IRC logs for #automotive for Friday, 2019-11-29

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LiXiaomingdl9pf: icefish 8.99.1 first time boot in Pi4 is very slow, take serveral minutes.  Halibut 8.99.3 is much faster, less than 1 minutes, rough estimate.  Do you meet this issue?01:46
LiXiaomingHalibut 8.0.301:46
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dl9pfHmm, no. Please file a bug.08:32
dl9pfa systemd Bootchart could help08:32
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leon-anaviI am having issues connecting to and Is there any maintenance going on?09:38
leon-anaviI end up with "502 Bad Gateway" when I try to access gerrit09:39
vrubiololeon-anavi: Hi Leon, I see the same issue here, albeit only for Gerrit. Jira works fine on my end.09:40
jobolhi leon, we also cn't join09:40
joboljira either doesn't response09:40
paulbarkerLooks to be working now09:43
paulbarkerJira yes, gerrit no for me09:44
dl9pfI notified IT.09:45
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leon-anavihope both will be back soon.09:49
leon-anavidl9pf, 10x09:49
leon-anaviseems to work no10:26
dl9pfgerrit is back.10:39
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mranostaydl9pf: anything that could have went in that causes agl-driver to not have a dbus user session?18:39
mranostayon master and halibut18:39
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jobolmranostay, the dbus env is set by systemd services generally20:01
jobolthere is a ticket about it
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mranostayyeah i know it setup by systemd services. but used to work in halibut and not in master now23:56

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