IRC logs for #automotive for Friday, 2019-12-13

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Figuremilloni: you are correct that it's usually machine specific. However there can be vendor specific differences e.g. some have done machine variation with devicetrees and they actually have one target but in image they bundle multiple device trees and bootloader chooses the right one for specific board05:49
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gkiagiais down, or is it just me?15:42
dl9pfyes it is down15:42
dl9pfsee. https://status.linuxfoundation.org15:43
dl9pfgerrit is still up, could. s/git url/gerrit url/g15:43
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dl9pfsri about that15:44
dl9pfgkiagia: try this:15:48
dl9pfsed -i -e "" meta-agl/meta-agl-profile-core/recipes-apis/agl-service-signal-composer/agl-service-signal-composer_git.bb15:48
gkiagiaoh I'm not building, don't worry15:48
gkiagiaI figured out what is going wrong with bluetooth, finally (thanks to the new pipewire-dot tool)15:49
gkiagiaand I wanted to check out the code of the bluetooth binding to see what API it offers15:49
gkiagiaI cloned from gerrit now15:51
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joboldl9pf, can't push for review! always get wrong "no new changes"16:14
dl9pfdo you have any of these changes in a sandbox ?16:18
jobolno and I refreshed the changeid many times16:18
dl9pfyou might have to remove any of the ChangeID16:18
jobol> git remote -v16:19
joboloriginssh:// (fetch)16:19
joboloriginssh:// (push)16:19
dl9pfcan you add verbose flag to git call and send me log?16:22
jobol> git push -v origin master:refs/for/master16:25
jobolPushing to ssh://
jobolTotal 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)16:25
jobolremote: Processing changes: refs: 1, done16:25
jobolTo ssh://
jobol ! [remote rejected] master -> refs/for/master (no new changes)16:25
jobolerror: failed to push some refs to 'ssh://'16:25
jobolmy error sorry found it at the end16:32
jobolgood week-end every one16:33
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gkiagiadl9pf: quick fix for the bluetooth media player issue: change the 'priority' in /etc/wireplumber/bluealsa-* to 116:51
gkiagiaapparently the code sorts priorities in reverse order (so the lowest wins)... I will fix that, it's supposed to be the other way around16:52
gkiagianow if you are switching between bluetooth media and the media player, it works16:53
gkiagiaif the radio player is also playing, though, strange things happen... wireplumber needs more context to make the correct decision16:55
dl9pfok we'll try that. we'll setup the bridge in a bit.17:09
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waltminerBridge is up17:16
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