P14:33
tlaterDefinitely, but it won't work for a general project14:33
tlaterAllowing local source plugins to also except files will probably be important14:33
* tlater figures this is at least enough to raise it as an issue14:34
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bochechamaybe, yes14:35
tlaterHm, I guess for the time being we have git-local to test how this works out in practice. We can see how it pans out with things like recursive pipelines14:37
bochecha(I'm going to use recursvice pipelines as soon as they get merged)14:38
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bochechaI'm also happy to keep this git-local source separate for now, if needed (if it ends up being awful, I wonder whether having it in the bst-external repository implies some kind of commitment of maintenance)14:40
tlaterbochecha: The bst-external repository is for plugins intentionally left outside of buildstream because they aren't ready to be included, but so generally useful that we want to make them publicly available14:43
tlaterThere will be some maintenance, but considering how few there currently are I don't think it would be an issue - you wouldn't have to take that on ;)14:43
tlaterIf it ends up being unmaintainable we'll remove it in the future, perhaps in the future we allow extending plugins and we can neaten it up14:44
tlaterPerhaps it becomes obsolete14:44
tlaterEither way, for now it is useful, so I think it should be available14:44
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bochecha> If it ends up being unmaintainable we'll remove it in the future14:45
bochechathat was my fear, that we wouldn't remove it14:45
bochecha(not that I'd have to maintain it... if I use it I don't mind)14:45
tlaterI don't think we keep bst-external to the same standards we keep buildstream14:46
tlaterI guess there's no explicit statement for that yet, though.14:47
bochechaok, so the tests passed, and I'm confused:
bochechathey should have failed on the missing yaml file, as per
* tlater unfortunately knows pretty much nothing about the bst-external test suite 14:55
tlaterAh, it uses the same scripts14:55
bochechait's very similar to the integration-tests one in buildstream14:55
tlaterHm, yeah, that should definitely throw an error14:57
bochechawith bst master it does (I just tried it here)14:58
bochechacould the CI run a bst version before this commit?14:59
bochecha032d0f3 Add support for YAML default config loading14:59
bochechait's the one that added loading the YAML14:59
bochechafrom september... could the bst-external CI really be that late? :-/14:59
tlaterSeems very unlikely14:59
* tlater thinks bst-external came into existence in October/November15:00
bochechabut it uses a docker image which might be older?15:01
tlaterNo, that docker image is also newer than that commit15:01
tlaterPerhaps we had a short time in which that was ignored for some reason, it would explain why the docker plugin worked for me despite lacking a .yaml file15:01
bochechatristan last changed the file, doing something with exceptions15:02
tlaterThat's also a month ago though, and I don't think gitlab caches docker images15:02
bochechano, that's not it15:02
bochechayeah, the CI uses master15:04
bochecha$ su buildstream -c 'bst --version'15:04
bochechabst, version 0.1.dev1591+g3d9731415:04
bochechathat's what I get here as well, 3d97314 is the latest master15:04
bochechaso why does it fail here but works in the CI? o_O15:05
tlaterUgh, it sounds like a bug in the CI, but I have no idea how that would happen15:05
bochecha  script:15:06
bochecha    - pip3 install --no-index .15:06
bochechathe only thing I can think of is that a previous version of my MR installed the module with the .yaml file15:06
* tlater still doesn't know what `--no-index` does15:06
bochechaand `pip install` just installs over it, without removing what already exists, which means the .yaml file lingers15:07
tlaterbochecha: iirc we keep some cache directories, that is possible15:07
bochechabut that only holds if modifications by one pipeline are kept for another one...15:07
tlaterTry to remove the cache for a commit?15:07
bochechahow to do that?15:07
tlaterComment line 3-5 in the .gitlab-ci.yaml15:08
bochecha  - export XDG_CACHE_HOME="$(pwd)/cache"15:08
bochechaso, the module gets installed correctly by pip15:08
bochechabut the **unpacked egg** is kept from one run to another15:08
tlaterYeah, but also;15:08
