IRC logs for #automotive for Wednesday, 2020-09-09

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dl9pfHi !08:39
dl9pfefeschiyan: ping08:40
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dl9pfhi boron11:07
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jbponsHi everyone ! For onScreen app, is this documentation up to date ?
mvladjbpons: you should still receive (those) events from libhomescreen/homescreen binding, but their superflous wrt window/surface switching.15:23
mvladThey don't actually inform about wm purposes, but about handling/starting application(s).15:24
mvladWrt to regular applications, you don't actually need any code that handles windows, that should be automatically taken care of. By 'regular', I mean applications that do not intended to display/activate other applications.15:27
jbponsOk but, if I understand, to display an app "onScreen" I need "onscreenapp" ? So I'm not in the 'regular' situation ?15:33
jbponsMy precise question is : can I install the "onscreenapp" and use the homescreen's method showOnScreen with "onscreenapp" as application_id ?15:35
mvladIt's been a while since I've used that app, so I had to look what it did. I've used a sandbox branch to test out the pop-up/dialog feature that onscreen has.15:38
mvladFor a more up-to-date similar feature I would look into alexa-viewer.15:38
mvladThe sandbox for onscreen app is sandbox/mvlad/agl-compositor, but it might be stale at this point.15:39
jbponsOk ! Thank you for yours answers :) I will look at alexa-viewer15:40
mvladSure, alexa-viewer should be pretty explanatory. Maybe it gives a better view on what you're trying to achieve overall. It is far from perfect, but onscreenapp had the 'bad' habbit of sending data between applications in a weird way (I think using libhomescreen or system-daemon?), and while you might still have that possibility, I'd advise against it. You need some dedicated binding I guess to16:03
mvladhang off the data which your pop-up/dialog would want to display.16:03
mvladbetter put, need a mechanism to transfer data to your pop-up/dialog window (which is actually an application). The moment that you have that information, you can display the pop-up/dialog. You can display it before ofc, I'm more talking about some signal/async machinery. That pretty much summarizes how alexa-viewer works, in a birds-eye view. Particular for alexa-viewer is that all of that is16:10
mvladbaked in, it will 'activate' or 'hide' itself, not other pop-up/dialog window.16:10
jbponsOk thanks for all this information16:17
smurrayonscreenapp was sending json that described what buttons should be appear as an extra parameter in the showWindow call of the old homescreen binding16:22
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