IRC logs for #buildstream for Wednesday, 2017-10-18

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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #100 ("Avoid package upgrades during CI") changed state ("closed")
gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@master (by Tristan Van Berkom): 1 commit (last: .gitlab-ci.yml: Use `pip3 install --no-index` when installing BuildStream)
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (sam/no-install-python-deps->master: .gitlab-ci.yml: Use `pip3 install --no-index` when installing BuildStream) #110 changed state ("closed"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jonathan/all-elements-need-yaml->master: Make all element loading require a yaml file) #108 changed state ("closed"):
gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@74-prevent-artifacts-from-containing-files-in-buildstream-build (by Tristan Van Berkom): 11 commits (last: _options/ Use _yaml.composite() instead of _yaml.composite_dict())
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (74-prevent-artifacts-from-containing-files-in-buildstream-build->master: Add warnings when staging to /buildstream/build) #93 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@no-install-test-requires (by Tristan Van Berkom): 1 commit (last: .gitlab-ci.yml: Issue #100 - Avoid installing test_requires)
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (no-install-test-requires->master: .gitlab-ci.yml: Issue #100 - Avoid installing test_requires) #114 changed state ("opened"):
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tristanbochecha, your pet feature has landed yesterday btw; see:
tristanstill ironing out kinks for ^C though09:16
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ssam2tristan, I got a bit confused in the meeting about errors on overlaps vs. warnings on overlaps09:50
ssam2 is about better *warnings* on overlaps09:50
ssam2the thing that would be a blocker is *errors* on overlaps, i.e. any overlap causes a build to fail unless it's explicitly white listed09:50
ssam2i got the impression you don't like that feature and didn't have the energy to bring it up yet, but if we're going to do it, it should be a blocker for 1.009:51
ssam2bring it up as a feature proposal, i mean09:52
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #117 ("bst build --track doesnt allow granular selection of elements to track") changed state ("opened")
tristanssam2, right - that makes more sense09:57
tristanssam2, So, what do you think it would look like ?09:58
tristanI can wait for a proposal, but if it's all clear in your mind and straight forward enough, maybe we can save some effort09:58
tristanssam2, also maybe it does not break API09:59
ssam2basically, (a) any overlaps raise an error09:59
ssam2(b) under the 'depends' section, you can say 'ignore: /usr/bin/awk' or something, to not warn when /usr/bin/awk is overridden10:00
ssam2or /usr/bin/*, I guess10:00
ssam2i've not given that a lot of thought though10:00
tristanRight, I would posit that there are going to be projects which will not care10:00
ssam2right. making it optional is fine by me10:00
ssam2and that would make it no longer a blocker10:01
tristanAnd the decision of making this an error explicitly is better anyway, yeah10:01
tristanI dont think it will land in `depends:`10:01
ssam2ok, that removes one blocker :-)10:01
tristanBut we can find an amenable solution for sure10:02
tristanPerhaps public data is a decent place, or a new toplevel element attribute10:02
tristan(mostly because depends: is very early parse, core stuff)10:02
ssam2that would be fine, I guess the only advantage of 'depends' is it might save typing10:03
tristanssam2, also, your raising the idea that this should be per-element, also indicates that any proposal should also consider reducing verbosity (only to say: The part where a reverse dependency need not mention it, because it's indicated by the dependency, and how that is resolved, should be a part of the thinking here)10:04
ssam2you mean, an element should be able to say "these files can be overwritten and it's fine by me" ?10:04
tristanprobably this is a detail of resolving stuff while considering build vs not-build dependencies10:04
tristanI mean, some things no longer land in build context because of dependency models, but these whitelist declarations on elements must be propagated automatically forward in the correct way10:05
tristanand, that correct way should be thought out before implementing :D10:06
tristanthat's all10:06
