IRC logs for #buildstream for Wednesday, 2017-11-22

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juergbipytest-xdist looks interesting08:18
juergbi./ test --addopts "-n auto"08:19
juergbi619 passed, 16 skipped in 20.92 seconds08:19
juergbiinstead of over two minutes08:19
tristanjuergbi, nice !08:40
tristanjuergbi, we need to require that extra thing in tests_require for it ?08:40
tristanor just right now, just add -n auto ?08:40
juergbii added it to tests_require08:41
juergbinot sure whether it would work without that if pytest-xdist was already installed08:41
tristannah doesnt08:41
juergbiinstalling pytest-xdist without specifying '-n auto' doesn't seem to have any side effects, i.e., still runs single threaded08:42
tristanwithout it it bails out saying missing extension or similar08:42
juergbishall i push this dep?08:42
tristandoesnt work for me08:42
juergbihm, after adding pytest-xdist to tests_require? what error do you get?08:43
tristanjuergbi, I get a ton of these:
tristannonstop those08:43
tristanmaybe it expects things to all be installed system wide when it finds some things installed systemwide, I have no idea08:44
juergbihm, maybe some issue mixing different python package installation mechanisms?08:44
tristanI try to keep most of my things in ~/.local08:44
juergbii see you have /usr/local and ~/.local for python08:44
tristanyes python itself is from /usr/local08:44
tristanand I try to make sure anything I install with pip is with --user08:44
tristanso it lands in ~/.local08:44
juergbi./ installed pytest-xdist in .eggs for me08:44
tristanand I can wipe it if desired08:44
juergbiand that just works08:44
tristanyes it did that for me too08:45
tristanin my .eggs, I have coverage, pep8, pytest_forked and pytest_xdist now08:45
juergbii also have pytest_pep8 and a few more08:46
juergbipytest itself is also in .eggs08:46
tristanoh I also have pytest_env and pytest_runner08:47
tristanbut pytest itself I think is installed in ~/.local08:47
tristanin any case, looks a bit buggy08:47
tristanjuergbi, I suspect if you uninstall buildstream, git clean -xdf, pip install --user pytest, ./ test... you might reproduce08:48
juergbii don't currently use pip. only system/distro + local .eggs08:48
tristanjuergbi, if it's fragile, it deserves documentation if we're going to add it; which probably belongs in HACKING.bst08:49
juergbii'm probably not the best person to debug this08:49
tristanthe bst typos begin !08:49
juergbias long as it doesn't break the standard test invocation, i guess we could still add it to setup.py08:49
* tristan recalls forever writing such things as "I'm so glade that happened !"08:49
juergbiand then describe the parallel invocation with caveats in HACKING.rst08:49
juergbimuscle memory08:50
tristanjuergbi, the standard test invokation is hard to describe really, nothing says that users have not previously installed pytest to run it manually against their other python projects08:50
tristanor whatever08:50
tristanthis looks like a bug in pytest-xdist to be honest08:50
juergbiyes, the whole distro vs pip/egg/setuptools is just a mess, imo08:51
tristanjuergbi, maybe we could describe a "standard dev setup" somehow, which might include using a virtual env ?08:51
tristanand then get something half way trustable08:51
tristanright now though, `./ test` seems to be working with every combination of what is installed where08:52
juergbimaybe we should just use a buildstream-built environment for buildstream ;)08:52
tristanthings can be in /usr/local, in ~/.local, and in .eggs/, and all is working08:52
tristanyeah, I know that is partly sarcasm08:53
tristanthat would be painting us into a little corner indeed08:53
tristan"buildstream broke, I cant run tests because I cant produce the environment I need !"08:53
* tristan 's laptop has become the default autobuilder for gnome :-/08:55
paulsherwoodwhile i'm all in favour of determinism in the environment, this is one thing that hurt baserock badly originally...08:55
tristanI've been meaning to setup that intel box but cant find the time08:55
paulsherwoodwe required a baserock vm in which to run baserock... and as a result the setup time was woeful08:55
tristanpaulsherwood, yes I was thinking of exactly that :)08:55
paulsherwoodis vagrant a possibility?08:56
* tristan doesnt know...08:56
tristanI need to see just how immediately and without hassle I can just clone buildstream and run ./ test08:57
tristanand I dont know anything about vagrant :)08:57
paulsherwoodneither did i, but i found it relatively easy to setup for ybd08:57
juergbiwe already have the docker image08:57
tristanpaulsherwood, note this is specifically about running `make check` style tests, and speeding them up with this pytest-xdist extension08:57
paulsherwoodtristan: ack, ok08:57
tristanpaulsherwood, beside that, we already have a very deterministic env for running the tests on gitlab08:58
paulsherwoodok... would be nice to be able to keep doing everything outside gitlab too, to avoid spof etc08:58
