IRC logs for #automotive for Friday, 2019-08-23

*** RzR has quit IRC00:01
*** RzR has joined #automotive00:39
*** RzR has quit IRC00:45
*** RzR has joined #automotive00:46
*** wildlander has quit IRC01:37
*** Jackz-Wild has joined #automotive03:58
*** Jackz-Wild has quit IRC04:40
*** jobol has joined #automotive06:09
*** kbroulik has joined #automotive06:34
*** skz81 has joined #automotive07:55
*** jaillet has joined #automotive07:57
*** toscalix has joined #automotive08:07
*** RzR has quit IRC09:38
*** psnsilva has joined #automotive10:02
*** jobol has quit IRC10:43
*** ut0s has joined #automotive12:36
*** kooltux_ has joined #automotive13:40
*** kooltux_ has quit IRC13:48
*** kooltux_ has joined #automotive14:04
*** toscalix has quit IRC14:38
*** kbroulik has quit IRC15:04
*** skz81 has quit IRC15:43
*** skz81 has joined #automotive15:44
*** jaillet has quit IRC15:44
*** ut0s has quit IRC15:44
*** jaillet has joined #automotive15:44
*** jaillet_ has joined #automotive15:52
*** jaillet_ has quit IRC15:54
*** jaillet has quit IRC15:54
*** skz81 has quit IRC16:00
*** psnsilva has quit IRC17:00
furyi've been volun-told to give a talk about AGL at the linux/open source meetup group in Louisville17:12
furyis there a sample slide deck / talking points to work with or should i just kinda wing it?17:12
*** speklap has joined #automotive17:30
*** wildlander has joined #automotive17:53
*** speklap has quit IRC18:27
ToxicGumbo-workGiven the new UCB release and ongoing Open Source Summit Conference, it might be worth waiting a few days and ask again to see what's made available.18:48
*** leon-anavi has joined #automotive19:23
*** leon-anavi has quit IRC19:56
*** skz81 has joined #automotive20:24
*** kooltux_ has quit IRC20:46
*** skz81 has quit IRC20:58
*** skz81 has joined #automotive21:01
*** skz81 has quit IRC21:06
*** ut0s has joined #automotive22:51
*** ut0s has quit IRC23:30

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