ssam2yeah... i think a prototype would be needed before agreeing on the actual user experience for this one10:06
tristan(not every element which produces a /bin/bash overlap error, needs to declare that)10:06
tristanprobably the decision of whether it's an error initially belongs in the project.conf, unless possibly later overridden by the user10:07
ssam2yeah I think project.conf is the right place10:07
tristanssam2, random idea also; you might consider A.) What an element puts into it's artifact, and B.) What that element depends on10:08
tristanAnd catch the error much earlier10:09
tristanAt artifact-which-produces-overlap-error artifact creation time10:09
ssam2yes that's a thought10:09
tristanneeds some extra thought as to whether that really works, with build vs run dependencies; I guess it's with runtime dependencies it would need to be checked10:10
tlatertristan: Upon further testing, it seems that just passing on the error works fine10:16
tlaterThe issue is raising exceptions on a non-zero error code10:16
tlaterAny exception somehow keeps some threads alive10:17
tlaterI'm guessing this only happens in interactive shells, since those don't go through the pipeline.10:17
tlaterBut I'm not really sure where those threads are even launched in the first place.10:17
tristanWhen executing in the pipeline, there is not a problem, I believe that is primarily because we run bwrap in a separate session10:34
tristanExamining exit status worries me10:34
tristantlater, i.e. we are doing something differently based on what an untrusted software tells us to do; unless, we can rely on bwrap to produce consistent results for us ?10:35
tlatertristan: The exit status of mount and umount are monitored, this is exclusive to the unix platform10:36
tristanOh wait; we are talking about ^C right ?10:36
tlaterYup, sorry10:36
tristanAnd, wasnt this also an issue with bwrap ?10:36
tlatertristan: I thought so, but it doesn't seem to be. Might have confused something./10:37
tristanAlso, how can we inspect exit status, when we are working around something by brutal murder of a process before it has a chance to exit ?10:37
tlaterAlthough it is an issue when bwrap's cleanup fails10:37
tlatertristan: This is when we pass instead of killing the process in the exception - so it isn't brutally murdered.10:38
tristanOk, so you mean killing potential zombies10:38
tristanSo we do manage to join() the child process, but if it had an error (non zero exit), we may have to explicitly kill ?10:39
tristantlater, this all sounds reasonable; albeit fiddly with high level python stuff rather than C10:39
tlatertristan: It's possible with a few exception handlers10:40
tristantlater, I would think though; we dont need to inspect exit status, and can safely try killing the child after join, and ignoring a failure to kill a non-existing process10:40
tristanthis way we dont rely on an untrusted process telling us it's exit status, and behaving a way we expect it to10:41
tlaterRight, that seems sensible.10:41
* tlater is still unsure how a process can survive after returning an exit code10:41
tristanwith regular low level system calls, we'd use stuff like WIFEXITED on the waitpid() return10:42
tristantlater, what happens is buildstream receives SIGCHILD10:42
tristanin real life, under python distortions10:42
tristanand we call waitpid()10:42
tristanand then there is a correct course of action, it's usually the parent's responsibility to "reap" a child10:43
tristantlater, ah so what is *probably* happening, is that you think there is an exit code; because of some python in between buildstream and the child10:44
tristantlater, also note that with --unshare-pid, our controlling bwrap process is a grandchild10:45
tristanthis also causes some distortion, that is why terminate_proc() is the way it is10:45
tlatertristan: Not in the chroot case - though I suppose perhaps the controlling python process is killed by the C-c first, and that that somehow doesn't kill its subprocess.10:46
tristan(direct bwrap child in fact, we are not allowed to kill, due to regular setuid'ness of bwrap)10:46
tristanMmmm I would personally prefer to not cross subjects here; lets fix bwrap the right way first; and then move on to chroot/unix fallback10:47
tristanThe "right way" well, lets really fix it :)10:48
tlatertristan: The bwrap process seems to be working perfectly atm10:49
tristanOk, lets land a fix for that first, and then a separate one for chroot10:49
tristanI'd like to see the patch before moving on, and; lets make sure we're disregarding the exit status10:50
* tristan checks python docs for a sec10:50
