IRC logs for #buildstream for Saturday, 2017-02-25

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tristanLast nights full run, with conversion from latest baserock definitions:
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paulsher1oodw00t1 :)18:32
paulsher1oodhow does that compare timewise, vs ybd on the same definitions?18:32
jjardonIs that converted branch available somewhere? Can you pushed it to the definitions repo?19:42
tristanjjardon, had not pushed it because it's rather the conversion script which is valuable, but pushed one here if you want to try:
tristanjjardon, there are couple things I need to do before seriously considering switching (conversing the integration commands, the install-files, and wrapping a deployment)19:54
tristanpaulsher1ood, I dont expect any significant different, but I'll do a run of ybd with instances: 4 and see19:55
tristanI suspect if we're after additional speed, we can gain a lot more in parallelism by modifying the definitions after a conversion19:56
tristan(as there are a lot of dependencies in baserock definitions which block building of things which dont really depend on them)19:58
tristanoddly since yesterday my machine has been lagging, while cpu usage and disc io seem very low, suspect I need a hard reboot19:59
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