tristanThat is a point, we are already quite close to that though08:59
tristanintegration-tests directory needs refactor but for other reasons, you can run the tests on your machine08:59
tristanand we do have the `bst-here` script which spawns the docker image, which I think is the same one we use for tests08:59
tristanso *probably* that same test run is reproducible on any machine08:59
tristanor quite close to it09:00
tristanon the other hand, I like that gitlab is free software and we can set it up at will without relying on the org09:00
tristanso I'm less worried about it slipping away09:00
tristan(well "free software", at least the parts we really need fall under that category)09:01
paulsherwoodtristan: i agree, but other sponsored communities have disappeared before now09:01
paulsherwoodi like gitlab a lot, to be clear.09:01
tristansimilarly, we generate docs easily ourselves09:01
tristanbut we rely on gitlab pipelines for things such as automatically doing the generation and updating a website09:02
tristanWe do try to stay as self contained as possible; but I also think; if we're going to use things to automate stuff outside of that: I would much prefer to have "one thing" than many09:03
paulsherwoodright. but nothing in those pipelines is magic :-) maybe we should sponsor a gitlab instance for this and other public-facing projects? :)09:03
tristani.e. not gitlab plus jenkins plus vagrant plus....09:03
paulsherwoodtotally agree09:03
paulsherwoodin fact i keep trying to encourage additional functionality in gitlab, so we can avoid extra dependencies09:04
paulsherwood(we sponsored the original gitlab kanban work, for example)09:04
tristanyeah, I just do my part by filing bugs when I encounter them09:04
tristanI've been following this one particularly:
paulsherwoodbugs and discussions and documentation are contributions also... it's not all about code :-)09:05
tristanbut looks like it wont be implemented very soon09:05
tristanyes, *definitely* agree, a huge amount of a project's value is in it's bug and email history09:06
* tristan notes that is why he likes to keep as much even marginally relevant bugs as possible open at all times09:08
tristaneven if it wont be fixed in 3 years, its valuable to remember that this little thing can be improved in some way09:08
paulsherwoodi wonder if buildstream is 'ready' for me to try yet... :-)09:09
tristanpaulsherwood, I think the bst-here script does what you wanted09:15
paulsherwoodooh, cool! :-)09:16
paulsherwoodi'll give it a try09:17
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tristanjuergbi, oh... I thought about that and then forgot to mention...09:54
tristanjuergbi, so... you have an itch and I rather not prevent you from scratching, while the change to is ridiculously trivial...09:55
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tristanjuergbi, if you want to add it to tests_require, that doesnt really break things unless you add the --addopts thing09:55
tristanjuergbi, so if you want, add it there, but please add a comment above the entry in tests_require, and mention that it's not entirely reliable09:56
tristanjuergbi, but *on the other hand*09:56
tristanjuergbi, first push a branch with that and make sure it doesnt break the docker builds, docker might need an update for this09:57
tristanbecause we try to take special care when running tests from docker that we get no surprise versions of things09:57
juergbiok, i'll add it to my wip branch and will verify that it doesn't break the docker builds09:58
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tristanjuergbi, if it breaks, you need to update:
juergbiok, ta10:16
gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@juerg/recursive-pipelines (by Jürg Billeter): 9 commits (last: Add pytest-xdist dependency)
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (sam/canonical-push-urls->master: Canonical push/pull URLs) #158 changed state ("opened"):
tristanssam2, sure write a letter ! :D10:58
tristanssam2, I didnt look at the patch at all yet, but it's good to get that expected breakage done in advance of 1.0 anyway :)10:58
tristanI'll take a look10:58
tristanare there a lot of edge cases ? I guess there is no such thing as having ssh: access for pull but not push10:59
tristanrequires the same permissions10:59
tristanI wish we had tests for the protocol :-S10:59
ssam2if you try and use ssh:// to access a cache that's not been updated, pulls and pushes fail10:59
ssam2but that's on us to update them :-)11:00
tristanRight, do they fail gracefully ?11:00
tristanprotocol version check I guess11:00
ssam2            "Remote cache did not tell us its pull URL. This cache probably requires updating to a newer version of `bst-artifact-receive`."11:01
ssam2i didn't bump the protocol version, as I didn't add any new commands11:01
ssam2we could do that, instead of having a check for whether it returned pull-url in the 'info' response.11:02
