IRC logs for #automotive for Thursday, 2020-05-28

*** Newami has joined #automotive02:44
*** jobol has joined #automotive07:05
*** jobol has left #automotive07:05
*** vrubiolo has joined #automotive07:21
*** leon-anavi has joined #automotive07:35
*** clopez has quit IRC08:07
*** clopez has joined #automotive08:36
*** Newami has quit IRC09:14
*** vrubiolo has quit IRC10:43
*** TJ- has joined #automotive10:44
*** leon-anavi has quit IRC10:53
*** leon-anavi has joined #automotive10:53
*** vrubiolo has joined #automotive12:01
waltminer8 GB RPI 4 now available12:32
waltminerSomeone should figure out a what to use 4 of them in parallel as an AGL build server12:33
waltminera way12:33
danielswaltminer: I've been finding's Caviums surprisingly snappy12:34
waltminerCavium makes some nice chips12:35
furyhot damn. 8 GB, I could almost run Chrome13:53
furymaybe even with a Slack tab open!13:53
smurraythey're dropping the raspian name for their new images, wonder what really prompted that14:03
smurrayone of the issues with the beta 64-bit image: "There is no hardware video acceleration in VLC or Chromium"14:05
smurraythat rules out one of the big usecases ;)14:05
dl9pfbinary driver not ported .... yeah14:10
smurraythey've only had 4 years ;)14:12
danielswaltminer: woah woah, let's not get too fancy14:56
*** leon-anavi has quit IRC15:23
*** Newami has joined #automotive17:14
*** TJ- has quit IRC17:18
*** Newami has quit IRC17:18
*** navidr has joined #automotive17:35
*** navidr has quit IRC21:54
*** hipr_C has quit IRC23:17

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