* tristan wonders if we get the waitpid macros10:50
tristanseems not...10:51
* tlater thinks the current patch is pretty much ready then - I'll just push my fixes to the bwrap part :)10:52
tristantlater, ...10:55
tristanthat looks like the low level way to handle that exit properly10:56
tristantlater, if you could try that; that would be appreciated10:56
tlaterOh, sweet10:56
tristanI.e., keep using subprocess to spawn, but call os.waitpid() on the pid10:56
tristaninspect to see if WIFEXITED10:57
tristanif not, brutal murder10:57
tlaterPoor subprocess10:57
tlaterLooks like there is actually a specific function for WIFEXITED:
tristantlater, tip: we probably dont want to remove subprocess.poll() for this either; let the subprocess module do it's thing, inspect after11:07
tristanI hope that works11:07
tristanand probably can be applied to chroot stuff as well11:08
tlaterYup, that was my intention11:08
tlatertristan: I think the issue may not be in the subprocess handling, actually11:11
tlaterYeah, i just raised an exception without ever calling subprocess.Popen and it still happens11:12
tlaterThere's another issue independent of the subprocess handling, which also causes a lingering zombie process.11:13
tristantlater, if the buildstream process itself dies without ever reaping the child, it will naturally become orphaned11:16
tristanalso, if you never called subprocess.Popen, there is no process to orphan :-/11:17
tristanSo I wonder what you're saying; maybe you're looking at a previously orphaned zombie11:18
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (sam/use-via-docker-2->master: Add `bst-here` script and document it) #113 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@sam/use-via-docker-2 (by Sam Thursfield): 2 commits (last: contrib/bst-here: Set a fixed shell prompt)
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #118 ("BuildStream fails to timeout in network activities") changed state ("opened")
tristanssam2, fwiw I feel like having completions is important enough by itself to recommend using the shell rather than multiple bst-here invocations without completions, man pages are rather less important11:45
ssam2makes sense11:45
ssam2in which case i think that branch is ready11:45
tristannice to have, but not a big deal, they are after all generated from `bst --help` commands11:45
ssam2i updated the docs to recommend the interactive shell approach11:45
tristanssam2, just looked it over, it needs a rebase but ready to land IMO :)11:48
* tristan has been trying rebase from gitlab UI but it's not always working11:48
ssam2yeah i've never had much luck with that11:48
* ssam2 tries11:48
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (sam/use-via-docker-2->master: Add `bst-here` script and document it) #113 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@sam/use-via-docker-2 (by Sam Thursfield): 13 commits (last: _options/ Use _yaml.composite() instead of _yaml.composite_dict())
ssam2seems to have worked, i'll set it to merge when the CI succeeds11:49
* tristan beat you to it haha11:49
tristanmy page was all open on it and everything !11:49
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #101 ("Improve convenience for users running BuildStream through `docker`") changed state ("closed")
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #101 ("Improve convenience for users running BuildStream through `docker`") changed state ("closed")
gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@sam/no-install-python-test-deps (by Sam Thursfield): 1 commit (last: .gitlab-ci.yml: Prevent installing test dependencies)
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (sam/no-install-python-test-deps->master: .gitlab-ci.yml: Prevent installing test dependencies) #115 changed state ("opened"):
tristanssam2, umm, dont I have an MR for that already ? is --allow-hosts=NONE better, and have you locally tested that it works ?12:09
ssam2oh sorry, i missed your MR completely12:09
ssam2either way should work fine12:09
ssam2I already updated the docker image so your branch should pass CI now, i'll restart it12:10
* tristan had to have a fist fight in #python because, yet another person started on the "dont use for anything" and "bla bla pip bla bla virtual env" thing again, when asking a simple question about how to ensure random downloads dont happen when doing ` test`12:11
* tristan is getting tired of that whole song and dance12:11
tristanso yeah; lets go with my MR, I paid for it in blood :)12:12
