IRC logs for #automotive for Thursday, 2019-03-21

*** leon-anavi has quit IRC00:29
*** buspirate has quit IRC00:51
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*** AlisonChaiken has joined #automotive04:24
*** jobol has joined #automotive07:56
*** toscalix_ has joined #automotive08:35
*** leon-anavi has joined #automotive08:36
toscalix_hi leon-anavi08:40
*** toscalix_ is now known as toscalix08:41
*** [AD]Turbo has joined #automotive08:50
*** [AD]Turbo has left #automotive08:52
*** Net147 has quit IRC09:18
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*** fredw has joined #automotive09:29
*** psnsilva has quit IRC09:57
*** psnsilva has joined #automotive10:00
*** fredw has quit IRC10:06
*** psilva has joined #automotive11:04
*** psilva is now known as Guest6968011:04
*** psnsilva has quit IRC11:04
*** fredw has joined #automotive11:48
*** ascent12 has quit IRC12:13
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waltminerGood morning all12:43
jobolgood morning too12:44
toscalixwaltminer: good morning13:35
toscalixwaltminer: any estimation about when the AGL AMM Fall will be confirmed?13:38
waltminerI hope in the next three weels13:39
waltminerI hope in the next three weeks13:39
toscalixok, thanks13:39
*** Guest69680 has quit IRC14:36
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*** khem has quit IRC15:00
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*** fredw has quit IRC15:48
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*** AlisonChaiken has quit IRC16:19
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*** psnsilva has quit IRC17:17
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*** fredw has quit IRC17:33
*** nickwise has joined #automotive17:50
nickwiseIs there a meeting going on sometime today?17:53
*** nate02 has quit IRC17:54
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*** toscalix has quit IRC17:58
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*** jobol has quit IRC19:08
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*** mirzak has joined #automotive20:01
*** AlisonChaiken has joined #automotive21:18
*** leon-anavi has quit IRC23:15
*** AlisonChaiken has quit IRC23:46
*** AlisonChaiken has joined #automotive23:57

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