IRC logs for #buildstream for Wednesday, 2017-05-10

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tristanjjardon[m], ^^^^12:41
tristanfwiw, that is a (not building yet) first shot at automatically converted jhbuild modulesets12:42
* jjardon[m] looks12:43
tristanIt seems that jhbuild is currently still building the old way by default and not the new gnome-modulesets repo12:43
tristanHowever, it seems at least my own copy of the gnome-modulesets repo would not build12:43
tristanThere are for instance, some tarballs with specified patches, which I dont know how they could possibly apply (because the patches are not in gnome-modulesets, and not available as a relative path at the specified repo url either)12:44
tristanAnyway, looks like I should be attempting builds by the end of the week and maybe (hopefully) have some automated process for this over the weekend12:45
tristanThen, the next steps I guess will be A.) Try using this to generate a flatpak runtime, which will mean some shuffling and conditionals and looking a bit into how flatpak splits up the locales and such12:46
tristanAnd then B.) Add some extra configuration to the conversion tool, so that we can continuously run conversions with some augmented data, telling the conversion what to include and what to not include in the GNOME Sdk/Runtimes12:47
tristanso far the conversion handles autotools, cmake and meson for element types, and handles git and tarball sources12:48
tristanfor what is in the actual modulesets, looks like I just need the distutils (which we have an element for but I just didnt do a conversion for it yet)12:49
tristanhah, /me finds interesting bug12:57
* tristan 's homedir crept into there !12:57
jjardon[m]tristan: gnome-modulesets is not being used atm13:01
tristanyeah I'm guessing that13:01
jjardon[m]the plan was to migrate the modulesets there but it never happened13:01
tristanAnyway I'll have to look at converting the patches too, that's not done13:01
tristanI have a good plan for it but it's a bit tricky13:02
tristan(modules with patches need to be converted to have local sources for the patches and then add pre-configure-commands to apply them in order)13:02
jjardon[m]thats what we do now in baserock: apply patches in pre-confire-commands13:03
tristanright, makes sense13:04
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