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #160 ("pushing of artifacts should be imperative when enabled during bst build") changed state ("opened")
ssam2yes protocol tests would be kinda nice11:12
tristanthats where we're missing coverage a lot11:13
ssam2there are a few options on how to do it ... one is to run our own SSH daemon somehow11:13
tristanstill lagging barely below 80%11:13
ssam2if you were happy for the test suite to depend on Paramiko, that would be the best way I think11:13
tristanI dont know what paramiko is11:13
ssam2we could have an in-process SSH daemon11:14
ssam2running in the tests, calling the real bst-artifact-receive code11:14
ssam2alternately, we could depend on the host's sshd, but that seems more fragile11:14
ssam2or, we could just connect bst-artifact-receive to a pipe or a tcp socket... but then we need to add a new URL scheme just for the tests11:14
ssam2we'd have an artifact cache url of unix:///tmp/bst-test-artifact-receive or something11:15
ssam2(i guess that'd be a unix domain socket, not a tcp socket, but you get my point)11:15
tristanyeah... would it run through the same ssh remote commands codepath ?11:15
ssam2yeah, it would11:16
tristanthe point would to make the tests do the real thing of course11:16
ssam2we'd use the host's `ssh` program, and that would talk to the test-suite's ssh daemon which would be provided by Paramiko11:16
ssam2so we'd depend on the host having ssh but not sshd11:16
tristanyeah that sounds more real than in process ssh daemons11:16
tristanoh, well... why paramiko at all ? I dont understand why :-S11:17
tristanI mean, we always use sshd in real life right ?11:17
ssam2but we require a human to configure it11:17
ssam2if we configure it automatically in the test suite, we basically have to require that it's opensshd11:18
ssam2maybe that's fine11:18
ssam2but it seems ugly11:18
tristanAh, so... I mean, it's not a hard requirement to have it run in `./ test`11:18
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tristanit can be an integration test only11:18
tristanand will still be fine11:18
ssam2good point... maybe that's fine then11:18
ssam2you can run opensshd as a regular user with a custom config fine11:19
tristanssam2, so we can't like... provide a stock sshd_config that runs in an isolated container or smth ?11:19
tristanI guess that's getting a bit too much11:19
tristanor that11:19
tristanin any case, the integration tests *should* still be runnable on the host so, I'm not sure what I was thinking11:20
tristanwell, it's certainly a tricky thing to do, if paramiko makes it easier then that sounds like a good approach11:21
tristanssam2, also note that we can optionally enable / disable tests quite easily (and do so quite a bit)11:21
ssam2yeah true11:21
tristanSo, we dont need to hard depend on it11:21
ssam2and i think nearly everyone does use opensshd in practice11:21
tristanjust make sure the docker image has it so that it runs on the main gitlab pipelines11:22
ssam2perhaps somewhere like Solaris you have something incompatible11:22
tristananother tricky thing to this...11:24
tristanis that when running bst-artifact-receive in a test harness, it needs to be run under coverage as well11:24
ssam2hmm yeah11:24
tristanand the report collected safely separately11:24
ssam2it's up to the test runner to configure the ssh daemon to do that, I guess11:25
tristanssam2, anyway; I'm not blocking your patch on that - but having tests for that part is still a big need11:25
tristanso *cough*, if anyone is going to work on that, I'm very pleased :D11:26
ssam2maybe :-)11:27
ssam2but also want to look into the slowness i found yesterday :-(11:27
tristanif that fsync variable works, we can add it in GNOME11:28
tristanmaybe specifically for that integration command11:28
ssam2yes, it does seem to help in some cases11:28
tristandoesnt seem like a good candidate for the default environment11:28
ssam2there's also an `update-mime-database -n` flag which checks timestamps and does no work if it's not needed11:29
ssam2i'm wondering if we are messing up timestamps in the integration stage and losing some optimisations as a result11:29
ssam2ldconfig is also super slow, for every single element, which seems wrong11:29
ssam2if we run that after building the base, it should have nothing to do when run again11:29
ssam2but maybe timestamps are causing it to redo everything, each time it runs11:30
ssam2there's clearly another issue as well, because none of that would cause checkouts to be super slow. I tried disabling ostree's fsync's and that didn't help, so it may well be something FUSE related11:30
ssam2what i actually wanted to do was write a talk and do some screencasts of using BuildStream11:31
tristanssam2, can try adding ldconfig in base-configure.bst11:44
tristanbut we will lose the timestamps anyway11:44
tristanif they count11:44
tristanat *least* until we figure out something for #3811:44
* tristan starting to remember that infamous bug number by heart now11:45
ssam2adding ldconfig in base-configure might help a lot12:00
