IRC logs for #buildstream for Sunday, 2017-05-28

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tristanjuergbi, Ummm... I'm going cleanup/churn the scheduler and queues a bit today I think... it's in need, hope it doesnt cause too much grief to your work branch though :-/07:00
juergbipush/pull is actually not that much code, so will hopefully not be a big issue07:02
tristanits been growing for a while07:06
tristanThe tipping point is that right now, I wanted to implement `bst build --track` (i.e. optionally additionally track)07:07
tristanAnd so I want --fetchers and --builders to correspond to queue types, not actual queues (i.e. I want fetch and track to consume the same maximum tasks)07:08
tristanalso some refactor and code splitting there will make it easier to reason about showing whats going on in the frontend07:09
juergbibtw: i added artifact fetching to the fetch queue for now, not the assemble queue suggested on the wiki07:12
juergbiit doesn't make sense to fetch sources if you can fetch the artifact07:12
juergbihowever, maybe we want to split this fetch queue into separate artifact and source fetch queues and also share max fetchers07:13
juergbiwould probably make things a bit cleaner07:14
tristanjuergbi, good point yeah07:17
tristanActually, I certainly agree I want a separate queue for pulling the artifacts07:17
tristanBut only did not want to make it a hard blocker on the initial implementation07:18
tristanjuergbi, I'm thinking also it will make sense to have `bst pull` and `bst push` for the sake of running those queues on their own07:18
tristanat least for `bst push` it will certainly make sense to allow this as a separate step, less clear about pull07:19
tristanthat said, I'm enjoying this approach of queues, it's making it very interesting to be able to just slap some queues together on a scheduler and do interesting things :)07:20
tristanjuergbi, regarding user configuration... I think it makes sense to have 3 different types right ?07:21
tristanI mean, we have fetchers, builders, and we'll want... I guess pushers07:22
juergbiright now i only push artifacts that have been built in the same session. there is no persistent state of whether an artifact is pushed already (besides simply trying to push every single artifact)07:22
tristanDownloading artifacts, tracking sources and fetching sources, all fall into the "downloading stuff" (fetchers) category07:22
juergbiyes, that's what i added07:22
juergbithese categories make sense for me07:22
juergbidownload, cpu/disk, upload07:22
tristanyeah makes sense to me too :)07:23
tristanI hope we wont need any local persistence for that07:23
tristanI.e. if we want to start a `bst push` session, either A.) ostree is smart enough (cause it's actually pulling on the remote side) to make it essentially a noop07:23
tristanOr B.) perhaps using a summary, we can just know in what steps, which cache keys exist in the remote repo07:24
tristan*know in one step07:24
tristan(not sure I understand the summary perfectly, though)07:24
tristanjust wild guess that we can do that07:25
juergbihave to take a closer look at the summary, this might help07:30
juergbifetch the summary at the start and use this to check what needs to be pushed07:31
juergbimight actually also be useful for pulling. that way, we know beforehand what we can expect to be able to pull07:31
tristanyeah indeed07:35
tristanWe can avoid waiting for network replies for each artifact07:35
tristanjuergbi, in any case, I do know for certain that it's possible for us to know about a ref, without having the object07:36
tristanSo there should be some way :)07:36
juergbiyes, it should definitely be possible07:36
juergbiwill try to get that implemented before i leave07:37
tristanI know that because I learned the hard way... and ended up doing
tristanJust dont know how to trigger it07:37
gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@master (by Tristan Van Berkom): 1 commit (last: Scheduler overhaul.)
tristanjuergbi, fyi, the scheduler refactor is now available (above reported commit)09:13
tristanThings are significantly easier to follow now09:13
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gitlab-br-botpush on buildstream@master (by Tristan Van Berkom): 13 commits (last: Allow forceful reinterrogation of consistency state)
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #33 ("bst build could use a --track option") changed state ("closed")
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