IRC logs for #automotive for Friday, 2019-07-19

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walzerthello together,08:29
walzertI'm working on get AGL on a Intel based Tablet-PC. I have a problem with the sound, internal speaker is working (tested it with urandom on the device with aplay), then I wanted to update the config file "/etc/asound.conf" according the instructions on the troubleshooting part in master.  There I was redirected to the "/usr/libexec/agl/4a-hal/etc" directory. I copied the hal-4a-intel.json from "etc.available". What ar08:29
walzerte the next steps and how can I help to update the documentation?08:29
gkiagiaWhich version of agl are you using?08:31
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walzertgkiagia: 7.90 snapshot 20190604 and 6.0.508:40
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jobolwalzert, 7.90 and 6.0.5 are VERY different, specially about sound !08:51
walzertso I should decied for 7.90 ?08:52
walzertI have although a Microchip Unicens system here for an Up². We need one system that we can show some colleagues here at university. I would be happy if I have a system here that could show the radio example.08:58
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gkiagia20190604 should still be using 4A, so both of them should theoretically work09:14
gkiagiabut I am not certain on how to configure it09:14
jobolwalzert, I 95% sure that the best for you is to use Guppy that used 4A and integrated unicens. Guppy version is 7.0.309:15
gkiagiaif you try HH RC3, there's a different audio system there, but I do not guarantee that it will work yet. We are still testing and fixing bugs09:15
jobolgkiagia, are you at ALS?09:15
gkiagiaI am yes09:15
gkiagiaoh, I just realized 6.0.5 is not Guppy...09:16
jobolgkiagia, I'm just discovering the issues with PW and mediaplayer, we should have a talk next week09:17
gkiagiaare you talking about the smack warnings, or did I break something?09:21
walzertjobol and gkiagia thank you09:21
walzertI will test it09:21
jobolwarnings? okay, I thought it was errors, so forgive me.09:22
gkiagiamy bad, ok... technically, they are error messages, but they are false positives. Pipewire expects to be denied access, which is how it then knows that the application is running in a restricted security context... This code was written with flatpak in mind (I didn't write it) and it could be nicer, but it does not harm either, imho09:26
gkiagiaso it tries to open /proc/pid/exe and then if it succeeds, it gives full permissions to the application (assumes it is unrestriced).. if it fails, it locks down the permissions and waits for the session manager to apply its own policy09:28
jobolWhat I see is that mediaplayer doesn't play files. But let check later and happy ALS. Do you enjoy?09:29
gkiagiathen it must be some other issue. I will perform more tests next week. sorry about that09:30
gkiagiait was quite nice, thank you :)09:30
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walzertgkiagia, I downloaded the latest release from guppy. the sound devices (intern speaker and unicens are working wit aplay).  what are the next steps I have to create a file in  "/usr/libexec/agl/4a-hal/etc" right? or have I create the folder and file according to the documentation? "AGL 4A needs to know which HAL shall be used. This is configured in the file:/usr/agl-service-audio-4a/ahl-agl-service-audio-4a-config.js11:11
jobolwalzert, I'm checking with experts here11:15
walzertjobol, thank you11:15
jobolwill take some time because of lunch11:16
walzertenjoy your lunch that's more important ;)11:16
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jailletHi walzert, if you need help about 4a hals, i probably can help, can you summarize what you want to do with audio ?13:06
jailletwalzert, from what I understand, you are working on intel boards, on AGL GG, and trying to make radio works, is that correct ?13:07
walzerthi jaillet, yes I try to get radio working that I can be sure my sound system is working13:10
jailletwalzert, which board are you using ? And what is the content of /usr/libexec/agl/4a-hal/etc directory ?13:14
walzertjaillet, I'M using an upsqured with an unicens system and I copied the 4a-hal-unicens to that folder13:15
walzertI have altough a tablet with a integrated speaker based on an intel i5m to test it13:19
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jailletwalzert, can you give the result of the '4a-status' command13:31
walzert---- Audio cards detected ----13:32