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (sam/no-install-python-test-deps->master: .gitlab-ci.yml: Prevent installing test dependencies) #115 changed state ("closed"):
tlater#python seems like a fun and welcoming community.12:21
tristantlater, myeah - its somewhere in the middle of serious dev channels and ##javascript12:24
tristanbut I've managed to get a lot out of it, still12:24
tristanjonathanmaw, did you ever submit an MR about those KeyError exceptions being raised with del dict[key] ?12:57
tristanOr I think we merged it right ?12:57
tristanI suspect it is due to a behavioral change in ruamel.yaml12:57
tristandoesnt seem to trigger on test cases12:58
jonathanmawtristan: I'm having trouble finding it, unfortunately :/13:08
gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@master (by Tristan Van Berkom): 3 commits (last: Add `bst-here` script and document it)
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (sam/use-via-docker-2->master: Add `bst-here` script and document it) #113 changed state ("merged"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: Sam Thursfield deleted branch sam/use-via-docker-213:13
jonathanmawShall I put together a merge requests for the parts I'm sure caused problems before?13:16
jonathanmawhmm, I'll just check whether I had the branch on another machine, first...13:16
jonathanmawnope, can't find it.13:19
tristanjonathanmaw, dont worry about it, I'll reproduce in test case since it's happening here, and fix it13:20
jonathanmawokie doke. ta tristan :)13:20
tristanjonathanmaw, It seems that this is python saying; a type can behave however it damn well pleases :)13:20
tristanSo I suppose what happens is that ruamel.yaml has been deciding for a long time that deleting keys that dont exist was okie dokie13:20
tristanand then changed it's mind13:21
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ssam2gitlab ci seems pretty broken14:07
ssam2my job just failed halfway thru (after waiting about 2 hours to start) due to not being able to connect to the docker daemon14:08
* ssam2 things we should seriously consider our own CI runners14:08
* tlater agrees, has had several such issues14:10
tlater29 lines of edge case handling around os.waitpid :/14:18
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (98-ctrl-c-doesn-t-properly-kill-a-non-interactive-shell->master: Fix keyboardinterrupts caused by subprocesses) #106 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@98-ctrl-c-doesn-t-properly-kill-a-non-interactive-shell (by Tristan Maat): 17 commits (last: Ensure that artifact file permissions are set in the right order)
gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@98-ctrl-c-doesn-t-properly-kill-a-non-interactive-shell (by Tristan Maat): 15 commits (last: _options/ Use _yaml.composite() instead of _yaml.composite_dict())
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (98-ctrl-c-doesn-t-properly-kill-a-non-interactive-shell->master: Fix keyboardinterrupts caused by subprocesses) #106 changed state ("opened"):
jonathanmawhrm, my wrestling with sphinx is leading me to believe that the doctrees are being cached somewhere, because the doctrees  I get after building are trying to literalinclude from a completely different path to the ones in the files as they currently exist.14:54
jonathanmawi.e. elements/ has ".. literalinclude:: dpkg_build.yaml", but looking at the contents of doc/build/doctrees/elements.dpkg_build.doctree, it's saying ".. literalinclude:: ../../../buildstream/plugins/elements/dpkg_build.yaml"14:57
gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@no-install-test-requires (by Sam Thursfield): 4 commits (last: Add `bst-here` script and document it)
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (no-install-test-requires->master: .gitlab-ci.yml: Issue #100 - Avoid installing test_requires) #114 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@102-run-ci-as-non-root-user (by Tristan Maat): 1 commit (last: .gitlab-ci.yml: Drop root privileges for some tests)
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (102-run-ci-as-non-root-user->master: Resolve "Run CI as non-root user") #104 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@102-run-ci-as-non-root-user (by Tristan Maat): 14 commits (last: _options/ Use _yaml.composite() instead of _yaml.composite_dict())
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (102-run-ci-as-non-root-user->master: Resolve "Run CI as non-root user") #104 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@74-prevent-artifacts-from-containing-files-in-buildstream-build (by Tristan Maat): 4 commits (last: Add `bst-here` script and document it)
