IRC logs for #automotive for Tuesday, 2020-03-24

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walzertmoring leon-anavi08:19
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dl9pfMorning all!08:23
walzertis there any information how to change qml for AGL? I have downloaded the QT creator and probably need to add dependencies there. the cluster demo dashboard is working.08:26
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walzert@dl9pf: I found out that on the documentation for master "Building for Most Intel 64-Bit Hardware Platforms " is not present.  Just copy it in from halibut in master is ok?08:44
walzertI not checked everything but every time I want to build something I get a blank site08:45
walzertit is the same for icefish , I will do the changes08:52
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leon-anavilate again for the dev call, blaming the daylight saving time shifts again :)13:10
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furyanyone know if there are some defines put in by the app framework or autobuilder that i can stick into my app to compile differently when building for desktop vs. building for AGL?14:25
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smurrayfury: not off the top of my head, but there may be something in the cmake app template stuff for that14:35
furyi'm using qmake, and i suspect if i add an extra define to the top level that just says "make these subdirs" it might work. i hope. cause on desktop i normally just open the subdir project *crosses fingers*14:37
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furylinux-oe-* {17:45
fury    PKGCONFIG += qlibwindowmanager qtappfw17:45
fury    DEFINES += AGL17:45
furythat seems to do the trick17:45
furyi can build either on desktop or on AGL now, with the same source17:45
furyand same directive around the stuff in deployment.pri which i kinda just borrowed from one of the demo apps17:46
dl9pfCan you add that do doc site ? Orat least to the markdown in GitHub ?17:54
furyi'll see if i can find a good spot to put it :D17:54
furynot exactly sure how much of that is still relevant, some of my .pro file stuff is from many years ago18:16
furyi was for some reason getting HAVE_LIBHOMESCREEN defined until i wrapped the whole thing in the linux-oe-* block, so i am not sure what that's about18:19
furyeven on desktop which shouldn't have it18:19
furyso i may just need to learn more about how qmake works18:19
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smurrayfury: I suspect that breaks if someone wanted to have an app built with OE w/o AGL support19:10
furyis there anything super AGL-specific that i can look for instead? aarch64-agl-linux didn't seem to work19:11
smurrayif that works stick with it, I guess.  I'm looking at the cmake-apps-module stuff and it's not jumping out at me19:15
smurrayI'm not a cmake expert19:15
furyme either19:15
furystill afraid to switch over from qmake, i'll break more things :P19:15
smurrayqmake is indeed more straightforward.  Slight issue being lack of futureproofness now, I believe Qt said they're dropping it in a release or two19:17
furywell, maybe that gives me 3 or 4 yocto cycles to get used to the idea19:17
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furyI did start using it in some other projects, ESP32 stuff (newest ESP-IDF uses it), but seems like they do a lot of behind the scenes work so my CMakeLists.txt are pretty simple19:19
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smurrayfury: I find simple things are easy in cmake, anything particularly complicated seems to get messy pretty quick20:24
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mranostaysmurray: heh even worse than regular m4 makefiles? :)23:52
smurraymranostay: sometimes, the benefit of autoconf/automake is they've been around a long time.  They're not pretty, but they work23:53

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