IRC logs for #automotive for Wednesday, 2019-12-18

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smurraygkiagia: one more thing to look at in the morning, when uncorking AFAICT pwaudiosink is not sending GST_MESSAGE_REQUEST_STATE at all, so we don't know we're uncorked01:00
smurraygkiagia: I see that on both what's in halibut atm and the backported latest PW01:01
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LiXiaomingdl9pf:  Pi 4 & Icefish RC3,   Bt connect to Android is unstable,  is it a know issue?08:01
LiXiaomingDec 15 23:41:22 raspberrypi4 bluetoothd[331]: Agent /org/bluez/agent333 replied with an error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod, No such method “RequestPinCode”08:01
LiXiaomingorg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod, No such method “RequestPinCode”08:02
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LiXiaomingdl9pf: do we have a icmp configure change in icefish RC3?  I can't  ping or ssh to a board from my host pc. RC1 is OK.10:33
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smurraygkiagia: so the delays when radio gets uncorked seem related to the alsasrc and/or pwaudiosink being unhappy:
smurraydoh, he's not here13:57
dl9pfkooltux: appfw call ? is jose availabe ?14:09
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gkiagiaI built the tip of master now, it all looks good to me15:20
dl9pfgkiagia: I'm on halibut + your wireplumber update.15:21
dl9pfobservations: usb soundcard is not preferred over built-in15:22
gkiagiadid you build the last rev that I uploaded ~1.30 h ago?15:22
gkiagiathere was a bug with priorities, it's fixed now15:23
dl9pfok, good point, need to check ... probably I'm still rev115:23
dl9pfupdated, let me try.15:24
smurraygkiagia: re the delays when the radio gets uncorked after having been corked for a while, it seems related to alsasrc and/or pwaudiosink being unhappy:
gkiagiasmurray: I was about to test that now, I've only tried rtl-sdr so far15:27
smurraygkiagia: I'm wondering if maybe some state isn't being reset on un-pause in pwaudiosink?15:27
smurraygkiagia: also, mentioned it here last night, I'm pretty sure GST_MESSAGE_REQUEST_STATE (with state GST_STATE_PLAYING) isn't being sent on uncork15:28
gkiagiasmurray: how do you test the "uncork" exactly ?15:32
gkiagiaso, with kf radio, this is what I see:  initial playback starts fast; if I switch to the media player and then pause the media player, I get back to radio fast; if I stop the radio and try to start it again, I get no audio15:33
smurraygkiagia: I start the radio, then go to mediaplayer and start it, wait a bit, then stop mediaplayer.  If it's a few seconds, radio starts right away, if it's longer, it delays for minutes, then those messages get printed15:33
smurraygkiagia: let it sit for a couple of minutes, it will start, it seems the pipeline is in a bad state...15:34
gkiagiahmm, ok, let me check the code15:34
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gkiagiaah I see what the problem is15:51
gkiagiathe code should handle GST_MESSAGE_REQUEST_STATE and actually change the state to PAUSED/PLAYING15:52
gkiagiabecause alsasrc is a live element, which means it runs on its own clock15:52
gkiagiaso the pipeline keeps going, but pwaudiosink blocks and the queue fills up and then alsasrc blocks and the timestamps are in a bad state15:53
gkiagiait's generally ok if you don't handle this message, except in the case where the pipeline is live (which is the case here)15:54
gkiagiasmurray: I can fix it15:55
smurraygkiagia: ah, I'd figured that pwaudiosink was changing to PAUSED itself, and that would propagate up the pipeline...15:56
gkiagiano, the elements are not supposed to change the state of the whole pipeline, which is why GST_MESSAGE_REQUEST_STATE exists in the first place... it's for the elements to ask the app to change the state of the pipeline15:58
smurraygkiagia: ah, okay, I'd figured it was informational.  I'm not a gstreamer expert ;)15:59
smurraygkiagia: and it "just worked" before15:59
gkiagiait is only used in pulsesink, though, so it's almost synonymous to the corking mechanism... although I think we might need something more advanced in the future, in order to deal with more advanced policy15:59
gkiagiasmurray: also, afaict, there is no GMainLoop running in the radio binding... so this is not going to work: gst_bus_add_watch(gst_element_get_bus(pipeline), (GstBusFunc) handle_message, NULL);16:04
gkiagiathat's probably why you don't see the cork message16:04
smurraygkiagia: yeah, I have a change to add that, currently slightly blocked by a power outage here16:04
gkiagiaah good16:04
smurraygkiagia: with it, I do see the REQUEST_STATE with PAUSED, but not one with PLAYING, same in both mediaplayer and radio16:05
smurraygkiagia: which is problematic since I was hoping to use that to ignore steering wheel button events when corked16:06
