IRC logs for #buildstream for Friday, 2017-09-08

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bochechahurray for bash completion! ♥07:47
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bochechahas anybody given some thoughts about how to run tests for software build with BuildStream?08:14
bochechahmmm, I guess I could `bst shell --scope build --command py.test app.bst`08:25
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gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@validation (by Tristan Maat): 2 commits (last: Add source plugin node validations)
bochechaI'm reading this:
bochechaone thing I don't understand, is how to actually push the artifacts to the shared cache :-/10:03
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: Tristan Maat created branch 24-better-validation-for-loaded-yaml10:04
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (24-better-validation-for-loaded-yaml->master: WIP: Resolve "Better validation for loaded YAML") #87 changed state ("opened"):
bochechado I have to run the bst-artifact-receive command over ssh? or does buildstream push them automatically once built?10:04
gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@24-better-validation-for-loaded-yaml (by Tristan Maat): 7 commits (last: Add _yaml.validate_node)
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (24-better-validation-for-loaded-yaml->master: WIP: Resolve "Better validation for loaded YAML") #87 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (24-better-validation-for-loaded-yaml->master: Resolve "Better validation for loaded YAML") #87 changed state ("opened"):
jonathanmawHi bochecha, I'm out of the loop when it comes to the shared artifact cache, but I'll see what I can find out.10:15
jonathanmawbochecha: buildstream should have a `push` command10:21
bochechajonathanmaw: ah, right10:22
jonathanmawe.g. `bst push --deps=all core.bst`10:22
bochechathanks, somehow I missed it :x10:22
jonathanmawI think, anyway10:22
jonathanmawI haven't used it, but that seems to be what it does, unless "target" means something different when pushing.10:22
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: Tristan Maat created branch 70-third-party-plugin-sharing10:37
juergbibochecha: bst build will automatically push as well, though, if a push url is configured. bst push is to push already built artifacts10:43
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bochechajuergbi: that's great :)12:16
bochechaalthough, I'd like only the builds made by the builder to be pushed, not the test builds I'd make on my laptop12:17
bochechaI guess I need to set the pull url in project.conf (so that anybody cloning the repo will reuse the artifacts from the shared cache) and the push url only in the user config for the builder12:28
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* tristan catches up with backlog13:24
tristanbochecha, when you run `bst build` or `bst push`, only artifacts which are pertinent to the resolved pipeline will be pushed13:24
tristanwe're thinking with multiple artifact shares one can come up with a strategy where only production builds ever land in a production share, and secondary caches could be created for dev (where those stores could be wiped at times)13:26
tristanpruning existing caches is a possibility but also a tricky problem13:26
tristanregarding testing; ideally we should be doing that in the pipeline (not that there is anything wrong with running them in a shell from time to time)13:28
tristanI left out local 'make check' stages from build elements for now13:28
tristanbecause it will be almost impossible to make huge 400+ element projects boot, and also cause I have some wild ideas I'd like to try13:29
tristanfor instance; it would be very nice if we could cache the element's build directory in the artifact; which we could potentially use in a workspace (i.e. create a workspace on 'this build of webkit', with all your .o files and source files in place)13:30
tristanwith the same thing we could create test elements which consume this and run the `make check` phases; by making that a separate element, you orthogonalize local tests and avoid blocking builds of reverse dependencies on `make check`13:31
tristanof course similar can already be done for installed tests, we'll want to create an element for just 'running installed tests' at some point13:31
* tristan is glad somebody noticed completions \o/13:32
bochechatristan: about the artifacts caching, what I'm thinking is that everybody who will contribute to the project will need to pull the pre-built artifacts13:33
bochechabut then most builds people would do on their workstation are completely throwable test stuff which really have no reason to ever get to the shared cache13:34
