IRC logs for #automotive for Saturday, 2019-02-23

*** wberrier has quit IRC00:12
*** wberrier has joined #automotive00:14
*** AlisonChaiken has quit IRC00:31
*** wberrier has quit IRC03:06
*** wberrier has joined #automotive03:09
*** wberrier has quit IRC04:42
*** wberrier has joined #automotive04:44
*** khem has quit IRC05:10
*** khem has joined #automotive05:13
*** halfline has quit IRC05:15
*** halfline has joined #automotive05:17
*** wberrier has quit IRC05:51
*** iivanov has joined #automotive06:00
*** halfline has quit IRC06:18
*** halfline has joined #automotive06:19
*** wberrier has joined #automotive06:35
*** AlisonChaiken has joined #automotive06:53
*** wberrier has left #automotive06:55
*** wildlander has quit IRC07:02
*** Net147_ has joined #automotive07:30
*** Net147 has quit IRC07:40
*** buspirate has quit IRC07:40
*** gattuso has quit IRC07:43
*** gattuso has joined #automotive07:46
*** iivanov has quit IRC08:00
*** halfline has quit IRC08:42
*** buspirate has joined #automotive08:43
*** halfline has joined #automotive08:49
*** halfline has quit IRC09:02
*** halfline_ has joined #automotive09:03
*** halfline_ is now known as halfline09:03
*** halfline has quit IRC09:10
*** halfline has joined #automotive09:14
*** iivanov has joined #automotive11:49
*** iivanov has quit IRC13:45
*** kooltux_ has joined #automotive19:00
*** kooltux_ has quit IRC19:07
*** wildlander has joined #automotive19:57
*** iivanov has joined #automotive22:25
*** iivanov has quit IRC22:30
*** wildlander has quit IRC23:01
*** gattuso has quit IRC23:07
*** gattuso has joined #automotive23:08
*** wberrier has joined #automotive23:11
*** linearain has joined #automotive23:18
linearainhello, could someone direct me to a channel of mechanics stuff regarding cars?23:18
linearain##mechanics seems dead atm23:18
*** linearain has quit IRC23:51

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