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (74-prevent-artifacts-from-containing-files-in-buildstream-build->master: Add warnings when staging to /buildstream/build) #93 changed state ("opened"):
tlaterWe really need to calm down gitlab-br-bot15:23
gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@102-run-ci-as-non-root-user (by Tristan Maat): 1 commit (last: .gitlab-ci.yml: Drop root privileges for some tests)
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (102-run-ci-as-non-root-user->master: Resolve "Run CI as non-root user") #104 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@102-run-ci-as-non-root-user (by Tristan Maat): 1 commit (last: .gitlab-ci.yml: Drop root privileges for some tests)
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (102-run-ci-as-non-root-user->master: Resolve "Run CI as non-root user") #104 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@102-run-ci-as-non-root-user (by Tristan Maat): 1 commit (last: .gitlab-ci.yml: Drop root privileges for some tests)
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (102-run-ci-as-non-root-user->master: Resolve "Run CI as non-root user") #104 changed state ("opened"):
adds68could anyone explain what the use of this setting is?16:11
adds68I'm trying to convert these definitions into bst defintions, but i'm not sure if the bst architecture option is what i'm looking for16:12
tlateradds68: bst architecture options specify different instructions for different architectures - I believe this is what you're looking for in this case.16:14
tlaterThere were a few changes to them recently though, I'm not up to date on it16:14
ssam2the docs are up to date16:15
ssam2it's all freshly baked though16:15
tlaterSo still very chewy and you may burn your tongue?16:15
ssam2i suggest just assuming x86_64 for now, and keeping proper architecture support as a TODO16:16
adds68ssam2, ok :) TODO it is16:16
tlaterUmm... I ran into the KeyError bug tristan mentioned earlier16:24
tlaterIs there a branch/fix at all for that yet?16:25
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gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@102-run-ci-as-non-root-user (by Tristan Maat): 1 commit (last: .gitlab-ci.yml: Drop root privileges for some tests)
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (102-run-ci-as-non-root-user->master: Resolve "Run CI as non-root user") #104 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@102-run-ci-as-non-root-user (by Tristan Maat): 1 commit (last: .gitlab-ci.yml: Drop root privileges for some tests)
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (102-run-ci-as-non-root-user->master: Resolve "Run CI as non-root user") #104 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@102-run-ci-as-non-root-user (by Tristan Maat): 1 commit (last: .gitlab-ci.yml: Drop root privileges for some tests)
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (102-run-ci-as-non-root-user->master: Resolve "Run CI as non-root user") #104 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@102-run-ci-as-non-root-user (by Tristan Maat): 1 commit (last: .gitlab-ci.yml: Drop root privileges for some tests)
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (102-run-ci-as-non-root-user->master: Resolve "Run CI as non-root user") #104 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@102-run-ci-as-non-root-user (by Tristan Maat): 1 commit (last: .gitlab-ci.yml: Drop root privileges for some tests)
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (102-run-ci-as-non-root-user->master: Resolve "Run CI as non-root user") #104 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@102-run-ci-as-non-root-user (by Tristan Maat): 1 commit (last: .gitlab-ci.yml: Drop root privileges for some tests)
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (102-run-ci-as-non-root-user->master: Resolve "Run CI as non-root user") #104 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: Sam Thursfield deleted branch sam/no-install-python-test-deps17:08
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gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@master (by Sam Thursfield): 1 commit (last: .gitlab-ci.yml: Issue #100 - Avoid installing test_requires)
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (no-install-test-requires->master: .gitlab-ci.yml: Issue #100 - Avoid installing test_requires) #114 changed state ("merged"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: Tristan Van Berkom deleted branch no-install-test-requires18:56
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