bochecha(plus, most people wouldn't even have an SSH access to push to the shared cache)13:34
tristantrue, I think auto builders are more interesting for contributing to caches13:34
bochechawhich is what I meant to say above13:34
tristanso with multiple artifact shares, you can have one that is only contributed to by a builder of the stable branch13:35
tristanand that one never expires13:35
tristanso you keep every build that was ever released (if you want)13:35
tristanand then you can have one for your dev work, which another builder would build from dev branches; or you could also let developers push to13:35
tristanthis way I can try builds of your branch and such13:35
bochecha"I can try builds of your branch" hmm, maybe13:36
tristanin a dev setup, buildstream would have the production artifact cache as a fallback location for looking up artifacts13:36
tristanso you never have to end up pushing stuff that has not diverged from stable13:37
bochechacan I specify multiple pull urls, so that one is a fallback?13:37
tristanthat's a not yet done feature no haha13:37
tristansorry :)13:37
tristanbut it's in the woodworks13:37
bochechano problem, I'm not there yet anyway :P13:37
bochechaone thing that's not very clear from the docs, though... do the pull/pull urls have to be specified in the user config? or do they work as well in the project.conf?13:38
bochecha(I'm testing a build right now to see if it does, but it will take some time before it finishes :P)13:38
tristanI filed a bug about that I believe13:38
bochechaerr, I meant pull/push urls13:38
tristanThey are originally in user config, but I want to put them in project.conf13:39
tristanand have a possibility of overriding them, cause currently it's backwards13:39
bochechabasically the pull url would be great in project.conf13:39
bochechayou clone the repo, run buildstream, it fetches the cached artifacts13:39
tristanIf I have multiple projects, I can accidentally end up pushing proprietary things to the wrong place too easily13:39
bochechayou don't need to configure anything13:39
bochechathat too13:40
tristanAnother approach I was thinking is managing state in <project>/.bst/ (we already track workspaces there)13:40
tristanso we could have stuff like `bst remote add/remove` for artifact caches ?13:40
bochechaI really think that at least the main pull url should be in git with the rest of the project13:41
bochechameans random contributors just clone your project, and they are ready to go13:41
tristanyes as a first step13:41
bochechawhether that's in project.conf or in a .bst folder doesn't really change anything for me :)13:41
tristanI'm trying to boil down a list of blockers to a stable release and that's one of them13:41
bochechathe .bst folder has the advantage of being able to contain the elements folder as well, though13:42
tristanbasically anything that absolutely needs an api/ux change13:42
bochechathis way people who just want to hack on the code don't need to see the elements folder all the time13:42
tristanI'm not sure I follow about putting elements into <project>/.bst/13:43
bochechathis way all the bst stuff is in the same place13:43
tristanthe .bst/ directory should really be .gitignore13:43
tristanbecause it's local state, we store workspaces (like what workspaces you have open) there13:44
bochechaI thought it would contain things like the configuration for buildstream? you were talking about remotes for the artifact cache above13:44
tristandont want that committed in your project13:44
bochechaand remotes for the artefacts cache are something I'd want committed in my project :)13:44
tristanyeah I mean for what the user wants to configure, like if they want to add anything13:44
bochechaoh, ok13:44
tristanfirst thing is project.conf has to either decide of provide a good recommendation13:44
tristanfancy ways of extra artifact caches dont block 1.0 :)13:45
bochecha(by the way, completely unrelated, but is 404)13:45
bochecha(it should probably redirect to /buildstream/ )13:45
tristanoh yeah I know13:45
tristanthis comes up every now and then13:46
tristanso, we dont have a real website :)13:46
tristanAnd a temporary redirect to the docs would be nice13:46
tristanI'm not sure I know how to do it with gitlab and havent taken the time myself13:46
tristannobody else did either haha :)13:46
bochechaand neither do I :P13:47
bochechafound the ticket:
tristanI suspect you need to make another static website for the buildstream gitlab "group" and in it; you need an index.html with javascript that provokes a redirect ?13:48
tristansomething like that, cause I dont think it's apache13:48
bochechain the ticket you don't talk about having a way to commit the pull url to version control (the ticket only talks about .bst/), do you want me to add a note about that?13:49
