IRC logs for #automotive for Monday, 2019-05-27

*** Newami has quit IRC01:03
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*** [AD]Turbo has joined #automotive07:48
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*** Newami_ has quit IRC08:06
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francesco_kinhi all, do you know where I can buy renesas board? I have trouble to find a trustworthy website...08:24
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*** Newami has quit IRC12:14
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francesco_kinSDL is integrated into Guppy7.0.2?13:53
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smurrayfrancesco_kin: if you mean simple device link, it's possible to enable building some support.  The AGL demos currently do not use it, so I don't know how well what's there works15:01
francesco_kinsmurray, *smartdevicelink...ok, thank you15:03
smurrayfrancesco_kin: I have memories of someone saying that the AGL tree isn't using the latest release of the open-source SDL stuff, so it might need some upgrading15:04
francesco_kinsmurray, this is a good point to start...I will analyse this feature after running audio on the video player15:07
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