IRC logs for #automotive for Tuesday, 2019-08-13

*** Jackz-Wild has joined #automotive02:25
*** AlisonChaiken has joined #automotive03:18
*** banana has quit IRC04:07
*** banana has joined #automotive04:12
*** Newami has quit IRC05:01
*** jobol has joined #automotive05:42
*** jacobo has joined #automotive06:29
*** kbroulik has joined #automotive06:31
*** jacobo has quit IRC06:40
*** jacobo has joined #automotive06:51
*** leon-anavi has joined #automotive07:03
*** jaillet has joined #automotive07:43
*** ToxicGumbo-work has quit IRC08:14
*** jaillet_ has joined #automotive08:31
*** jaillet has quit IRC08:32
*** fredw has joined #automotive09:54
*** Jackz-Wild has quit IRC09:55
*** fredw has quit IRC10:13
*** skz81 has joined #automotive12:48
*** skz81 has quit IRC12:52
*** skz81 has joined #automotive12:56
*** jaillet has joined #automotive13:27
*** jacobo has quit IRC13:55
*** toscalix has joined #automotive13:58
toscalixFOSDEM's call for participation is out
toscalixdl9pf: who is finally going to coordinate the request for an automotive devroom?14:03
toscalixldts: ping14:04
*** kbroulik has quit IRC14:08
*** ToxicGumbo-work has joined #automotive14:28
ldtstoscalix: hey14:30
toscalixldts: nice to see you around.14:35
toscalixleon-anavi: ^^14:37
*** walzert has quit IRC14:39
*** Newami has joined #automotive15:02
*** jaillet has quit IRC15:16
*** AlisonChaiken has quit IRC15:21
ldtstoscalix: enjoying berlin?15:22
*** User3209 has joined #automotive15:48
*** skz81 has quit IRC16:01
toscalixldts: working remotely16:13
toscalixIn Malaga still.16:13
toscalixFlying to Berlin often. I am planning to attend to the face to face meeting in Berlin with a couple of domain experts from MBition so we learn a little about AGL, if there is room for us. Chanhyeok will be there too.16:15
*** toscalix has quit IRC16:21
*** skz81 has joined #automotive17:31
mranostaydl9pf: btw those settings-wifi and settings-bluetooth changes are to repo that probably should be archived19:36
*** skz81 has quit IRC20:09
*** skz81 has joined #automotive20:09
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leon-anavitoscalix yes :) FOSDEM 2020 is calling us :)21:37
*** leon-anavi has quit IRC21:39
*** skz81 has joined #automotive22:20
*** skz81 has quit IRC23:22
*** jobol has quit IRC23:28

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