IRC logs for #buildstream for Sunday, 2017-11-05

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gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@master (by Tristan Van Berkom): 2 commits (last: testutils: Added optional subdir parameter to repo creation)
*** bochecha has joined #buildstream07:37
bochechaI've got an element with `kind: autotools`, and builstream seems to insist on wanting to run the autogen step, instead of directly going to the configure script (which exists)08:06
tristanbochecha, the default is to ignore that and attempt to reconfigure from a non-release-tarball state yes08:08
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bochechareally? the other autotools element I have just directly runs the configure script :x08:08
bochechayeah, I'm looking at that08:09
tristandefault is %{autogen} and then %{configure} in configure-commands08:09
bochechaany reason to always redo the autogen step?08:10
tristanWell, this comes from something that has a history I cannot entirely explain08:10
tristanIts possible that it's a good idea to change it08:11
bochecha(flatpak-builder just skips the autogen step if a configure script exists, fwiw)08:11
tristanMmmmyeahhh not really looking at that as a shining example of greatness but rather an ad-hoc shim, to be honest08:11
bochechaso my other autotools module doesn't have an {autogen,bootstrap}{,.sh} script, and its configure script exists, so the autogen step conditionals just don't do anything08:12
tristanI could speculate if I was not on my way out the door08:12
bochechait does have a and all the rest though, so it would work to just run `autoreconf` on it, but due to the conditionals that doesn't happen08:12
bochechawhich makes this thing very inconsistent and surprising...08:13
tristanThere is a history of building everything from git, and resorting to normalizing tarballs to git in the off cases where an upstream VCS was unavailable08:13
tristanThis might be an artifact of managing downstream patches in an aggregated git repo instead of the (admittedly horrible) practice of managing .patch files against upstreams08:13
tristanbochecha, best is to raise this on the mailing list I think08:14
bochechaalright, I will :)08:14
tristanTo be honest I like the unconditional autogen, and would probably prefer to ensure it always tries to run autoregen -ivf in the case that a configure happens to exist08:15
tristanIf thats at least reliable08:15
tristanbecause it ensures the same build commands keep working when you go switching from release tarballs to development VCS branches and then back again08:16
tristandeciding what to do because of what happens to be in your checkout feels more error prone than just hammering it the same way every time08:16
bochechaI don't have an opinion on whether an unconditional autogen is a good or bad thing :)08:18
bochechabut if bst wants to always go through the autogen step, then it should really always happen08:18
bochechathis element entirely skips the autogen steps and starts with the configure one:
bochechawithout me doing anything special, it just happens this way :)08:19
bochechahence my surprise08:19
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valentindtristan, is there a plan for exporting to ostree directly from buildstream?15:10
tristanvalentind, not for the moment no, trying to avoid feature creep for things which can easily be scripted around buildstream15:12
tristanvalentind, one thought is maybe we can have an unsafe checkout mode which gives the user hardlinks back into the artifact, i.e. "handle with care" but makes such operations a bit more optimized15:13
gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@remove-arches (by Tristan Van Berkom): 20 commits (last: Adjust to new loader API)
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (remove-arches->master: WIP: Remove arches) #117 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@remove-pre-post-commands (by Tristan Van Berkom): 20 commits (last: Adjust commands to multiple targets)
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (remove-pre-post-commands->master: WIP: Remove pre post commands) #118 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (remove-arches->master: Remove arches) #117 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #120 ("Remove 'arches' conditionals") changed state ("closed")
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (remove-arches->master: Remove arches) #117 changed state ("merged"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: Tristan Van Berkom deleted branch remove-arches16:25
gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@master (by Tristan Van Berkom): 7 commits (last: Removing arches)
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (remove-pre-post-commands->master: Remove pre post commands) #118 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@master (by Tristan Van Berkom): 3 commits (last: Issue #121 - Remove traces of pre-/post- commands)
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #121 ("Remove pre-/post- command prefix support") changed state ("closed")
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (remove-pre-post-commands->master: Remove pre post commands) #118 changed state ("merged"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: Tristan Van Berkom deleted branch remove-pre-post-commands16:46
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