IRC logs for #automotive for Sunday, 2019-06-23

*** not_banana is now known as not_not_banana03:36
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dl9pfkhilman: hmm ... let me see wrt build-manifest14:08
dl9pfkhilman: there is more to this ...14:11
dl9pfe.g. DIST_BB_DISTRO_VERSION="7.99.1+snapshot-20190623" will not be enough ... ack.14:11
dl9pfbut adding DIST_BUILD_TS="20190623_140618_UTC"  will be different for all boards as they build at slightly different times.14:12
dl9pfso that is not enough.14:12
dl9pfactually there are multiple cases:14:12
dl9pfa) CI build ...  there you wanna group the tests around e.g. GERRIT_REFSPEC=refs/changes/54/21554/4 or GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER & GERRIT_PATCHSET_NUMBER14:14
dl9pfb) snapshots that is one daily, so the timestamp alone might do (but only there)14:15
dl9pfc) Releases ... there we want to group by tag14:15
dl9pfall of this is somehow known in jenkins, but we'd have to pull that knowledge into the email request.14:15
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*** kooltux` has joined #automotive16:39
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*** cherylfong has joined #automotive23:00

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