dl9pfthere is some UI blockage when BT connection active as well16:09
dl9pfneed to check for logs16:09
gkiagiasmurray: well, it works in gst-launch16:10
gkiagiastop everything, start this in a terminal:  gst-launch-1.0 audiotestsrc ! pwaudiosink stream-properties="p,media.role=Multimedia" -v16:11
gkiagiathen start the media player from the UI... gst-launch will say: Setting state to PAUSED as requested by /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstPwAudioSink:pwaudiosink0...16:11
gkiagiathen stop the media player... gst-launch will say: Setting state to PLAYING as requested by /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstPwAudioSink:pwaudiosink0...16:11
smurraymaybe it doesn't trigger if it's not been paused?16:12
gkiagiaah, hmm.. could be, I've never checked that scenario16:12
smurrayI can hack in whacking the pipeline and test once I have power back here16:12
gkiagiagst-launch handles it like this:
smurrayisn't there a some potential for issues with WP policy here?  If move the pipeline to PAUSED state, and then something else goes to play over top on the same role, won't it be in a bad way due to the endpoint still being present?16:14
smurraymight take 3 users of a role to get there, maybe16:14
dl9pfgkiagia: with your latest wireplumber, any bluetooth connection will freeze the UI (if not in mediaplayer)16:19
smurraylike the whole UI? homescreen, etc?16:25
dl9pfwill unfreeze as soon as i kill the bt connection on the phone16:34
dl9pfcannot switch apps or do anything16:34
dl9pfenv here atm: rpi4, halibut+latest wireplumber (v2)+moto g616:36
smurraycough rpi4 cough16:37
dl9pfif it does not show that elsewhere, fine16:38
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smurraydl9pf: estimated restoration time for power here is "Under review", which doesn't sound promising16:42
gkiagiaI cannot reproduce on h3, but I am on master16:43
gkiagiaah you said not in mediaplayer, hmm16:44
gkiagiastill, it works fine16:46
gkiagiaI'll try halibut again16:46
dl9pfbuilding master to compare16:47
dl9pflol ... yes, 'Under review' sounds quite promising ... much like 'maybe this year'16:47
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dl9pfwrt pi3/pi4: slow/crappy hardware can show issues masked by the powerfull cpu's  - we've seen this with the gpu memory that also applies to m3 when under virtualization ...16:50
smurraydl9pf: we've seen some issues on and off where scanning in the BT settings seems to bog down, but not when connected16:51
gkiagiaI can check pw/wp memory usage, but I doubt that would be an issue16:52
waltminergkiagia can you be on the SAT call tomorrow?  Also, we are planning a final CES integration session the weekend of Jan 4-5 in Vegas. Would you be available on-line at least part of those days?16:54
dl9pfdon't think its the memory.16:55
smurraydl9pf: heh, now saying 2 more hours, finally16:55
smurrayI knew I should have made coffee earlier ;)16:56
waltminersmurray just forwarded you proposed icon designs. Do you have a fav?16:56
gkiagiawaltminer: I will be on the SAT, yes16:57
waltminerdo you at least have heat?16:57
waltminerthanks gkiagia16:57
gkiagiawaltminer: I don' t have plans yet for that weekend, so I suppose I can arrange to be partly available16:57
smurraywaltminer: top right hand corner one for lane departure, 3rd one down in the leftmost column for cruise control16:58
waltminerGreat. I would guess the Sunday is more important because Scott will not arrive in Vegas until late your time. So if you can be available on Sunday I would really appreciate it16:58
smurraywaltminer: those come closest to matching the steering wheel buttons imo16:58
waltminerok. Will let her know16:59
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dl9pfui blocking is also on master - can play some choppy music over bt.18:01
dl9pfwell, if it is only pi4 ... let's add to known issues18:01
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smurrayheh, they're toying with me, power was back on for a couple of min, then back off18:18
dl9pflikely overloaded somewhere18:18
mdpsmurray: PG&E take over your grid?18:55
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furyCan anyone recommend a good Bluetooth headset that supports wide band speech (WBS / 16khz)?20:59
furyThe last one I had died and took the company that made it with it (MadCatz..May they rest in pieces)20:59
dl9pfsmurray: settings ui looks fine after bump21:17
dl9pfchanged your commit to use the new srcrev as well.21:17
smurraydl9pf: okay. I was going to do that separately, but works just as well21:18
dl9pfwill merge the bump and then yours, so we have it aligned.21:18
dl9pfat least for master ... halibut needs the whole libqtappfw stuff cherry-picked if we want it.21:19
dl9pfand probably more21:19
smurrayYeah, think it’d libqtappfw, vshl, and settings21:21
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