IRC logs for #automotive for Tuesday, 2020-07-14

*** thaytan has quit IRC02:00
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*** walzert has joined #automotive06:01
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walzertgood moring together06:43
*** leon-anavi has joined #automotive07:33
dl9pfgood morning !07:59
*** jacobo has joined #automotive08:04
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walzertI'm sure I made a mistake  have some errors while using agl-setup script09:49
*** mdp has quit IRC10:21
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dl9pfmake sure things are fully synced10:44
dl9pfrepo sync --force-sync -d10:44
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dl9pfjluzny: how's the recipes for jailhouse doing ? any issues or questions ?10:52
jluznydl9pf: well I still played with QEMU yesterday, so I'm getting there just now11:00
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walzert@dl9pf: thank you for your tip seems to be another problem11:02
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walzert@dl9pf: found my error and seems to work now12:33
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d__ep__thERROR: ParseError in /home/parth/AGL/meta-agl/meta-agl-bsp/conf/machine/: not a BitBake file13:33
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dl9pfcan you pastebin more details ?13:42
dl9pfjust that line might be not enough13:42
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*** antia has joined #automotive20:50
*** antia has quit IRC23:15

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