walzertcard 0: Loopback13:32
walzertcard 2: HDMI13:32
walzertcard 3: PCH13:32
walzertcard 4: ep016ch13:32
walzert---- snd-aloop driver availability ----13:33
walzertSUCCESS: Built into the kernel13:33
walzert---- 4a service status ----13:33
walzertSUCCESS: Service is currently running!13:33
jailletok, it seems that 4a service is running without issue on your board13:34
jailletcould you try this command : '4a-play /usr/share/4a/media/Happy_MBB_75.ogg'13:34
walzert    "status":"Failed to call 'ramp' action on stream"13:36
walzertON-REPLY 1:ahl-4a/multimedia: ERROR13:36
walzert  "jtype":"afb-reply",13:36
walzert  "request":{13:36
walzert    "status":"Failed to call 'ramp' action on stream"13:36
walzert  }13:36
jailletok, it seems there is an issue with 4a, can you send me the log file of 4a service using 'journalctl -u *agl-service-audio-4a*.service > 4a.log' command ?13:41
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walzertjaillet, one question my id from the microchip is at the end 16-02 instead of 0C-02 and always in the etc-directory there is a hal-4a-unicens-utp.json~ with the old id13:58
jailletI never had an issue because of files created by vi, but, just to be sure, you can delete the files ending by '~' and restart 4a service using 'systemctl restart *agl-service-audio-4a*.service'14:02
jailletDid you receive my message about 4a service log ?14:02
walzertjaillet, yes I got the message. I changed the id and restarted the service and now it's14:07
walzertON-REPLY 1:ahl-4a/multimedia: OK14:07
walzert  "response":{14:07
walzert    "device_uri":""14:07
walzert  },14:07
walzert  "jtype":"afb-reply",14:07
walzert  "request":{14:07
walzert    "status":"success"14:07
walzert  }14:07
walzertbut there is no sound now14:07
walzertshould I send it to you per mail oder in the irc?14:08
jailletBy mail is ok, I've just send you my mail in a private message14:11
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jailletwalzert, the log file indicates that unicens plugin is not found by 4a-hal binding, could give me the result of 'ls -l /usr/libexec/agl/4a-hal/lib/plugins/' command ?14:20
walzert-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1472656 May 15 22:35 hal-bluealsa.ctlso14:21
walzert-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  115368 May 15 22:35 hal-unicens-md-input.ctlso14:21
walzert-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  172064 May 15 22:35 hal-unicens-output.ctlso14:21
jailletweird, the unicens plugin is there. Can we test audio using up² audio card (through hdmi) ? Just to check if that's a 4a issue.14:28
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jailletwalzert, can you also send me the unicens json configuration file you are using (I am wondering if there is something wrong in 'ressources' section) ?14:34
walzertjaillet, to your first question therefore I have to copy the hal-4a upsqured-hdmi to etc right?14:38
walzertshould there be just one .json file in the etc folder?14:39
jailletyes, just one json files in etc directory14:45
jailletand yes, hal-4a-intel-upsquared-hdmi.json should work right away using hdmi sound14:46
walzerti changed to an monitor that has hdmi audio and already worked with sound from radio, but no sound14:51
jailletdid you use 4a-play command to test audio ?14:52
walzert"Play '/usr/share/4a/media/Happy_MBB_75.ogg' on 'hw:Loopback,0,2'14:53
walzertThe selected card (hw:Loopback) is handle by 4a, call open on 'multimedia'14:53
walzertDetected systemd unit file!14:53
walzertPort detected: 3100214:53
walzertON-REPLY 1:ahl-4a/multimedia: OK14:53
walzert  "response":{14:53
walzert    "device_uri":"hw:1,0,0"14:53
walzert  },14:53
walzert  "jtype":"afb-reply",14:53
walzert  "request":{14:54
walzert    "status":"success"14:54
walzert  }14:54
jailletok, we can try to use snd-aloop instead of avirt14:55
jailletfor that, use these commands : 'mv /usr/libexec/agl/smixer/etc/smixer-avirt-4a.json /usr/libexec/agl/smixer/etc/smixer-avirt-4a.json.old'14:56
jailletthen 'cp /usr/libexec/agl/smixer/etc/smixer-default-4a.json /usr/libexec/agl/smixer/etc/smixer-avirt-4a.json'14:57
jailletthen restart 4a service : 'systemctl restart *agl-service-audio-4a*.service'14:57
jailletthe check 4a service status with '4a-status' command14:58
walzertjaillet, if i connect my smartphone via bluetooth use media player options it is working15:03
jailletbut still no sound with '4a-play' ?15:04
walzertno now i will test you new lines15:05
walzerti change your lines from smixer-avirt-4a.json to smixer-4a-avirt.json is that ok?15:06