tristanI dont know that it will, but it might12:13
tristanI honestly suspect it will not make a difference12:14
ssam2where would i file a bug for this ?12:14
ssam2buildstream project, jhbuild-bst project ?12:14
tristanI dont see how it's possible that `dpkg --configure -a` doesnt do it12:14
ssam2hmm true12:14
ssam2it did help during Baserock bootstrap work, but nothing already ran ldconfig there12:14
tristanWell, try it12:14
tristandpkg --configure -a doesnt pass everything, some things fail12:15
ssam2will do. i think i need to set some time aside for this though12:15
tristanmaybe an extra kick in the nuts to the runtime loader will help12:15
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juergbian alternative may be not to use at all, might be faster overall12:16
juergbi(iirc, everything works if the cache doesn't exist, just without the cache speedup)12:16
tristanI feel like the slowness is due to the python fuse layer12:17
tristanto be honest12:17
juergbithat's possible12:17
tristanssam2, you could try a build with that disabled; which is "dangerous" but might reveal the problem12:18
juergbiwondering whether overlayfs would be a potential (faster) alternative12:18
tristanI dont know, but I doubt that I want any external tools taking on that role12:18
juergbioverlayfs is in kernel mainline12:18
tristanbecause #38 *has* to happen12:18
* tristan doesnt know the details of how overlayfs works12:19
tristanmaybe it also gives us the same kind of entry points that fuse does ?12:19
tristanthat would give us the flexibility we need12:19
tristanbut then, it would also lock us in more tightly with linux: bad12:19
juergbino, overlayfs is an in-kernel union filesystem12:19
juergbiyes, it would have to be a linux-specific optimization, unfortunately12:20
tristanI have a feeling that a C implementation of the safe hardlinks thing might be faster12:20
tristanyeah the more we do linux specific stuff the more we grow platform entry points, the more mess we create12:20
juergbioverlayfs doesn't help with uid/gid handling but the also linux-specific user namespace support might12:20
tristanbetter to be a bit slower than to create something less standard and immensely difficult to maintain12:20
juergbiyes, i generally agree12:21
ssam2i suspect FUSE, indeed12:27
ssam2running a checkout with the python profiler would be my next step12:27
tristanssam2, there has always been some consideration of categorizing integration commands a bit too, but that wouldnt make ldconfig faster, that's probably wanted all the time12:30
tristanthe idea being, maybe only some integration commands are needed for builds, while others can be reserved for elements (and/or element types) which explicitly want them12:30
tristanbut, you know all that jazz about premature optimizations...12:31
tristanso havent looked at it yet12:31
ssam2yeah, it sounds a bit fiddly12:31
ssam2these slowness issues are not unique to us; if a package manager had to wait 3 minutes running ldconfig after every operation, people would complain12:32
ssam2when chasing the update-mime-database slowness i found various discussions on package manager bug trackers complaining of the same thing12:32
tristanWell, to be fair (or unfair, depending on how fast is your storage unit it seems), it's really much much faster than what you describe12:37
tristanalso I dont think dropping ldconfig is an option, or at least not an easy one; we do rely a bit on a custom file to prioritize the libraries we install in the sysroot12:39
tristanlooking at canonical urls: return (not self._offline or self._local)12:45
tristanthat's not a change from before (i.e. before was just as ambiguous)12:46
tristanbut I always wonder what does that boolean statement mean ?12:46
tristan(not a) or b12:46
tristannot (a or b)12:46
ssam2yes, i copied that while trying not to think about it :-)12:49
ssam2well, the only way it can work if it means: if (self._local) or (not self.offline):12:49
gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@master (by Jürg Billeter): 1 commit (last: Add pytest-xdist dependency)
ssam2as being offline is a disaster, unless we are using a local path12:49
ssam2so it means: (not a) or b12:49
tristanyeah, lets avoid such ambiguousness in general and stick with extra parens :)12:53
tristanbut anyway, patch looks good, added comment12:53
ssam2great! should i proceed with sending the mail, updating caches, and merging then ?12:53
tristanyeah, was going to ask you to just send an announcement about it12:53
tristanif you want to merge it today and update gnome7 and the baserock server, you can go ahead12:54
tristanfor me, it's too late to stick around for that12:54
tristanotherwise, tomorrow we coordinate early morning UK time :)12:54
ssam2i can merge12:55
ssam2and do the stuff12:55
tristanYeah I'm happy to get that out of the way12:57
tristanall around nicer12:57
* tlater can't figure out how to get buildstream to know the pipeline is consistent if only part of it is tracked :|13:11