tristanbochecha, feel free to clarify that yeah, I thought I sort of implied that in the first of the 2 points but seems unclear :)13:50
bochechaoh, ok, I didn't understand it that way13:51
bochechathat's fine then, I subscribed to the issue13:51
tlatertristan: I have a prototype for the third party plugins, could you have a look to see if it's what you're expecting?13:51
bochechaI'll see if I get a moment to try and work on this eventually13:52
tristantlater, ok will do, I am backed up with your branches I see13:53
tristantlater, did you change --force-platform to an internal env var in your cross platform branch ?13:53
tlaterAh, no, I haven't yet13:54
tristanI still have to give it another lookover, that's just the first point that came to mind13:54
tlaterDo you mean environment variable as in process.env or as a variable in project.conf?13:55
tristanjuergbi, did you get a chance to look through my extraneously long email btw ? any thoughts ?13:55
tristantlater, I mean like os.environ13:56
juergbii started but haven't read it in full yet13:56
tristantlater, like BST_FORCE_BACKEND="unix" bst build ...13:56
bochechaERROR: Not configured for pushing artifacts13:56
tristanto select the catch all unix fallback backend13:56
bochechaI get that when running `bst push --deps=all TARGET`13:57
tlaterAlright gotcha (process.env might be nodejs?)13:57
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bochechaoops, wrong keyboard shortcut :-°13:57
bochechaI was about to say I added the urls in ~/.config/buildstream.conf13:58
gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@70-third-party-plugin-sharing (by Tristan Maat): 1 commit (last: Add support for pip-installed plugins)
tristanbochecha, let me guess13:59
tristanyou have a pull-url also13:59
tristanit specifies an unreachable service14:00
tristanpoints to an http/https location that is not serving an ostree repo ?14:00
bochechait specifies a URL which returns 404... because I've never pushed anything yet14:00
bochechado I have to create an empty ostree repo beforehand?14:00
tristanYou need to yeah14:00
bochechaobviously I don't have sudo access on that ost to install ostree...14:01
* bochecha creates an ostree repo and rsyncs it to the server14:01
tristanit even has to be specifically archive-z2
tristanbochecha, I am suspecting there is going to be post release churn in how artifact shares work14:02
* tristan hopes we can migrate this to something different without too much trouble14:02
bochechamigrate to what?14:02
tristanOriginally I wanted it to be "just ostree"14:02
tristanbecause there is no moving parts14:02
tristanbut I already now need this `bst-artifact-receive` program in order to do pushes14:03
tristanwhich means I need a separate url to specify artifact caches14:03
tristanand I need something more tweaked out than just "run this" for setting up artifact caches (the plan was "Just host an ostree repo")14:03
tristanAlso now I'm looking at platforms that dont do ostree and I'm thinking, I still want to use ostree artifact shares; so I might want layer in between to store artifacts built on non-Linux in a linux ostree share14:04
tristanAnyway, /me puts all that aside and thinks that we can find a way to migrate to something a bit cleaner without too much trouble14:05
bochechaI can't install bst-receive-artifacts on the server, because bst checks for bwrap, which I don't have on the server14:07
bochechabut it doesn't feel like something which would be needed on the server hosting the artifacts caches14:07
tristanbochecha, you are entirely correct indeed14:08
tristanwe dont need that at all, but as we have some code share in the push/pull... its lumped together14:08
tristanwe should probably have a way to bypass that for only installing bst-artifact-receive but not bst14:08
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #91 ("bst-artifact-receive does not require bubblewrap") changed state ("opened")
bochechabut bst-artifact-receive needs ostree anyway14:16
bochechaso I'll have to wait for the admin of this server to wake up :(14:16
gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@cross_platform (by Tristan Maat): 2 commits (last: Add a way to force using the fallback platform)
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (cross_platform->master: WIP: Cross platform) #81 changed state ("opened"):
tlatertristan: Should I create a gitlab repository for buildstream-plugins already, or hold off on that until it's working?14:20
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tristantlater, go ahead, we can delete/rename repositories on gitlab I believe anyway14:25
tlaterHmmm... Looks like I can't create it in the buildstream group, but I suppose we can move it later14:29