bochechasince it goes in ${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/Python-Eggs/15:09
tlater- cache/buildstream/sources/15:09
tlaterWe explicitly cache only buildstream sources15:09
tlaterSo unless that is broken somehow, this shouldn't happen15:09
tlaterWorth a try to rm -r ${XDG_CACHE_HOME} though15:09
tlater(I take no responsibility for the CI taking longer ;) )15:10
bochechait's on my fork though, that shouldn't impact anybody else, right?15:10
bochechalast thing I want is to slow everybody else down ^_^15:10
tlaterNah, it shouldn't, and I don't think anyone is working on bst-external atm anyway15:11
nexusPlease could someone give me a nice definition of what an `element` is in the context of bst that I can use for the docs? ty15:27
bochechanexus: an element is a unit of "thing to build"15:28
bochechafor example, if you're building an application which has 3 dependencies, you would most likely have 4 elements15:28
jonathanmawtristan: I sorted out the tests issue with
jonathanmawI forgot to commit the directories full of test data :/15:34
bochechatlater: ok, so definitely not a leftover git_local.yaml (I ran `find / -name "*.yaml"` as part of the CI)15:37
bochechaI don't understand why the tests pass15:37
bochechaI think this is the first time ever I'm spending so long trying to get some tests to **fail**15:38
* tlater really hoped that would come up with something15:38
bochechame too15:39
tlaterPerhaps we can access the machines these tests run on and try and debug from there, I think sam has access to them?15:41
tlaterOtherwise, short of running the literal CI commands in docker, I really don't know how to figure this out :|15:41
tlaterSam is not about today, unfortunately15:42
bochechaI'm trying one last thing, then I'll give up and go get the bottle of génépi15:44
bochechatlater: I got it to pass with master on my laptop15:49
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bochechaI was installing bst-external with `python install`15:51
bochechawhich installs it as a compressed egg file15:51
bochechawhen we try to load the yaml file (which doesn't exist) from the egg, that raises the KeyError which makes the tests fail15:51
bochechathe CI installs bst-external with `pip install .`15:51
bochechawhich installs it as a regular package, no egg15:52
tlaterAnd that raises no error?15:52
bochechawhen we try to load the yaml file (which still doesn't exist), then no error is raised15:52
bochechathe KeyError must come from the file list in the zip (eggs are just zips)15:52
bochechaso I still think my MR which try/except the KeyError is needed, for those who install with `python install`15:53
bochechabut at least now I know I'm not going crazy15:53
tlaterYeah, and perhaps we should have the CI install in all ways you can with python15:53
tlaterWhich is enormously cumbersome...15:53
bochechaan afternoon trying to get these tests to pass, and eventually I realize that they really should succeed ^_^15:53
bochechawell, pip is becoming the defacto install tool15:54
bochechait's learning to handle other build tools than distutils/setuptools (e.g flit), it's growing the pyrpoject.toml support, etc...15:54
bochechahopefully, at some point the recommended way to install python modules will be `pip install` and everyone will really do that15:54
tlaterWell, for now we know what's going wrong when we run into this again15:55
bochechathat's why I added a pip element to buildstream in fact, to be future-proof, because the distutils element can't install all python modules, whereas (at least in the future) the pip one will be able to15:55
bochechaI loath Python packaging every day a bit more15:57
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (workspaces-yml-version-1->master: WIP: Add support for version 1 workspaces.yml format) #176 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (workspaces-yml-version-1->master: Add support for version 1 workspaces.yml format) #176 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (164-minimise-overlaps-by-having-overlaps-raise-exceptions-unless-configured-not-to->master: WIP: Resolve "Minimise overlaps by having overlaps raise exceptions unless configured not to") #181 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (164-minimise-overlaps-by-having-overlaps-raise-exceptions-unless-configured-not-to->master: WIP: Resolve "Minimise overlaps by having overlaps raise exceptions unless configured not to") #181 changed state ("opened"):
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