IRC logs for #automotive for Tuesday, 2021-05-18

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mvladsmurray: mind taking a look at to see if that seems reasonable?15:10
smurraymvlad: no concerns wrt locking for client_list?15:12
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mvladsmurray: there's a lock taken at line 20915:19
smurraymvlad: I guess there's no code paths that can result in addClient getting called that don't go through handleRequest?15:33
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mvladsmurray: well, there's HS_AfmMainProxy::start() but it never had a lock. (it is called from tap_shortcut)16:28
smurraymvlad: I suspect it's fine, then16:29
mvladyeah, would've nice if we could spin CI to give it a test.16:30
mvladbut for homescreen it is problematic16:30
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