IRC logs for #automotive for Tuesday, 2021-04-06

*** LiXiaoming has joined #automotive06:18
LiXiaominghello, all06:21
LiXiaomingJust want to share a minor issue of new AGL docs,the version switch icon in the docs homepage‘s bottom right,I cant use it in my MacOS Safari. It gives no response to my click action. It  behaves normal in my Mac's chrome.06:42
*** leon-anavi has joined #automotive06:58
*** vrubiolo has joined #automotive07:03
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*** toscalix has joined #automotive07:58
*** toscalix has quit IRC08:08
*** LiXiaoming has joined #automotive09:05
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*** psahoo has joined #automotive12:19
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*** ltilve has joined #automotive13:42
*** psahoo has quit IRC16:01
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*** Newami has joined #automotive17:48
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*** toscalix has joined #automotive20:08
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*** vrubiolo has quit IRC21:24
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*** toscalix has quit IRC23:26

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