IRC logs for #automotive for Saturday, 2020-03-21

*** sherbets has joined #automotive00:01
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*** halfline has quit IRC00:46
*** sherbets1 has joined #automotive00:54
*** wildlander has joined #automotive00:55
*** sherbets1 has quit IRC01:17
*** AlisonChaiken has joined #automotive01:18
mranostaydl9pf: nm found it is 'Consolidation of AGL_DEFAULT_IMAGE_FSTYPES after review of machine use' so i'll check more into that02:22
mranostaywin 102:22
*** AlisonChaiken has quit IRC02:23
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*** wildlander has quit IRC03:12
dl9pfBrrrr. Yes.08:19
*** RzR has quit IRC10:07
*** sherbets has quit IRC12:29
dl9pfmranostay: I did put in  wic.vmdk.xz to save disk space ...14:01
dl9pfBut our tests are just about 'wic.vmdk', so need to grep and extend these14:01
dl9pfmranostay: I booted vbox with efi on just fine from master as of today with applied. But I do not think that the patch actually16:13
*** wildlander has joined #automotive17:28
*** psnsilva has joined #automotive22:38
*** AlisonChaiken has quit IRC23:07
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*** sherbets has joined #automotive23:18
*** sherbets has quit IRC23:27
*** psnsilva has joined #automotive23:51
*** sherbets has joined #automotive23:59

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