IRC logs for #buildstream for Thursday, 2017-02-23

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tristanironfoot, -->
* paulsher1ood wonders what those outputs signify :)09:06
paulsher1oodand why the formatting is as it is09:06
tristanthe formatting is unaligned because I changed names to include the full paths09:19
tristanso yuck09:19
tristan<tristan> thats just the output of `bst show gnome.bst`, it shows only what is cached, what is ready to build, and what is waiting to build09:20
tristan<tristan> so it gives a picture at least of what we managed to build so far :)09:20
tristanpaulsher1ood, ^^09:20
tristanactually `bst show --deps all gnome.bst`09:20
tristanto get the full list09:20
tristanSo, anything that says (cached), means it was built, if it says (buildable), its ready to build next, and if it says (waiting) then it cant be built yet09:21
tristanThere are other statuses, like (fetch needed)09:21
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ironfoottristan: "Install stage fails because mkdir -p DESTDIR/usr/bin is not called early enough"10:46
ironfootnor morph nor ybd were doing install commands with -j > 110:46
ironfoottristan: in any case: 30ish elements to have gnome built? :D10:49
tristanironfoot, yep10:53
tristanSo I was thinking that maybe ybd use a different environment between build and install commands10:54
tristanand was wondering what kind of API would be good for that and how to implement it10:54
tristanneeds some thought anyway10:55
tristanelegant solution: Fix the plugin yaml defaults to explicitly -j1 on install11:45
tristandownside: will rebuild the world, oh well11:45
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tristanironfoot, do you recall a specific bst file with stringified uglyness ?15:44
ironfootbash, iirc15:45
ironfoot[10:34:31] <ironfoot> wow, bash.bst looks a bit weird15:45
tristandidnt work15:46
tristanApparently, in another project where we do this... it happens because of trailing whitespace15:46
tristanBut bash is a different thing, its done with one string with '\' linebreaks15:47
tristanand it's one of those cat > file << EOF situations too15:49
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