IRC logs for #buildstream for Sunday, 2017-08-06

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palassobochecha: I checked the chatlog and noticed your discussion. Do you know project atomic? I don't know exactly what you're trying to do but it seemed to me close to that14:50
bochechapalasso: I know atomic, and IIUC it's more about the OS14:50
bochechawhat I'm doing is closer to what Flatpak does14:50
palassoFor server applications?14:51
palassoSo I don't know much about atomic but I think it handles both "system containers" and OCI containers. The first is for updating stuff that runs before a container runs and the second is the standard format. But it's using ostree for the update mechanism I believe.14:52
palassoAlso it's using bubblewrap to run the containers14:53
bochechaafaik ostree is used for the system14:54
bochechawhereas for applications it relies on docker or oci, but those don't use ostree themselves14:54
palassoApplications are using the OCI container format. No docker code is run though. Maybe it's not using ostree yet for updates, not sure.14:55
bochechait's using ostree for updates... of the OS :)14:55
palassoYeah, I don't remember if it's using ostree for updates of the applications as well14:56
palassoI'll go and check it out14:56
palassobochecha: yeah it's just for the OS15:13
bochechathat's what I thought15:18
bochechaAtomic is very interesting, though15:18
bochechaFedora is looking into it as well, so I guess I'll see that coming on my workstation soon :)15:18
bochechaostree is such an amazing thing, lots of stuff are using it (flatpak, atomic, buildstream, ... and my little experiment :P)15:21
palassoYeah and Endless OS15:23
palassoThat's the version of fedora that uses ostree ^15:24
palassoI think it's the successor to the "fedora cloud" edition15:25
bochechait is15:25
bochechabut the Fedora Workstation folks are looking into making an "Atomic Workstation"15:25
bochechashould be a tech preview for Fedora 27, and it might become the default eventually15:26
bochechaand yes, Endless as well, how could I forget them :)15:26
palassoYeah they already have some images15:28
palassoActually they've had some test images for about a year. I remember a talk in August 2016 someone gave on running fedora on the desktop with just ostree and flatpak15:29
palassoThere are some images here:
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