IRC logs for #buildstream for Friday, 2017-06-23

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ssam2is GitLab broken for anyone else today?08:38
tlaterDoesn't look like it, git fetch works fine08:42
ssam2that's good at least08:42
tlater... Glibc is still compiling the output of mkdir --version08:48
ssam2do many things successfully build before that?08:49
tlaterOnly two things. I've experimentally commented out glibc once, no luck either.08:50
ssam2fair enough08:50
ssam2i think its best to focus on cleaning up and submitting the patch as-is today, in any case08:51
ssam2we could spend forever debugging why glibc doesn't build, but if it gets that far then the basics of `bst source-bundle` must be there08:51
tlaterAlright. I guess if we get lucky it's just a fluke on my system.08:52
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ssam2here's a BuildStream build on GitLab CI with latest OSTree:09:05
ssam2sadly it still fails with "unable to set xattr"09:05
ssam2oh wait09:05
ssam2Unable to set xattr: No space left on device (12)09:05
ssam2jjardon[m], is there a way to increase the amount of space that these GitLab runners have available?09:06
ssam2or that error misleading and there's actually something else wrong? this is in base-sdk.bst so one would think that it's quite early on to be running out of space09:07
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gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@master (by Tristan Van Berkom): 1 commit (last: source plugin: Fixed for recent changes in Source API contract)
tristanssam2, the base sdk itself is rather big09:30
tristanmaybe by itself it accounts for 20% of what will be required to complete the build ?09:30
ssam2maybe i should host my alpine sysroot somewhere and try again ...09:31
ssam2i'm suspicious that it was setting xattrs that failed though09:31
tristanthat can be a permission denied error even if the underlying fs supports xattrs09:32
tristanbut no space left on device is pretty telling :)09:32
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tristan/source-bundle->master: Add source-bundle command) #35 changed state ("opened"):
tlater^ Not 100% sure about how pretty some of what I wrote is.10:30
tlaterAnything I can do in the mean time? I could continue compiling different versions of glibc, hoping that one works.10:35
ssam2stick with the latest (2.25)10:35
tlaterDoesn't compile :/10:36
ssam2I guess you could try older ones to try and bisect the issue, but there's probably an easier route to investigate10:37
tristanI dont know why you are trying to build the toolchain with that10:37
tlaterHm... I'll try and figure out why it's compiling mkdir, I suppose.10:38
tlaterI guess I could also compile a chroot with glibc10:38
tristantlater, I'll try to make a review quickly before I leave, I will be leaving early cause... you know better not work until midnight on fridays10:38
tlaterHeh, yeah, that's alright. If you point out bad things I can fix them myself this time.10:39
tristantlater, the use case is to compile middleware from an already working toolchain, so that is a better test yes10:39
ssam2I think we'll need to build a new toolchain as the one built in stage2 is pretty minimal10:40
ssam2but fine to test with other components that have less wacky build systems first10:40
tristantlater, Ok I think you have plenty to chew on after my dozen comments on your branch :)10:52
tlater*Half a dozen10:53
tristanonly 6 ?10:54
tlaterThat's what I can see, anyway.10:54
tristanyou are right, I forgot to hit comment button on one of them10:55
tristanonly 7 :)10:55
tristantlater, most important though is the API contract and public API surface10:55
tlaterAlright, these seem fine. Surprised you didn't complain about writing and deleting a file.10:56
tristanit was a very quick review10:57
tristanprobably I missed that10:57
tlaterI had a line number report early on, but I'm pretty sure that breaks sh compatibility. Considering this will be used in minimal systems, I don't think reporting what failed can work.10:58
tristanWhen you run one of the individual build scripts from your master script, always tee the output into a log and keep track of which script / module is running10:59
tristanthen you just say "Err building module ${foo}, see: ${logfile}"10:59
tlaterOk, cool, I should have thought of that.10:59
tlaterIf I want to create a template script, how do I manage to get a loop? I'm weary of sh loops, because the directory names don't have to be sane.11:33
tristanI dont understand what you mean11:34
tlaterIf, instead of having a ScriptTemplate class, I want to create a template script in data11:35
tristanbut at generation time, you can get the directory to load a template and subst it with python, from _site.py11:35
tristanI have to run11:35
tlaterYeah, but I need to repeat the "execute module script" bit a certain number of times.11:36
tristanI dont understand how this is a problem11:36
tlaterI can either fill in a bunch of module names, that might confuse bash, or repeat this in a python loop.11:36
ssam2quote module names ?11:37
tristantlater, an array in bash is a good option I think11:37
ssam2bash won't be available... busybox sh11:37
tlatersh doesn't have support for that though11:37
tlaterI'm weary of quoting, had issues with that before, but I can try.11:37
tristanwordlist, then; bst element names already have some constraints11:37
ssam2python has a tool than can do shell quoting for you11:37
tristanProbably makes sense at least to say that a bst element name is not allowed to have spaces11:38
* tristan &11:38
tlaterCool, thanks11:38
ssam2also what tristan said :-)11:38
tlaterOk, that makes things easier11:38
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (sam/exception-fix->master: Fix bad `except:` statement) #36 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (sam/exception-fix->master: Fix bad `except:` statement) #36 changed state ("opened"):
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tlaterI don't think the functionality to log and display an error message can be implemented in sh.14:26
tlaterThis is because to do so, I need to call tee as a background process, and that makes it impossible to trap EXIT.14:26
ssam2i'm not sure why tee has to run in the background14:27
ssam2can't you just run `./buildscript | tee file`14:27
tlaterBecause I need to catch the exit code14:27
tlaterIf I do that set -e has no effect14:27
ssam2ah yeah, the whole pipefile nightmare14:28
tlaterOn that command, anyway14:28
ssam2i'm not sure. I prefer keeping the script simple14:28
tlaterIt's either or here, I can implement one of the two quite easily14:29
tlaterTechnically the user can use tee to log14:30
tlaterSo I think it makes more sense to just keep the error message14:30
ssam2sounds good to me14:33
tlaterI assume this time I leave my fix commits as they are?14:49
tlater- no fun rebasing?14:49
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tristan/source-bundle->master: Add source-bundle command) #35 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tristan/source-bundle->master: Add source-bundle command) #35 changed state ("opened"):
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jonathanmaw\o/ I've got .deb files coming out of a pile of artifacts15:22
jonathanmawnow to compare them with what would normally be generated, to see how messed-up they are15:23
jonathanmawall I've done so far is to reconstitute the /DEBIAN/* files and put the other contents in the right place to run dpkg-deb15:23
jonathanmawso I suspect there'll be some glaring oversight.15:24
jonathanmawIt looks like I forgot the md5sums file, and the files have a different creation date15:31
jonathanmawotherwise seems fine15:31
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tlaterI'm off, see you next week o/17:02
ssam2_have a good weekend17:03
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jonathan/dpkg-build->master: WIP: Jonathan/dpkg build) #37 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jonathan/dpkg-build->master: WIP: Jonathan/dpkg build) #37 changed state ("opened"):
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