jailletyes, it is possible that the file has been renamed between guppy and master15:07
walzertafter your lines I restarted  and now it is working15:10
walzertradio is although working15:11
jailletwhat radio device are you using ?15:11
walzertthe adafruit rtl_x15:12
walzert"Software Defined Radio Receiver USB Stick - RTL2832 w/R820T"15:12
walzertthank you very much15:14
walzertthe radio is stopping sometimes but it is working15:14
jailletok, great15:15
jailletdo you want to try to have unicens audio working instead of hdmi audio ?15:15
walzertyeah it would be great beacuse my touchscreen has no audio and my device with audio has no touch not the best combination15:16
walzertis it a lot to do?15:16
jailletjust using an up-to-date hal for unicens15:17
jailleti am looking for it right now15:17
jailletcould you try this file :;a=blob;f=devices/hal-4a-unicens-utp.json;h=8d9b522a8d3e32a7a1135040ebc389f313a75ecb;hb=fdf0e3c4c67ceb5ddc77c9c1f27d85c1be2055a615:17
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jailletchanging the path of the audio card like you did before15:18
walzertok one moment15:20
walzertPlay '/usr/share/4a/media/Happy_MBB_75.ogg' on 'hw:Loopback,0,2'15:22
walzertThe selected card (hw:Loopback) is handle by 4a, call open on 'multimedia'15:22
walzertDetected systemd unit file!15:22
walzertPort detected: 3100215:22
walzertconnection to localhost:31002/api?token=HELLO&uuid=magic failed: Connection refused15:22
jailletcan you send me the result of '4a-status' command15:23
jailletand the 4a service log file15:24
walzert---- Audio cards detected ----15:26
walzertcard 0: Loopback15:26
walzertcard 2: PCH15:26
walzertcard 3: ep016ch15:27
walzert---- snd-aloop driver availability ----15:27
walzertSUCCESS: Built into the kernel15:27
walzert---- 4a service status ----15:27
walzertWARNING: Service is not currently running!15:27
walzertIt can be started using the following command:15:27
walzertsystemctl restart *agl-service-audio-4a*.service15:27
walzertsend you the log file already15:27
jailletcould you check the content of /usr/libexec/agl/etc directory, it seems that no hal has been found by 4a service15:27
jailletsorry, forgot a directory ...15:29
walzerti saved the file from gerrit and it starts with devices_*15:29
walzertrename it?15:29
jaillethal in this directory must begin by hal-4a15:29
jailletand must be json files15:30
walzertI had to restart it but now it is working15:34
walzertnot restart the service restart the whole system15:34
jailletok, do you have sound using unicens audio ?15:35
walzertyes thank you!15:36
jailletyou're welcome15:37
walzertI just restarted the whole system without the hdmi-audio monitor to be sure the sound is not coming out of that15:37
jailletdid you try to play audio with 4a-play, radio, bluetooth ?15:37
jaillet(just to have a status on what is working)15:41
walzertbluetooth is not working15:41
jailletradio is ok ?15:42
walzertit's good it sounds much better and i don't recognize stopping15:43
walzertand 4a-play is working15:45
jailletok, I can send you an email with an updated hal for bluetooth. However, i am not 100% sure it will work. Are you interested ?15:45
walzertjaillet, sure but it is ok when i test it on monday? I planed to go home from university @ 15:30 yes ^^15:46
walzertnot utc15:46
jailletok, no problem, we can see if it's workin on monday15:47
jailletHave a nice week-end15:47
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walzertI wanted to ask you are wokring on the 4a-system? so if you have someting to test I could do it, if it is posbile for me15:47
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jailletyes, I am working on 4a-hal binding, but 4a has been remove from newer version of AGL, so there is not much tests to do on 4a anymore15:49
walzertand really thank you for your help and have a nice weekend15:49
jaillethowever, if you are interested in testing new AGL audio framework (that is using pipewire), you can see with gkiagia if he needs help for test15:51
walzertI can try to help where I am needed or my equipment could be helpful.15:53
walzertOn monday we could test  the bluetooth part15:54
walzertgood bye (:15:54
jailletok, glad I have been able to help you, bye15:55
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leon-anaviMy work in progress changes for backporting rpi4 support from master to thud of meta-raspberrypi:
leon-anaviMy plan is to bring these specific changes in AGL to support rpi416:37
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