bochechaanyway to run a `bst shell` which would have access to the network? (I understand why the network is cut by default, this is for a punctual test)14:34
tlaterAlright, the buildstream-plugins repo is here for now:
tlaterThe only notable thing about it is that defines a set of entry_points under 'buildstream.plugins' - that's how setuptools can locate the plugins.14:40
tristanbochecha, currently network should be reachable by default in `bst shell`14:43
tristanalthough it needs to be changed14:43
bochechais dnf resolution not working then?14:44
bochechasorry, I meant dns (damn muscle memory)14:44
tristanI guess, it should be disabled by default and have a flag; otherwise debugging failed builds can be problematic14:44
tristannot sure14:44
bochechabecause I can't use pip inside a shell14:44
tristanI wonder if you have write access to /14:44
bochechaprobably not, but I shouldn't need that to run a network query?14:45
tristanwell, our understanding of enabling the network doesnt go further than passing --unshare-net or such to bwrap14:45
tristanso it could be many things, lets see what about /dev, I think we're mounting a fresh dev there14:46
bochecha /dev does contain a few things14:46
tristanbochecha, are you using a shell or launching it with bst shell --command ?14:47
bochechabst shell --scope=run element.bst14:47
tristanyeah hmmm, so interactive is on14:47
bochechaRetrying (Retry(total=4, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None)) after connection broken by 'NewConnectionError('<pip._vendor.requests.packages.urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0x7f3c56ca5da0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2] Name or service not known',)': /simple/zope-interface/14:48
bochechapip just keeps saying that14:48
bochecha"name or service not known" :-/14:48
tristanright and that means you get a `--dev /dev` appended to bwrap's argv14:48
bochechano /etc/resolv.conf inside the sandbox, could that be it?14:49
bochechaas in, pip doesn't know which name server to use14:49
tristanWhat is your runtime ?14:49
bochechasomething I built14:49
bochechabut surely /etc/resolv.conf shouldn't come from the runtime14:50
tristanI mean, your runtime is doing everything... is it a part of something that boots ?14:50
bochechano, it doesn't boot14:50
tristancause if it is, it would be interesting to know if pip works in a booted one14:50
bochechait's just to run apps inside it, with bwrap14:50
tristanso I'm not really sure off hand heh14:50
bochechaI wonder if bst shouldn't just mount the host's /etc/resolv.conf inside the sandbox?14:50
bochechawhy not?14:51
tristanI'm not averse to adding some mount options to bst shell though14:51
bochechaI mean, I can't add `nameserver` to the /etc/resolv.conf file inside the runtime14:52
bochechathat woudln't work when someone else tries to build14:52
tristanno because that is largely presumptuous about the content of you build and your host environment14:52
bochechabecause they'd have a different nameserver on their network14:52
tristanwhich is the opposite of where I want to go14:52
bochechasure, but then... how can the /etc/resolv.conf file inside the sandbox ever contain the right nameserver?14:52
tristanWell, good question; it can be read-write14:53
bochechawithout dns, having network enabled is much less useful :)14:53
tristanWell, maybe we need to consider some scaffolding options for shells, they are clearly a risky affair to begin with14:55
bochechayes, absolutely14:55
bochechabut they are so useful to hack/debug :)14:55
bochecha(obviously, builds should not have any network access, so this whole conversation doesn't apply to builds)14:55
tristanright, they get you what you need 99% of the time for debugging a failed build, and most of the time that you need to run gdb & valgrind as well14:56
tristanso I'm a bit worried about scope creep of course, like if we pour our energy a lot into `bst shell`, it could turn into some kind of production environment14:57
tristanwhich is also counter concept; a goal is to decouple what you build from how you deploy14:58
bochechafor production I would just use directly bwrap (probably with a wrapper tool), not bst14:58
bochechathe run/production sandbox really doesn't have the same constraints as the build one, it seems fair to have different tools14:59
tristanwell hope we can generate docker images and flatpacks and things which have some things in place for deployment :)14:59
bochechain my case I'm looking at straight ostree+bwrap for deployment14:59
bochechait's not desktop apps, so flatpak is out, and docker is a bit too big for our target (embedded appliances)15:00
tristanwell still, if we could have a nice scaffolding, perhaps some user/project supplied modules which attempt to bridge sandbox <--> host, if it were not too crazy...15:00