tristantlater, in order to know if the lower, excepted levels are consistent/cached ?13:14
tlatertristan: Or the higher ones that aren't included in the tracking queue13:14
tristantlater, that would need to be some more selective logic in how we initially load13:14
tristani.e. there is a parameter to the Pipeline() constructor which is currently a boolean13:14
tristanwhether to load inconsistent or not13:15
tristanthat would have to be changed13:15
tlaterHm, not sure that would work too well, because we only know what is being tracked and what isn't after the Pipeline has loaded13:16
tristantlater, so a goal here is to still be able to build without saving tracking results, and track, but except the base system, tracking the base system means downloading a few gigs you dont need13:16
tristanso, it would be important to know that13:16
tristantlater, looking at, we check inconsistent to selectively force elements to be inconsistent13:17
tristanand otherwise, we force calculate the cache key early13:17
tristantlater, that whole thing could be migrated outside of the constructor ?13:18
tlaterRight, actually, that should work13:18
tristanof course, it means aggressive changes13:18
tristanto the tickers and such13:18
tristantlater, if I recall your patch properly, that might even simplify main.py13:19
tlaterA bit, probably. Well, I'll change that and see what breaks.13:20
tristantlater, it might be easier to move that whole block outside of the constructor13:22
* tlater was moving it into a separate function13:22
tristani.e. from preflighting all the way to checking cache state13:22
tristannot only checking cached state13:22
tristanall of that seems to belong together13:22
tristanand can be practically called from every main entry point13:23
tristanI dont know, you are currently closer to the code, it just *seems* that way13:23
* tlater wonders about the workspace stuff, but agrees otherwise :)13:24
* tristan thinks it was a bad idea in general to have constructors "doing things"13:25
tristanalthough I originally took that approach a lot, it has bitten me13:25
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ssam2i'm gonna merge the canonical push/pull URLs business then15:02
gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@sam/canonical-push-urls (by Sam Thursfield): 20 commits (last: Fix tests)
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (sam/canonical-push-urls->master: Canonical push/pull URLs) #158 changed state ("opened"):
ssam2in a while, once the CI has finished15:04
tlaterHm, is there a way to remove an element from the cache in the tests?15:15
ssam2several ways15:16
ssam2do we always use the same backend in the tests, though ?15:17
ssam2i assume we run each test twice in CI, once with each backend15:17
ssam2so i guess this would need a helper function15:17
tlaterFor the test I'm trying to do this for I only use one backend15:19
ssam2oh cool, so just delete it from the cache15:21
ssam2if it's ostree, delete the appropriate ref15:21
tlaterWait, no15:22
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (132-loading-external-plugins-works-without-explicit-requirement-in-project-conf->master: WIP: Resolve "Loading external plugins works without explicit requirement in project.conf") #125 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@132-loading-external-plugins-works-without-explicit-requirement-in-project-conf (by Jonathan Maw): 1 commit (last: Make external plugin loading require explicit configuration in project.conf)
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (132-loading-external-plugins-works-without-explicit-requirement-in-project-conf->master: WIP: Resolve "Loading external plugins works without explicit requirement in project.conf") #125 changed state ("opened"):
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jonathanmawouch! after making those changes 250 of the pytest tests failed17:20
ssam2the unix platform tests are unbelievably slow these days17:36
ssam2i don't think i'm even going to get time to merge the canonical pull URLs branch today at this rate17:37
ssam2i guess i can spend the time trying to work out why it's so slow. seems to be a theme of this week17:37
tlaterta ssam2 for solving the slowness mysteries :)17:39
gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@tracking-changes (by Tristan Maat): 2 commits (last: Merge the track queue into the scheduler run)
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tracking-changes->master: Tracking changes) #119 changed state ("opened"):
jonathanmawonly 25 failed now, tests pointed out where I was loading the project wrong17:48
gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@tracking-changes (by Tristan Maat): 8 commits (last: Add pytest-xdist dependency)
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tracking-changes->master: Tracking changes) #119 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@tracking-changes (by Tristan Maat): 1 commit (last: Fix tests)
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