IRC logs for #automotive for Thursday, 2019-02-21

*** kooltux_ has joined #automotive00:25
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*** iivanov has joined #automotive04:47
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*** kbroulik has joined #automotive08:03
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*** [AD]Turbo has joined #automotive08:41
*** [AD]Turbo has left #automotive08:41
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*** toscalix_ has joined #automotive08:54
*** psnsilva has joined #automotive09:06
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*** buspirate has joined #automotive10:36
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*** fredw1 has joined #automotive11:11
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*** fredw1 is now known as fredw11:13
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*** skz81 has joined #automotive16:02
wberrieris this the best place to discuss meta-updater?  Or, is there another place that's more appropriate?16:15
smurraywberrier: the mailing list might be better if you’re looking for a response from someone from HERE16:26
smurraywberrier: I don’t think there’s anyone from there on this channel atm16:26
wberrierok, thanks16:34
*** clement has joined #automotive17:10
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*** iivanov has quit IRC21:08
furymranostay: initial impression of connman 1.36 is that it's worse, but reverting that recipe and reflashing to compare now to make sure i'm not just nuts21:37
furyas soon as i open settings everything goes kaput, ssh lags behind my input by 8-15 seconds21:38
furybefore i open settings, though, it's perfectly fine as with before21:38
furywill post back on the jira as soon as i check 1.3421:38
*** AlisonChaiken has joined #automotive21:41
furywell, doesn't seem to have changed any. maybe something else happened between the last flounder i tested and master21:52
*** iivanov has joined #automotive22:25
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*** leon-anavi has quit IRC23:04

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