IRC logs for #automotive for Thursday, 2019-05-16

*** Jackz-Wild has quit IRC04:48
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*** GuyElpotato has quit IRC09:03
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OutBackDingoleon-anavi: curious heard anyone working on AGL for the nvidia nano?11:06
leon-anavino, I haven't for nano11:06
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*** GuyElpotato has quit IRC12:09
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*** nate02 has joined #automotive17:23
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khilmanmranostay: any thoughts on why the systemd bluetooth.service doesn't startup on master?23:08
khilmanexample CI run from latest master branch:
khilman(it's not rpi3 specific, same thing is happening on dra7 and m3)23:08
khilmana few lines after the one I link to above, systemd mentions something about smack.conf.  Is there some dependency on smack for the bluetooth service that we're missing in the CI builds?23:37

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