IRC logs for #automotive for Thursday, 2019-07-04

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luneffhey guys! xmlsec1 source url has changed for 1.25. the guy decided to archive it to old/. so the latest guppy AGL fails to build by default07:13
luneffxmlsec1 is in meta-security. not sure where to post that :-)07:13
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sin0ithanks @smurry. Is there any way to install software via a pkg manager like dnf? Trying to install pip.08:52
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smurraysin0i: not in the sense that you expect, I think.  You'd need to build the rpms for whatever it is you want with bitbake if there is a recipe for it, then manually install them on target11:35
smurraysin0i: it's possible to set things up so you can build your own package feed and pull onto target with dnf, but it requires some setup, and you'd still need to build the package rpms11:37
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sin0ialright then, thanks @smurray15:40
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