tristanit would mean you could like, run the epiphany you just built and it would work15:01
bochechaI'd be happy with a simple "make the network work in the shell" option :)15:01
tristanand having access to your /home would also be good15:01
bochechathe thing I wanted to do right now... I have python modules inside the sdk, built from tarballs15:01
bochecha`bst track` doesn't know how to update to a newer release of those modules15:02
tristanWell, do we know for certain that it's because of the resolve.conf ?15:02
bochechaso I wanted to get into a shell, and run `pip list --outdated`15:02
bochechaand pip would tell me which modules were outdated15:02
bochechaat which point I'd just update the elements15:02
tristanDid you manage to edit the resolve.conf and have it work ?15:02
bochechabut maybe I looked at this wrongly... should `bst track` be able to update those python module elements? :)15:03
tristanIt should if they are in your project yeah, if you have reliable tracking branches for them in their repositories15:03
bochechawell, not branches15:04
bochechaurls to the release tarballs15:04
tristanOk so that is a much wanted feature15:04
bochechaalso, yes, sorry, I forgot to mention: I added the right line to the /etc/resolv.conf and now dns works fine in the shell15:04
tristanand it seems jjardon[m] pointed me to some script which does it... but we currently dont `bst track` tarballs that well15:04
bochechaah, so maybe we can forget about having the network working in the shell and focus on that much wanted feature, then, because with it I don't need the network in the shell any more :)15:05
tristanit involves a heuristic / guess about how tarballs are stored, or perhaps a policy expressed by the user in the tar Source configuration15:05
bochechaor how about something different...15:05
bochecharight now I'm using elements of kind `pip`15:05
bochechaand each has a source of kind `tar`15:06
bochechawhat if instead they had a source of kind `pypi`15:06
bochechaand bst track would automatically fetch the sources from
tristanI'm not sure that you can easily create a reliable pypi source15:06
bochechathen the tracked ref would be the version of the release15:06
bochechawhy wouldn't it be reliable?15:07
tristanOne problem with creating a dpkg source plugin is that debian repos typically expire packages, so one would have to use an archive15:07
bochechaI don't think pypi expires tarballs though, but that could indeed be an issue15:08
tristanThe tarball thing though, would be very neat and much wanted :)15:09
bochechabut tarballs are hard15:10
bochechayou pretty much need to regex directory listings on web servers15:10
bochechaunless you use something like anitya15:10
tristanyep but I think there is a reference though15:10
bochechawhich has an API, and already tries to do all the work of monitoring new releases and regexing those directory listings15:11
bochechae.g to get the list of projects containing "pytest" in their name15:13
bochechaalong with versions15:13
bochechawhich seem to be reverse sorted (i.e last version first)15:13
bochechaand then to have all the details on the pytest project (including package names in a couple of distros)15:14
tristanoddly their responses seem to supply consistent version numbers, but not urls to released tarballs or bundles15:14
tristanwell, not oddly; I guess they specialize in the release number and thats it, not everyone does a tarball15:15
bochechawell, the service was made by the Fedora team15:15
bochechait's used to track upstream releases of Fedora packages15:16
bochechaand Fedora is very much built entirely from tarballs15:16
tristanmakes sense15:16
tristanthe purpose is for humans to know when to manually intervene I guess15:16
bochechawe have a bot in Fedora which listens to events emitted by anitya about new releases, then it will try building a new version of the package, and dump the results in a bug report15:17
bochechaas a packager, you know there's a new version upstream, you get a patch to update your package, and build logs15:17
tristanbut yeah the release team has a script they use to update jhbuild moduleset xml with newest tarballs15:17
tristanso I *think* something rudimentary can be worked out of that15:17
bochechait doesn't remove the need for human judgement about whether the update is safe, but it saves some of the grunt work :)15:17
bochechaI'm asking the anitya developer (he's a friend) whether they'd consider adding tarball urls in their API responses15:18
tristanwell, there is also relying on a service vs not relying on one15:19
bochechaadding tarball urls to their responses makes sense anyway, whether bst uses it or not15:20
tristanPerhaps both could be okay, if the service brings something great over directly poking ftp directories15:20
