IRC logs for #buildstream for Monday, 2017-02-06

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tristanHappy Monday !08:53
tristanI'm currently writing up a conversion script for definitions based on the .yml that ybd generates (on the unmerged ps-manifest-improvements branch)08:54
tristanBut in the meantime, it's bright and early monday and lets get this behind us...08:54
tristanI copy pasted the raw html from (and added some obligatory <p>..</p> in there):
tristanpaulsher3ood, ... anyone... Green light finally publish ?08:55
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paulsher3oodtristan: go for it09:44
tristanAlright !09:51
tiagogomesJust a minor comment about the name of the tool. It doesn't autocomplete well on my system.10:08
tiagogomesI will have to type six letters before I could use autocompletion. Have you considered calling it just bstream tristan ?10:09
paulsher3oodlet the namewars begin!10:12
tristanhahaha namewars10:16
tristanindeed I think sam suggested simply 'bst'10:16
tiagogomesthat's a better suggestion10:17
tristanOk so 2 names up for changes, I like bst because there doesnt seem to be another tool with that name, and it's nice and short10:17
paulsher3ood+2 for that, then10:18
tristanthe other one is ref -> sha ... I havent done that change yet... A little skeptical because sha describes the implementation of a unique commit, but it is more accurate than 'ref'10:18
paulsher3ooddepending on your vowel choice, it expands to 'best' or 'bust' :)10:19
tristanit's up on now... and post's permalink here:
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csoriano___Hey, glad to hear this! One question I have in mind, and I bet it's going to be the main question, is how it competes with Flatpak10:29
tristancsoriano___, Hi :)10:30
csoriano___as in... with Flathub you will have two ways to provide your build?10:30
csoriano___one with flatpak, one with buildstream10:30
tristanit's not meant to compete with flatpak really10:30
tristana couple of months ago we approached Alex and discussed the big picture with him (also with the release team)... Alex asked how this would fit into the flathub picture and I offered up to provide conversion scripts (because the json is very easily convertible)10:32
tristancsoriano___, to be perfectly frank, I _do_ hope that after proving that BuildStream can build any flatpak, that Alex might eventually be convinced to drop or deprecate flatpak-builder (I think it's a big maintenance burden on Alex to maintain that in C)10:34
tristanbut for now the burden of proof is on us :)10:34
csoriano___oh hm, so you will build flatpaks with buildstream?10:34
tristanHe voiced in our discussion that he will continue to support flatpak-builder on flathub for the foreseeable future10:34
csoriano___but applications will still use the same flatpak json we have right now right?10:35
tristanThat we certainly will be able to do, in anycase we will have to build runtimes and SDKs10:35
paulsher3oodone of the things that interests me is being able to compare the results from multiple builds, and that extends to multiple build tools that theoretically generate the same thing10:35
csoriano___just that the one interpreting it will be buildstream instead of flatpak-builder10:35
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tristanI would see it as a separate conversion step that can be scripted rather than a builtin loader10:36
tristanThe main difference between how flatpak-builder and build-stream works is that we build orthogonal dependencies in parallel (that and the format)10:37
tristanFor the demo bit that I posted, it's a manual conversion of the gedit flatpak actually10:38
tristanjust without the metadata bits and ostree deployment to make it runnable in flatpak10:38
csorianoI see10:38
csorianoit's a pitty if you have to use even more tools to build your thing though10:39
csorianoI would be happy to have flatpak-builder just calling buildstream underneath10:39
csorianoif that's what works better10:39
tristanthats entirely possible, although I think there are some advantages to swapping, yaml is a bit more pleasant for one, and you can avoid more rebuilds that way10:40
paulsher3oodbest get bst fully working first, tristan :)10:41
tristani.e. with flatpak-builder everything is in sequence/linear... we can't easily introspect what really depends on what (we have to assume everything depends on the previous thing)10:41
csorianoI see, but it's really a pitty to have yet another tool to build your thing :(10:42
csorianoalthough I appreciate the project for things that are not with flatpak, like building gtk+ or so10:42
csorianothat's really useful10:42
csorianoand I was looking forward to that10:42
tristanWe're trying to tie it all together indeed, I think it will be exciting to have the GNOME flatpak SDK and release modulesets in the same place10:43
tristanand be able to boot VMs with that10:43
paulsher3oodcsoriano: one thing i'm hoping to see is deprecation of some existing (non-gnome) tools, if/when bst is demonstrably better than them10:43
* tristan needs to relocate for a meeting and will reappear shortly :)10:43
csorianopaulsher3ood: like?10:44
paulsher3oodwell, the easy targets are baserock's morph and ybd tools :)10:45
* paulsher3ood wrote ybd, fwiw10:45
paulsher3oodthe other thing i'm really hoping to see happen this year is bit-for-bit reproducible builds by default10:47
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paulsher3ood(building on the work of the debian reprobuils folks and others)10:47
csorianoI didn't know we were using that10:48
paulsher3oodgnome isn't afaik10:48
csorianoah ok10:48
csorianoso this is work also related to non GNOME things10:48
csorianowell like flatpak yeah10:49
paulsher3oodbut ostree + b4b reproducibility will be a big win10:49
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