IRC logs for #automotive for Tuesday, 2019-04-30

*** AlisonChaiken has joined #automotive05:44
*** kbroulik has joined #automotive07:18
*** leon-anavi has joined #automotive07:34
GuyElpotatoHello, So no one's ever had that kind of issue with can-config-generator ?07:42
*** [AD]Turbo has joined #automotive07:50
*** [AD]Turbo has left #automotive07:50
*** toscalix has joined #automotive10:30
*** kbroulik has quit IRC14:59
*** kbroulik has joined #automotive14:59
*** nate0202 has joined #automotive15:27
*** kbroulik has quit IRC15:27
*** nate02 has quit IRC15:27
*** AlisonChaiken has quit IRC15:36
*** GuyElpotato has quit IRC15:46
*** toscalix has quit IRC16:18
*** leon-anavi has quit IRC16:46
*** nayfe has quit IRC16:59
*** halfline has quit IRC17:54
*** halfline has joined #automotive17:57

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