bochechawell, in some cases its http/ftp directories15:21
bochechain other it's enumerating releases in a github project15:21
bochechathere are lots of different cases :)15:21
tristanIn the cases you want to download a tarball from github ?15:22
bochechasome people do15:22
tristanwell, you could use the associated git sha for that but yeah you might want the tarball for some reason15:22
tristanand sourceforge has always been a bit weird15:22
bochechaand then there's cpan, pecl, pypi, rubygems, ...15:22
bochechaI count 25 backends in anitya15:23
bochechamost of them I've never heard about ^_^15:23
tristanSo you would think of having different handlers for all of these ? Or shouldnt just a sort of try pattern, or list of try patterns for URIs should do the trick no ?15:24
bochechato try what?15:24
bochechano all of these actually give you a directory listing15:24
tristanlike "{major}.{minor}/app-{major}.{minor}.{micro}.tar.gz" ?15:25
bochechasome of them you have to call the API, then you get a compressed json response which you parse...15:25
bochechaor like pypi :
tristanhmmm I guess tracking with that kind of input would be weird though, you want directory listings15:25
bochechathat directory effectively only contains one version15:26
bochechasince the hash of the tarball is in the path of the directory15:26
bochechaso what do you list? :)15:26
tristanyeah exactly15:26
bochechato be honest, that's why I was thinking of a dedicated source kind15:27
bochechathere are so many ways people put tarballs on servers, trying to figure it all out seems like a lost battle15:27
tristangithub-tar, pypi-tar, etc15:27
bochechaso a `pypi` source kind would know how to query pypi to get the latest version when running `bst track`15:28
tristanand it would require some python related host tool to do it15:29
bochechaand that doesn't solve the problem for all tarballs, but at least it's solved for some... and someone else can come up and solve it for rubygems, or npm, or...15:29
bochechaI'm not sure what you mean by "python related host tool"15:29
tristanmaybe with pypi you do it directly in python15:30
bochecha(also, I realize I'm taking a lot of your time with this discussion, feel free to leave me rambling alone if you have more pressing things to do :) )15:30
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bochechacan a project use build artifacts from another project?15:51
bochechaI have a project which is a runtime, and then projects for apps which all use that runtime, and when building the apps I'd like bst to just reuse the built artifacts for the runtime15:52
bochechaor do I have to export my runtime to an ostree repository, and then in the apps use an import element to import that runtime?15:53
tristanbochecha, until you need to export/import15:57
tristanactually that is next on my todo list15:57
tristanI have some things I need to finish up first15:57
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gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@70-third-party-plugin-sharing (by Tristan Maat): 2 commits (last: Add plugin dependencies)
tlatertristan: I'd really like to quickly go over how I've implemented this so far, just to see if it's acceptable; it seems like most of the work will be documenting the process of writing plugins.16:52
tlaterI suppose that will just have to happen on Monday then :/17:09
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tristanoops :-/17:50
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (patch-source->master: WIP: Add patch source plugin) #86 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@test-coverage-reports (by Tristan Van Berkom): 6 commits (last: Removing artifact cache tests.)
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (patch-source->master: WIP: Add patch source plugin) #86 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (patch-source->master: WIP: Add patch source plugin) #86 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@test-coverage-reports (by Tristan Van Berkom): 1 commit (last: Fixed, lets try it)
gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@test-coverage-reports (by Tristan Van Berkom): 1 commit (last: Fixup)
gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@test-coverage-reports (by Tristan Van Berkom): 3 commits (last: .coveragerc: Configuring so that reports from different environments can be combined)
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gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@test-coverage-reports (by Tristan Van Berkom): 1 commit (last: Fixup)
gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@test-coverage-reports (by Tristan Van Berkom): 1 commit (last: .gitlab-ci.yml: Produce combined coverage report)

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